ETUDE Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Coordination SUD (Solidarité - Urgence - Développement) Coordination SUD (Solidarité Urgence Développement), The Climate and Development Commission (CCD) of is the French national platform of international solidarity Coordination SUD works to influence the strategies of NGOs. Founded in 1994, it brings together more than 160 the development actors , to pass on good practices and NGOs active in the fields of humanitarian aid, develop- to influence international negotiations. It brings together ment assistance, environmental protection, the defense about 20 international solidarity NGOs: Acting for Life, of disadvantaged people’s human rights and international Action Contre la Faim, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans solidarity education and advocacy. Frontières, Association la Voûte Nubienne, ATD Quart- Monde, CARE France, Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations 14, passage Dubail 75010 Paris Internationales, CCFD - Terre Solidaire, Electriciens Sans Tel: +33 1 44 72 93 72 Frontières, Fondation Energies pour le Monde, Groupe www.coordinationsud.org Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités, Gevalor, GRDR, Gret, Initiative Développement, Institut de recherches et d’applications des méthodes de déve- loppement, Médecins du monde, Oxfam France, Peuples Solidaires, Planète Urgence, Secours Catholique-Caritas France. > Contact Vanessa Laubin, Chargée de projets Climat Territoires Chef de file de la commission Climat et développement de Coordination SUD GERES. Tel: +33 4 42 18 55 88 Email: [email protected] Coordination and drafting: Valentine Debray, Adeline Derkimba (CARI) et Katia Roesch (AVSF) Scientific support and proofreading: Alexander Wezel (ISARA), Martial Bernoux (IRD), Jean Vettraino (Secours Catholique) With contributions from: Bader Mahaman (ACF), Sylvain Berton (Agrisud), Mathieu Savadogo (ARFA), Valentin Beauval, Marc Chapon (AVSF), René Billaz, Myriam Mackiewicz (AVSF), Stefano Mason (AVSF), Gauthier Ricordeau (AVSF), Aurélie Ceinos (CARE-France), Jean-Baptiste Cheneval (CARI), Florian Dejacquelot (CCFD-Terre Solidaire), Emmanuel Seck (ENDA Sénégal), Clovis Grinand (ETC Terra), Pierre Ferrand (GRET), Judicaël Fetiveau (GRET), Thierry Rabarijaona (GRET), Damien Raclot (IRD), Benjamin Sultan (IRD), Issiaka Bôh Magassa (RHK), Olivier Bouyer (Salvaterra), Sidi Ahmed Cheine (Tenmiya), Pierre-François Prêt (Terre et Humanisme), Julie Patinet (URD). Front cover photo: © AVSF (Agro-écologie, productrices et cordons pierreux au Togo) Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Coordination and drafting: Valentine Debray, Adeline Derkimba (CARI) et Katia Roesch (AVSF) • 2015 september Edité par Coordination SUD. Septembre 2015 Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Table of contents Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 7 Tables and figures ........................................................................................................ 8 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 9 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 11 Part 1 : Expected effects of climate change on agriculture in the four zones of study .............................................................................. 15 1.1) Which major climate trends over Africa? ...................................................... 15 1.1.1 Observed and predicted evolutions of temperatures over Africa .................15 1.1.2 Observed and predicted evolutions of rainfall patterns over Africa .............15 1.2) Which implications for agriculture in Africa? ................................................. 16 1.2.1 Effects of temperatures evolutions on agriculture ............................................17 1.2.2 Effects of rainfall patterns evolutions on agriculture.........................................18 1.3) Which challenges arising from climate change to agriculture in the four zones of study? .................................................................................................. 20 1.3.1 In the arid zone......................................................................................................20 1.3.1 In the sub-arid zone ..............................................................................................22 1.3.3 In the sub humid zone ..........................................................................................25 1.3.4 In the humid tropical zone ...................................................................................27 Part 2 : Adaptation practices to climate change based on agroecological principles ........................................................................................................ 30 2.1) Some useful definitions ..................................................................................... 30 2.1.1 Adaptation, resilience and agroecology ..........................................................30 2.1.2 How is agroecology relevant for adaptation to climate change? ................30 2.1.3 Peasant agriculture ..............................................................................................31 2.1.4 The innovation process in agricultural systems ..................................................31 2.2) Agroecological adaptation strategies in the four zones of study .............. 32 2.2.1 Characterization of relevant systems of study ..................................................32 2.2.2 Oasis systems of arid regions ...............................................................................32 2.2.3 Various levels of crop-livestock integration in sub-arid and sub humid regions .........................................................................................37 2.2.4 Agropastoral systems of sub-arid regions ...........................................................38 2.2.5 Mixed crop-livestock systems of sub humid regions .........................................43 2.2.6 Agroforestry systems of humid tropical regions .................................................48 5 Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Part 3 : Examples of combinations of agroecological practices to strengthen resilience of farming systems ....................................................................... 54 3.1) Combination of agroecological practices in Mauritanian oases ............... 54 3.2) Combination of agroecological practices in Senegal ................................ 55 3.3) Combination of agroecological practices in Madagascar ....................... 56 3.4) Combination of agroecological practices in Burkina Faso ......................... 57 3.5) Combination of agroecological practices in the plateaux region, Togo ................................................................................................................. 58 3.6) Combination of agroecological practices implemented by the Sénoufos in North Cote d’Ivoire ....................................................................................... 58 3.7) Combination of agroecological practices in Bamileke country, West Cameron ............................................................................................................ 59 3.8) Key factors of the adoption of practices by peasants ................................ 60 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 62 References .................................................................................................................. 64 List of appendices ...................................................................................................... 71 Appendices ................................................................................................................ 72 6 Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Liste des abréviations ACF Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger) ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific countries AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on the ENvironment ARFA Association pour la Recherche et la Formation en Agroécologie, (Association for research and training in agroecology) AVSF Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (Agronoms and Veterinaries without borders) CARE International solidarity NGO CARI Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations Internationales (Center for international actions and realizations) CCD Commission Climat et Développement (Climate and development commission of Coordination Sud) CCFD Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement (Catholic Commitee against hunger and for development) CFSI Comité Français de Solidarité Internationale (French committee for international solidarity) UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification COP Conference Of the Parties CSFD Comité Scientifique Français de lutte contre la Désertification (French scientific commitee to combat desertification) CUMA Cooperatives for the use of agricultural equipment FTS Fertilizer Tree Species GRET Groupe de recherches et d’échanges technologiques (Group for technological research and exchange) GTD Groupe de travail désertification (French working group on desertification, composed of NGOs) IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change IRAM Institut de recherches
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