Vol. 2, No 2 MERRITT, B. C. FEBRUARY 24, 1911 Pi'ice 5 Cents that no mechanical appliance can ANNEX ALASKA Telegraphs H. S. Cleasby be absolutely perfect. (, Advices received by the coast Alexander Lucas Earns The evidence on this point, ad­ from Valdez indicate that the Of His Intentions duced by the defendants, failed majority of the people of Alaska to convince the jury, and they a're anxious to be annexed to Approval of Coast Press returned a verdict for the plain­ Canada. Those who are familiar but it must be borne in mind that tiff in the sum of $3000. with conditions in the American The Misses Murray, of Nicola, All Doubt About Immedi­ any underground sewage scheme News-Advertiser and Vic­ colony assert that the Alaskan drove to town this afternoon, would prove costly, however care­ ate Incorporation is business men and laborers are returning to their home in the toria Times Express Ap­ fully the engineers eliminated LIBERALS REORGANIZE evening. Removed. tired of the complete domination superfluous details. A water . A re-organization meeting of o proval of Lucas Speech.. of the great trusts and the abor­ system would have to be installed the local Liberals was held above Andrew Hogan has moved into tion of justice. They look to the The extracts from the Victoria before sewer pipes could be laid Armstrong's store Wednesday his new rooming house. This is Dominion to see that the laws of Times, a Liberal organ, and the H. S. Cleasby, <Ssq., down.. Again water - flushed evening. cne of the best eqnipped lodging their country are enforced and parliamentary report of the President Conservative Association, sewer pipes would require a very houses in town. The meeting passed a resolu­ the greed of the companies for News-Advertiser, which are given Merritt, B. C. large septic tak, much larger than tion endorsing the proposed recip­ political power is prevented from below would seem to indicate that would be reqired by the use of Mr. and Mrs. Rurark have tak­ rocal trade' agreement with the ruining all private-interests. Alexander Lucas, the member for Incorporation of Merritt will go the garbage cart. Still further, United States'. .;.'" • en up their residence on Quilchena Yale riding, has attracted con^ avenue; between Armstrong's through at once. sewer pipes require a gradient. Officers were elected for .th'e siderable attention from everyV ensuing year. These are:— store and Bennett & Reid's one, not only on account of the IV. f. (Bowser, K.C. Band Concert Hon - President, Sir Wilfred manner in which he delivered his A ttorney-General. A. E. Flanagan, of the Diam­ Big Damages Laurier, K.; C. M. G.: a Success ond Vale Supply company's store, maiden speech in the house, but President, G. B. Armstrong; leaves tomorrow morning' for more;; because of the decidedly 1st vice-president, J. W. Ellis; r progressive ideas which he took The foregoing telegram was From C. P. Vancouver, on a combined busi- 2nd vice-president, D. Dodding; Friday Evening Netted $75 to ness and pleasure trip. :- - the occasion to introduce iri that received by Mr. Cleasby last 3rd vice-president A. E. Howse, Band Over and Above effort. ' y> Wednesday morning. It removes Alf Carrington, of Nicola, Wins Sec'y-Treasurer H. R. Ackman"; The A. O. F. ball at Nicola was At first glance, the leader iri the doubt which has recently op­ Expenses Suit for Compensation "' Executive, Messrs. Eastwood, well attended by local worship­ the Times, eulogistic as it is, pressed the community. Merritt Fyall, McDonald, Jackson, T. Last Friday evening was the pers of Terpsichore. Many stayed for Injuries occasion for a ball in Menzies' would cause one to pause—Timeo will soon take its "place among Heslop, M. L. Grimmett and Ol­ at the lake city overnight, but a Danaios et dona ferentes!—Such the towns of the province. It is _ The case of Carrington vs. the sen. Hall, organized with a view to large number availed themselves securing funds for the Merritt commendation from the mouth­ anticipated that the articles of Canadian.Pacific-Railway, before of Dan Munro's sledge and ar­ piece of that infinitesimal qu'ari^ _ incorporation will be forwarded Justice Hunter and a jury, in the Band, the members of which rived here in the wee sma' hours. - A NEW COLLETT have been especially diligent in tity which represents the Liberal within two weeks at latest/ A County Court .'at Vancouver, re­ .party in the,Provincial House of- returning officer for the district sulted, in a,verdict" for plaintiff Telegraphic advises from Kam­ 'their efforts to provide outdoor A. W. Strickland, manager j of loops are to thV effect that" on' amusements for the community. Parliart)enttis.so'runexpected that will then be