Section Vi Contact Information of Accounting Authority Identification Codes (Aaics)

Section Vi Contact Information of Accounting Authority Identification Codes (Aaics)

SECTION VI CONTACT INFORMATION OF ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY IDENTIFICATION CODES (AAICS) VI (AAIC) (AAIC) 第 VI 节 结算机构标识代码(AAICS)的联络信息 SECCIÓN VI INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO CORRESPONDIENTE A LOS CÓDIGOS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA AUTORIDAD ENCARGADA DE LA CONTABILIDAD (AAIC) SECTION VI RENSEIGNEMENTS (POINT DE CONTACT) CONCERNANT LES CODES D'IDENTIFICATION DE L'AUTORITÉ COMPTABLE (CIAC) РАЗДЕЛ VI КОНТАКТНЫЕ ДАННЫЕ РАСЧЕТНЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ ОПОЗНАВАТЕЛЬНЫХ КОДОВ (AAIC) Section VI – 3 – 44 AA01 – AA15 AAIC Contact details AA01 AWA Marine, 8/345 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 3 9646 9966, TELEFAX: +61 3 9012 4374 Contact Person: Jim Murphy AA02 Altann Sahbaz, Punch Computer Electronics & Satellite Trade (UK) Ltd., The Headquarters Unit 12, Maun House, 25-31 Shacklewell Lane E8 2DA, London, UK EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +44 (0) 207 249 33 38 AA03 Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), PO Box 100001, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia. PHONE: +61 7 3835 3600, TELEFAX: +61 7 3832 1202 AA04 Southern Ocean Maritime (Aust) Pty Ltd., PO Box 637, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 9430 8505, TELEFAX: +61 8 9335 1511 Contact Person: Grant McKenzie AA05 Department of Defence, Senior Accountant, (Overseas Accounts), Central Finance Office, Campbell Park ACT 2602, Australia. PHONE: +61 2 6265 0526, TELEFAX: +61 2 6265 0517 AA07 Stratos Global Corporation, PO Box 115, Wangara DC WA 6947, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 709 748 4226, PHONE: +1 709 748 4263, TELEFAX: +1 709 748 4226, URL: Contact Person: Provisioning Specialists (Carol Crowe & Elaine Whelan), Email: [email protected], Phone: 1-709-748-4226, Fax: 1-709-748-4234 AA08 Perkins Shipping Group, GPO Box 1019, Darwin NT 0801, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 8982 2000, TELEFAX: +61 8 8941 0412 AA09 Australian Offshore Services, GPO Box 88A, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 3 9254 1666, TELEFAX: +61 3 9686 9279, TELEX: aa 34894 Contact Persons: R.M. Hall or R.P. Honkinson AA10 Australian Maritime College, Locked Bag 1394, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 3 6324 9550, TELEFAX: +61 3 6324 9885 Contact Person: John Mair AA12 Atwood Oceanics (Offshore Division), PO Box 1135, Booragoon WA 6154, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 9331 2099, TELEFAX: +61 8 9337 1383 Contact Persons: Terry Vinton or Derek Morrow AA13 CSIRO, Marine Research, PO Box 1538, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia. PHONE: +61 3 6232 5222, TELEFAX: +61 3 6232 5000 Contact Person: John Wallace AA14 Total Marine Services Pty Ltd., PO Box 311, 4 Rous Head Road, North Fremantle WA 6159, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 9430 5595, TELEFAX: +61 8 9430 5199, TELEFAX: +61 8 9430 5225 Contact Person: Ray Meadowcraft AA15 BHP Petroleum Pty Ltd., PO Box 37871, Winnellie NT 0821, Australia. PHONE: +61 8 8922 1122, TELEFAX: +61 8 8984 4139 AA17 – AR04 – 4 – 44 Section VI AAIC Contact details AA17 Electrotech Australia Pty Ltd., P.O. Box 7238, Warringah Mall, Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 2 9466 6800, TELEFAX: +61 2 9905 6318 Contact Person: Stephen Renkert or Jon Cornish, E-mail: [email protected] AA18 Holyman Marine Agencies, 6 Short Street, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 9335 1091, TELEFAX: +61 8 9335 7705 Contact Person: Les Mulligan AA19 QICC Pty Ltd., 1145 Jellicoe Road, Glen Forrest WA 6071, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 8 8929 8615, TELEFAX: +61 8 9307 7970 Contact Person: D R Dale AA23 Marine Navaid Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd., PO Box 700, Botany NSW 2014, Australia. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +61 2 9700 1566, TELEFAX: +61 2 9700 1756 Contact Person: Cameron McDonald AB01 FBS sh.p.k., Rr. "Myslym Shyri", nr. 9/1, Tirana, Albania. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +355 4 2233 207, PHONE: +355 4 2253 226, TELEFAX: +355 4 2233 940, URL: AI01 Radiocommunication and Navigation Department of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Co., 5 M. Rasulzade Street, Baku City, AZ1005, Azerbaijan. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +994 12 4984506, PHONE: +994 12 4986185, TELEFAX: +994 12 4935339, TELEFAX: +994 12 934506, TELEX: 142102 mrf ai, TELEX: 142411 kssc Contact Person: Ramiz Aliyev AK01 Telecom (Antigua) Ltd., St. John's. Pour renseignements/For queries/Para información: Tel: +49 441 608456, Tlx: 25622, Fax +49 441 608600 AN02 Gabinete do Presidente da República de Angola, Serviços Administrativos, Futungo de Belas, Luanda, Angola. PHONE: +244 2 332044, PHONE: +244 2 350102, TELEFAX: +244 2 332038, TELEX: 9913345 AN03 Angola Telecom, Rua 1.º Congresso N.