Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 1-11-1941 Fulton Daily Leader, January 11, 1941 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, January 11, 1941" (1941). Fulton Daily Leader. 232. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/232 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 00135 11^.~."4 -secOlisemrictabbier 0r 00, 00,01.0000.0.0..r.0 ,wIllt7.1/1-0 .0 - - •-• 7rWentgra~firerff~0{ I • Subscription Weather GUAM' —' 61 Onserally fair aad slightly celdeir 11, Carrier Per 1oas--,....111 Illiuriay and Satarday night; III Mull, One Yeas---.....-1041 Melailay lair with slowly rising Tams lamas- tesentesture. FULWIN - 7811ton's For Fulton First and For Fulton First said Always For Forty-Tsoo Yaws Daily Newspaper Local Lions Says Reynolds Loaned $275,000 Bulldogs Smash Many Object Reynolds Tells BeatRickman Wingo Indians LISTENING To Democrats During 6!mpaign 29-18 Last Night To Grant Of Of Giving Money A basketban game between the POST Hickman Lion' clrn and the Futton Bouncing back from a smashing Lions Club was staged last night defeat at the hands of Paducah, said that in addition to the Power To FDR To Campaign at the high senool symnasium in Washington, — Senator Tobey Tobey the romped to a • Mrs. IL H. Stephens, a long Bulldogs 29-18 vic- Hickman for tir benefit of charity. (R., N. H.), told the Senate cam- $100,000 loan Reynolds had advanc- time subscriber to the Leader, liv- tory over the Wingo Indians at The game was full of speed, thrills. paign committee today that R. J. ed $175,000 to the New York State ing near Crutchfield, recently Science Hall last night. Coming Administrationists Pred idt Quayle Is Subpoenaed; Bin spills and tusstis end the Fulton Reynolds, wealthy tobacco man, Democratic Committee. brought a copy of an old issue of back at the half with Wingo in the men doubled the score on the Hick- had loaned $275,000 to Democratic Gillette said Reynolds was ex- Passage With Little the paper to the office and I have Asks du Ponts, Others lead, 9-7, the Bulldogs began to hit man men, winning by the score of groups during the fall political cam- pected to testify before the Senate enjoyed reading it. It is dated the basket and racked up 14 points 16-8. paigns. committee sometime Friday while Change March 30, 1900—almost 41 years Questioned while the Wingo boys scored three. for Fulton was Har- Reynolds recently was named Oliver Quayle, former treasurer who the weekly edition of On the court Fulton led the first quarter, 4-3 and ago. It was treasurer of the Deanocratic Na- recenUy became general manager deal old Thomas, Ernest Fall. Jr-. James at the half it was 9-7 in favor of Washington—The administration the daily and contains a great Reynolds, of the Democratic National Com- Washington, —R. J. Warren, Enoch Milner, Frank Uonal Cosausittops. bill to lend war to of the news and advertising which la- Wingo. Fulton was in the lead 21-12 supplies Great young member of a famous tobacco Beadles, Aaron Butts, Ben Saxon, dnni lopow34. Reynolds but mittee, was scheduled to appear had appeared in the preceding daily we k at the end of the third period. Britain was introduced today, to be family, today told a Senate in- Sanford, Bill Browning and all now Vs blenan nature to ter today. issues. From the type layout I rec- R. E Again McAlister was high point denounced at once as a "stream- vestigating committee about sup- "garbs" worn by expect thinisieregarn," Tobey told Gillette said today that these the fact that the paper was Billy Whitnell. The man with 11 points. McClellan, lined declaration of war" by oppon- ognize plying $305,000 to help re-elect his fellow of the Senate other loans were among those re- in the old Baptist the Fulton players have new be- who played a nice game at guard, ents already organizing for a sup- then printed President Roosevelt with these re- ecannilttee. r. Reynolds appears ported to the committee' office, which occupied the fore been seen on a basketball scored 8 points. McAlister fouled reme effort to defeat the measure Flag sults: to have been the good angel of the $398,645 reported by the New York building now housing the Thomas floor, with some dressed in paja- out in the fourth quarter. Captain or narrow the tremendous powers I. The committee, charged with spats Democratic party." State Democratic Committee; $105,- plant on Walnut street, mas, overalls, and others in for last night was McCollum. which it would confer upon Presi- L Shaiskle Investigating political campaign ex- A short time betre, Chairman 000 reported by the Democratic Na- Ayres, founder of or long underwear. The gar;.: halt- Coach Giles' boys showed better dent Roosevelt. and Colonel Mott penditures, issued a second sub- Gillette (D.