Jim Jordan Leaves SUI for Pasition on Indiana U Staff Jame R. Jordan, Dirc(:tor Director of Uni\'er ity Relations sequ ~tlY Director of University th Davenport papers and both in Public Relations for Higher the yea he occupicd " uch a state bar associations. th lowl and Education." The award cited him key po. ition here. both in Univer· City Chamber of Commerce and of G niverit\ Relations tit I at Ill. RelaUons in 1953. The Associated Press United Stahr umed the Indiana pre. A nalive of Waterloo and grad· Pre . for cutting through "major i ues ity actintie' and in my own con· Rotary InU!rnational. He i vice-­ I Thur<ida, \~ a~ named 10 thc i<lency in July. h ving resigned uate of £:ast W a t I' rio 0 Righ I n announcing Jordan's ap­ faced by Iowa, by the associ tion fidence." pr idcnt of Community Gil r • dminis~ati\'c staff of Indian as Secrelary or the Army to ac­ School. Jordan earned a B.A. de­ poiAtment to the Indiana lacully, and by higher education. and . • Speaking of Jordan. tahr aid : of Iowa City. U nh rsity (JU ), dfe<:ti\'e cept the position. gree at Iowa Stale Teachers Col· PresJdent Stahr deseribed bim as (making l clear to us and others "Everyone lllho knows Jim Jor· He has serled as a CIInsultant Jordan has been at SUI in fac· lege, Cedar Falls. In 1939. and a "one of the nation's two or th~ Ihe ul'gency of tbe tasks of the dan ha r ommend -d him \'ery and examiner for the 'orth C n· :\ov. I. ulty and administrative capacitie juri doctor flaw I degree at SUI best qualified men for public re­ colleges and universities in mod· highly. 1 m v e r)" grateful to tral A social ion of Coli and Announcing the appointment at since 1946. when he began 8 in 1943, prior to serving three latiQlls in bieber education:' not· em America ." Pre Id nt Virgil 1. Hancher of condary Schools and infor· "Bloomington , JU President Elvis journalism instructor and admin· years In the U.S Army's counter· ing his ' I957-58 service as national In accepting Jordan's resigna· Iowa for his cooperation in re· mation committee head of the I J Stahr Jr., said thaI Jordan will istrative a istant to Prof. Wilbur inlel1Jgence corp . president of the Am rica College tion from the S 1 stafr, Presid<>nt Ica.ing Ir. Jordan." Joint Office of Institutional Re· join his laff a A. islant to the Schramm. then director of the He ha rved as a news cor· Public Relations Association and "irgU M. Hancher elpr~ hil Jordan is a m mbcr or igrna search for the St te Universiti President for Umver Ity Rela· SUI School of Journalism. In 1947 re pondent for the Des 10ines his recent receipt of the associa· gratitude for the counsel which Delta Chl profe ' ional journal' m A sociation and the Association of tions, uccceding E. Ro. Bart· he was named Director of the Rellister and Tribune, the Chi· tion's top national a war d lor Jordan provided and the institu. oclet)', Phi Delta Phi I gal fra· Land·Grant College and State ley, who retired last month as sur Information Service, and sub- cago Sun, Cedar RapIds GazeUe. "Outstanding Achievement tional loyally di played during ternity, the Am rican and Jowa Univer ilie . The Weather *' Partly c;lovdy in tIM I4HIth and ,enerally fair in tIM nort+I to­ day. Partly cloudy to cloudy to. JAMES JORDAN night. Warmer in the tIIst por· Accepts Ind iana PO$t 01 tlon. Highs loday in tIM lower owon 80s in the northweJt to the lower Ser ing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City 70s in the southeast. Reds Demand: Estllblished in 1868 iated Press Leased Wire and Wir'!photo Iowa CiIY, low Oust Outsiders .. From Congo Mob 5 Jeer 5th o 01 Integr n Tass Replies to Call atio t 01 Photo By Thant for Support Of Unification Plan Bomb Threats MOSCOW IA'I - The Soviet Union demandl>d Thursday thal U.N. ta k force s round up and expel all for· . Soblen Takes Drugs, Empty Three elgn military and political person· nel serving sece sionlst Katanga Province m the Congo within a La. Schools month and then clear out of the Congo themselves. Delays Deportation Police Guard All The demand was in reply to an' appeal by Acting Secrl'tary·Gen. 1.0. DO. (A 1') - Buhl'lt A. calion gil en I\lm dUring 10 week psychiatrist. the tokinl o{ drug Schools; Dog Teams erat U Thant asking members of oblcll knod,('d hilllsdf O\lt in British