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lmpro\ mg Agrlcultural Sustamablhty and LIVehhoods ,-ID tbe eentral-Ame~~an_~dlsldes "~~'I I co~q J:J "HI~TOR¡CÁ ¡ ~ I \. l L... 1.... '\ ¡ , 1 I -,--~- ---~-- DIGITAL DATABASE OF THE IV NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CENSUS FOR HONDURAS AT MUNICIPIO LEVEL Á, Hector Barreto HdlsIdes Program InternatIonal Center for Tropical AgrIculture Internal Report Not for dlstnbutlOn August 1995 021729 Tegucigalpa, Honduras S66l J \a ~ o Central Amerlca A DIGlTAL DA TABASE OF THE IV NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CENSUS FOR HONDURAS AT MUNICIPIO LEVEL Prepared by Hector J Barreto CIA T· HlIIsldes Honduras, August 1995 Background The IV agncultural census In Honduras "'as conducted In 1992·1993 b} SECPLAN The prevlOus agncultural census was conducted In 1974 (see mformatlOn from S ECP LAN bulletm) Data were obtamed m dIgital form bUI ""1!h mfonnatlOn stored In tables (ASCII fonnatted) usmg sarne st. le as !he wnUen documents from DlVIslon de Censos v EstadlsttCas (SECPLAN) Data \\ere recorded on tape (appro,(lmatelv 50 megabvtes W1compressed) but can easlly tit on 5/1 44 dlsks usmg pkzIp compresslOn) Data "'ere copled on earlv Juh 1995 after a penod of negouauons ofCIAT v<1!h!he Mmlsler ofSECPLA.1\I and!he head of!he Dl\lS10n de Censos y EstadlsttCas Because of confidentlalltv laws data are aggregated at mumclplo level bU! straufied on 13 c1asses bv farm stze SIX volW11es of mformatlon \\ere obtamed The conlents of each ~olume are presented m Table I Table 1 Contents of dlgnal database oflV Agncultural Census Honduras 1993 TOMO 1 TenenCIa de tIerra y caractenstlcas de los productores (TOMOI TBL) TOMO n Granos basleos (mruz, fnJol, mate!llo, arroz, ) (TOMOn TBL) TOMO m CultIVOS anuales (TOMOIII TBL) TOMO IV CultIvos permanentes (TOMO IV TBL) TOMO V Ganadena (TOMOV TBL) TOMO VI SefV1clos a la Producclon tomos A, B, C (TOMOVWB/C TBL) It should be nollced !hat tlus database e'(pands on !he SECPLAN pubhshed documents ",here data are aggregated at !he mumclplo level bu! stratlfied by farm Slze only at !he department level Ho",ever, due to lurutatlons In data formamng !hese data carmot be readlly used for analysls wluch requrred !he mvestment of 1 week of a programmer s ttme to produce !he current database (sorne consIderaMns for data fonnaUlng and assembly of datasets are ruscussed In AppendlX 1) Structure oC Data Sets There are two mam databases !hat represent two dlstlnct levels of aggregatlon (1 By natlOnal-department and 2 By mumclplO) The entlre systern cornpnses around 80 files (approx 20 Megabytes expanded) The file narnes and file contents are presented In AppendIX 2 Each file represents a smgle category of mfonnatton (land tenancy, ma.tze productJ.on, land use, etc) The stratIficatlon levels by farrn s¡ze presented In Table 2 are repeated for each data file CNA93 DOC 08/23/95 1 Table 2 StraUficatlOn levels by fann Slze, IV Agncultural Census ·Honduras - 1993 Code Stratum O Aggregated by Country/Department or MuniCipIO De menos de I Ha 2 De 1 a menos de 2 Ha 3 De 2 a menos de 3 Ha 4 De 3 a menos de 5 Ha 5 De 5 a menos de 10 Ha 6 De 10 a