Weekly Report Regional December 9, 2016 4:24 PM Bureau data.unhcr.org Europe Weekly Report Trends of Sea Arrivals Key Developments Between 28 November and 04 December 2016, 144 ref- 28 04 ugees and migrants crossed the sea to Greece, a signif- Situation in Greece 11 12 icant decrease from the 481 who crossed the previous During the reporting period, UNHCR continued its win- week. Notably, there were no sea arrivals to the Aegean terization intervention in support of the Greek authori- islands during five days out of the week. However, re- ties. UNHCR is focusing its winterization efforts on four ports of sporadic land arrivals have been observed. On areas: 1) replacement of tents with prefab family housing Key Figures 30 November, Greek authorities apprehended about 70 units; 2) evacuation of sites not suitable for winter; 3) win- refugees and migrants, including children, in a snowy terized tents; and 4) upgrade of electricity/infrastructure. Mediterranean forest near the Northern city of Thessaloniki. Members As of the end of November UNHCR installed more than of the group, who said they were Syrians, reported to 500 housing units providing roofed shelter to 2,500 per- 352,093 have crossed the Greek-Turkish border and to have sons. By the end of the year UNHCR will reach more than arrivals by sea in 2016* been transported to the area hidden in a truck. A total of 1,000 housing units, protecting some 5,000 persons in 1,991 sea arrivals landed during November, a decrease some of the neediest sites in the country. In order to from the 2,970 who arrived in October this year. Thus far, avoid future risks of fire, UNHCR developed fire hazard 4,733 171,785 persons have arrived to Greece by sea in com- and safety warning messages in multiple languages in dead/missing in 2016* parison to 747,981 who crossed during the same period print and video with the International Rescue Committee in 2015. As of 04 December, the main countries of or- and Internews for distribution to all sites. igin of those who arrived in Greece remain the Syrian Arab Republic (47%), Afghanistan (24%) and Iraq (15%); In 2016 the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid children comprised 37% of arrivals with men making up and Civil Protection department (ECHO) and UNHCR 42% and women 21%. have been working with humanitarian partners within the Cash Working Group to prepare a lessons learned During the same period, 2,151 persons (including approx- report and recommendations for the cash strategy work- imately 251 unaccompanied and separated children) shop to be led by ECHO and the Greek government on 5 arrived to Italy by sea, compared to 2,562 who arrived December. Cash assistance, as part of the humanitarian during the previous week. Between 01 January and 04 aid provided by different agencies, among them UNHCR, December 2016, 173,121 persons arrived by sea, com- will be implemented in the urban areas of Athens and pared to 144,205 persons who disembarked at the end Thessaloniki by early 2017. In sites food distribution will of November 2015 and 153,842 at the end of December likely to continue and people will receive cash for other 2015. This represents a recent increase compared to sea needs, until safe cooking facilities can be provided and arrivals in 2015 (20%). UNHCR is monitoring potential catering can be discontinued. factors impacting on such increase, including relatively favourable weather conditions, reduced prices by smug- On 30 November, UNHCR completed the evacuation of glers and an increasingly reported tendency of smug- Petra Olympou. In coordination with the Ministry of Mi- glers to overload dinghies. gration Policy (MoMP), the Police, the Army, ADRA and Average Arrivals to Greece and Italy per Month January to 04 December 2016 70,000 67,415 Italy Greece 57,066 60,000 50,000 Greece 40,000 26,971 Italy 30,000 28,377 27,313 22,371 23,423 19,925 20,000 13,470 15,783 9,676 9,149 10,000 5,273 3,828 3,650 3,630 3,207 2,991 1,721 1,554 2,642 1,991 0 January February March April May June July August September October November * data.unhcr.org/mediterranean as of 08 December 2016 1 Weekly Report Regional December 9, 2016 4:24 PM Bureau data.unhcr.org Europe Key Figures UNHCR, 1,127 Yezidis were provided accommodation in (98% of the targeted 20,000) by the end of the report- hotels and apartments through UNHCR’s accommoda- ing period. The project has benefited a total of 19,610 tion scheme in Chalkidona, Volvi, Katerini and Athens. asylum-seekers so far. On 29 November the Municipality In addition, 200 asylum-seekers have already been of Livadia (Central Greece) received the first 15 accom- moved from Malakasa to alternative accommodation modation candidates (2 different families) in its