DIRECTORY.] CHESHIRE. BICKERTON. 55 Hardern Ann (Mrs.), frmr.Betcbtn.fm Salt Union I.im. qth division (Henry Hortou Robert, farmer & assistant! Hardern John, farmer Bebbington, mgr.), Malkin's bank overseer, Hassall house Hardern Thomas, farmer Thorley Charles, farmer Jones Harry, farmer, Day green Harding William, farmer Upton George, farmer, Manor house Jones Peter, farmer, Day green Harding Joseph, jun. farmer Lewis George, farmer Holland .Andrew, farmer, Day's green HASSALL. Lowe Samuel, farmer, School farm Holland John, miller (water), Lower Shef1eld Robert Morris Clement, frmr. Dunnock's fold Roughwood COMMERCIAL. Mountford Henry, farmer, The Grove Lakin Samuel, farmer Breeze J oseph, farmer SnPlson Edward, farmer, Has-sall ho Lea Rich!J,rd, farm er Cooper John, blacksmith Snelson William, farmer,Butchers bnk Leese Mrs-. boor retailer, Hassall grn Cooper Herbert, wheelwright St;mit~r Frederick, miller Lings William, farmer, Dean hill Dale William, farmer Thorley Ja.s. frmr. Walnut Tree frm ~ibbs J ames, farmer, Malkin's bank Edwards Sanil. frmr. Finger Post frm Tirnmis John (Mrs.), farmer Proudlove William, farmer, Dean hill Gorst John, grocer Yates Frederick, farmer, Hass:ill hall Shaw James, farmer, Lin house Hamlet Ralph, farmer .BICKERTON is a township and parish, formed in BULKELEY is a township, 6 miles north-east from 1843 from the civil parish of Malpas, 2 miles south-.east Malpas, and 4 east from Broxton railway station, in the from Broxton station on the Chester andt Whitchurch se<:­ Nantwich union and county court district. A :Mission tion of the London and North Western railway and 4 church was erected here in 1893, and there is also a north-by-east from Malpas. The parish is in the Ed­ Primitive Methodist chapel. The Marquess of Chol­ disbury division of the oounty, Broxton hundred and mondeley P.C. who is lord of the manor, and Richard petty sessional diviSJion, rural deanery of Malrms and Brassy esq. are the principal landowners. The area is a.rchdooconry and diooes~ of Chester. The townsillp is 956 acres; ratea,ble value, £1,809; the population in in the union and county C'Ourt djs·triot of .Niantwich. The r gor was 168. houses lie scattered on the base and aUong the sides of a Post Office.-James Boffey, sub-postm11ster. Letters ar­ lofty range of hills. The parish includes Bickerton, rive from Mrnlpas at 8.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. Cholmon­ Broxton, Bulkeley, Duckington, Egerton and Larkton. deley is the neare~ money order & telegraph office The church of the Holy Trinity, erected in 1843, is a Wall Let-ter Box cleared at 5.3o p.m. week days only pla.in building of stone consisting of chancel, nave, west porch .and a western tower containing one bell : the DUCKINGTON is a township in Whitchurch union, 4 church affords 180 sittings. The regtister dat.e>J from the miles north from Malpas and 2 .south from Broxton rail­ year 1844· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value wuy s!iation. W. W. Tyrwhitt-Drake esq. of Shardeloes, £270, with residence, in the gjft of W. ·w. Tyrwhitt­ Bueks, is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The Drake esq. and held since I 879 by the Rev. J arnes Mel­ area. is 671 acres; rateable value, £925; the population • ville Hall :M.A.. of Exeter College, Oxford, and surrogate. m 1901 "\\'<IS 5r. .A cemetery of about one acre was formed in r88o on land Lertters through Mn-lpas. Brox1xm, 2 miles distant, is adjoining the church: it is under the control of a the nearest money order office burnal board of 9 members. Bickerton Reading Room "as erected in r8 99 and rgoo at a rost oi £ goo, raised by EGERTON is a township on the road fr<Jm Nantwich public subscription, and cvntains reading and billiard to Wrexham, Denbighshiro, in Nantwich union and county 'l"Ooms, a gaJnes room and a concert room. Done's charity court district, 2 m:iles north-east from MalJpas railway of £4 r2s. yearly and Neville's dole of 1"4 13s. 6d. yearly, station. Sir Philip Henry Brian Grey-Egerton bart. ~hared in common with Bulkeley township, are dis.tributed is lord of the manor and principal land<Jwner. in accordance writh a scheme of the Ch11rity Oommris­ EgBrton was for many ye'a.rs the seat of the family of s:ioners for Malpas Rectorial charities. This parish has that name, who resided in a moated mansion here, the also a share of the charities left to the old parish of site of which is now occupied by a farmhouse; the :Ma~as. Sir Philip Henry Brian Grey-EgM'ton hart. of ancient domestic chapel sbll exists, but is used for farm ()ulton Park, Ta11porley, who is lord of the manor, the purposes. .A gold bracel€t of rare workmanship and :Marquess of Cholmondeley and George Barbour esq. considerable antiquity was ploughed up in a field near .of Bolesworth Castle, are the principal landowners. The the waHs some yoors ago. 