Geodesy and Geodynamics 2010 , 1 (1 ) : 1 http://www. jgg09. com Doi:10.3724/SP.J.1246.2010.00034 Effect of Kunlun Ms 8. 1 earthquake on crustal deformation in northeastern edge region of Qinghai-Tibet plateau Duxin Cui , Qingliang Wang and Wenping Wang Second Crust Monitoring and Application Center, China Earthquake Administration ,Xi' an 710054 Abstract: Seismic fault parameters can he inversed with Okada model based on deformation data before and af­ ter earthquakes in focal region and its adjacent area. Co-seismic displacements can be simulated by using these parameters , and then regional velocity field obtained by deducting the co-seismic displacements from the ob­ served displacements by GPS method. We processed and analyzed the data in the northeastern edge region of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau observed during 2001 - 2003 in two steps : firstly, the displacements generated by Kunlun Ms8. 1 earthquake of 2001 in this region was simulated, and secondly, deducted the co-seismic dis­ placements from it and obtained the horizontal crustal velocity field. The results reveal: 1) the effect of Kunlun Ms8. 1 earthquake on crustal deformation in this region is significant; 2) the velocity field obtained with this method is better than the original GPS velocity field in reflecting the status of regional crustal movement and strain. Key wards: northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet block; co-seiamic displacement; GPS velocity field; Kun­ lun Ms8. 1 earthquake; crustal movement When using the GPS observation data that are not ac­ 1 Introduction quired during the same time period to calculate crustal­ movement velocity field, the result is probsbly affected by According to processed GPS data observed during 1999 co-seismic deformation, if the effect is ignored. Howev­ -2001 before the Ms8. 1 Kunlun earthquake on 14 er, to assess future earthquake trend in the region, peo­ November 2001 and data observed in 2003 after the ple are more interested in the status of regional stress earthquake , the direction of horizontal velocity field in and strain after earthquake. 1f we can simulate the co­ the western part of northeast edge region of the Qing­ seismic displacement field caused by the earthquake hai-Tibet plateau has changed a lot, from northeast to and deduct it from the observed velocity field, we can southwest. For several reasons, post-earthquake GPS obtain approximate velocity field after the earthquake. measurement was made only in the epicentml area for To remove the effect of co-seismic deformation on the the purpose of studying co-seismic deformation , where­ calculated velocity field , one may use the software 1 21 as in most surronnding region , including most part of GLOBK and QOCA in different ways[ • • But for a northeastern edge region of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, large and complex earthquake , these methods can re­ no GPS measurement was made until 2003. duce the effect of the earthquake on the solution of ve­ locity field only to a certain extent, but can not truly e­ Received :2010-08-10; Accepted :2010-09-10 liminate it. The key issue in obtaining velocity field Corresponding author: Tel. + 86-29-85506514; E-mail: cuiduxin@ 163. com without earthquake effect is to obtain the co-seiamic This study was supported by the National Natural Science Fundati.on of displacement field and to remove its effect. China ( 40674057 ) and Earthquake Science Joint Fundation of China (A07132) In the present study, on the basis of geodetic data No. I Iluxin lli, et al.Effect of Kunhm Ms8.1 earthquake oo crustal dd"anmtioo in mrtlreastem ecJw:: "'19m of Qingbal-Tiliet plateau 35 observed in the epicentral area of the Kunlun Ms8. 1 the earthquake during 1999 and 2001 in the northeast­ earthquake and its adjacent region near the time of em edge region of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau under earthquake occurrence , we obtained the co-seismic slip "Project 973 " and " China Crustal Movement Net­ and geometric parameters of the earthquake fault by in­ work" , and in 2003 after the earthquake under "Project version. Then we used the resultant model parameters 973" . Thus we may use these data to calculate the ve­ to simulate the displacement field affected by the earth­ locity field in this area during 2001 -2003 after deduc­ quake on the northeastern edge region of the Qinghai­ ting the displacement related to the earthquake. Tibet plateau. Finally we deducted the velocity changes 3. 