pMgHHP! VOL. 22. VICTORIA, B. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17. 1896. No. 117 AS SEASONABLE THE WORLD WAITS ANXIOUSLY AS THE KNOW u To Hear if Ex-President Harrison i* LONDON HOSPITAL COUCH CURE CALM Engaged to Mrs. Dimuiiek. REMEDIAL \ \ Rolled Plate Chains JOHN COCHRANE, Druggist. New York, Jan. 17.—Mr. Tibbets, yri- cretarj of Ex-President Har­ N.-W. Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts. a ris. hi. '.' as asked t< -day regarding the We handle the R. F. Simmons & Co. R. P. HAS COME rumored engagement of General Har­ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rison to Mrs. Dimmiek. In reply, he and Gents’ Watch Chains, They are the best on j. \ LADIES AMt GENTLEMEN of the South said: “I can say nothing about the mat­ the market. Hard soldered and finished as well n s Ward, I hereby tender my sincere thanks The Tremendous War Ebullition ter at présente' This evening,* however, for your support at the late municipal I may be in a position to announce That, ie the Programme of the as solid gold. Each chain guaranteed. Try one. election. Ralfh Borthwlek. jàli-2 Has Simmered Down to something of national interest,'’ Government, and They FOU SA LE-New and second hand sealing Cooling Point, Will Pash It. We have also a full line of R. P. Brooches, But­ boats, anchor and chain, water casks, A POOR PLACE SELECTED. tons, Links, Etc., as well as our Solid Gold and stove and set storm davits. App^ly ^ Grant’s wharf. A Man Held Up in Poverty Gulch, But Sliver Goods. WANTED—An apprentice to dressmaking; And There is no More Tall Talk Gives Nothing. board furnished. Room 21 same floor as Premier Bo well Says t he Manitoba Skene Lowe's photographic studio. Gov­ of Whipping Great Britain Cripple Creek, CoL, .Tail. 17.—P. W. Elections Will Make no ernment street. Jali-1 Into Docility. Campbell, of Loe Angeles, was held up Difference. Challoner & Mitchell, SHINGLES FOR SALE—In quantities to to-day iu Poverty Gulch by two men. I suit purchaser; $1.10 per thousand, del v- vented the hammer from falling Tewellers Etc., 47 Government Street ered at Inner harbor. Apply, Munn, Hol­ by grabbing it. His hand was land & Ce., 26 1-2 Broad nt. ______ Flying Squadron Will Have a Little terribly eut. Ht was beaten There Will be Opposil 01 for Sir SEE OUR 15c WALL PAPERS. Mellor, Trip at British Taxpayers* into insensibility, but the robbers AM t hurle# Tupper In Cape Fort street, above Douglas. Expense. without getting his money. One was captured and identified. He is Sam Breton. ELEPHANT MIXED PAINTS, $1.50 per Bell, a gambler. Tbe other is a man Imperial gallon. Mellor, Fort street, above Dongles. ___ ________ named Morgan, who volunteered to pilot Campbell about the camp, it is mimm USE MELLOR'8 Bath Enamel, 40 & 65c. London, Jan. 17.—The secretary of believed that,Campbell's skull is slight­ Ottawa, Jan. 17.—Premier Blair i# go­ ü J. W. Mellor, Fort Street. state for the colonies, Mr. Joseph Cham­ ly fractured, but he will recover. ing to run for the Dominion House at berlain, received to-day a reply to his the next general elections. He will dispatch to the governor of Cape Col­ likely contest Queen’s. Premier Field­ Push the Button^» ony, Sir Hercules Robinson, requesting ing will be a candidate iu Halifax. Of eur bell at any boor of the night details concerning the arrest of British CAMPOS UNPOPULAR Mr. Murray will oppose Sir Charte» Why? and you will be promptly attended subject* aud others in the Transvaal u« to. We arc light sleepers. Tapper iu Cape Breton. Thera la a reason tor every meow. The only reason why me a remit of the recent disturbances. Ottawa, Jan. 17.—(Pres* Dispatch)— The sales at the WK8T81DE are always such a success that we Dean & Hiscocks, governor cabled: Replying to Tbo People of Cuba Generali, Die- votir request for details of the arrest*, At yesterday’s session of the house, Mr. know of is, that goods are always Just as they are represented. Chemists and Druggists, Cora or <»f Yates and Bread Street*. between fifty and sixty persons have satisfied With the Poor lie- Powell, of Westmoreland, moved the We do not Import quantities qf low-grade stuff for our sales, l>een arrested on a charge of treason, by suits Aohieied. niloption of the address. In doing so he but having decided NOT to carry over uuseuaonable goods, at inviting the co-operation and entrance stated that provincial autonomy is large­ the close of each seastn we mark down surplus stock to prices of an armed force. 