institutions. The /lome aell1c\'l'd something that every Ie· Ready for Action the Unitcd Nations to support his Office ordered an invc~ligation . gal maneu~er had failed lo win for with harbiturates in an airport. The Hom Office confirmed th8t hIm - an exten ion of hi, stay In plan fOl unifying the Congo and I':\\' OULl!: , 1~i1 . ( P) cnding the two·year secession by hound t1l11hulalltl' Thursday Sobl('11 had taken a drug of the Britain. Soblen ba been through threals jcrl's President Moise Tshombe's rich and po~tpolled his deportation barbiturate group - with te t. the court. four times since arrl\,· BOlllh and Katanga Province. howing indication. of an overdo:c ing here. Each time, his plea to be gn'l'll'd ew Orlran . dc cga'· to the C niled tale~ . - and his condition was du to thot rei ea. ed in BrUaili or allowed to galNI schools Thursday - th· The Sovicts, who have refuscd to The bail·jumping, 61·year·old - not his leukemia trovel to II destination of his own pay a cent toward the U.N. Congo For the Jewish Lithuanian·born I choice has been rejected. fint day for puhh(' ~choob aud his second operation. laid down stern terms convicted spy wa taken to a hos· , gave up pital. --- the third duy for p<lrochial innings of for bl'inging a solution and ciaiml'(\ the Congo's future "must be seL· He lay in a deep. drug·lnduced e sdwols. li ~d only by the Congolesc people coma and doctorb said he was se· Anonymous bomb threats emp themselves and thc govcrnment of Ch aresI Ke II ey Oles riously ill. A medical bulletin is­ tied three public chool Ju t after the Republic of the Congo." sued 7', hours after Soblen's ad· Thant's plan - backed by the mission reported he was still un· eng 111m Sorryl the children ent red. Th IlUplls United States. Britain, Belgium. consciou and there wa no change Say. were out about 30 minute whit among other countries - ca lls in his condition. fir'm n checked th buJidlng . for adoption of a f,d,ral system Britain's Home Offic;e an· FOnT \1 1)1 '0 (.\P) - trail of \ iolencl' cndl'd on the Then they \\Il'nt back in. in tile Congo, with Kalanga shar· nounc;ed Soblen will remlin in gallows Thllr~da~ for :!L·rror-old Charl(,s Edwin Kelll'Y, who At other school., ..oth parochial ing revenues from ils rich min· the hospit,l 24 hours, and • wus hang('(1 ut c1uwn for on(' of tbr('l' sluying Ill' admitted. and public. crowd s ,ath.r.d 10 in, IndustrIes and merging K.· spoktlman ,dd.d; "W. can't, hoot .nd shout Insults - not only tangan mililary forces with the th.refore, make any n.w ar· The younl: Minneqpolls klUer .t t ... ,.oN N.groes .nt.rlll9, but national atmy. rangements for his tran' port un· said "I'm sorry for wbat I did" .lso.1 white I"nons taking th,ir The SovieL Union , in replying Lo til we know when he II going to Neuzil Asks for just before the trap was sprung Thatlll Show You! chlldr.n Into the d,segregated Thanl's plea for support. charged b. released." at 5: 46 a.m. in lhe Iowa Slale .chools. the V. Command in the Congo Soblen jumped $100,000 bail and Account of NFO Penitentiary. Mrs. Jam,. Pr,c,, I,a d • "Uf of her childr.n and g.ting. Mrs. Prlc. and other whIt. molhers look For lh most Ilsrt, Ilowever. ..nIl with mak ing a truce with Tshom· fled from New York to J rae I la t Kelley was pronounced dead II wa quiet. At Ino t chools, the . I d f h' some of her n,ighbors away from Thom.. J, th.lr childr.n from school after a group of N.groes be to please WI! 'lern "colonial· June 25 after the U.S. Supreme minutes ater, 45 ay a ter IS only onlookers were a few white Farmer Incident . tb t t h t Semm.1 elem.nt.ry school in N,w Orleans Thurso int.gr.,ed Ih, school. ists." Court refused to re\'iew his sen· compaOlon In a rcc·s a e S 00· parents who stood i1ently and The Soviet message, as distrib· tence to life imprisonment for war. John on County Attorney Ralph ing spree, Charles ocl Brown. day lIS public Ic;hooll In the cIty be,an d,",r.. - AP Wirephoto wlliched. ult'(\ by the Soviet news agency time spying for the Soviet Union. Neuzil baid Thursday night that 29, o{ Mlnncapoli , was hanged on Tass, urged immediate arrest of He has combined prote lations of he has asked thc sheritr's office the same scarfold I Police were much in cvid nce.
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