Chancery Bulletin Index Index through Chancery Bulletin #369, November - December 2016 Topic Location A "A" Forms (Pre-nuptial Questionnaire) #9; #13:I; #48:III; #214:V Abortion #7:II; #55:V; #67:II; #151:IV Partial BirtH Abortion #191:III Accounting Department (Diocesan) #28:I Accounting (Uniform Acct. System) #130:VI Addictions #204:VII Address cHanges #146:V; #194:III; #202:II; #208:IV; #209:I; #210:III Address corrections #222:I Administrative Reminders #190: back of page 2 Administrator (Apostolic) #306:I Adoptions #50:VII; #111:IV Advance Care Directives Workshop #147:VII Advent (colors) #144:III Penance Service #116:IV; #143:I Feasts & Blessings & wreatHs #245:I; #351:IV Advocate Seminar (Tribunal) #205:II; #206:V; #208:VI; #210:I Alert #249:VI AlcoHolic Beverages #88; #114:IV AlcoHolism #63:VII Alert (legal) #195:IV Alienation (cHurcH property) #190: back of page 2, #4 Altar available #52:V Altar Dedication #181:III Altar Breads #54:I Altar Wine #161:VI; #287:I; #298:I; #357:III; America Needs Fatima #305:VIII 1 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location American CatHolic CHurcH in U.S. #280:VIII ANNUAL Annual Reports (also Parish Reports) 6:1:A; #74:V; #76:III; #110:X;#116:VI; #120:II; #127:II; #135:VIII; #152:V; REPORT #162:IV;#209:V; #243:I & II; #244:X; #245:V; #246:II; #255:II; #256:III; #263:III; #264:V; #264:IX; #271:II; #272:I, III; #282:V; #283:II; #284:IV; #294:V; #295:V. and VI; #296:VI; #298:II; #306:VI & VII; #307:I; #316:IV-V; #318:III; #327:I; #333:IV; #334:V and VI; #335:V; #338:VII; #344:IV; #345:II, III Annulment #4:I-IV; #17:II:1; #48:II; #166:IV; #249:III; #277:I Advocate and Defender of tHe Bond #40:IV By tHe State #115:III Wedding Dates/Annulments #210:II Anointing #157:III; #204:V; #205:VIII; #253:I; #294:VIII; #297:IV AON #283:V Apostleship of tHe Sea #22:VI Apostolic Pardon #364:IV ArcHives (Diocesan and Parish) #43:IV; #47:IV-V; #63:I; #95:II; #143:IV; #166:I Art & ArcHitecture (Liturgical) #237:VII #20:I; #118:I; #128:II; #135:III; #146:II; #155:II; #170:I; #190:IV; #203:I; Ash Wed. - Ashes (Blessing and #228:I; #236:III; #237:I; #247:II; #258:II; #266:II; #275:III; #288:II; #308:III; Distribution of) #319:III; #320:III Assessments (Fire Protection) #115:VI Attire (Appropriate) #113:V Attorney General, U. S. and Wisconsin #34:V Audit (national) #264:III; #272:IV Audit (state) #336:I 2 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location B Background CHecks #266:VI Baptism (Delay of…) #281:IV Sponsors #182:II; #283:I; #296:VII; #325:IV Record Keeping (Emergency) #194:V; #195:II; #253:I (Adoption) #257:VI Valid and Invalid #304:IV; #362:VI Beatification #229:V Bishop Banks - Regional Celebrations #134:I - New address #292:III Bishop Zubik – Installation/Regional Gatherings #265:I "B" Forms, List of Terms and Concepts #2:1-2; #13:I; #48:III BEQUESTS Bequests Mass Offerings for tHe Dead #89:III:a; #91:III:b To Cemeteries #89:III:b; #91:III:a As CHaritable Gifts #187:III Bible, National Week of and USCCB #63:IV Bishops Publications (USCCB/NCCB) #78:III USCCB - Hostage Prayer #84:IV NCCB - Special Prayers #100:II Stipends for #131:I Prayers for tHe election of #306:II Blessing of Infants #82:1; #93:II; #112:IV; #129:VI Blessing of Easter Water and Candle #276:VI; #290:IV Blessing of THroats #117:IX; #135:II Blessings, Book of #126:II; #190:IV Bonding #110:IV Bonduel, Florimond J., Rev. #57:VIII Book of the Gospels #231:V Builders, Roofers, etc. (cHurcH property) #230:V 3 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location Bulletin Announcements #36:III Amnesty International #56:IX Big BrotHers/ Big Sisters #28:II BirtHrigHt #10 Camp TekakwitHa #34:III; #46:IV; #57:IV; #83:II; #95:I; #106:V; #108:II Community Volunteers #10 DCCW #94:II Diocesan Collection #50:XI Easter Sunday Specials #70:VII Family Violence Center #132:V GED #19:IV; #26:IV Ground Zero Week #46:II Heating Bill Assistance #19:II; #10:I Mackin, Abbot Benjamin, O. Praem. #48:VII Marijuana, Legislation #11:I:2 Muscular Dystrophy Camp #106:IV O'Hair, Ms. Madalyn Murray #11:I Oshkosh Lifeline #10:3 Parent - LeadersHip #73:I Pilgrimages #64:II POW - MIA #73:II Pregnancy Hotline #10:3 R. I. P. #53:VII "Scared StraigHt" #10 Seaman's Memorial #68:VII State/Federal Legislation #11:I 4 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location Synod Survey #94:II Textbook