1 Calculation of the observed crustal movement due to co-seismic and post-seimic displacements from velocity the observed velocity field to obtain the current velocity field. Since in this procedure the geometry of the fault The GPS data are processed in following steps: 1 ) Cal­ 16 and the constraint of the observation data are fully con­ culating daily solution with GAMIT software l ; 2) sidered, the simulated displacement field is as close to combining global H file with regional H file from IGS the actual one as possible. By comparing the results be­ sites by GLOBK; 3 ) calculateing time series with fore and after deducting the earthquake effect from the GRED to check the repeatability of baseline and coor­ velocity and strain fields, we found this method to be dinate and recalculating when the standard is not satis­ quite satisfactory. fied; 4) deleting the data that are still substandard ; 5 ) calculating site velocity with GWBK. In processing 2 Calculation method GAMT data, about 10 to 15 sites in and near China ma­ inland were used. The constraint of IGS site coordinate The observed crustal displacement ( D,) in and near the is X =0. 10 m,Y =0. 10 m,Z =0. 10m; the constraint of regional site coordinate is = I. 0 m , = I. 0 m, epicentral area of an earthquake consists of normal tec­ X Y Z =I. 0 m; and the constraint of satellite obit is 10 -•. tonic displacement ( D t ) , co-seismic displacement (D,), and post-seismic displacement ( D,), as ex­ The steps of calculating velocity are as follows : pressed by: I) Combining H file of global IGS site with regional H file by GWBK, setting the constraint of site coordi­ (1) nate asX=lO m,Y=lO m,Z=IO m,and setting the This relation can be rewritten as : constraint of velocity in three directions as 0 m. 2) Calculating velocity field with GWRG, choosing D, =D,- (D, +D,) (2) ten sites of steady velocity located in Eurasian plate Speicfic calculation procedure is as follows : 1 ) The surrounding China, taking the velocity from ITRF2000 observed crustal movement velocity is calculated with as an approximate value, and taking the coordinate and the GLOBK software without considering the earth­ twice of the velocity errors from ITRF2000 as con­ quake effect1'l. 2) From the observed results, the co­ straint. The constraints of site coordinate and velocity seismic displacement is calculated with the Okada are 1. 0 m and 0. 1 m,respectively. model 1'l. 3) The post-earthquake displacement is esti­ 3 ) The velocity calculated by step 2 ( deducting the mated with Pollitz ' s stratified spheroid model. 4 ) By affect by Eurasian plate rotation) is taken as the veloci­ deducting the velocity caused by the co-seismic and ty value of regional crustal movement. The constraint of post-earthquake deformation from the observated veloc­ IGS site near the focal region is taken to be that of re­ ity , the velocity field unaffected by the co-seismic gional site in the above steps. Otherwise the calculated movement is obtained 1•.s]. In the present study, we did velocity would be unrealistic , for the earthquake caused not deduct the post-earthquake effect. displacement of the GPS site is very large. The effect of earthquake is ignored in the velocity field calculation 3 Data processing with GWBK. Fig. I and fig. 2 show, respectively, the obtained ve­ GPS observations were carried out in two stages before locity field of crustal movement in the northeastern edge 36 Geodesy and Geodynamics Vol. 1 40"N ~ 1 ,_} t I~yu~ " 1 \ ~ ~ aotoa / ~~~~ -:J{q~- . ' / ~- -- ~ i:( 3 ~ ...._''(2 _ / / ~ Wuhai Dongsheng • • , Al:Xl _ .I s~ ~h~gye~ . 1 • asnanzuoqt 38"N f .., ~~ Jinchav-g 1 Y." / lt... 6( "'- - ' ..f; 'YYinchuan Yulin ~ue;m_r / ~---::,.. '-.:; , ,} Wuwei 1Wuzhong 1 // ~ ' ~ \ \ { __;-- -~.l- ~ ....: -- ; - " -"-( 1~~· ~ \ 9 36"N 1 ~--4 ~_{Xini~~~1:~, ~ \\ -Gon~ _; __.. • -Bai{~ Yan·an . ---....._ --- ...:::_--.L~o~ " Guyuan ~~~ ~ ' Ton~ -~~a .D~gxi \ ~\ \Pinglian~feng ~~ ~ "- - -~ "\\ " Tongch 34 • N \."'-..._'"\_ , 1 '- ~ 1 """"- - -.... '-.. \.~iansh ~ .. We_,-- ~ (!)Altyn fault '\ Sh ~ ~B a?1_1 ~y~ man... eet (2)Norlh side fault ofHexi Corridor ./"' '- \. ' ~~ City (3)Norlhern edge region fault ofQilian Mountain _).:__ Shangzho Xi" an (4)Qilian Mountain fault \ Chen!;;JUilll __ main fault (5)Thole Mountain-Lnglong Ridge fault '\ \ - _ velocityvector (6)NorlhsidefaultofQilianMountain "- ~ (7)Huangcheog-Ta'er zhuan fault Hanzho~ 10 mm/a (8)Riyue Mountain-Laji Mountain e Earthquake (9)E'la Mountain fault Ankang (IO)Xiangshan Mountain-Rianjing Mountain fault Guangyuan ---..._ --- motive edge zone (II )Haiyuan fault ""- 96"E 98"E lOO"E 102"E 104"E 106"E 108"E llO"E Figure 1 Horizontal movement rate field in northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet block( 199 -10 -2001 - 09) region of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 1999 to 2001 time period between two sets of GPS observation. and 2001 to 2003. 3. 3 Strain calculation 3. 2 Calculation of co-seismic displacement and We first fitted the GPS horizontal velocity field with the velocity field after deducting co-seismic dis­ 14 15 cubic-spline model[ ' l, then interpolated velocities at placement. 16 grid points[ l ,and finally based on the strain-displace­ Before calculating the co-seismic displacement, the pa­ ment relation in elastic mechanics calculated the plane rameters of the earthquake fault model must be deter­ apparent strain during 2001 - 2003 in the northeast mined.
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