T H E DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER COPELAND LAKE, ESTES PARK Easter Edition 1 9 1 6 ANNUAL TOURIST NUMBER nivu f iffiVJifl'fi"! f KRESS STORES 16th & Stout Streets, Denver, Colo. 1916 Easter Sale EASTER TOYS AND NOVELTIES HOSIERY Many loreign cowntrii-s anii mir own luivc I'imt rilnitiMl Id tlic uumli r We are siipplyiiip thoiisamls of families with money-savinp ho-iery fill assortment of Easter toys ami novelties wo have a>seiii.hleil for -y-ii for man. woman ami ehihl. llosi('rv ol siieh depenilalile worth, sneli selection at KRESS I’riees. splemliil wearinp ipiaiities that the value' will surely interest you, Every Rabbits of cotton ami paper iiiaehe, -ittiiie, nmnine ami >lam'liiie; iiii'i 'lyie nas heen popiilari/eil by an easily renii'inbereil name, which aids you many other novelties all here to make the ehililren happy. in orilerinp llie 'ame style apain. KRESS hosiery combines St.vle. Service. ('hjeks ami Duck---the fluffy, ilowiiy kiml. true to life, a-sorteil Savinp. I , ami positions. • llamlleil baskets ami .Nest .Noveltie-. many -hapes ami colors, all r ead\ RIBBONS for fillini; with flowers, toys or camly. Artificial (Irass. Shreihleil Ti-siie ami piel iire-covereil jumper epp' for Fashion forecasts a i"Ribbon Seasoti.’’ Ribbons for Hats, Keckwear, nests, table ilecorations ami favoi'. Helts and Dress Tritninitip. Newest designs in Fancies for Easter wear jifst reiadved. For style, quality ami (-(dorinps, yoit are assurml of the t EasteT epp dyes for colorinp real epps. \ Let the (diildreii make their own selection' inir toys and tiovelties are utmost Ribboit value at KRESS Prices. displayed so they can it will help fill their hearts with Easter joy. Tile prices of KRESS Easter Novelties arc li for dc. li for .■>(■. :! for oc. EASTER CANDY 3 for oe, dc. Klc and 3dc. according to size. The gift of I'andy Epps to the little folk, a custom that grew from the Ea'ter lepi-nds of old, is jierpetuatisl today in the making of itnmense MILLINERY iliiiintities of ( amlv Epps. The latest fads of Fashion; Flowers, Fancy tritnmitips and inftint' -\t KRESS' candy department yoti wilt find Creatn Eggs. .Marsh­ headwear. The last word in ladies' ami idiihlren's triintneil and untriintnei mallow I'.pps, delly F.gps. ( hocolate I'-g'gs. all irresistihly 'deliciotis. pitre hats. Wire and rice net frames in till the tiewest sha])es at KRESS prices and wholesome. Here also yott will find Easter Sweets for tlu“ one who knows good candy. Every pontnl as a gift a ileliphtful expression of the Easter HAIR ORNAMENTS sentiment. .\monp the large variety of hair ornaments for Easter is a very coni plete assortinetit of small 'ize Xovadty Rarldtes now so popnIaF. Special value at 5 and 10c each. EASTER POST CARDS ■file glad Easter tidin'gs to each of yotir friends is best exjiressed in JEWELRY sending them a KRESS Easter Card. .Ml the ap|fropriate styles are here . Novelty dewelry of the well-wearing sort in the latest fad styles, for your selection. Priced iit Ic. ^ "(loht Seal" Beauty Pins, M-karat [ilate, guaranteed five years, at Klc a Card noVidties Ic. d for di'. 3 for dc aiid dc. piiir. aniF-Eong Bar Pins, pic eai h. Rings for ladies, men and children. IK and Pd-kaoit rolled pidd plate at IK atid 'ide. POPULAR MUSIC \ on will iilways fitid the latest here at KRESS Prices. -MEN’S TIES « Sacred .Mitsic expressive of the IFlster sentiment. , 1 he newest novidtics' in desirable colorings and designs, and all the Disc Phonograph Record' for your machitie. IKc. nobby shapes at IK and 3dc. Phonograph ....lies, dc package. Watch KRESS' Windows Watch KRESS’ Windows Watch KRESS’ Windows General Banking, Individual ^ Corporate Trusts Savings. Insurance Investments Real Estate “AS SOLID AS THE PYRAMIDS The German-American Trust Company Seventeenth and Lawrence Streets Denver, Colorado 1 j \ DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. V O L XI. NO. 37. DENVER. COLO., APRIL p , 1916. $2.00 PER YEAR. Colorado’s Many Lakes Dot the State Like Diamonds. Is It a M ortal Sin Not to See Colorado? I5y MAXIMILIAN. nothing but the maddest kind of horses iinh-ss tlK‘ ()wner has it ligiired out liow worlil wouldn't know that any other city Nineteen fifteen was the higK^'sf and are just general all around half-way I he’s going to be \yorth ten million after be..ii(les Denver had ever existed. Denver Colorado ever saw from a