appointed and the for three thousand dollars. M. L. the Bak of Montreal, and hiswife-' onej-mlght^'conclude that it was Thursday morning Mrs. Joseph From half past eight until ele­ and two children,,. returned:frbm work of preparing a list of the Grimmett, of Merritt, advised by perinednn.a satirical vein. A-per-! ' Collett, of this town, presented ven o'clock the time was whiled a three weeks-vacation trip, in eligible voters will then be pro­ S. S. Taylor, of Taylor, Harvey, usal of the whole' article, how-] ceeded with, the municipal elec­ Blair & Grant, of. Vancouver, ap­ her proud husband with a boun­ away with a concert. At'"the which they visited all the coast cing baby girl. Needless to say, latter hour dancing commenced, cities of importance ,in this pro­ ever, shows that it has the timbre. " tions following the receipt.of the peared for Alfred H. Carrington: of ^sincerity. - \yr "J (y <' -) articles of incorporation by about Mr. MacMullen; K.C, acted for there is joy in the Collett clan.- and save where a few instrument­ vince and Washington*;-XL S.' A.*' al selections .were rendered, con- The Victoria colonist reported • three weeks. the C.P. R. Carrington sued for Mother and child are doing well. d tist&sd-until- four .o'clock^the,f ol_- ,W. K.-Thompson and,wife, of Mr.. Lucas' speech in^great de-; ' Following- are the.candidates* compensation of orr-injuries -sus- •.©-*» ldwing morning. • -• Sedley,' Saisk.,** were~yisitiriiptheir. tairr'which* is f father a^distinctlon*" for_ +1-__-the. -,m..:_-_,-__various_ _-vflf.•._-_£offices_ :• * ._.__:_taine„ dj ...i_.iwhili e' i_-'__i_iri the~ emplo_" i-r.y. o__.JBAI_._f the. REALTY NOTES The band, of sixteen instru­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. for a private member, inasmuch? - For Mayor—Isaac Eastwood, railway company. Thompson, of Merritt, last week. as. that-journal generally confinV- unopposed. , On the 25th January last Car­ Harold Greig reports the fol­ ments, played four or five selec­ tions , Messrs Adams, John Smith They stopped over here on .their es itself* strictly^ *to: reports of... For Councilmen—Dr. T. V. rington was engaged in his duties lowing sales :—Lot 10 in Central what the members of the cabiri-i View/purchased by C. A. Seaton; and S. N. Dancey each contribut­ return to the eastern province, Curtin, Fred Gay, Archie Jack­ as a brakeman on a freight train after a vacation trip.to the coast. et and executive are saying andy 1 Lot 16, purchased by Dcnald ed vocal numbers, the latter ren­ son, Howell Johns, Dave Craw­ on the mainline, of the C. P. R. doing. • y f~i "* - Kirk ; Lot 2, Block 22, D. L. 123, dering the "Veteran's Song?" to Mr. Thompson expressed himself ford, J. E. Menzies, J. P. Boyd, As the train ran' into Savona as delighted with the scenery in purchased by George Riches. give as an encore "Yip I Addy". Fred Reid, Duncan Munro, Joseph station Carrington was walking and around this town. He. is a along the top of a car, the speed Mr.- Greig looks for a brisk Messrs. Chris MacDonald, Whet- Undoubtedly Premier McBride;; Collett. tin and Anderson played cornet farmer on a large; scale in Sasr inflictedICaf hardship; !upon the"; Property owners and tenants of the train at the. time being market with the announcement katchewan. about eight miles an hour. All of incorporation. solos. J. H. McMillan and Har­ Yale constituency by occupying! have the franchise. rison played selections on the "vi­ it so longhand keeping a live rep­ The News congratulates the at once the brakes were thrust AUSTRALIAN BEATEN into '' emergency'/,,and the train olin and saxaphono respectively. resentative in thejp^rson of Alex'-f - member for Yale on what it be­ London, 'Feb_ 22.— Bill Lang,' stopped immediately. * The im­ A NEW VENTURE Mrs. Grace Tutill was well recei­ arider Lucas from sitting in the^ lieves to be the result of his who once held .the. heavyw.eight petus he had acquired in walking ved in "Topsy." S. N. Dancey legislature. While we do notf energetic work. As spring ap­ Under the direction of Donald champiohship.of Australia, /was along -the moving train threw introduced the numbers for the agree'with all Mr. Lucas said/*£ proaches, the health question, McPhail and Felix Graham the no match for Sam Langford, the Carrington to the middle of the concert. his speech is .worthy of the most"-, the problem of solving the sani­ Middlesboro Mercantile company negro pugilist, in ascheduled2Qr careful consideration.- _• His pro^! tation question, looms large on track. He struck about two feet When the floor was cleared for opened for business this week. round bout at the Olympia. Lang- posal to.ha^e.
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