DhananJayarao Gadgil ~ibrary 111111111111 0111 m~ lUll Mil 1m III GIPE-PWlE-003723 HandboOK~of ~ ~~,. -;" Local Government for England and Wales Ra. re -stcHur, Prepar~d for the use of Councillors + S:,~o~e:O~llG~~ ~"~i~"'~' ~ ftI PUBLISHED BY l'HJi: LABOUR PARTY, 33, ECCLESTON SQ., WESTMINSTER, S.W. I, t1 BY GEORGEi~ LEr{ ~ ITIiIW"- I~l~~~~m RUSKIN HOL_ f.J STREET, W.C. U,Sl\l I\.OU.)£ LIST OF. CONTRI'BUTORS R. PAGE ARNOT C. M. LLOYD MARGARET BURGE HERBERT MORRISON EMILE BURNS E. R. PEASE G. D. H. COLE MAIUOII PHILUI'S MARGARET I. COLI: RICHARD L. REISS EDWARD GILL ALFRED SALTER W. RSES JEFFREYS W. STEPHEN SANDn F. W. JOWETT W. H. THOMP'iON A. E. LAI"DER SIDNEY WEIS/I MABEL LAWRENCE .~~g S72~ This Handbook was prepared for the LABOUR- PARTY by The Advisory Committee on Local Government (Chairman, F. W. JowB'rT; Secretary, R. PAGB AIlNOT) €:I The Labour Research Department with the collaboration of The Fabian Society and The I.L.P. Information Committee CONTENTS I'AGI PREFACE-By F. W. JOWETT V PART I SCHEME OF LOCAL AUTJJORITIES 'PART 11 LOCAL, AUTHOIUTIES AND THEIR POWERS PART III PR.OCEDUR.E AND FINANCE PART IV HOUSING, TOWN PLANNING, EDUCATION, MILK SUPPLY, MATER. NITV AND CHILD WELFARE, FOOD CONTROL, PENSIONS, Pac>- FITEERll'IG PART V ALPHABET OF LOCAL SERVICES • 14'> BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE FIGHTING OF A MUNICIPAL ELECTION • • 193 DIRECTORY OF TRADES COUSCILS A~ DIVISIONAL AND LOCAL LAaouR PARTIES, - 203 PREFACE FTER the Labour victories in thE' Borough ~ouncils elections of Npvember, 1919. the LabOll'r Party, in tom­ A Illon with most other sddalist bodies, found itsell inun­ dated \\ ith requests for information on every aspect of Joeal government. From the point of view of the public thi!> was as gratifying as it was novel. The newly elected councillors were taking their job seriously. It was the business of the Labour Party in response to make at least as earnest an effort to furnish the -information they desired. Accord-' ingly, the Labour Party Advisory Committee on Local (~ov­ crnment undertook to propare a handbook which would tell local councillors what they wanted to know, and perhaps find a way out of some of the, perplexities 'that arise in loeal administration. It \\as hoped, too, that the widespread sale of such a book would enable a greater number of the workers to come forward as candidates at the next elections. The first consideration in the preparation of this handbook was speed. It was above all necessary that the workers should have a reliable handbook as soon as possible. But the demand for sp.eed in production did not mean any great sacrifice of useful information. What had to be omitted (because it takes time to prepare) was any description of Labour policy: A second edition may contain 'additional parts showing what the attitude; of Labour is to eacn problem of local go,"ernment, Pending that second edition, this handbook, though imperfect, wil) be found to contain infor­ mation not only for the Labour councillor, but for everyone who t"kes an intelligent interest in the affairs of bis town or village, In undertaking this work, the Advi<;ory Com­ mittee found itself in the happy position of beillg able to ask for ,the co-operation of three other bodies whose work was lllrgely concerned with local government. The co-oper­ ation \~as gladly given, and I should' like, at a time \\ hen there i<; a tendency to insist on points of difference between Labour bodies, to say that the thanks of the local council­ lors and workers are due to the Labour Research Depart- v CONTENTS P4,-,1I PREFACE-By F. W. JOWETT v PART I SCHEME OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES • PART II LOCAL, AUTHORITIES AND THalli. POWERS PART III PROCEDURE AND FINANCE PART IV HOUSING, TOWN PLANNING, EDUCATION, MILK SUPPLY, MAT!!Jt­ NITV AND CHILD WELFARE, FOOD CONTROL, PENSIONS, PRO- FITEERI:fG - SO PART V ALPHABET OF LOCAL SERVICES - 1<f9 BIBLIOGRAPHY , - • 182 ON THE FIGHTING OF A MUNICIPAL ELECTION - - 193 DlRECTORY OF TRADES CO(fNCILS Al'fD DIVISIONAL AND LOCAL LABOUR PARTIES. - 20}, PREFACE FTER Ihe Labour victories in thE' Borough Councils elections of Npvember, 1919, the Laboul" Party; in tom­ A mon wilh most other socialist bodies, fOllnd itself inun­ d;Ited ",ilh requests for information on every a~pect of Jocal government. From the point of view of the public this was as gratifying as it was novel. The newly elected councillors were taking their job seriously. It was the business of the Labour Party in response to ,make at Jeast as earnest an effort to furnish the 'information they desired. Accord-' ingly, the Labour PaTly Advisory Committee on Local 'Gov­ ernment undertook to prepare a handbook which W<luld tell local councillors what they wanted to know, and perhaps find a way out