Published Way Down Join us on Twitter East @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Established in 1836 Facebook VOL. 179, NO. 43 OCTOBER 23, 2014 © 2014 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) Wreaths for Hope Aims to Rally Mainers Against Cancer By Lura Jackson shaped like the iconic looped tion between scientists. “Since ribbon that has become synony- it was founded in 2008, Stand Residents of Washington mous with cancer awareness Up to Cancer has done more for County face the highest in- since the 1990s. In addition, the cancer research than in the past cidence rate of cancer in the wreaths are adorned with the 40 years,” Mingo says. “That state, a problem compounded ribbon color of the customer’s was it for me. I knew then and by the area’s rural location. preference. At present, there there that I had to get involved To receive treatment, patients are 25 different ribbon colors in this movement. It really must travel 188 miles roundtrip offered to signify the 27 kinds makes a difference knowing to the region’s primary cancer of cancer (two of them share that the funds are going to treatment center, a trip that a color). research.” is not only physically taxing When a Wreath for Hope The Mingos developed the for self-drivers but costly in is purchased, twenty percent patented ribbon-shaped wreaths the amount of gas mileage it of the proceeds will go to the along with an easy-to-follow requires. For many families, Maine Cancer Foundation to assembly process for their this creates an added financial fund the fight against cancer workers to be able to produce a struggle on top of the strain that in Maine. Ten percent will go large number of wreaths for the cancer creates. To help local to a separate fund specifically upcoming season. The goal is to families meet that challenge designated for transportation sell upwards of 25,000 wreaths and to raise awareness and assistance for cancer patients in this year. “After this season funds for cancer research, the the Washington County area. there will be funds available Mingo family of Calais has be- Artie Mingo was inspired to for transportation assistance in gun offering Wreaths for Hope create Wreaths for Hope while the Wreaths for Hope account,” in collaboration with the Maine he was sitting in the hospital Mingo says. Eventually, the Cancer Foundation. waiting room during his son’s family would like to be able to Similar to the wreaths that treatment for a severe blood purchase a van to provide trans- the Mingos have made since disorder. He began reading portation to patients that are 1958, Wreaths for Hope are about Stand Up to Cancer, an unable to drive themselves. made from freshly grown and organization founded in 2008 To purchase a Wreath for harvested Maine balsamic fir by a group of cancer-affected Hope, visit http://www.wreaths- Artie Mingo holds up two Wreaths for Hope in front of his fam- that will stay green all winter. women that commits 100% of forhope.org/ or call toll-free ily's wreath-making facility in Calais. Each sale of a Wreath for However, unlike traditional its donations to research and 1-844-463-HOPE(4673). Hope contributes funds to an account dedicated to transportation assistance for cancer patients in Washington County. (Photo by wreaths, Wreaths for Hope are actively facilitates collabora- Lura Jackson). By Jayna Smith who report in Calais and who Fairpoint Employees on Strike continue to picket their Church Union leaders from Interna- Street job site. In a previous in- tional Brotherhood of Electrical terview with The Calais Adver- Workers and the Communica- tiser, CO technician Ed LaPointe tions Workers of America—to- explained that Fairpoint “wants gether representing nearly 2,000 $720,000,000 in concessions.” Fairpoint Communications em- Additionally, LaPointe reported ployees in the three states of that Fairpoint “wants to be able Maine, New Hampshire, and to contract work out when they Vermont—have called a strike. want” without approval from Employees of Fairpoint Com- the union. munications began the direct Mark Carr, a fifteen-year vet- action last Friday morning. eran with Fairpoint, expressed Union leaders began contract the effect the strike has on the negotiations with Fairpoint community. “We’re the service Communications last April. providers around here and (Fair- Freezing pensions, higher health point is) taking money out of our care costs, cuts to retiree health pockets which is taking money care plans, a new two-tier wage out of the community. (Fair- system, and outsourcing union point) wants to bring in outside members’ work to out-of-state work to come in and replace us contractors are all things union and that money is going back officials claim Fairpoint is de- to New Hampshire or Vermont manding. The contracts have or New York or Ohio, wherever Fairpoint Communications employees went on strike last