The Boca Raton Tribune Your Closest Neighbor for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com East /West Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Delray Beach, FL - April 27, 2012 through May 2, 2012 • Year III • Number 097 - FREE Community News On Her Birthday, Boca Raton Breaks Ground for Long-Awaited Flossy Keesely gives Boca Raton a Present New Downtown Library See page 3 Municipal News Boca Hospital Foun- dation Gets $5M from Schmidt Fam- ily See page 11 Life & Arts 9th Annual Future Stars Performing Arts Competition See page 13 Business Vitality Laser Spa, the Finest Health and Beauty Treatments Imagined See page 23 See page 3 By Dale M. King Once that building was Historic Town Hall Named Top Glen Calder reading the Tribune BOCA RATON – The finished, the city turned city has been in the li- its attention to a new Civic Building brary planning business downtown facility. But for nearly a decade. the community has had It began with the pub- to deal with serious eco- lic adoption in 2003 of a nomic woes in the past multi-million dollar refer- four years that forced it to endum that put two new reconfigure the facility. libraries on the drawing “This is the day the board for the city’s future. shovels have arrived,” It continued with Mayor Susan Whelchel the construction of the said Tuesday, April 24, “Western Library,” now when groundbreaking known as Spanish River was conducted in the mid- Library, which opened dle of a large field where in 2008. It was delayed the new library will stand. nearly two years by a le- The building, to be locat- Send us a picture of you reading The Boca Raton gal dispute between the ed on NW Second Avenue Tribune to [email protected] original contractor and about two blocks north of See page 6 the city. the existing cont. on pg.3 Nearly 400,000 readers! YOUR CLOSEST NEIGHBOR. 2 - April 27, 2012 through May 2, 2012 - Edition 97 The Boca Raton Tribune • East/West Boca Raton, FL Marketing Director Chris Catoggio Lynn University Librarian Builds [email protected] Account Executive Angelo Lima Presidential Debate Research Guide Marguax Vickers BOCA RATON -- Leecy cation will be among those Barnett, a librarian in the who use the guides over the Art Director Boca Police Safety Tip Marjorie Brandner Eugene M. & Christine E. next few months. Although Q: Can my dog run on the sidewalk without a leash? He is Lynn Library, recently de- most of the articles and e- Graphic Design: trained not to run away. Maheli Jardim A: Boca Raton Ordinance 5-32 states that it is a violation for veloped a research guide books are from proprietary Matt Epperson any dog or cat to run at large (off the premises of the owner) and specific to presidential de- databases restricted to the not under the control of a leash, cord, chain, or other physical re- bates in anticipation of Lynn community, the guide Photographers: straint. In addition, you can be found liable if your dog is not under Lynn University hosting allows anyone from the Nicole Vickers, Gabriela Heizer your control on public property (or common area) and bites a per- Barbara McCormick son or other dog. the third and final presi- public to access all the past Crime and safety questions are answered by officers from the dential debate on Oct. 22. debate videos in one place. Video Production Crime Prevention Unit. For more information, visit www.bocapo- “When Academic Vice Excluding the 1980 de- Director lice.com. President Gregg Cox en- bate between Ronald Re- Klaiton Silva couraged the faculty to gan and the independent The Boca RatonTribune include lessons about the candidate, John Anderson, mailing address: Lynn Librarian Leecy Barnett P.O. Box 970593 debates in their spring and that President Carter boy- Boca Raton, FL 33497 Boca Raton Police Blotter fall classes, creating a de- cotted, the guide includes to write an essay on ‘Re- Office Address: 399 NW Boca Raton AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 04/19/2012 11:59 NE 7TH AVE bate research guide seemed footage of every televised flections and Expectations Blvd., Suite 212 - Boca Raton Fl, 33432 Victim reported that his neighbor pointed a silver gun at him [email protected] through her window. A black Glock 9mm was located under a pil- like a great way the library presidential debate from of the 2012 Debate at Lynn www.bocaratontribune.com low in her bed and a silver 32C See Camp pistol was located in her could contribute to the de- 1960, 1976-2008. University.’” For general information: vehicle. There were witnesses to the incident. Case remains under bate fever on campus,” said “It’s important to put Barnett has worked at 561-290-1202 investigation. Barnett who has produced this year’s debates in con- Lynn’s