THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH, 2012 TO FOLLOW COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2075 KING ROAD, KING CITY Chair: Councillor Cober Page 1. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM REPORTS 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. DETERMINATION OF COMMITTEE ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 5. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 6. DEPUTATIONS 6.1 Art Hagopian Canadian Commission for UNESCO Re: Coalition of Canadian Municipalities against Racism and Discrimination 6.2 Steve Mota, Program Manager, Transportation Engineering Planning and Development Services Infrastructure Planning Branch The Regional Municipality of York Re: Mid-York East-West Transportation Corridor Feasibility and Engineering Study 7. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 181 Committee of the Whole Agenda Monday, January 16th, 2012 Page 10. AGENDA ITEMS 6-27 10.1 Engineering and Public Works and Planning Departments Joint Report Number JR-2012-01 Re: Mid-York East-West Transportation Improvements Study See report for recommendations. 28-86 10.2 Planning Department Report Number P-2012-03 Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-2010-06 Site Plan Development Application SPD-11-27 Lots 4, 5, and 6; Plan 356 2109, 2115 and 2121 King Road, King City Agent: Stephan Kuzoff Applicant: Bowood Properties (2006) Inc. Owner: Bowood Properties (2006) Inc. In Trust See report for recommendations. 87-119 10.3 Planning Department Report Number P-2012-02 Re: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment File Nos.: Z-2011-17 & SPD-11-36 Part Lots 8 & 9, Concession 11 13300 11th Concession Road Owner: YMCA of Greater Toronto Applicant: George Robb Architect, per Donald Scott Agent: MHBC Planning Limited, per Eldon Theodore See report for recommendations. (By-law Number 2012-02 has been prepared for Council’s consideration this evening.) 120-127 10.4 Planning Department Report Number P-2012-04 Re: Heritage A. That the Council receive this report as information. B. That the Council approve the proposed process for adding heritage properties to the Township of King Municipal Heritage Register. C. That the Heritage Coordinator develop an educational information package outlining the value, merits and implications of both the Municipal Heritage Register and designation. Page 2 of 181 Committee of the Whole Agenda Monday, January 16th, 2012 Page 10. AGENDA ITEMS D. The current Township Municipal Register be posted on the Township Website. 128-131 10.5 Planning Department Report Number P-2012-05 Re: King Station Inc. – Land Transfer A. That Planning Report P-2012-05 be received as information. B. That should Council wish to accept the proposed transfer of lands (PIN numbers 03369-0143 & 03369-0154) that Township staff be authorized to undertake the steps necessary to review and confirm the suitability of the lands and finalize the transfer of lands as necessary. 132-146 10.6 Administration Department Report Number ADMIN 2012-01 Re: Local Improvement charge Proposal to Finance Energy Improvements on Private Property (a) Report ADMIN 2012-01 be received as information. (b) That Council consider enacting the draft resolution appended to this report supporting a request for the review of existing policies, legislation, regulation and/or technical guidance relating to the uses of Local Improvement Charges to enable their use for energy improvements on private properties and in particular for single family dwellings. 147-150 10.7 Finance Department Report Number FR-2012-03 Re: 2012 Interim Tax Billing (a) Finance Report FR-2012-03 be received; (b) That a 2012 interim tax be levied on all rateable real property in the Township of King which has been assessed in the property classes as shown on Schedule A, at the rates as shown on Schedule A; (c) That the interim levy be due in two (2) installments: Uncapped Classes Capped Classes February 24, 2012 February 27, 2012 April 25, 2012 April 26, 2012 (d) That the appropriate by-law be prepared for consideration at the January 16, 2012 Council Meeting; and Page 3 of 181 Committee of the Whole Agenda Monday, January 16th, 2012 Page 10. AGENDA ITEMS (e) That the interim levy on Multi-Residential, Commercial and Industrial classes be adjusted by 50% of the 2011 capping adjustment. (By-law Number 2012-05 has been prepared for Council’s consideration this evening.) 