BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES AND THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY ASHLIE’S PRAYER FOR HOPE HOUSE WE ARE SORRY: The PCA makes a formal apology to victims and survivors THE TERRACES OFFICIALLY OPENED: Our biggest project yet and a flagship for aged care MEET THE MODERATOR: Rev Peter Barnes is the new PCA Moderator General THE PCA DECLARATORY STATEMENT: At last explained in a new book “GLORIFYING AND ENJOYING GOD AS CHRIST-LIKE COMMUNITIES TRANSFORMING OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS, OUR NATION AND OUR WORLD.” NOV '19 - FEB '20 EDITORIAL Bi-monthly magazine of The Presbyterian Church in the State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Editorial PUBLISHER: s I write this Editorial, my – a wonderful ministry at a critical THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church at Chatswood is time when the State Government (New South Wales) Property Trust finishing a sermon se- has changed the law relating to ries on Hebrews. The EDITOR IN CHIEF: abortion. Ashlie is looking for A author of the Book of JEOFFREY FALLS your prayers, and for financial [email protected] Hebrews was writing to the assistance in supporting Hope early Jewish Christians, encour- House. EDITOR/JOURNALIST: aging them to persevere in Christ KAREN FORMAN against the pressures of the day to turn • Cornerstone Presbyterian Community back from Him. The purpose of the Book 0437 591 581 Church is reaching out to children and to Hebrews was to show the supremacy [email protected] youth with disabilities, a ministry helping and sufficiency of Christ as the High not only the children and young people, PROOF READER (HON): Priest who intercedes for us, the suprem- but also their parents. Read about Lisa BETTY THOMPSON acy of Christ as God Himself, and as the Perfect, once-and-for-all sacrifice who and Florence’s story on page four and CIRCULATION: takes away the sins of the world. how Cornerstone is building a ministry SUZANNE JENSEN with a vision “to see a future where inclu- (02) 9690 9311 The first three verses of Chapter 13 are sion of kids with disabilities in the church [email protected] a perfect message to all Christians as we is the norm”. approach Christmas, to be reminded to: DESIGN: “keep on loving one another as brothers • Meet Lachie on pages 20-21, a mem- BEN DAVIS and sisters”; to “not forget to show hos- ber of the Allowah family, whose help www.benrdavis.com pitality to strangers”; and to “continue to for profoundly disabled children is well [email protected] remember those … who are mistreated as known across all congregations in NSW, if you yourselves were suffering.” PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION: and strongly supported by the prayers SIGNS PUBLISHING and financial giving of many, many mem- As our Minister, Rev Jeff Read para- bers of our Church – thank you. Registered by Australia Post phrased: “Love each other like family. PP2455550/00020 Don’t forget to welcome and love outsid- The ‘Last Word’ has been with Rev Peter ers. Help those who are being persecuted.” Barnes on the back page of every one of The Pulse is an internal publication of the our Pulse magazines. I and the Editorial Presbyterian Church of Australia in New This is the call for all believers in Christ, a team praise God for calling Peter as the South Wales and the Australian Capital Ter- call that we see lived out in several stories ritory. We do not accept paid advertising. new Moderator-General of the Presbyte- in this edition of the Pulse: The Pulse is a forum for sharing ideas and rian Church of Australia. You will read encouraging outreach to our local commu- his message to the General Assembly in nities, our nation, and the world. • Ashlie’s story (pages 8-10) is one of hope following many years of addiction, home- September on page seven. Please keep GENERAL MANAGER: lessness and violence. Through God’s Peter, his family and his congregation at JEOFFREY FALLS saving grace and mercy through the min- Revesby in your prayers as he fulfills this istry of Revesby Presbyterian Church and role for the next three years. STATE MODERATOR: Christ College, you will read how Ashlie’s REV RICHARD KEITH life has changed forever. With a friend in Grace, peace and joy to all our readers ministry partnership, Ashlie now offers and their families at this Christmas time. 168 Chalmers St this hope to women considering abortion Jeof Falls Surry Hills NSW 2010 PO Box 2196 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Phone: 1300 773 774 christmas blessings Fax: (02) 9310 2148 The Presbyterian Pulse team would like General Office: Email: [email protected] Peter Merrick 0498 000 085 www.pcnsw.org.au to take this opportunity to wish our read- ers a blessed, safe and healthy Christmas. The views and opinions expressed in The Media: Presbyterian Pulse do not necessarily