library for more Fax: 561-208-6008 BURGLARY TO BUSINESS 04/18/2012 7:17 NW 2ND AVE scores of online research text of past debates,” said than 15 years, serving her Copyright 2011 by The Boca A burglary occurred at South Florida Air Conditioning /Integrated guides to support Lynn’s Barnett. “The materials last six years as a reference Raton Tribune. All rights reserved Technologies between April 17 at 1800 hrs and April 18th at 0715 by The Boca Raton Tribune. All curriculum. will give great insight. In and instruction librarian. submissions and published materials hrs. An unknown subject pried out one glass of an awning window, Lynn students studying fact, students in a Media She earned both her un- entered, and removed a cash box which contained approximately are the propery of The Boca Raton $500. political science, history, so- and Society course are cur- dergraduate and graduate Tribune. This publication may not be ciology and/or communi- rently using the resources degrees in history. reproduced in whole or in part without OTHER THEFT 204/18/2012 12:57 MARBLE WAY express written consent from The Boca Two 2009 Yamaha Waverunners, gold and black in color, were Quote of the Week: Raton Tribune. The publishers reserve taken from behind a home on Marble Way sometime overnight. No the right to edit all submissions and suspects. Both were on the floating dock and secured with a heavy Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and shalt find the knowledge of God: to reject any advertising or copy they cable. The cable was not cut. No suspects or witnesses at this time. Proverbs 2:5 regard as harmful to the publication´s THEFT OF AUTO TAG 04/18/2012 8:09 PINE HAVEN CIRCLE good or deemed to be libelous. The Complainant reported stolen vehicle tag sometime between 1900 publisher is not responsible for the hrs - 0600 hrs on 4/17/12. articles written by its columnists. INDEX The publishers are not responsible POSSESSION OF SYNTHETIC NARCOTICS 4/22/12 1999 N. Community News Pg.03 Business Page 23 Sports Page 30 for typographical errors, omissions FEDERAL HIGHWAY Municipal News Page 11 Columnists Pg 18,19,22,27 or copy or photos misrepresented Karsten Senior, 34, was arrested for possession of schedule IV nar- by the advertiser. Liability shall not cotic after he was discovered sleeping behind the wheel of a vehicle Section B Page 13 Games Page 26 exceed the cost of the portion of space in the rear parking lot of Flakowitz. The passenger of the vehicle, occupied by such error or advertising Bethanie Cairns, was arrested for possession of firearm/ammunition items or information. All editorials are by a convicted felon. The vehicle was towed. intended to reflect the position of the publisher and not of any individual editorial writer. Signed columns, on the other hand, reflect the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of the publisher. The advertiser and/or the advertising agency is responsible for all content and will assume responsibility resulting from RECEIVE THE PAPER from the publication of said advertisement in comfort of your HOME! The Boca Raton Tribune. Proud Member of: www.thebocaratontribune.com Stay in touch with what’’s happening in BOCA RATON! Edition 97 The friendly community where friends do business with neighbors. Bring “YOUR CLOSEST NEIGHBOR” The Boca Raton Tribune home with you. Support your community newspaper - Patronize The Boca Raton Tribune Advertisers. Let them know you saw their Ads in the Boca Tribune. for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com April 27, 2012 through May 2, 2012 - Edition 97 - 3 Community News The Boca Raton Tribune Boca Raton Breaks Ground for Long-Awaited New Downtown Library library, should be finished will be “a landmark build- a year from now, officials ing in Boca Raton.” said. Also speaking at the The new library will ceremony were Recreation be about 40,000 square Director Mickey Gomez, feet. The city has yet to Friends of the Library announce what it will do President Susan Sosin, with the present building Library Advisory Board adjacent to the police sta- chair Kate Greene, Mike tion. Kaufman, of Kaufman Addressing the crowd Lynn Construction and during the late-after- Douglas Mummaw, presi- noon ceremony, Mayor dent of the Rotary Club Whelchel noted the multi- of Boca Raton . tude of people who “have The architectural firm had a hand in this.” She PGAL has designed the said it has been the sub- building and interior. ject of a vast number of Kaufman Lynn – which Presentation of Rotary Club of Boca Raton’s $50,000 gift to the new library. meetings. “I don’t know if Seated are Douglas Mum- completed the Spanish dle construction.
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