The Democratic Peace Theory and Its Problems Munafrizal Manan Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: This essay discusses the democratic peace theory from the perspective of both its proponents and opponents. The puzzle of the democratic peace theory has long been debated methodologically and empirically. Both have a strong argument to support their views, however. This essay highlights the debate by focusing on the three problems of the democratic peace theory. First, the differences of the definitions of democracy, war, and peace that demonstrates the lack of robustness in the democratic peace theory. Second, democracy by force has often failed to establish peace whether international or domestic peace and therefore the promotion of democracy around the world have been seen as a justification of democratic intervention to other sovereign states. Third, the democratic peace theory does not always apply in new emerging democratic countries. As a result, it raises a question whether the democratic peace theory is an academic theory or an ideology. Keywords: Democracy, Peace, War, Democratic Peace, Kant. Abstrak: Esai ini mendiskusikan teori perdamaian demokratik dari perspektif pendukung dan penentang teori ini. Teka-teki teori ini telah lama diperdebatkan secara metodologis dan empiris. Pendukung dan penentang teori ini sama-sama memiliki argumen kuat untuk mendukung pandangan mereka. Esai ini menyoroti perdebatan tersebut melalui fokus pada tiga masalah yang melekat pada teori perdamaian demokratik. Pertama, menyoroti perbedaan definisi demokrasi, perang, dan perdamaian yang menunjukkan kurang kuatnya teori ini. Kedua, menyoroti aspek demokrasi melalui paksaan yang ternyata sering gagal menegakkan perdamaian dalam lingkup domestik maupun internasional, dan karena itu promosi demokrasi ke seluruh dunia dipandang sebagai sekadar justifikasi untuk mengintervensi negara-negara berdaulat. Ketiga, teori perdamaian demokratik tidak selalu dapat diterapkan di negara-negara demokrasi baru. Akibatnya, muncul pertanyaan apakah teori perdamaian demokratis adalah sebuah teori akademik atau sebuah ideologi. Kata Kunci: Demokrasi, Perdamaian, Perang, Perdamaian Demokratik, Kant. Introduction The relationship between democracy It has long been asked and discussed and peace has long been debated by what the effective ingredient of internatio- as scholars across disciplines such philoso- nal peace is. Obviously, there are different phy, political science, sociology, history views to answer such a question; one of and law, to mention but a few. Mostly, them is the liberal view. Most liberalist the debate has been taking place b y strongly believe that democracy is an focusing on the so-called the democratic answer and the only way to establish peace theory.121 According to Rosato, international peace around the world. ‘democratic peace theory is probably the Because of that, according to them, it is 121 very important to spread democracy so that Some authors use different suffix words for this term. Some of them use 'the democratic peace theory', and international peace can be enforced and some others name 'the democratic peace thesis', 'the democratic peace hypothesis', and 'the democratic maintained. Thus, democracy is seen as a peace proposition'. Basically, the differences indicate that 'the democratic peace' is contested by solution for peace and both are mutually scholars and no universal agreement has been achieved on the validness of 'the democratic peace'. reinforcing. The words of 'theory', 'thesis', 'hypothesis', and 179 180 Munafrizal Manan, The Democratic Peace Theory and Its Problems most powerful liberal contribution to the This essay is divided into two sections. debate on the cause of war and peace’.122 Firstly, it will view the idea of the For its proponents, the democratic democratic peace theory which was firstly peace theory brings an optimistic view on coined by Immanuel Kant over two the future of international peace. For them, hundred years ago. Secondly, it will discuss to create peace is simply to spread the debate of the democratic peace theory. democracy to all countries around the From this point, this essay tries to show the globe. It is believed that the more problems of the democratic peace theory. democratic they are, the more peaceful they will be. This is a reason why ‘the idea of a Kant and Perpetual Peace democratic zone of peace is routinely Much has been written about the voiced in both academic and policy making democratic peace theory. It is widely 123 circles’. However, such a generalization is recognized that the democratic peace theory questioned by its opponents who argue that is rooted in the idea of Immanuel Kant the reality is not as simple as that. The through his influential essay entitled proponents of this theory have overstated Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch their generalization. The opponents written in 1795. Kant gave a philosophical examine critically the claim of the justification for the democratic peace proponents which resulted in theoretical theory. Kant ‘posited that a republican form