district. sites. UNHCR is currently assisting with the transporta- Greece tion of vulnerable families from Cherso. Following the tragic incident at Moria Reception and Identification Centre (RIC) on the island of Lesvos which The accommodation capacity in support to the Greek resulted in the death of an elderly Iraqi woman and a Government through the relocation scheme funded by young boy, the Registration and Asylum Office (RAO) has the European Union established a total of 102 places expedited the registration and issuance of documents Total144 Weekly during the reporting period, reaching 19,634 places for her widower following UNHCR’s intervention. The Arrivals to Greek Islands 28 November - 04 December Daily and Weekly Average Arrivals to Greece 07 March to 04 December 2016 4,500 4,000 21 31 Daily Average21 3,500 Daily Average Daily Average Arrivals to Weekly Arrivals Monthly Arrivals 28 November - 04 December As of 04 December Greek Islands 3,000 28 November - 04 December 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,400 Italy 1,000 600 374 500 300 150 94 79 113 80 97 100 130 126 104 85 95 128 102 88 81 100 53 69 36 45 40 51 51 58 51 39 37 74 71 74 60 54 69 21 0 2,151Total Weekly Arrivals to Italy 28 November - 04 December Daily and Weekly Average Arrivals to Italy 07 March to 04 December 2016 307 131 Daily Average Daily Average Daily307 Average 6,000 Weekly Arrivals Monthly Arrivals Arrivals to Italy 28 November - 04 December As of 04 December 28 November - 04 December 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,374 2,000 2,075 1,758 1,457 1,118 1,165 1,013 1,000 879 920 848 848 619 620 588 570 514 507 804 450 431 399 368 337 366 232 267 307 254 291 279 307 154 146 88 88 96 58 109 0 56 2 Weekly Report Regional December 9, 2016 4:24 PM Bureau data.unhcr.org Europe mother and a sibling of the deceased boy remain hos- (2 from Pakistan, 3 from Iraq, 7 from Algeria, 1 from Af- pitalized in Athens, where UNHCR in cooperation with ghanistan, 1 from Mali, 1 from Ghana, 1 from Morocco and the Asylum Service will ensure the issuance of proper 1 from Nigeria) were returned on 29 November. Their documentation to the family and that they are referred return took place by a boat chartered by the European to the Greek Refugee Council for follow up upon release Border Guard and Coastguard Agency - Frontex, sailing from hospital. from Mytilene to Dikili in Turkey. In Samos, the Vathy RIC remains overcrowded with 1,700 The total number of readmissions to Turkey from Greece persons accommodated in a facility with a capacity of under the EU-Turkey Statement is 748 as of 28 Novem- 606 beds, while 1,300 persons are accommodated in ber. over 365 pop-up tents (lightweight, collapsible tent with a pre-assembled frame) and 29 large 10-persons tents. Situation in Serbia Due to the heavy rains the living conditions deteriorated, Available data from authorities, UNHCR, and partners with the majority of tents without flooring being flooded, indicates that an estimated 6,400 people remain in Ser- destroyed or abandoned. On 30 November UNHCR met bia, of which over 60% are women and children. Main with the representatives of the Police, Army, Europol, nationalities represented include 52% from Afghanistan, Nassos Sofos (Policy Officer of the European Commis- 17% from Iraq and 16% from Syria. Of those, around 84% sion) on Samos to discuss accommodation options and were accommodated in 13 governmental facilities while other interventions. On Chios, the Municipality of Souda the remainder were counted sleeping rough in Belgrade is insisting on the immediate evacuation of the site and City centre or at the border with Hungary. With all Asy- the decongestion of the island by both refugees and mi- lum (AC) and Transit Centres (TC) fully occupied, author- grants. The Municipality is considering a transfer to Vial ities have requested newly registered asylum-seekers RIC of 200 refugees and migrants who are living outside be accommodated in Presevo or Dimitrovgrad Recep- Souda. UNHCR is working with different hotel owners tion Centres (RC). To support authorities, UNHCR and concerning accommodation of persons with specific partners continued promoting access to registration needs during the winter season. On 28 November a joint and provided transportation to newly registered asy- statement issued by 23 Greek NGOs on the recent inci- lum-seekers where access to better accommodation dents in Chios and Lesvos insisted that living conditions and services was available. In response to winter weath- to which people are exposed to in a government-run fa- er, UNHCR and partners distributed over 190 UNHCR cility ought to adhere to specific safety standards.
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