Ø Ñ ÅØÑØÐ ÈÙ ÐØÓÒ× DOI: 10.2478/tmmp-2019-0002 Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 73 (2019), 9–18 ON PARTITIONS AND PERIODIC SEQUENCES Milan Paˇsteka´ Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Trnava, Trnava, SLOVAKIA ABSTRACT. In the first part we associate a periodic sequence with a partition and study the connection the distribution of elements of uniform limit of the sequences. Then some facts of statistical independence of these limits are proved. Introduction This paper is inspired by the papers [CIV], [CV], [K] where the uniformly distributed sequences of partitions of the unit interval are studied. For technical reasons we will study the systems of finite sequences of the unit interval — an equivalent of partitions. Let VN = vN (1),...,vN (BN ) , N =1, 2, 3,..., limN→∞ BN = ∞ be a sys- tem of finite sequences of elements of interval [0, 1]. We say that this system is uniformly distributed if and only if B 1 1 N lim f vN (n) = f(x)dx. N→∞ BN n=1 0 By the standard way we can prove 1º ÌÓÖÑ The system VN ,N =1, 2, 3,... is uniformly distributed if and only if 1 lim n ≤ BN ; vN (n) <x = x N→∞ BN for every x ∈ [0, 1]. c 2019 Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2010 M a t h e m a t i c s Subject Classification: 11A25. K e y w o r d s: statistical independence, uniform distribution, polyadic continuity. Supported by Vega Grant 2/0109/18. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NC-ND4.0 International Public License. 9 MILAN PASTˇ EKA´ The notion of the uniformly distributed sequence was first introduced by H. W e y l in his famous paper [WEY]. An equivalent of this definition is that a sequence v of elements of interval [0, 1] is uniformly distributed if and only if the system of finite sequences v(1),...,v (N) , N =1, 2, 3,... is uniformly distributed. This means that the sequence v(n) is uniformly distributed if and only if the equality 1 lim n ≤ N; v(n) <x = x N→∞ N holds for arbitrary x ∈ [0, 1]. This can be formulated in an equivalent form: Let N be the set of positive integers. Denote by D the system of sets A ⊂ N 1 such that the limit d(A) := limN→∞ N |{n ≤ N; n ∈ A}| exists. In this case we say that the set A has asymptotic density and we call the value d(A)the asymptotic density of A. For details, we refer the reader to [PAS]. Clearly, the sequence {v(n)} is uniformly distributed if and only if n ∈ N; v(n) <x ∈D and d({n ∈ N; v(n) <x})=x for each x ∈ [0, 1]. In 1946 R. C. B u c k [BUC] constructed the measure density. He started from the asymptotic density and applied some methods of measure theory. Denote r +(m)={n ∈ N; n ≡ r (mod m)}—the arithmetic progression, where m ∈ N, r =0, 1, 2,...,0+(m):=(m). If A ⊂ N, then we shall call the value ⎧ ⎫ ⎨k k ⎬ ∗ 1 ⊂ μ (A)=inf⎩ ; A rj +(mj)⎭ j=1 mj j=1 the Buck’s measure density of A.AsetA ⊂ N is called Buck measurable if ∗ ∗ and only if μ (A)+μ (N \ A)=1.DenoteDµ the system of all Buck mea- D ∗| surable sets. Then µ is an algebra of sets and μ = μ Dµ is a finitely addi- tive probability measure on Dµ. For the details, we refer the reader to [PAS]. A sequence of elements of [0, 1] is called Buck uniformly distributed if and only if n ∈ N; v(n) <x ∈Dµ and μ({n ∈ N; v(n) <x})=x for all x ∈ [0, 1]. (See also [PAS2].) We say that a sequence v is polyadicly continuous on the set A ⊂ N if and only if for each ε>0 there exists a positive integer m so that for all n1,n2 ∈ A we have n1 ≡ n2 (mod m)=⇒|v(n1) − v(n2)|<ε. We say that v is polyadicly continuous if and only if it is polyadicly continuous on N. Denote for a sequence v and N—positive integer N 1 EN (v)= v(n). N n=1 10 ON PARTITIONS AND PERIODIC SEQUENCES If there exists the proper limit lim EN (v):=E(v), N→∞ then we say that v has a mean value and E(v) is called the mean value of v. (In literature this is also known as (C, 1) summable sequence and (C, 1) limit.) We say that a sequence of positive integers {kn} is uniformly distributed in Z if and only if for every m ∈ N and r =0, 1,... the set n ∈ N; kn ∈ r +(m) 1 belongs to D and its asymptotic density is m . (First introduced and studied by I. N i v e n in the paper [N]). 