of some of the perplexities 'that arise in local administration. It was hoped, too, that the widespread sale of such a book would enable a greater number of the workers to come forward as candidates at the next elections. The first consideration in the preparation of this handbook was speed. It was above' all necessary that the workers should have a reliable handbook as soon as possible. But the demand for speed in production did not mean any great !oacrifice of useful information. What had to be omitted' (because it takes time to prepare) was any description of Labour policy: A second edition may contain 'additional parts showing what the attitudt: of Labour is to each problem of local gov,ernment. Pending that second edition, this handbook, though imperfect, wil)be found to contain infor­ mation not only (or the Labour councillor, but for everyone who takes an intelligent interest in the affairs of 'his town or Village. In undertaking this work, the Advio;ory Com­ mittee found itself in the happy position of belJlg able 10 Hsk for the co-operation of three other. bodies whose work was Itlrgely concerned with lOCH) government. The co-oper­ ation was gladly given, and I should' like, at a time \\ hen there i<; a tendency to insi"t on points of difference between Labour bodies, to SHY that the thHnks of the local council­ lors and workers are due to the LHbour Research Depart- v vi VREFACE ment, the Fabian Society, and the I~ L. P. Information Com­ mittee. Upon the Labour Research Department, indeed, the ",hole of the editorial work of preparing the Handbook has fallen, including all the troublesome bu!oiness of proof­ correcting and compilation; and in addition the members of the Research Department have contributed the Inrge!tt por- tion of the contents. - F. W. JOWETT.- BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL. Small Books. ASHFORD & PLACE. Local Goveynment. 1918. Women', Municipal Party, '62, Oxford Street. 1/6. ATTLEE, C. R. Boyough Councils. Fabian Tract 191. ad. Do. Metropolitan Boyough Councsl,. Fabian 'rract 190. ad. CLARKE, J. J., Outline. oj Local Gove~nment. 1919. Pitman. 1/6. CORNISH, H. D. Dutyict Councils: a concise guide to their powers and duties. 1908. Stevens. 7/6. , . I.L.P. INFORMATION CoMMITTEE. Borough Councill. .d. These are short introductions to the subject, giving summaries of the constitution and powers of the various local authorities. LAUDER, A. E. The Municipal Manual. 1907. King. 3/6. London Statistics, 1913-14' London County Council. Inveillable for London. LLOYD, C. M. Reoyganuatlon oj Local Government. Labour Re- search Department. 1919. 1/-. , A series of essays dealing with Public Health and Housing, the" Sick and Mentally Deficient, Education, Employment, and Con­ stitutional Problems. Do: Rural D,st,ict Councils. Fabian Tract ISg. ad. Mino,Uy Report oj the Poor Law Commission. a vols. Fabian Book­ shop. 1/- each. ODGERS, W. BLAKB. Local GOlleYnment. (English Citizen Series), and ed., 1907. Macmillan. 48. The best introductory manual on local government, giving a historical sketch of the various institutions. PALIN, GURDON & ERNEST MARTIN. The Chaiyman', Manual: a guide to the management of meetings. 19"' Pitman. 3/6. Pa,ish and Dist,.et Co ..n,,!.: what they aTe and what they can do. Fabian Tract 62 Revised 1919. Jd. Larger Books. ASHLBY, P. Local and Cent,al Govt,nment. A comparative study of England, France, Prus.ia, and U.S.A. J906. Murray. Jo/60.p. Eneyclopted,a oj Local GOllernm""t Law. - Butterworth. 7 vols. (cover­ ing period up to '907, inclusive). 251- per vol. £8 JS9. net. Yearly supplements are published. HADDBN'S Handbook on the Local Government Acts. I~ and ISg7. 4th edition with supplement, 1919 Hadden. JSI-. 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY H-oWE, F. C. The BritIsh City. The beginnings of Democ~aci. 1907. Unwin. 7/6. REDLICH, J. & F. W. HIRST. English t.ocal Go'Uernment, 1903. a vols. Macmillan. '5/-. A study of English local institutions by a member of Vienna University, based on actual experience. WEDB. S. & B. English Local Go'Uernment, 1906-8. 4 vols. Long. mans. £2 8s. 6d. Vol. I, The P,!rish and the County; II and III, The Manor and the Borol,lgh; IV, Statutory Authorities. A large historical work dealing with developments up to the thirties. {I WRIGHT, P. S. & H. HODHOUSE. Local Go'U~.nm/!flt "nd Loral T"xa­ hon in England and Wales. Revised 3rd ed. 1914. King. 8/6. A concise and clear account of the system of local government and taxation, with numerous references to statute law. Government PnbHoBtionl. Annual Reports of Local Government Board, 1918'1919. Cmd. 413. 1/-. EDUCATION. SmaIl Books. BARLOW & MACAN. Educalion Act of 1902. Butterworth. 3/6. Text r of the Act, with a commentary.
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