151-180 10.8 Finance Department Report Number FR-2012-02 Re: Draft 2012 Budget and Business Plan (The Director of Finance & Treasurer will do a presentation on this item) (a) That Finance Report FR-2012-02 be received; (b) That the 2012 Tax Based Operating Budget for the Township of King, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (c) That the Recommended Program Changes, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (d) That the Transfer to Infrastructure Reserves, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (e) That the 2012 Water Operating Budget, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (f) That the 2012 Wastewater Operating Budget, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (g) That the 2012 Capital Budget, as presented in the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, be received and referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; (h) That the draft 2012 Business Plan for the Holland Marsh Drainage System Joint Municipal Services Board, be referred to the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Page 4 of 181 Committee of the Whole Agenda Monday, January 16th, 2012 Page 10. AGENDA ITEMS Council; (i) That the recommended rate adjustment for the Township’s 2012 Water and Wastewater Rates be approved and the necessary By-law be enacted by Council at its January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council; and (j) That the necessary By-law to adopt/approve the draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, as presented, be considered at the January 30, 2012 Meeting of Council. (Note: To obtain a copy of the Township's draft 2012 Budget & Business Plan, please refer to the Township's website at www.king.ca and click on the banner "Get Involved - 2012 Budget - Have your Say". The Plan will be available for viewing by the end of business day on Thursday, January 12, 2012.) 11. NOTICES 181 11.1 Notices Page 5 of 181 TOWNSHIP OF KING DATE: January 16,2012 TO: Committee ofthe Whole FROM: Engineering & Public Works Department and Planning Department SUBJECT: Joint Report Number JR 2012-01 Mid-York East-West Transportation Improvements Study 1. RECOMMENDATIONS The Engineering & Public Works Department and Planning Department respectfully submit the following recommendations: 1. That Report JR 2012-01 be received as information; 2. That Township staffbe authorized to participate in the Technical Advisory Committee for the project and provide further comments on technical matters to the Region, and report back to Council where appropriate; 3. That the Township ofKing supports the undertaking and completion ofthe Mid-York East-West Transportation Improvements Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Study with the scoped work plan to investigate Highway 400 Interchange Alternatives and associated east-west road improvements in the corridor north ofTeston Road and south ofHighway 9; 4. That the Township ofKing urges the Regional Municipality ofYork to expand the study scope and boundaries to ensure that continuous alternative east-west corridors are identified and established in the central part ofthe Region from Highway 404 to westerly boundary ofYork Region and Peel Region in an effort to maximize road network connectivity and travel options; 5. That the Township ofKing supports the efforts ofthe Regional Municipality ofYork to identify and plan for diversion ofcommuter traffic away from King Road through King City 6. That the Township ofKing urges the Regional Municipality ofYork to consider all types oftransportation improvements within the study area, including expanded transit services; 7. That the Township ofKing requests the Region to consider the York-Simcoe boundary and the York-Peel boundary area transportation needs and the effects oftransportation demand increases from the neighbouring municipalities on road congestion in King Township; Engineering and Public Works and Planning Departments Page 6 of 181 Joint Report Number JR-2012-01 Report Number JR-2012-01 Mid-York East-West Transportation Improvements Study Page 2 That stafffrom the Regional Municipality ofYork be requested to make a further presentation to the Township ofKing Council prior to the completion offinal Study Report and prior to the Final Study report being brought forward to Regional Council; That the Clerk send a copy ofthis report and the adopted recommendations to the Regional Municipality ofYork , City ofVaughan, Town ofRichmond Hill, Town of Aurora, Town ofNewmarket, Town ofEast Gwillimbury, Town ofBradford West Gwillimbury, County ofSimcoe, and the Ministry ofTransportation. 2. PURPOSE This report provides a progress update on the Mid-York East-West Transportation Improvements Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Study being carried out by the Regional Municipality ofYork. 3. BACKGROUND & ANALYSIS The Region's Official Plan adopted by Council ( December 2009) and the Region's approved Transportation Master Plan identify the need for a study of a mid-York east-west transportation corridor to address road capacity and connectivity issues in the central part of York Region to service forecast travel demand. Section 7.2 Policy #44 of the Region's Official Plan identifies the following policy of Regional Council: To investigate establishing a continuous alternative east-west corridor(s) in the central part ofthe Region.
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