Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35(3): 397±399, 2004 Copyright 2004 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF PRESUMPTIVE PYELONEPHRITIS IN AN ASIAN ELEPHANT (ELEPHAS MAXIMUS) Carlos R. Sanchez, D.V.M., M.Sc., Suzan Murray, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., Richard J. Montali, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., and Lucy H. Spelman, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M. Abstract: A 37-yr-old female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) presented with anorexia, restlessness, and dark- colored urine. Urinalyses showed hematuria, leukocyturia, isosthenuria, proteinuria, granular casts, and no calcium oxalate crystals. Bloodwork revealed azotemia. Urine culture revealed a pure growth of Streptococcus zooepidemicus resistant to sulfamethoxazole±trimethoprim but susceptible to cephalosporins. A presumptive diagnosis of pyelonephritis was made based on bloodwork, urinalysis, and urine culture. The animal was treated with intravenous ceftiofur, and intravenous and per rectum ¯uids were given for hydration. The elephant's attitude and appetite returned to normal, the abnormal blood parameters resolved, and urinary calcium oxalate crystals reappeared after treatment, supporting presumptive diagnosis. Follow-up ultrasonography revealed an abnormal outline of both kidneys with parenchymal hyperechogenicity and multiple uterine leiomyomas. Key words: Hematuria, Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, pyelonephritis, calcium oxalate crystals. BRIEF COMMUNICATION normally found in elephant urine.2 Urine was sub- mitted for bacterial culture. A 4,280-kg, 37-yr-old female Asian elephant Ibuprofen therapy was discontinued in case the (Elephas maximus), housed at the Smithsonian Na- renal disease was drug induced. Pending urine cul- tional Zoological Park (SNZP) in a group of three ture results, the elephant was started on sulfameth- animals, was managed in a free contact setting and oxazole±trimethoprim (sulfamethoxazole±trimetho- was accustomed to regular blood sampling from the prim tablets 800 mg/160 mg, Teva Pharmaceuticals auricular veins. The elephant had chronic stiffness Inc., Sellersville, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18960, and muscle atrophy associated with a left forelimb USA; 15 mg/kg, p.o., s.i.d.). Clinical signs were fracture sustained when it was 10-yr-old. It had unchanged the next morning. The elephant con- been treated with long-term, low-dose ibuprofen sumed hay but refused concentrates and showed no (Ibuprofen tablets 600 mg, Schein Pharmaceutical, interest in extra oral ¯uids. Repeat laboratory tests Inc., Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, USA; 1.2 showed elevated creatinine (221 mmol/L; xÅ 5 141 mg/kg, p.o., s.i.d.). In March 2001, the elephant 6 27 mmol/L)7 and continued hematuria. The blood became partially anorexic and restless with repeat- urea nitrogen (BUN) was within reference intervals ed stretching of its hind limbs and began to pass but moderately elevated for this particular elephant dark, rust-colored urine. The animal was mildly de- (5.355 mmol/L; xÅ 4.641 1.428 mmol/L).7 The hydrated based on dry mucous membranes, thick 5 6 hemogram was unchanged. saliva, and tachycardia (60 beats/min, normal 5 25±30 beats/min).10 The hematocrit was elevated at On day 4, the elephant became completely an- orexic, depressed, and weak and spent much of its 0.435 L/L (xÅ 5 0.372 6 0.058 L/L),7 but total pro- tein was within reference intervals. No pyrexia was time leaning against a wall. Moderate dehydration noted. The hemogram revealed a mild leukopenia was noted with worsening azotemia (BUN 5 7.14 (6.70 cells 3 109/L; xÅ 5 13.36 6 3.46 cells 3 109/ mmol/L, creatinine 5 300.56 mmol/L). Urinalysis L)7 and possible monocytopenia (0.98 cells 3 109/ showed hematuria with mild leukocyturia (1±3 L; xÅ 5 3.84 6 2.92 cells 3 109/L).7 Serum chem- white blood cells [WBC]/high-power ®eld), isos- 1 istry values were unremarkable. A clean free-catch thenuria (sp. gr. 5 1.009; normal 5 1.016±1.023), urine sample revealed hematuria with moderate leu- proteinuria (31), and numerous granular casts con- kocyturia, although no intracellular bacteria were taining WBCs, RBCs, Gram(1) cocci, and tubular seen. Urine sediment cytology revealed numerous cells. The absence of calcium oxalate crystals per- red blood cells (RBCs), prominent cellular casts sisted. A pure culture of Streptococcus zooepidem- containing neutrophilic and epithelial cell remnants, icus was isolated from the initial free-catch urine and a notable lack of the calcium oxalate crystals sample, which was resistant to sulfamethoxazole± trimethoprim but susceptible to cephalosporins. Antibiotic therapy was changed to ceftiofur From the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, 3001 (Naxcel, Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Kalama- Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20008-2598, zoo, Michigan 