BMJ Case Reports: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226726 on 14 September 2018. Downloaded from Images in… Spin-top-like encrustation of suprapubic cystostomy catheter: when proper counselling is all that it takes! Ashish Sharma,1 Samarth Agarwal,1 Deepanshu Sharma,2 Abhinav Veerwal3 1Department of Urology, King DESCRIPTION George’s Medical University, A 25-year-old man from a rural background and Lucknow, Uttar-Pradesh, India 2 suffering from psychiatric illness had complaints of King George’s Medical acute urinary retention 1 year ago for which trocar- University, Lucknow, Uttar- guided suprapubic cystostomy (SPC) Foley catheter Pradesh, India 3BJ Medical College, placement was done elsewhere after failed attempt Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India of per-urethral catheterisation. There was no history of haematuria, lithuria, Correspondence to catheterisation and endourological intervention Dr Samarth Agarwal, in the past. On further eliciting the history, there rebellite@ gmail. com was a retrograde urethrogram film taken 1 year back which revealed a short segment (1.0 cm) Accepted 29 August 2018 bulbar urethral stricture. He had undergone optical internal urethrotomy with Foley catheter placement (14F) under regional anaesthesia for his urethral Figure 2 Encrusted suprapubic catheter balloon stricture. Per-urethral catheter was removed after 7 measuring 6×4 cm and weighting 250 g. days and he voided well with good urinary stream. He was sent back home and instructed to follow-up after 3 days for removal of SPC catheter and need He now presented to us after 1 year with retained of de-clamping SPC catheter in case of urinary SPC with complaints of suprapubic discomfort, retention again. pyuria and fever with chills and rigour. When However, a thorough counselling about cathe- confronted about the presence of retained SPC ter’s care and related complications was not done catheter, he defended that since he was voiding by concerned surgeon and he was lost to follow-up. well, he did not deem it necessary to be removed and neither was he explained the long-term conse- quences of a retained catheter. Complete hemogram showed elevated leucocyte 9 3 count of 18×10 /L cells/mm and normal renal http://casereports.bmj.com/ function test. Urine culture revealed E. coli growth for which appropriate antibiotics were started. Attempts at manual removal of SPC catheter by deflating the bulb proved unsuccessful. Imaging was ordered and X-ray KUB (kidney ureter bladder) was performed, which revealed huge encrustation around balloon of suprapubic Foley catheter like a spin top as shown in figure 1. Ultrasound KUB revealed a large hyperechoic shadow in the urinary bladder around the balloon on 2 October 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of SPC Foley catheter with absence of bilateral hydronephrosis. After proper counselling and consent, he underwent suprapubic cystolithotomy with removal of large encrusted Foley catheter like a ‘spin top’ measuring 6×4 cm in size and weighing 250 g as shown in figure 2. At 6 months’ follow-up, he was voiding well with © BMJ Publishing Group healed suprapubic tract and without any urological Limited 2018. No commercial complaints. re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Suprapubic catheterisation is a commonly used alternative procedure to per-urethral catheterisa- To cite: Sharma A, tion for short-term or long-term urinary drainage.1 Agarwal S, Sharma D, et al. Complication of prolonged indwelling urinary BMJ Case Rep Published Online First: [please catheter may include urinary tract infections, cath- include Day Month Year]. Figure 1 X-ray (kidney ureter bladder) showing huge eter blockage, encrustations, pericatheter leakage, doi:10.1136/bcr-2018- ‘spin-top’-like encrustation around balloon of suprapubic retained catheter and bladder spasms.1 2 Encrusta- 226726 Foley catheter. tions of urinary catheter are classified as intraluminal Sharma A, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226726 1 BMJ Case Reports: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226726 on 14 September 2018. Downloaded from Images in… or extraluminal. It can impede deflation of the balloon and there- Whenever possible, indwelling urinary catheter should be fore cause a retained catheter. There are very few reported cases avoided for long duration. Patients on SPC should be counselled in literature of massive encrustation of retained Foley balloon. properly about procedures undertaken, catheter care and related The management options of the encrustations include extra- complications including bacteriuria, encrustations, leak and corporeal shock wave lithotripsy, laser or pneumatic lithotripsy catheter retention. Most important is the need for regular cath- and cystolithotomy.3 4 eter change at 3–4 weekly intervals, which averts most of these In our case, we did not attempt extracorporeal shock wave complications from taking place. This is particularly important lithotripsy, laser or pneumatic lithotripsy because the stone was for urological patients of urethral strictures and neurogenic large, hard and was associated with urethral stricture. bladder where catheters are usually placed for long periods. Good catheter hygiene, sterile continuous closed drainage systems, and cleaning of catheter surface with soap and water Learning points are also necessary to minimise catheter-related complications including encrustations. Periodic balloon deflation and re-infla- ► Indwelling urinary catheters should be avoided for longer tion to break overlying encrustations is advisable for prolonged 2–4 duration. Prolonged indwelling urinary catheter may lead to indwelling catheter. infections, encrustations, bladder spasm, pericatheter leak, suprapubic vesicocutaneous fistula and retained catheter. Contributors AS: concept, design, supervision, processing, writing manuscript and critical analysis. SA: concept, design. DS: supervision, processing, writing manuscript ► If placed for a longer duration, proper follow-up is needed in and critical analysis. AV: writing manuscript and critical analysis. such patients. Both short-term and long-term complications Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any need to be addressed. funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. ► Patient who are illiterate, come from a rural background or suffer from psychiatric illness are an important group Competing interests None declared. who are quite incapacitated to take care of themselves. Patient consent Obtained. This invariably leads them getting neglected and causes Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. their healthcare to be put under jeopardy. Hence, in such cases, it is of paramount importance to counsel the patient/ REFERENCES attendants regarding need for regular catheter change at 1 Robinson J. Suprapubic catheterization: challenges in changing catheters. Br J 3–4 weekly intervals as it averts most of the catheter-related Community Nurs 2005;10:461–4. 2 Getliffe K. How to manage encrustation and blockage of Foley catheters. Nurs Times complications. 2003;99:59–61. ► Catheter-induced huge encrustation may be managed 3 Canby-Hagino ED, Caballero RD, Harmon WJ. Intraluminal pneumatic lithotripsy for the with extracorporeal or intracorporeal lithotripsy and removal of encrusted urinary catheters. J Urol 1999;162:2058–60. cystolithotomy. 4 Kojima Y, Yoshimura M, Hayashi Y, et al. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for vesical lithiasis. Urol Int 1998;61:35–8. Copyright 2018 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved. For permission to reuse any of this content visit http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions. http://casereports.bmj.com/ BMJ Case Report Fellows may re-use this article for personal use and teaching without any further permission. Become a Fellow of BMJ Case Reports today and you can: ► Submit as many cases as you like ► Enjoy fast sympathetic peer review and rapid publication of accepted articles ► Access all the published articles ► Re-use any of the published material for personal use and teaching without further permission For information on Institutional Fellowships contact [email protected] Visit casereports.bmj.com for more articles like this and to become a Fellow on 2 October 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 2 Sharma A, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226726.
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