The Colorado River The Colorado River ' ' ., , A NATURAL MENACE BECOMES A NAT IO NA L R ESOU R CE A Comprehensive Report on the Development of the Water Resources of the Colorado River Basin/or Irrigation, Power Production, and Other Beneficial Uses in Arizona, California, Colorado,Nevada,New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming By THE UNITED STATE ' DEPARTMENT OF T H E r l TEH I R J. A . Krug, e retary SPONSORED BY AND PREPARED U ; DER THE GENE R A L SUP EHVJSJO OF T H E BUREAU OF RECLAMATION M ichael W. Straus, Commissioner E. A. Moritz, Direc tor, Region 3; E. 0. Larso n, Direc tor, Region 4 MARCH 1946 HIS edition if THE COLORADO RIVER is issued in advance if its publication as a Congressional T Document in response to an urgent public demand for copies, many if them for qfjicial review . Y.he document has not been transmitted to the Congress for consideration, nor will it be, until certain States and Federal qfjicials who are now reviewing it have added their written comments to the text that appears here . When the report is published as a Con­ gressional 'Document these comments will be included, or will appear in a supplementary volume. Contents Page PROPOSED REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE Explora tions 46 INTERIOR Settlement . 48 Page Popula tion . 49 Letter of June 6, 1946, from the Acting Commissioner, Chapter III. D IVIDING T H E v\' A TER 53 Bureau of R eclam ation . 3 Virgin Conditions 55 REGIONAL DIRECTORS' REPORT Early D evelopment of the R iver . 56 Summa ry of Conditions in the Early 1920's 59 M ap of Colorado River Basin Facing 9 Between the U pper and Lower Basins 59 Scope and Purpose . 9 Between U nited Sta tes and M exico 66 Authority for the R eport . 9 Chapter IV. D EVELOPI NG THE B ASIN 69 Cooperation and Acknowledgments 9 Description of Area . 10 Upper Basin . 72 72 Problems of the Basin 11 La bor Force 73 W ater Supply 12 Land Ownership and Use Div ision of W ater 13 Soils .. .... 73 Fu ture Development of W a ter R esources 13 Agriculture . 73 T able I , Present and Potential Stream Depleti ons in M inerals and Mining 80 the Colorado River Basin . 14 Lumbering . .. 85 Potential Projects . 14 M anufacturing . 86 T a b\e II, Potential Projects in the Colorado River Transporta tion and M arkets 86 Basin ........ ... .. 15 R ecreation 87 Table III, Poten tial Irrigation Development . 18 Lower Basin . 89 Table IV , Potential Power Development . 18 L and U se 89 Summary of Annual Benefi ts and Costs of Poten tial Agriculture 91 95 p~ ~~ . 18 Minerals and M ining Extended Benefits to the vV es t and to th e Na tion 18 11anufacturing and Other Industries 97 R eimbursement and Flood Control Alloca tion . 19 M a rkets and Transporta tion 98 Construction Program 20 Wholesale and R eta il Trade 99 Related Investigations 20 R ecreation . 100 Conclusions . 21 Summa ry-Colorado River Basin 101 21 Recommendations. Chapter V. Usi NG T HE W ATER 105 SUBSTANTIATING MATERIAL Upper Basin . 107 Green Division . 109 FoREWORD . 25 Present Development of W ater R esources 109 113 Chapter I. THE N AT UR AL SFTTING 29 Potential Development of Water Resources Grand Division 124 Physical Characteristics . 31 Present Development of Water R esources . 125 Geological History . 39 Potential Development of W ater R esources 130 Native Plant and Animal Life. 39 San .Juan Division . 139 Climate 41 Present Development of W a ter R esources . 140 Chapter II. CLAIMING THE BASIN 43 Potential Development of Water R esources 142 Primative Peoples . 45 Summary-Upper Basin .... .. .. 150 III IV THE COLORADO RIVER Page Page Lower Basin . 152 Forest Service 271 Little Colorado Division 152 National Forests and Reclamation in the Colorado Present Development of Water R esources 154 River Basin 2] 1 Potential Development of Water R esources 155 Federal Power Commission 273 Virgin Division . 157 Power Resources of the Upper Basin 273 Present Development of \!\Tater R esources 158 Power Resources of the Lower Basin 274 Potential Development of Water R esources 159 Boulder Division . 161 Appendixes Present Development of Water Resources 164 Appendix I. \!\Tater Supply, Colorado River 279 Potential Development of Water R esources 168 Index to Projects, Existing and Potential 287 G il a Division . 172 Index to R eservoirs and Reservoir Sites 291 Present Development of \Vater Resources 174 Appendix II. Eleven Maps 29 5 Potential Development of \ 1\T a ter R esources 179 Summary--Lower Basin . 183 Photographs Summary- Colorado River Basin 184 Frontispiece (Grand Canyon, Arizona). Facing '3 Chapter VI. PowER FROM W ATER 187 Boulder D am 24 Upper Basin . 