'The proceedings ly imaginary; in reality the province* that effectively clear the shelve*. are based, I understand, on sworn in­ are subject to fe«leral domination, the 1880 has gone; It was a year of good LEGITIMATE business, Hospital formation and the trial* will occur In Constitutional Unionists and IÏO- same as England, Ireland and Scotland and secure In the ESTEEM and GOODWILL of our customers are to the imperial parliament. Mr. the high court. The accused are well formlsts Demand Hie Recall we hope to maintain the same always. Why is It s* many people hare such treated, ami will be defended by able Powell regretted that . Manitoba had Our Sale continues, aud as winter Is on us la reality we In­ —Autonomists Sail.lied. a«*ted so obstinately, reply was not iu a fearful dread of that place- counsel. It is alleged that the govern­ clude In our sale— harmony with tbe constitution of the Doubtless because It Is the scene of ment ha* documentary evidence of a widespread to usurp the gov­ country, hi* thought. Manitoba had de­ disease and death, and many of Its .-onspiracy ernment of the country, and nse the cided that she would not let the federal 256 Pairs of Blankets inmates can trace their trouble back wealth of the country to rehabilitate the Madrid, Jan. 17— Dispatehee from flag fly anywhere in the province In re­ At lowê| prices than could be expected considering the great to ONLY A COLD, and that theeegh finance* of the (’bartered Company. I Havana say that thi- Constitutional spect to school affairs. He argued that urged upon President Kruger modéra Usionlsts and ltefomirrs hare . «bled federal supremacy breathed the very advance In the price of wool. tion. *o a* not to alienate the sympathy genius of the compact between tbe prov­ 150 yds. Eider Down Flannels, at 40c. Try one pair of blck's Old Country the govrnmvm here dehtauding the re­ inces. and tic unequivocnbly supported waterproof boots and you will never which lie now enjoy*. The question of tail1 of captaiu-liraeral Martine»», do Welsh and French Flannels, extra good value. baU is entirely in tffi* hamfs s.f the at­ the full measure of remedial legislation. Underwear, the best and cheapest. have damp feet Campos. The Autonomists. It ts added, He appealed to Manitoban# to abide by torney-general. The government seems favor his retaining command of the Drees Tweeds, away down. to Ik* acting within It* legal rights." the constitution, Mr. MeGillivruy, of troop* In Culm. A cabinet council will Mr. Chamberlain stated that counsel North Ontario, seconded the motion. be held to-night In order to discuss the Old Country would be employed to watch the trials Hon. Mr. Laurier ridiculed Mr. Pow­ matter. Meantime the government ex- ell*# idea# of provincial autonomy. While J. Hutcheson & Co. of the prisoners on behalf of the British neets to hear from Campos ns to wheth­ i thi zed with the Manitoba THE WKSTSIDE, January 14, 1896. government, anil those counsel would de­ Boot Stored fend' the interests of American and Bel­ er he is dispoeed to change his military he thought the real grievance 81 Johnson St. between Broad aw* policy. General Bolsveja. who has should first lie established liefore re­ gian prisoners as well a* those of the boett mentioned ns Campos successor, Douglas. British. medial legislation was passed. # Mr. Portsmouth, England. Jan. 17. The tins suddenly arrived here. Foster criticized Mr. Laurier and said he Havana. Jan. 17.—The situation here had no policy whatever. Mr. Dickey flying squadron, consisting of the battle­ to-day is most critical. Thi# is oot due JX4UX UNDER A LUCKY STAR. ship Revenge, flagship. Rear-Admiral followed in a similar strain, aud tbe to th*» movements of the insurgent#, but John Cork, Haring Rpeut Two Fortunes, Alfred T. Dale: Imttieshlp Royal Oik house adjourned at ^0:8i>. Games in F'**r a Third. the first class cruisers Gibraltar and the j «copie here have derided that Cap­ Premier Bo well, in an interview. Stat­ Theseus, and the second class cruiser# tain-General' Martinez de Campos must ed that the result of the Manitoba elec­ Buffalo. N. Y., Jan. 17. John Cork, wh* Charybdis and Hermione. with six first cither resign or be recalled to Spain tions <«>ul«l not have any influence «»» ha* been making beds at the Anchor lodg­ class torpedo boot destroyers, a seem Wed shortly. The agitation against his con­ the Dominion parliament. “When the ing boost-. Lloyd street, for three years at Spitliead at noon to-day. The re­ duct of tin* military operations has been highest court in the empire says the past, Is the presumptive heir to a fortune ported destination of the squadron is the steadily growing for some time, and, al­ Roman Catholics of Manitoba are en­ Delicious of $40,000 or $50.000, derived from au «stale i*hin«l of Bermuda.
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