and methodological debates. of government, exemplifying the rule of The aim of this essay is to overview law , provides a feasible basis for states to the democratic peace theory. It is an attem- overcome structural anarchy and to secure 124 pt to answer such questions: What is the peaceful relations among themselves’. democratic peace theory? What is the Based on this, Kant believed that if all debate among experts about the democratic nations in the world were republics, then it peace theory? To what extent the would end war since there would be no democratic peace theory can be applied? aggressors who flaming war among them. Such a belief was probably influenced by 'proposition' suggest that 'the democratic peace' the condition of Kant’s time in which needs to be examined empirically. In this essay, I prefer to use 'the democratic peace theory', although ‘Europe was hardly an area in which it is sometimes used interchangeably. 125 122 Sebastian Rosato. 2003. “The Flawed Logic of republics flourished’. Democratic Peace Theory”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 97 No. 4 (November), p. 585. 123 Miriam Fendius Elman. 1997. “Introduction. The 124 As cited by Steve Chan. 1997. “In Search of Need for a Qualitative Test of the Democratic Peace Democratic Peace: Problems and Promise”, Theory” in Miriam Fendius Elman (ed.), Paths to Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 41, No. Peace: Is Democracy the Answer?, CSIA Studies in 1 (May), p. 60. 125 International Security, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Bruce Russett. 1993. Grasping the Democratic The MIT Press), p. 7. Peace: Principles for a Post-Cold War World, Munafrizal Manan, The Democratic Peace Theory and Its Problems 181 Kant partially emphasized the impor- Kant distinguished three “definitive tance of the so-called “republican/consti- articles” of peace, which together constituted a tripod of peace. In the tutions” which is now often viewed as contemporary international system, 126 synonymous with democracy. Kant Kant's definitive articles of peace correspond to the interlocking himself was rather sceptical about i n s t i t u t i o n s o f d e m o c r a c y (“republican constitution”), democracy based solely on majoritarian e c o n o m i c i n t e r d e p e n d e n c e rule and hence would probably reluctant to ( “ c o s m o p o l i t a n r i g h t ” a n d “universal community”), and be called a democrat if democracy was international organization (“pacific understood as the rule of popular will as federation”).130 127 today. Thus, it shows that what is now commonly called democracy by the Kant believed thet these three eleme- proponents of the democratic peace theory nts are the basis for perpetual peace. De- is slightly different to Kant’s view. mocracy, interdepedence, and international However, it is generally agreed that law and organization are essential to achieve “republican constitution” is compatible perpetual peace. It is believed that demo- with the concept of democracy because the cracy prevents international war, economic elements of “republican constitution” interdependence reduces international war, consists of ‘freedom (with legal equality of and international organizations maintain subjects), representative government, and international peace and security. However, 128 separation of powers’. They are the many proponents of the democratic peace fundamental elements in the application of theory overemphasize the importance of democracy today, indeed. democracy. They do not see all three In spite of “republican constituions”, elements as an inherent part of peace and the other key elements of the perpetual hence have to be applied altogether at the peace that Kant also stressed are “cosmo- same time. In fact, as Oneal and Russett politan law” and “pacific union”. The for- argues, perpetual peace is not only a result mer deals with international commerce of democracy, but also product of trade and free trade, and the latter relates cooperation among countries and joint 131 to treaty in international law among membership in international organizations. 129 republics. In this regard, Meierhenrich According to Kant, “republican notes that: 130 Jens Meierhenrich, 2007. “Perpetual War: A (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press), Pragmatic Sketch”, Human Rights Quarterly, 29, p. p. 9. 633-634. 131 126 Ibid, p. 4. John R. Oneal and Bruce Russett. 1999. “The 127 Steve Chan, op.cit, p. 64. Kantian Peace: The Pacific Benefits of Democracy, 128 Bruce Russett, op.cit, p. 4. Interdependence, and International Organizations”, 129 Ibid. 1881-1992”, World Politics Vol. 52.1. 182 Munafrizal Manan, The Democratic Peace Theory and Its Problems 135 constitution” that respect to law is the war” between liberals and nonliberals’. peaceful form of the state and hence With regard to the significance of Kant’s necessary in order to prevent the ruler ideas today, Doyle opines that: declaring war easily and unilaterally P e r p e t u a l P e a c e … h e l p s u s without considering law and public opinion.
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