2º ÌÓÖÑ Asequencev of elements [0, 1] is Buck uniformly distributed if and only if for each sequence {kn} of positive integers uniformly distributed in Z the equality 1 lim EN g v(kn) = g(x)dx N→∞ 0 holds for every continuous function g defined on [0, 1]. For the proof we refer the reader to [PAS, p. 122]. Almost polyadic continuity and almost uniform convergence The following two propositions proved in [PAS, pp. 106–108] will be useful for the next results. ÓÔÓ× Ø ÓÒ 1º ∈ N ÈÖ Let v be a periodic sequence with the period B .Thenv has the mean value B E(v)= v(j) j=1 and for each sequence {kn} uniformly distributed in Z we have N 1 lim v(kn)=E(v). N→∞ N n=1 Every polyadicly continuous sequence can be uniformly approximated by the periodicfunctionsthuswehave ÓÔÓ× Ø ÓÒ 2º ÈÖ Each polyadicly continuous sequence v has a mean value and N 1 lim v(kn)=E(v) N→∞ N n=1 for each sequence {kn} of positive integers {kn} uniformly distributed in Z. 11 MILAN PASTˇ EKA´ A sequence v will be called almost polyadicly continuous if and only if for every δ>0 there exists a Buck measurable set B ⊂ N that μ(B) ≤ δ and v is polyadicly continuous on the set N \ B. 3º ÌÓÖÑ If v is a bounded almost polyadicly continuous sequence, then v has a mean value and for each sequence of positive integers {kn} uniformly distributed in Z we have N 1 lim v(kn)=E(v). (1) N→∞ N n=1 P r o o f. Suppose that v is an almost polyadicly continuous sequence and C>0 is such contant that |v(n)| <C, n ∈ N.Considerδ>0. Then there exists such ∈ ∈{ − } k − m N, r1,...,rk 0,...,m 1 that m > 1 ε and v is polyadicly continuous k on the set A = ∪j=1rj +(m). Define a sequence v0(n) in the following way: v0(n)=v(n) for n ∈ A and v0(n) = 0 otherwise. Clearly, C |EN (v) − EN (v0)|≤ 1,N=1, 2, 3,.... N n≤N, n∈A We see immediately that the sequence v0(n) is polyadicly continuous thus it has a mean value. Thus, from the inequality above, we get that the distance + between the upper and lower limit of EN (v) is smaller than 2Cδ.Forδ → 0 we get that the limN→∞ EN (v) exists. The same reasons provide also the equal- ity (1). By combining Theorem 3 and Theorem 2 we get: 4º ÌÓÖÑ An almost polyadicly continuous sequence of elements of [0, 1] is Buck uniformly distributed if and only if it is uniformly distributed. We say that a system of sequences vN converges almost uniformly for N →∞ to sequence v if and only if for every δ>0 there exists a Buck measurable set S ⊂ N,whereμ(S) < 0andvN converges uniformly for N →∞to v on the set N \ S. ÓÔÓ× Ø ÓÒ 3º ÈÖ If vN ,N =1, 2, 3,... is a system of polyadicly continuous sequences of elements of [0, 1] and it converges almost uniformly to a sequence v, then v is almost polyadicly continuous and lim E(vN )=E(v). N→∞ Each finite sequence VN ,N =1, 2, 3,... can be extended to a periodic se- quence ωN in the following way ωN (n)=vN (j) ⇐⇒ n ≡ j (mod BN ),j=1,...,BN ,n∈ N. 12 ON PARTITIONS AND PERIODIC SEQUENCES From Theorem 4 and Proposition 3 we get immediately 5º ÌÓÖÑ Let the system of sequences ωN converge almost uniformly to a se- quence ω for N →∞uniformly for n ∈ N. Then the system of finite sequences VN ,N =1, 2, 3,... is uniformly distributed if and only if the sequence ω is Buck uniformly distributed. The following fact can be proved directly from Cauchy Bolzano criterion of uniform convergence: ∞ ÓÔÓ× Ø ÓÒ 4º ÈÖ Let N=1 aN be a convergent series with positive elements. Suppose that αN (n) , N =1, 2, 3,... is system of sequences that |αN (n) − αN+1(n)|≤aN ,n∈ N. Then αN (n) converges uniformly to a suitable sequence α(n) . Example 1. Let {BN } be an increasing sequence of positive integers such that ∞ 1 BN |BN+1,N =1, 2, 3,.... Then the series converges. If we con- N=1 BN struct a system of periodic sequences ωN (n) ,whereωN (n) is periodic modulo BN ,N =1, 2, 3,... such that c r ≡ n (mod BN )=⇒|ωN (r) − ωN+1(n)|≤ BN for n, r ∈ N and N =1, 2, 3,..
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