menos de 20 Ha 7 De 20 a menos de 50 Ha 8 De 50 a menos de 100 Ha 9 De 100 a menos de 200 Ha 10 De 200 a menos de 500 Ha 1I De 500 a menos de 1000 Ha 12 De 1000 a menos de 2500 Ha 13 De 2500 y mas Ha Each data Ime contams the follo\>;lng code m the fust Il characters Department code (colunms l· 2), MUruClplO code (colunms 4-5), strahficatIon le,el (colunms 7-8) and, nwnber of vanables that follow (co1unms 10-11) Each vanable !hat follows IS nght Jushfied m a field of 12 colunms '.'.,th 1 decilllal (12 1) The number ofvanable5 m each file ranges [rom 4 to 36 Department and muruclplo codes used are presented m Appendlx 3 Vanable names up to 8 characters m length were base<! on a Silllple system developed for al) volwnes These vanable names may be placed as headers mto the finaJ docwnent and can be eastly modlfied (file names ...,th extenslOn * VAR) Aeknowledgments These data were prcvlded to the proJect by the DI"1510n de Censos y Estadlstlcas through Ing Gerardo Reyes Nuñez based on a fonnal request made to the Muuster of SECPLAN Therr cooperauon ¡S obtauung a dIgItal verslOn ofthe data IS gratefully acknowledged Development of the narrung system for vanables and preparatJon of Item descnphons was conducted In collaboratlOn ...,th Dr Roduel Rodnguez and Ing Fernando Mendoza (IFPRl­ Honduras) CNA93 DOC 08/23/95 :2 Appendlx 1 Structure oí Database proHded b} SECPLAl'l Al! tables (. TBL files) for a glven categor. of mfonnalton are stored sequentJaH¡ ""11h Ihe follo\\1ng aggregate levels 1) Countrv (HONDURAS) 2) Departmenllevel (e g -\TLAJ'iTIDA) and 3} MUnlclplO data nested (e LA CEIBA ESPARTA, etc) stratttied by 12 farm slzes Complete mformatlon for a each Iheme IS compnsed of one or more tables (e g 2 1Il land tenancy, 3 for matze, 1 for nce, etc ), Iherefore for a glven calegory (e g matze proouctlon) a1l data can be obtamed b) mergtng tables to Ihe nght For example complete lIlfonnatlOn for matze produc!lon reqUlfcs mergmg ofthree tables (Cuadros 2,5, and 8 tn TOMOl! TBL) Se\ eral charactensttcs must be taken mto account on stream- processmg of Ihese data and assemblage of Ihe reqUlred SAS data seIS for funher processtng Mul!lple erop data are stored m a SIngle me volume For example, \olume II contatns data for Ihe follomng crops at1d each erop contatns data m separale tables Crop Tables Matz 2,5 and 8 FnJol l1,!4 and 17 Arroz 20 Soya 26 MaICIllo 23 Sorgo forrajero 29 Not all muruclplos have tnfonnallOn on a partIcular class (e g postrera productlOn) In addluon for sorne muruclplOs not aH cuadros are presenl for Ihe country (e g matze postera., Cuadro 8) Table headers for a stngle category ofmfonnatlon rrught have dJfferent number oflmes (e g Tomo 1 land tenancy) There are two types ofnussmg data on each table a) data not eXlstent (e g "-" characler), and b) rounded numbers lhat because of theu magrutude would appear as zero ""11h Ihe level of precIslon of each category (up lo 1 dectn1al pomt) represented by Ihe character no" The lalter appears only m volumes mlh crop proouctlOn data (e g baslc graIOS) (personal commurucatlOn DeS, Honduras) Uruts of Ihousands are formatted mlh commas Headers are not repealed for each muruclplO ....11h up 10 2 muruclplos presented on a glven table (somettn1es only one) Nol all data categones contatn Ihe entIre strauficauon (e g cafe, cacao, cardamomo In Tomo IV), allhough It 15 not clear why) PreparatJon of SAS data seis The goal was to process Ihese data mto files capable of bemg used 10 produce statlstlCS al dlfferent level of stratJ..ficatlon (e g all farms less !han 5 ha) usmg SAS All programmtng was done m Turbo Pascal v7 O Pascal source cooe 15 mc\uded tn Appendlx 4) The proces5 descnbed here was used to assemble Ihe 80 productlon data seis lhat make up Ihe dIgItal database CNA93 DOC 08/23/95 3 1) Extraet data for all requrred tables for !he entlre country by copyrng !he reqwred sectlon from !he master file t * TBL) An ASCII editor capable of readrng large files and output smaller sectlOns was requ¡red as master files contam up to 10 megabytes each 2) Usmg!he mdl\ldual tables (cuadros) for a g¡ven categol) a prellITunarv cross-checkmg routme was used 10 \enl) lf alllc\e1s of mfonnallon I'>ere present and deterrnme lfmergmg oftables \>,as requrred 3) Each tabte was "cleaned' by remo\ rng !he headers and replacmg '. ' by a decrrnal poml * characters \\ere substlruted by O 4) <\ggregale lOfonnauon I'>as separated m 11'>0 mam databases 1) counm/department and 2) muruclplO le\el The last lelter of eaeh file name denotes D and M codes for departamento and muruclplO data respectl\ e1y 5) When tables were merged slde by slde only Ihe flIS! stratlficalJon oflhe flISt table I'>as marntamed 6) For Ihe m¡sslOg muruc¡plOS dummy seIS were mserted at Ihe appropnate sequenllal pos¡uon relal¡ve lo Ihe alphabellcal order 'W1t1un Ihe complete set (only volumes !hat requrred mergmg of tables) 7) Further processrng of Ihe rnfonnatlon rncluded replaclOg muruclplO/departamento names for codes usmg !he same codes as 1974 Census (Appendlx 2) and replacrng teXl categones for farm s¡ze codes (0-13) 8) A fmal pass was done lo adJUSI fonnattmg of all numbers and \anable names for!he final storage files (* 004) Th¡S step a1so a1lowed storage m bmarv fonn (4 byte reals for random-access) m files for use m olher apphcatlOns (e g mappmg) /j r' ,{ 0 , ' 11 1\ ~-¡ U\ff¡ ."~_ (.,,1 CNA93 DOC 08/23/95 4 APPENDIX 2 HONCNA93· CNA93A2 XLS08/31195 HONCNA93 lA DIGITAL DATASASE FOR THE IV CENSO NACIONAL AGROPECU"R:.:'I,,:O~H,,:O~N,:::OU:::RA=S::.-1:::9:.::92~199=3_-i , I DEPARTMEth DATABA~s~E~(D"-)-- .... -~ ......... ---------- F1LEiiitME¡ LEVEL CONTENTS T1CJD O .. TOMO I US60E TIERRA POR DEPARTAMENTO o ...... __.~. __ .- O TOMO 11 ARROZ POR DEPARTAMENTO T2FRD O TOMO 11 FRIJOL POR DEPARTAMENTO -----_ .... T2MAD::----r :TOMO II MAIZ POR DEPARTAMENTO O _..... T2MCD O :TOMO 11 MAICILLO POR DEPARTAMENTO T2SFO O ITOMO I'SORGO FORRAJERO POR DEPARTAMENTO , T2S0D~-+ O TOMO 11 SOYA POR DEPARTAMENTO T3APZ09D O : TOMO 111 AYOTE PIPIAN ZAPAllO POR DEPARTAMENTO T3LAP06D O !TOMOIII LECHUGA APl6PEREJll POR DEPARTAMENTO '~'--"""'.-+ T3PCA02D O TOMO 111 PAPA CEBOLLA AJO POR MUNICIPIO T3RCBOS;:;;;D:-+ O TOMO 111 REPOLLO COLFLOR BROCOL! POR DEPARTAMENTO T3SMP080 O ,OMO IIlSANDIA MELON PEPINO POR DEPARTAMENTO ...
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