tourist stand­ "nuts". j twenty years. Does he alwavs get the Inis a population of twenty-live million. point. There were more visitors to the But romantic! Say, you just ought to ten million? Widl, not exactly: hut he Of course, the cen.sus gives us only 250,- state than ever before. Will Ihlfi prove see us. The romance tumbles out of our dreams about it anyhow, and show me .a OCO, lint everybody in Denver is worth as prosperous in this rejiard? mouths every time wc si)eak and it New England farmer who dares to have ten folks in most Eastern cities. “ It will not,” pessimists at once de­ shines from our eyes like sparkles such dreams! .lust show me! Gan’t be What does it? The altitude and the clare. “ Colorado had a good tourist trade sparkling from the “sparkliest’’ of stars. found? I knew it! . (limate. If you get cured in Denver, it last year simply because of the Califor­ The Indians are so plentiful that we If you don't want to he a millionaire, is fashionable to blame it on the altitude nia e.vpositions.” lead them around with ropes. We have keep out of Colorado. Of course, we’re and the climate. If you die. they did it. Is the pessimist right? Frankly, we them trained like dogs—-they jump thru not such fools as to think that you’re If you get sick, they did it. If you’re cannot see things his way. It was not hoops,«walk tjie tight wire and do every­ going to become one just because you especially brainy, they did it. If the merely the e.xpositions, but mainly the thing we ask them to. stroll this way. Maybe you might die women become )iretty, climate did it. European war that drove so <jnany tour­ And as for mountains! Gee, you just making ten dollars a week. But you The altitude and climate are the hand­ ists into the West last year. The gates ought to seeJthem. They’re so high that feel as jirogressive as a regular gold king iest things you ever came across. of Europe were closed. One cannot en­ you can step right into heaven off Pikes if you think yo\i’re going to be rich'some Our climate is so grand that it's like joy ones self in a besieged or shelled Peak and some of the other big ones. day: so wo want you on*y if you are a a foretaste of paradise. (This is the city, you know. Maybe the war in Europe Crops? .'say, have you ever seen a ranch? dreamer. truth. Honest.) When we have a rainy will be over after a month or so: but Well back east they think that a farm What sort of a place is Denver? Only spring, it’s unlike anything that has ever maybe again it won’t. In fact, we feel is a genuine, honest-to-goodness farm a twentieth of the population of New ha])pened before.- When there is a bad pretty sure that it won’t be. when a few turnips and several mort­ York? That kind of a compari>on iloesn't snow, the oldest residents swear that it's If wealthy easterners cannot go to gages grow on it. But out West a ranch go. If Denver had Denver’s “ i>ep’’ and ! the first in a half century. But it is a Europe for a vacation ne.xt summer, cannot hope to be a really truly ranch' New York’s population, the rest of the where are they going? To Florida? j fact that an nmbrella that wears ont in Hast ever been in Florida in the good I three months back East last two years So i)Oi)ul€‘ir Wits tlie clericiil biographical imiiiber issued by The in Colorado. old summer time? Well, if you ever go, Denver Catliolic Register at Chri.stinas time th at^ e deeidiul to pre- take a portable ice box along so that jtare the Easter edition of ]!)1() along somewhat the same lines. In i ‘‘It never rains wet in Colorado,” says you can crawl into it every now and order to do our share'towards the upbuilding of Colorado, we deter­ Din old legend. (We bidieve this from then. Perhaps the tourist will go to mined to devote a large part of our .sjtaee to the tourist^trade; the .the bottom of our hearts; still, we take Atlantic City or Newport. Then, again, other i)ages. we decided, so far as possible, to devote to an histormal i no chances.) maybe he has been there so often that review of the Catholic institutions in the state that are not under I What sort of a ; place is Colorado? he is rather tired of them. He can take jHirely parochial ausjriec's. Fortunately, we succeeded in getting ‘ Two-thirds of it .is mountainous. And a cruise on the Great Lake.s, hut he has data from nearly all these institutions.
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