189 .Junction of the Green and Colorado Rivers 32 Present Power Development 190 Bow-Knot of the Colorado River 32 Power Market Survey and Load Trend 193 Black Canyon of the Gunnison River : 35 Potential Power Development 195 Goosenecks of the San Juan. 37 Summary 196 Long-range view, Grand Canyon 37 Lower Basin 197 Desert flora 40 Power Area 197 Desert scene 40 Present Power Development 198 Canyon country. 47 Power Market Survey and Load Trend 202 Yuma project, an early reclamation development on Potential Power Development 204 Colorado River 57 Summary .. .. 205 Near Lee Ferry, the dividing point 61 Summary- Colorado .River Basin 206 Herefords on the range near Moab, Utah 75 H ay harvest on Eden project, Wyoming . 75 Chapter VII. WEALTH FROM WATER 209 Peach orchard near Grand Junction, Colorado 77 Benefits to the West and to the Nation 213 Tomatoes from Grand Valley project 77 Summary of Costs, Benefits, and Repayment 218 Coal mine near Sunnyside, Utah 81 Lead-silver mine . 81 Chapter VIII. CooPERATING I NTERESTS IN TI-IE Gold mine .. 81 BASIN 221 Utah Oil Refining Company 82 Geological Survey 223 Outdoor life . 87 Quantity and Quality of Water 223 Rod and reel 88 U pper Basin . 224 Milch cows in irrigated pasture 90 Lower Basin 232 Irrigated sugar beets grown for seed 90 National Park Service 238 Winter vegetables for Eastern m arkets 92 Water Utilization Program 239 Skiing on Surveyor Peak . 101 Summary 249 Angler's pride 101 Fish and Wildlife Service . 250 Hives of bees in elate grove 102 Upper Colorado Basin 250 Attractive home on irrigated farm 102 Lower Colorado Basin 252 Parker Dam 119 R ecomm endations 253 Main canal, Salt River project 119 Grazing Service 254 Colorado River Diversion Dam 127 Objectives and Functions 254 Grand Valley power plant . 127 Grazing Districts in the Colorado River Basin 256 Grand Valley Canal 127 Bureau of Mines. 258 Taylor Park Dam in Colorado 129 Program of Water Utilization . 258 Fishing at Green Lakes resort . 129 Low-cost Power and Mineral Development 259 Vallecito Dam . 141 Office of Indian Affairs . 261 Vallecito Reservoir . 141 Indian Projects in the Colorado River Basin 261 Imperial Dam and desilting basins on Colorado General Land Office . 268 River ...... ..... 165 CONTENTS v Page Page All-American Canal 165 Figure 15. Estimated trend, electric power load , A site is found . 169 lower basin m arket area . 204 A d am is planned . 169 Figure 16, river profil e showing reservoir and hy- Pumping ground wa ter 175 droelectric power plan ts . Faci.ng 206 Roosevelt Dam on Salt River . 177 M APS IN A P P ENDIX II Bartlett Dam on Verde River 177 Downtown Los Angeles . 199 W ater resources development, Colorado River Basin: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Los A ngeles 199 Arizona Following 29 1 Citrus groves . 21 2 California Following 29 1 Yuma cantaloupes . 215 Colorado Following 29 1 Prize produce . 215 Nevada Foll owing 29 1 Cattle on mountain range 25 5 New M exico Foll owing 291 Irrigated hay field s . 255 U tah Following 291 Cottonwood Camp, Big Piney, Wyoming . 272 W yoming Following 29 1 H auling logs, Ashl ey National Park . 273 Principal power systems, existing and poten tial, Colorado River Basin . 291 M aps and Charts Conservation a reas and facilities, Colorado Rive r Basin ... ........... 291 Colorado River Basin . 9 Mineral resources, Colorado River Basin (two Divisions of the Colorado River Basin (map) 33 maps) . Following 29 1 Average annual precipitation (ma p) . Facing 41 Figure 1. Popula ti on growth, 1900- 40 . ·. 50 TABLES Figure 2. Distribution of population, 1940 census . 50 I. \t\Tea ther records a t represen tative stations, Colo­ Colorado River Basin States (m ap) . 62 rado River Basin . 42 Figure 3. Trends in animal units, 1890- 1940, upper II. Popula tion growth in,.. the Colorado River Basin . 49 basin ..... 78 III. Estimated virgin flows in the Colorado River Figure 4. Number of farms, 188 0- 1940, u pper Basin .. .. ..... ... .... 55 basin .. .......... .... 78 IV. Irrigation development in the Colorado River Figure 5. Size of farms, 1890- 1940, u pper basin 78 Basin (1922) . 57 Figure 6. Value of fa rm property, 1939, upper V . Labor force in selec ted em ploymen t groups in basin ..... ... 78 u pper basin (1939) . 72 Figure 7. V alue of agricultural products, 1939, VI. Supplemen tal em ploymen t of farmers in upper upper basin . 78 basin (1939) . 72 Figure 8. Farm tenancy, 1890- 1940, upper basin 78 VII. Types of farms in upper basin (1939) . 73 Figure 9. T ypes of farms, lower basin . 93 V III. V alue of fa rm products so ld or traded in u pper Figure 10. Farm operation, 1940, lower basin 93 basin (1939) . 74 Figure 11. Estimated rese rves of copper in m ajor IX.
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