Averaire Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended . Mnroh 11, IS61 13,317 Member of' the Andit Bnrenn of Cironlntton VOL. LXXX, NO. 155 (FOURTEEN PAGES) State News 40,000 Attend China 0 Reds to Free Roundup London Appeal Ailing Ameriean in For Bomb Ban Kennedy Plans 3-Day Seven from State , London, April 3 (A*)— About 40,000 ban-the-bomb Jail for Espionage Die in Accidents demonstrators assembled in a drizzle in the heart of Lon­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS don today for a mass rally cli­ Parley with De Gaulle London, April 3 {IP)—Rob-t At the time she is repo|-ted to have said: "We’ve said gpodby Seven Connecticut resi­ maxing a 4-day march pro- ert E. McCann, an American once, ile would not want rile to dents and a former Hartford ^^sting nuclear weapons. citizen jailed for 15 years by come. And I could not bear to see man were lulled in Easter ^ ’'SJVe stand for sanity in a mad the Communist Chinese on him again under these condi­ weekend accidents. world,” Earl Bertrand Russell, 88, charges of espionage, is being tions.” Sit of the deaths resulted from philosopher and dean of the nu­ Paris Talk freed and will leave China A communique on Chen Yl’s traffic mishaps, one occurring in clear disarmament movement, told The Washington government Richmond, R.I. and another in Or the cheering crowd. “The possl Wednesday, Peiping Radio was first notified of McCann’s con­ lando, Fla. bility of complete disaster remains announced today. dition at ambassadorial talks in The two other victims, Mr. and deadly and immediate. Nuclear Will Open Peiping »aid Commtini^t suthori- Warsaw in early March. Peiping Mrs. Lawrence Bocchiere Sr., of war in the future is probable un­ tiea decided to free the ailing Mc­ at the time also made it clear that Stratford, died in a fire. Bocchiere less East and Western govern­ Cann after hi* wife, who visited it w’as ready to admit Mrs. Mc­ rushed into their burning home in ments change their policies." him in jail, appealed for his release. an attempt to save his wife Sat­ ■ He spoke from in front of Nel­ On May 31 MeCann is said to be dying of Cann. son’s monument in Trafalgar urday n i ^ t when he and his sod Square .after two columns of dem­ lung can9er. Formerly of Altadena, (Continued on Page Seven) returned from a movies Calif., he long was engaged in busi­ Other victims were: onstrators had limped in soggily af­ Palm Beach, Fla., April 8 ness in China., He was jailed in Russell W. Jackson, 49. of 36 ter treks through the English (yp)—Ih’esident Kennedy will Tientsin June 14, 1951, under a 15- Pearl Ct., New Britain, killed'.Sun- countryside. fly to Paris May 31 for three year sentence. _ Hundreds of police mingled with The release' of McCann leaves Armed Cubans day in, a 2-car headon collision on the banner-waving and singing days of talks with French , these four other Americans, all Route 8 in Waterbury near the demonstrators packing the square. President Charles de Gaulle. convicted of espionage, still in Red Thomaston town line. Two occu- Representatives from 30 foreign Announcing this today, the Chinese prisons: Stop, Release pants of the other • Mr. and ■ countries, who had marched under President's vacation headquartere John T. Downey. New Britain, Mrs. Joseph Roscello, both 44. Tor-, banners of their home lands, said he will be accompanied by bis Conn., U. S. Army civUian employe, rington. were hospitalised j received a rousing cheer from the wife Jacqueline. sentenced to life in prison Nov. 23, U.S. Cable Ship fractures. 1 crowd packed around the monu- In reply to questions, 'White 1954. Alexander Smith, 73. Green-; ^lent. House press secretary - Pierre Richard E, Fecteau. Lynn. Ma-ss., wich, and his wife. Margaret. 79, j Organizers had hoped for a turn- Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. April 8 killed Saturday night when their; jjjjj exceeding the 70,000 who Salinger told a news conference U. S. Army civilian employe, sen­ i.lt—U.S. Naval authorities said to­ that at this time he knows o t no tenced to 20 years ITov. 23, 19,54. car shot out . of control after i jauinYed the square last year at the plans for Kennedy to visit other Bishop James R. Walsh, Cum­ day the American cable ship West­ pulling away from a traffic light | gnj „f annual Easter march Europesn capitsls in connection berland, Md., Roman Catholic mis- ern Union was intercepted by a and hit a tree in Greenwich. , from the gates of Britain’s nuclear with the Paris trip. slonar>’, sentenced March 18, 1960, Cuban gunboat and then freed after Mrs. Mariana Verloto. 