'fhe area is 921 acres; rate­ soil is hoo.vy; subsoil, clay. The land is chiefly in pas­ able value, £ r,r:;f>4; the population in rgor was II3- ture, but whe,a.t is grown. The area ()£ the town~ship is Letters through Malpas. Cholmondeley is the nearest 1,658 acres; rateable V'alue, £2,4n; the population in money order & telegro.ph office, about 2 miles distant 1:gor wa·s: parish, 1,232, and township, 322. Parish Clerk, Timothy Davenport. J.ARKTON (or Larton) is a township r! miles north­ east from Malpas railway station, in Wbitchurch union Post Office. Thomas Rycroft, sub-postmastel'. Letters and Nantwich county court district. The Marquess of arrive from Malpas at 8.15 a.m. ; dispatched at 4.30 Cholmondeley, who is lord of the manor, and John Done p.m. Postal orders .are issued here, but not raid. esq. of the l\lanor House, Hampton, are the principal Cholmond-eley & Broxton are the nearest money order landowners. The area is 403 acres; rateable value, & telegn:tph offices, 2 mile~ distant - £613; the population in 1901 was 34· Wall Letter Box, Red Lion inn, cleared at 4· ro p.m. on Letters through M:al'pas, which is the nearest money week days only order & telegraph office, 2~ miles distant Naticmal School (mixed), erected with residence for the master in 1844, for roo children; average attendance, COU~TY MA.GISTfR.A.TES FOR BROXTON PETTY 75; Charles Lea Whittingharu, master; Miss Mabel SESSIONAL DIVISION. Lidgett, assistant mistress Leche John Hurleston esq. D.L. Carden park, Chester, chairman BROXTON is a. considerable township and bead of a GrDsvenDr Lord .Arthur Hugb D.L. Broxton hall, Chester petty sessional division, and has a station on the Chester, ..A.ldersey Hugh esq. B . .A . .Aldersey hall, Chester Whitchurch and Shrewsbury branch of the London and Barbour George esq. ~LA.., D.L. Bolesworth castle, Tat­ North Western railway, 5 miles north from Malpas, in tenhall, Chester the Tarvin union, and county court district of Chester, Barbour Robert esq. B..A. Boleswortb castle, Tattenball, and gives its name to the hundred. Here is a Primitive Cheste-r Methodist chapel. The charities amount to £u yearly. Barnston Harry esq. Crewe hill, Farndon, Chester Bolesworth Castle, a modern castellated mansion of stone, Cmm William Grahnm esq. Thornliebank, Glasgow -standing on a. commanding eminence, is the property Howard John esq. M . .A. Broughton ball, :Maipas :and residence of George Barbour esq. M . .A., D.L., J.P.; Howard Robert esq. M.A.. Broughton ball, Malpas the grounds extend over 130 acres, and in front o~ the ~lassie Edward Richard esq. The Mount, ~Ialpas castle is a lake of II acres. Broxton Old Hall, formerly Orton Rob~rt Oliver esq. Bank house, Tattenhall,Chester the seat of the Broxtons, is now occupied by Lord .Arthur Poole Cudworth Halsted esq. Marbury ha.ll, Whitchurch, Hugh Grosvenor D.L., J.P. Sir P. H. B. Grey-Egerton Salop bart. who is lord of the manor, and G. Barbour esq. are Sandbach Samuel Henry esq. ~LA.. Cherry hill, Cudding­ the principal landowners. 'lue area is 2,382 acres; rate­ ton, Malpas able value, £4,322; the population in 1901 was 543· Vernan Thomas Munhall Lossford esq. B.A.. Tushingham Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel house, 1Yhitcburch, Salop Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-John War­ Wolley-Dod Rev. Charles M.A.. Edge bill, Malpas !burton, sub-postm'.l.ster. Le1ters by foot post from Wolrycb€-'Whitmore Lt.-Col. Francis .Alexandra, Larden Ches-ter delivered at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m hall, W enlock, Salop Wall Letter Box at the Royal Oak inn cleared at 415 p.m Clerk to the :Magistrates, Henry Taylor, 2 Pepper street, Railway Station, .Albert Bro11 n, station master Chester .
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