Friday after months of failed contract nego- now been expired since August they decide to bring workers in tiations between the company and union leaders. Four workers make up those who report in Calais 2nd. from. That’s all money going and who continue to picket at their Church Street location. (By Jayna Smith). Three installation and mainte- out of the area if they bring nance technicians and one cen- contractors in. That’s one of See pages 18 & 19 for Charter Amendment Questions, Municipal Election, tral office (CO) technician make the biggest disputes we have Referendum Election and General Election Sample Ballots. up the Fairpoint employees with them.” In appreciation of those who have served our Country, The Calais Advertiser will be featuring local veterans in our November 6th issue. See page 24 for more information. PAGE 2 LIHEAP Funds Uncertain By Ruth Leubecker they've lost their food stamps. dure," says Hardison, "and this something soon," says Hardi- bridge, the end of December," In past years where they had to year the government has added son. "That $35 million is about she says. Fuel assistance is definitely show an intent to complete a more steps to it." 90% of last year's figure. And While LIHEAP is a lifeline on the way, but complicated fuel application, now they have The uncertainties don't end that's for the entire state and for many, and Collins and by increased paperwork and a to complete and receive con- with the paperwork. Last multiple programs. We don't King were part of a 46-senator plethora of places to send the firmation back before they can week Sens. Susan Collins and even know what our portion of bipartisan group contacting the money. get their food stamps restored Angus King announced that that will be." Obama administration to re- "I'm hoping Maine Housing to their previous level." $35,328,047 in LIHEAP funds WHCA's three main offices lease the funds early, the money will shed some light on this While consumers regularly would be coming to Maine. LI- for making fuel assistance ap- remains in a slow-moving by the middle of next week," hear that the federal govern- HEAP finances crisis interven- pointments - Ellsworth, Mil- pipeline. Maine State Housing said Lee Hardison, WHCA's ment is streamlining its paper- tion programs and helps more bridge and Machias - are now oversees the program for the director of LIHEAP (Low In- work, in practice the opposite than 51,000 households, but the setting up times in December State of Maine and ultimately come Home Energy Assistance appears to be the reality, with funds are often late, therefore and January, the earliest avail- releases the funds throughout Program). "We're working very LIHEAP being but one ex- lagging in their application and able. "For Ellsworth it's the first the state. hard to address the tenants in ample. "Determining levels of effectiveness. week in January, in Machias subsidized housing because benefit is a complicated proce- "We would like to be hearing the end of January, and in Mil- Moosehorn Opens To Furbearer Trapping Refuge Manager Bill Kolod- er at (207)454-7161 or by mail such as beaver and muskrat For information on Moose- 64 fishery resources offices and nicki has announced that the (Moosehorn National Wildlife are managed to limit dam- horn National Wildlife Refuge 81 ecological services field Moosehorn National Wild- Refuge, 103 Headquarters age to dikes, roads, culverts, visit http://www.fws.gov/ref- stations. The agency enforces life Refuge will be open to Road, Baring, ME 04694). and water control structures. uge/moosehorn/ federal wildlife laws, admin- furbearer trapping again this Trapping applications must be Trapping is viewed by the US The U.S. Fish and Wildlife isters the Endangered Species year. Permits for each of the returned to the Refuge Office Fish and Wildlife Service as Service is the principal federal Act, manages migratory bird Refuge’s three furbearer trap- by 12:00 PM on Thursday, Oc- a legitimate recreational and agency responsible for conserv- populations, restores nationally ping units will be awarded on tober 30. A public bid opening economic activity where there ing, protecting and enhancing significant fisheries, conserves a bid basis. and lottery will be held in the are harvestable surpluses of fish, wildlife and plants and and restores wildlife habitat The six beaver trapping per- Refuge Conference Room on furbearing mammals. their habitats for the continuing such as wetlands, and helps mits for the Baring Division October 30 at 12:00 PM. The Moosehorn NWR en- benefit of the American people. foreign and Native American will be awarded by lottery. Furbearer Trapping has been compasses 29,340 acres in east- The Service manages the 150- tribal governments with their Information and trapping ap- used as a management tool at ern Washington County.
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