º 26, 2.º Andar, Caixa Postal 625, Luanda, Angola. PHONE: +244 2 392326, PHONE: +244 2 392682, PHONE: +244 2 392692, TELEFAX: +244 2 391688, TELEX: 09 91 3912 telecom an AR02 SES Sistemas Electrónicos S.A., 25 de Mayo 267, Piso 8, 1385 Buenos Aires, Argentina. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +54 11 43430069 ext.: 232 o 225, TELEFAX: +54 11 43348145, TELEX: 28606 radio ar Personas de contacto: Luis Sinagra o Fernando Canónico AR03 Telefónica de Argentina S.A., Avda. Corrientes 330, Piso 1, C1043AAQ Buenos Aires, Argentina. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +54 11 43440977, PHONE: +54 11 43701563, TELEFAX: +54 11 43035586 Persona de contacto: Robel Sayal AR04 Telecom Argentina S.A., Avda. Alicia Moreau de Justo 50, Piso 4, 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: Adalberto Oviedo +54 9 11 3099 9502, PHONE: Andrea Viva +54 11 4968 6307, PHONE: Catalina Motta +54 11 4968 6308, PHONE: Fernando Senra +54 11 4968 3183, PHONE: Ricardo Ipoutcha +54 11 4968 6381, TELEFAX: +54 11 49684046, TELEFAX: +54 11 49687539 Fernando SENRA, Ricardo IPOUTCHA, Adalberto OVIEDO. For Inmarsat request - Andrea VIVA, [email protected] and Catalina MOTTA, [email protected] Section VI – 5 – 44 AR05 – BE09 AAIC Contact details AR05 Tesam Argentina Sociedad Anónima, Av. L.N. Alem 619 - Piso 7 (C1001AAB), Buenos Aires, República Argentina. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +54 11 411 42222/2237, TELEFAX: +54 11 41142202 Persona de contacto: Ricardo Trindade AU01 Telekom Austria AG, Wholesale, Administration Center, Lassallestrasse 9, A-1020 Vienna, Austria. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +43 590 59139750, TELEFAX: +43 590 599139750 Contact Person: Gertrud Halter AV01 Cable and Wireless plc, Georgetown, Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +247 6721, TELEFAX: +247 6464, TELEX: 3215 booth av Contact Person: Eddie C. Robinson BA01 Bermuda Government, Department of Telecommunications, P.O. Box HM 101, Hamilton HMAX, Bermuda. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +1 441 2924595, TELEFAX: +1 441 2951462 Contact Person: Edward C. Pitman BC01 Office des postes et télécommunications, B.P. 5959, Cotonou, Bénin. PHONE: +229 312045, PHONE: +229 312049, TELEFAX: +229 31384, TELEX: 0972 5055, TELEX: 0972 5306 Personnes de contact: Etienne Kossi/Barnabé ou C. Ahoyogbe/Flora Kpoze BD01 Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, P.O. Box 700, Gaborone, Botswana. PHONE: +267 358318, TELEFAX: +267 314000, TELEX: 2345 bd BE01 ASTRON N.V., Bredastraat 136/138, B-2060 Antwerpen, Belgium. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 3 2277402, TELEFAX: +32 3 2277403 Contact Persons: Marco De Meulder or Johan Van den Bogaert BE02 MARLINK S.A., Rue de Stalle 140, 1180 Uccle, Belgium. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 2 371 71 11, TELEFAX: +32 2 332 33 27 Contact Person: Tilmann Michalke +49 (0) 221 99591 532 BE03 Dredging International N.V., Scheldedijk 30, 2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgique. BE04 Unie van Redding en Sleepdienst N.V./Towage and Salvage Union/Union de Remorquage et de Sauvetage, Noorderlaan 139, B-2030 Antwerpen, Belgique. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 3 545 11 20, TELEFAX: +32 3 541 70 07, URL: BE05 MARLINK S.A. Rue de Stalle 140, 1180 Uccle, Belgium. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 2 371 71 11, TELEFAX: +32 2 332 33 27 Contact Person: Tilmann Michalke +49 (0) 221 99591 532 BE06 N.V. Jan de Nul, Tragel 27, 9308 Aalst, Belgique. PHONE: +32 53 781511, TELEFAX: +32 53 781760 BE07 Schelde Sleepvaartbedrijf N.V., Sint - Michielskaai 31, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgique. BE09 ASTRON N.V., Bredastraat 136/138, B-2060 Antwerpen, Belgium. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 3 2277402, TELEFAX: +32 3 2277403 Contact Persons: Marco De Meulder or Johan Van den Bogaert BE10 – BN02 – 6 – 44 Section VI AAIC Contact details BE10 European DataComm NV, Heidestraat 257, 2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgique. EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +32 3 2101505, PHONE: +32 3 2101510, TELEFAX: +32 3 2101511 Personne de contact: Christine Jespers BG02 Navigation Maritime Bulgare, 1, Primorski Blvd., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +359 52 602999, PHONE: +359 52 683700, TELEFAX: +359 52 600360, TELEFAX: +359 52 632873, TELEX: 67 77351 Contact Persons: Mr. Vassil Dimitrov or Mrs. Aneta Angelova BG03 NBS Maritime Ltd., 1, Primorski Blvd, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria. EMAIL: [email protected], EMAIL: [email protected], PHONE: +359 (0) 52 683 373, PHONE: +359 (0) 52 683 700, TELEFAX: +359 (0) 52 632 873, TELEFAX: +359 (0) 52 683 155 Contact Persons: Mr. Alexander Alexandrov, Managing Director or Mrs. Aneta Angelova, Manager Mobile Satellite Services BG11 Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company, 5, Primorski Blvd., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria.

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