75, of 27 | n'eapons arsenal at .Aldermaston, The Paris ■visit will be Kennedy's to 20 years. U.S. jet planes and a destroyer I Schibi St.. Torrington, died sev- j 54 niiles southwest of London. But first trip abroad as President. Hugh F. Redmond Jr., Yonkers, 'era! hours after she was struck | bad weather kept many away. However, he will go to <!!anada in N. Y., American businessman, sen­ went to her assistance. I bv an auto while crossing a road , Marchers from Aldermaston and A naval spokesman said the | jn Torrington Saturday. j from a U. S. Air Base at Wethers- advance of going to Franoe. tenced to-life in September of 1954. Plans for a trip to Otta’wa to Peiping said McCann’s pardon cable ship was stopped in interna- Chester G. Jones. 23. North j field converged at the square, tional water Saturday, about five stonington, died after his car ran ; a roar of applause went up as address the Cemadlan Parliament was granted for humanitarian rea­ were announced earlier. Indications sons. It said McCann, accompanied miles off the Cuban port of Bara- j Nooseneck Hill Road in Rich- j the 450-strong West German con- cog on the northeastern part of the. and sma.'hed into a boulder; tingent strode into the square. now are that Kennedy will go to by his wife, will leave from Tient­ Ottawa perhaps two weeks b«ors sin for the United States. islan . n, I Saturday night, There was another cheer for Peiping said Mrs. McCann, who Thellb.S. destroyer, the John W .. former Hartford re.sident. lone Japanese. Several other Japa­ visiting Paris. arrived in Communist China last Weeks, did not enter Cuban waters j jbeodore R. Chilcoat, was one of nese had intended to march but R. Kennedy plans to leave for Paris week to be ■with her ailing hus­ and the planes did not fly ovei^ three persona killed in Orlando, A. Butler. Britain’s deputy prime Making Friends in Africa by Jet plane probably on the night band, had repeatedly asked for them, the spokesman said. Fla„ Sunda.v. when their car slam­ minister, refused to grant them en­ Vice President Lyndon Johnson gives fountain pen to baby in Dakar. Senegal, today. Johnson is of May 30. He Will lea've Wariibig- (In Washington, the State De­ med into a bridge approach on the try visas. ton May 29 to attend a “Salute to his release. partment said it had asked the there on mission of international friendship. Senegalese are celebrating one year of Independence. Kenjiedy" dinner in Boston mark­ Florida Toll Turnpike. "It’s a terrible thing that the (AP Photofax: ■via radio from Dakar.) McCann, 60. was born in Che- Swiss embassy in Havana to de­ Japanese have been refused per­ ing his 44th birthday, then go on foo, China, of missionary parents. mand from Cuba a full explana­ mission to come here,” (Ilanon J'ohn to New York the next day for a Mrs. McCann rushed fo China tion of the civilian vessel’s six hour 52 to 55 Collins of St. Paul’s Cathedral dinner being given to raise funds to when Informed by the Red Cross detention. Hartford, April 3 (JP)—The SUte told the crowd. "The Japanese if Could Be Another Korea Rusk to G)nfer fight cancer. that her husband was dying. She (Lincoln White, department Motor 'Vehicle Department’s daily anybody have the right to protest Kennedy’s talks with De Gaulle, was granted a 3-week visa. press officer,.- said the Western record of automobile accidents as against nuclear weapons." whom he has never met, ■will com­ Some years ago she did not Union was escorted into Baracoa of last midnight and the totals on The canon referred to the atom-, With Home on plete a round of conversations •with choose to irisit him when next of Friday, where he said an examina- the same date last year; ic bombing of Hiroshima and Nag­ China Warns SEA TO the Big Three leaders of ■western kin of other American prisoners 1960 1961 * asaki near the end of World War Europe. were invited by the Peiping regime. (Continaed on Page Seven) Accidents ........ 9,403 9,655 (eat.) n. Reply to Reds The President met eight days Killed ............. 52 55 M a ile rs from Wethersfield ap- ago at Key West, Fla., with Brit­ Injured ............ 6,481 6,202 (est.) peiUed yesterday foi police protec­ On Troops for Laos ain's Prime Minister Harold Mac­ London, April S (/P)—Loril millan for discussion of the Lsos tion after guerrilla’’handa claiming Britain’s foretga seore- Contrary to Staff Report Joble$$ Pay Ready to be Empire Loyalists threw fire­ crisis. They will resume their talks works and smoke bombs at them.
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