49001, USA; 6 g, i.v., t.i.d.). In ad- USA. Correspondence should be directed to Dr. Sanchez. dition, i.v. ¯uid therapy was initiated using two 14- 397 398 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE ga, 50-mm over-the-needle catheters (Terumo Sur- Streptococcus. Antibiotic therapy was switched to ¯ash I.V. Catheter, Terumo Medical Corporation, enro¯oxacin (Baytril Film Coated tablets 68 mg, Somerset, New Jersey 08873, USA) placed in the Bayer Corporation, Shawnee Mission, Kansas left auricular veins sutured and glued to the skin. 66201, USA; 10 g, p.o., b.i.d., for 4 wk). During The maintenance ¯uid rate for this elephant, based the subsequent 3 mo, routine urinalysis continued on 40 ml/kg/day as used in horses, was 120 L/day. to reveal variable numbers of RBCs and WBCs. Only 54 L of lactated Ringer's solution (Abbot Lab- In July 2001, 3 mo after initial presentation, a oratories, North Chicago, Illinois 60064, USA) was transrectal ultrasonographic evaluation of the kid- administered on the ®rst day, but the elephant was neys was performed under standing sedation (Bu- more responsive to keepers that evening although torphanol tartrate 10 mg, i.v., Torbugesic, Fort it continued to show no interest in food or oral ¯u- Dodge Animal Health, Iowa 50501, USA) in an ids and urinated only a limited amount of red-col- attempt to elucidate the origin of the intermittent ored urine. The next day, the elephant was pro- urinary RBC. Both kidneys had abnormal outlines, foundly lethargic and somnolent. Fluid therapy was prominent renal vasculature, and moderate diffuse increased to 40 L i.v. t.i.d. in three 2.5-hr sessions, hyperechogenicity of their parenchyma. In addition, separated by a 2-hr rest period. In addition, 20 L multiple leiomyomas of the uterine tissue were ob- of water was delivered via rectal enema (using a served. At 17 mo after treatment, the elephant soft rubber hose and tap water) three times a day. showed no sign of clinical disease, but monthly uri- Approximately half the water introduced rectally nalyses continue to show low numbers of RBCs was not retained. By that evening, the elephant was with occasional WBCs. Calcium oxalate crystals more responsive and began to urinate more fre- are routinely present in all urine samples. quently. The following day, the ¯uid therapy regi- The clinical signs noted in this elephant are con- men was modi®ed to allow the elephant more time sistent with those observed in cattle and horses with to eat and drink, by reducing daily i.v. ¯uid ses- acute pyelonephritis. In domestic large animals, sions to two (40 L each). Rectal ¯uid treatments these signs include dysuria manifested by hematu- were decreased in volume to 10 L but increased in ria or pyuria, fever, anorexia, weight loss, and de- frequency to ®ve times a day. With this regimen, pression.4,6 Diagnostic evaluation of pyelonephritis the elephant received a total ¯uid volume of 130 in large animals is based on physical examination, L. The same regimen was followed for the next 2 bloodwork, urinalysis, ultrasonic imaging, endos- days until the elephant began drinking water regu- copy, and biopsy.5,9 In this elephant, the combina- larly and would not stand still for i.v. ¯uid therapy. tion of history, clinical signs, physical examination, Rectal ¯uids were tolerated for an additional 3 blood work, and urinalysis led to a presumptive di- days. agnosis of pyelonephritis. Profound lethargy and On day 5 of ceftiofur therapy, i.m. administration depression associated with azotemia, low urine spe- was attempted, but the elephant resisted the second ci®c gravity, and urinary casts with neutrophils injection, and i.v. therapy was resumed for a total were indicative. Although a kidney biopsy tech- of 7 days and then switched to cephalexin (Ceph- nique for a juvenile African elephant exists,8 this alexin capsules 500 mg, Novopharm USA Inc., procedure was considered too invasive given the Schaumburg, Illinois 60173, USA; 50 g, p.o., b.i.d.) previous diagnostic information and positive re- for 8 wk. Repeat urinalysis on day 10 revealed mild sponse to treatment. The increased ultrasonographic hematuria and moderate leukocyturia characterized echogenicity of the kidneys correlated with ®ndings mainly by mononuclear cells. Calcium oxalate of tubular degeneration and replacement ®brosis in crystals were again present. The elephant continued horses with previous pyelonephritis.3,9 The clinical to regain strength and appetite, and the hemogram course of the disease and this elephant's response showed marked leukocytosis (32.2 cells 3 109/L) to treatment closely mirrored those in domestic an- with monocytosis (19.9 cells 3 109/L). The serum imals with pyelonephritis.4,6 chemistry values were within reference intervals. The i.v. route ensured delivery of antibiotics to The leukocytosis resolved 3 wk after initiation of the renal tissue in a dehydrated and anorectic ani- treatment with oral cephalexin. mal.
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