-lowal7had suggested tional Committee; $175,000 report- was then in active ed far a few minutes when Frank form last night than in any game As the legislation went to Con- the paper, poena for Oliver A. Quayle,. a;',neral that the committee might have ed by the Pennsylvania Republi- charge. The paper was a consolida- Bead!es, wearing Boots Shepherd's played this year. Plays clicked gress, the President appealed for manage of the Democratic ..48.0 been "unfair" in calling for testi- can State Committee, and $45,000 Fultonian, founded in trousers and suspenders, lost his smoother and the passing was ex- all possible speed in enacting it. A tion of the Uonal Committtc to appear to- mony on a $100.001 loan by Rey- reported by the United Republi- Democrat, founded in suspenders and finished the game cellent. This marks the third win week's delay now, Mr. Roosevelt 1878, the morrow and esplain earlier te„,ti- nolds to the New Jersey State Dem- can Finance Committee of New the Leader, established In his red flannels, finally being out of seven starts for the Bull- told a press conference, would 1844 and mony which Senator Tobey (R.- ocratic Committee. The possibility York. dragged from the floor. mean a week's delay in getting ap- in 1898. N. H.), charged was "perjury." of unfairness, Gillette said, was due Senator Reed (R.-Was.), sug- dogs. players for the Hickman propriations, placing orders and Asks Other Subpoenas Among to the fact that various campaign gested that the committee hold an Line-up:— • • Judge Stahl., C. P. Ma- Fulton (29) Pos. obtaining deliveries. 2. Senator Hill (D.-Ala.), de- team were groups had made numerous large executive session to study all these Wingo (18) Dobson, C. M. measure's broad dele- • The first page..which carried manded that the committee sub- bry, "Cap" Slade. E. loans. loans in relation to the "Federal McAlister, 11 ___F______ Turner, 4 As for the P. Black, 0. which rapidly be- a great deal of advertising, con- poena the "du Pont family, the Waits, J. M. Calvin. B. Witnesses told the committee yes- Corrupt Practices Act and the McCollum, 4 ____F_____ Hickes, 6 gation of power, Holland V. B. Am- point of conten- tained two stories of general in- Pew family of Philadelphia, and H. Taylor, C. N. terday that Reynolds loaned $100,- Hatch Act." Spence, 1 C Butler, 1 came the principal Howard, C. Mr. Roosevelt terest, the lead story concerning the Rockefeller family" to testi- berg, Fred Stokes, J. H. 000 to the New Jersey State Demo- "It's wrong to limit Individual McClellan, 8 ____G____ Hopkins, 4 tion at the capitol, J. E Atte- necessarily want developments in Frankfort follow- fy about their contributions to K. Davis, C. A Lattus, cratic Committee to pay the costs contributions to a national politi- Browder, 1 0 Owen, 3 said he did not Johnston, ing the murder of Goebel. In the Republican and Winkle campaign berg, H C. Barrett, W. A. of a radio broadcast by President cal committee to $5,000 and then Substitutions—Reed, Hassell, 3; such authority as is contemplated. Barry. the job is to story it was stated that Governor funds. Decision on this was de- Ernest Fields and Harry Roosevelt and two other broadcasts permit unlimited loans that may Davis, 1; Williams, Moore, Hanna, But he added that if it must be McMillin of Tennessee had offer- layed. by his supporters 'just before the be the same as contragutions," Hart, Wingo—Oliver. be done, and done, the ed to furnish Governor Beckham 3. Chairman Gillette (D.-Ia.), said November elections. Reed said. Tops Also Win power to get it done must be lodged Governor- Breaking a nine game winning in some one. —who succeeded to the he would ask the Illinois State One Judge Praises ship after Goebel's death—three Democratic committee to explain streak of the Wingo reserves, the Fear War Will Result City Job Seekers To gatling guns and several field its report of no income or expendi- Unlicensed Driving Union Pups, who have lest only one game An inspection of the measure's pieces_ "With this artillery," the in view of Reynolds' testi- this season, added another win to terms had the opponents of the ad- tures Physician Indicted Sign At New story says, "the 3emocrats could mony that he loaned that com- But 2nd Charges 86 their record, defeating Wingo, 32 to ministration foreign.
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