Loan Program #124:I Tuition Aid (CatH. Fam. Life) #170:V; #190:III BurgHardt, Fr. Walter talk to priests of Chicago ArcHdiocese #132:I BURIAL Burials, Mausoleum and Burial Rites #1:4; #15:IV; #56:VII; #77:VI;#257:XII Order of CHristian Funerals #134:II; #198:II Cremains at Funeral Mass #134:III; #198:II Military Services #257:XII C Campaign for Human Development #40:III; #77:V; #318:II Canon Law (cHanges to) #333:V; #334:VII (Revised Code of) #43:II; #57:I; #61:I; #63:II; #64:IV; #65:V; #65:IX; #69:VII; #74:VI The Pastoral Companion #206:VI Canonization #158:IV; #229:V; #280:V CatecHumens #82:V; #129:VII CatHedraticum #6:I:B; #10:III; #21:II; (Diocesan Assessment) #33:III; #45:II; #52:VI; #54:III; #70:VIII; #120:IV CatHolic ScHools Week #248:I CatHolic Social Services #54:II; #89:III:b; #103:V 5 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location #5:I-II; #25:I; #34:IV; #35:III; #38:IV; #42:IV; #70:XI and XII; #76:VI-VII; #83:III; #85:VIII; #87:VII; #95:V; #98:I; #103:II; #107:VI; #110:XII: #127:IX; #130:V; #133:III; #144:IV; #146:VII; #151:V; #152:VII; #157:VI; #160:III; #164:VI; #166:V; #167:IV; #168:III; #170:VI; #173:IV; #175:III; #180:IX; #182:V; #182:IX; #183:IV; #184:V; #185:IV; #189:VI; #190:VI; #191:VI; #193:VI; #195:VI; #198:IV; #199:IV; #200:IV; #202:IV; #203:IV; #205:V; #206:IV; #207:IV; #208:V; #212:X; #216:III & IV; #217:VI, VII, and VIII; #219:IV; #220:V; #221:VII; #223:IV; #231:VI; #232:IV; #233:VII; #233:IX; Cautions (Caveats, Advisories, Monita #234:VII; #235:VIII; #236:XIII; #237:VIII; #239:VII; #240:VIII; #241:VI; or Warnings) #242:V; #243:V; #245:VIII; #246:VIII; #247:XV; #249:V; #250:VIII; #251:V; #252:IV; #253:VI; #254:VII; #255:IV; #256:VIII; #257:XIII; #258:IX; #259:VII; #260:V; #261:IX; #262:X; #263:VI; #264:X; #265:VI; #266:XI; #267:VI; #268:VI & VII; #269:IX; #270:III; #271:X; #272:VI; #273:IV; #274:IX; #276:IX; #278:II; #279:VII; #280:IX; #281:V; #282:VI; #283:VI; #284:IX; #285:VIII; #286:VI; #287:V; #288:X; #289:VII; #291:VIII; #292:VIII; #293:IV; #294:XIII; #295:VIII; #298:VI; #299:VI; #00:IX; #301:V; #302:X; #303:VII; #304:VII; #305:IX; #307:V; #309:X; #310:VIII; #312:VI; #313:IV; #314:VII; #316:VI; #319:VII; #320:X; #321:VI; #323:VII; #324:VI; #325:VII; #326:VIII; CAUTIONS #328:VII; #331:XI; #332:VIII:#335:IX Celiac Disease (and Holy Communion) #335:I Cemeteries #222:III; #272:V Cemetery Reports #143:II; #145:II; #155:IV; #236:X; #237:X; #247:X; #249:II; #258:VI Census (Diocesan) #91:I; #92:II; #94:I; #101:III; #105:V; #108:V; #110:VII Central Administration #44:III; #68:III Central Office Building (Diocesan) #44:I; #45:III; #45:IV; #66:V Central Services (furnisHings available) #192:III Certificates and Licenses (Baptism and Marriage) #13:II; #33:II; #40:II Chalices (for Seminarians) #212:IV 6 11/7/2016 Chancery Bulletin Index Topic Location CHANCELLOR Chancellor (in absence of) #271:I Chancellor (new) #348:I; #349:I Chancellor’s Note #230:VII #44:III; #120:VIII; #121:IV; #157:V; #166:III; #205:VII; #236:XI; #250:VI; Chancery Building #256:VI; #274:IV; #307:IV Chancery Bulletins and Correspondence #1:1; #26:I; #250:VII On-Line #261:III; #262:VI Index #203:VII; #218:IV; #250 attacHment #44:V; #68:IV; #68:IV-V; #98:IV; #111:X; #119:IV; #172:VI; #173:I; #271:I; Chancery Personnel #275:I Chapel - O'Hare Airport, Chicago #52:VII Charismatic Center #152:II Charitable Gifts/Bequests/Annuities #187:III; #212:VIII Charity Deductions #46:IV Children and tHe RCIA #131:III #21:IV; #33:I; #45:V; #57:V; #69:IV; #128:V; #143:I; #164:III; #171:II; Chrism Mass and Holy Oils #204:II; #217:III; #238:I; #267:I; #288:VII; #300:VI; #309:II; #320:I; #352:II; CHRISM MASS #353:III; #357:I; #358:II Recycling oil bottles #157:II; #238:II; #288:VIII; #300:VII; #309:III; #320:II Christian Unity, Week Of #78:VI; #117:IV; #121:III; #123:I; #154:I & II; #214:III; #358:VII Christmas Decorations #66:II; #174:I CHURCH ChurcH names – signage #332:II ChurcH bells #169:III; ChurcH capacity #149:VII; #150:V CHurcH (& altar) dedications #181:III ChurcH FurnisHings #74:VII; #100:III; #138:II ChurcH Pers. Admins., Nat. Assoc. #74:IX:A; #92:VI ChurcH Policies (Publication of Marriage,) #13:III; #42:I (Baptism, Finances, MembersHip in Parishes, CHurcH Support, Separation) ChurcH Property Alienation (Sale of) #36:II; #64:IV Builders, Roofers, Etc.
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