rep- Our next edition of the magazine will Jeof Falls 0417 922 064 resent those of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of NSW (Church) and be in March, 2020 and the copy dead- line for that magazine will be Friday, Jericho Road: the Church is not responsible for the ac- Liz McClean 0427 421 467 curacy, currency or reliability of any advice, January 13. We welcome readers’ feed- opinion, statement or other information back on The Pulse, so please send your contained therein. Presbyterian Aged Care: suggestions and comments to Jeof Falls Paul Sadler 0418 208 232 COVER: Ashlie Stevenson (pp8-10) bravely [email protected] tells of her journey from teenaged drug addic- Ministry and Mission: tion, prostitution, rebellion and homelessness Church Offices will be closed from mid- to a ministry worker passionate about helping John Irvin 9690 9317 pregnant women and evangelising at the day on Tuesday, December 24 to reopen newly opened Hope House in Sydney. Words: on Thursday, January 2, 2020. Emergen- The Pulse: Karen Forman. Pictures: Peter Merrick. cy contacts during this period will be: Karen Forman 0425 675 555 2 The 2Pulse THE PULSE NEWS Thanks and praise for The Terraces BY KAREN FORMAN The official opening in Septem- The Presbyterian Village, Padding- ber of the largest single building ton was the popular name of the development ever undertaken community that comprised the original Scottish Hospital, the AC by the Presbyterian Church in Mackie Nursing Home and the Vic- NSW – the $150 million The Ter- tor Clark-Duff Hostel. Although the races Paddington - was a time of name has been changed to The Ter- thanks and praise. races Paddington in recognition of the historic terraced gardens on the The Terraces is now one of the land, Mr Falls said it would always flagship aged care developments be a village community to those who lived and served there. in Australia. The property was donated by Sir Al- PCNSW General Manager Jeof Falls Past Moderator Kamal Weerakoon with NSW Governor exander MacCormick in the 1920s in Margaret Beazley at the official opening. said the event went very well, with the honour of his son who died in World wet weather staying away, Scots College student William Dunbar, War One. The Scottish Hospital was who attends The Scots College, doing an outstanding job piping in opened in the 1890s and closed finally in 1998. the Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley Mr Falls acknowledged Mr Bill McLaren, who joined as CEO AO QC, and the Governor speaking graciously about respecting of Presbyterian Homes for Aged Persons (the predecessor to and caring for the elders in the community. Presbyterian Aged Care) in 1997, and who was responsible for the initial designs and planning for the site, Mr Paul Sadler who Her Excellency took time to meet and chat with a number of took over as PAC CEO in 2007 and had overseen the design and the residents and guests before being shown around the facility. construction process throughout his leadership. Immediate Past Moderator for 2018-19 Kamal Weerakoon led in The Terraces Paddington includes a brand new 100-bed residen- prayer before joining Her Excellency in formally declaring The tial aged care building, 79 new independent living units, a stun- Terraces open. Also, in attendance were Mr Dave Sharma MP, ning café and lobby with suites for hairdressing, beauticians and Liberal Member for Wentworth and Councillor Peter Cavanagh, visiting health professionals. It also has a gym, swimming pool, Mayor of Woollahra. library, theatrette and various multi-purpose rooms. The PCA apologises to victims and survivors The Presbyterian Church of Australia’s General Assembly denied or minimised the pain that victims have experienced or has issued a formal apology to victims of sexual abuse in caused them to experience further pain. the Church. The Presbyterian Church has taken steps to respond to child sex- The 2019 General Assembly, which comprises delegates from ual abuse: across Australia and meets for business every three years, was hosted by Hurstville Presbyterian Church in Sydney’s South. • Each State Church is participating in the National Redress Scheme, and we encourage all victims of child sexual abuse to make use of this scheme. With each meeting of the Assembly, a new Moderator is elected for a three-year term and this year, Rev Dr Peter Barnes, Minister • The Church commits itself to making a timely and compassionate at Revesby Presbyterian Church, was elected to that role. response to all allegations of child sexual abuse. The assembly considered a number of important matters, one of • The Church has adopted the National Safe Ministry Framework which seeks to be consistent with the National Principles for Child which was approving a formal apology to victims of sexual abuse Safe Organisations.
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