WESTCHESTER February 2019 -- Shevat-Adar 1 5779, Volume 25, Issue 2 Celebrating 1994-2019 Years JewishWESTCHESTER COUNTY’S ONLY MONTHLYLife JEWISH NEWSPAPER FOR 25 YEARS Afya Delivers Disaster Relief in Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Quiroz, Afya Chief Admin- istrative Officer observed. On Monday, January 21st, “It takes about 25,000 Westchester Reform Temple hours of volunteer time to {WRT} in Scarsdale, partnered sort through all of the sup- with UJA’s Time for Good, in plies that are constantly a Day of Service in honor of coming in.” Martin Luther King Jr. UJA “Today is a day of ser- Federation of New York’s J- vice across the region,” Guy Teen’s came to the Synagogue Felixbrodt, Executive Di- to help with the 2019 Disas- rector, J-Teen Leadership ter Relief efforts with the said. “This is 1 location Afya Foundation (Swahili, out of 72, drawing 3,000 “health”), involving collect- volunteers and started 13 ing medical and personal hy- years ago as a response to Left to right: Guy Felixbrodt, Executive Director, J-Teen Leadership, UJA Federa- giene supplies to be shipped Hurricane Katrina in New tion NY; Lisa Goldstein, Office of Congressman Eliot Engel; Danielle Butin, to Puerto Rico, in conjunction Orleans. Our event drew Founder/CEO, Afya Foundation; NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins; As- with AJC Westchester/Fair- 200 teen volunteers of all field and Westchester County semblywoman Amy Paulin; Westchester County Legislator Nancy Barr; J-Teen faiths and trains leaders Left, J-Teen Leadership vounteers, white tee shirts; blue UJA Federation NY “mensch” Youth Council. Leader Abe Baker-Butler. in community service, tik- shirts, right. “This is a very special who are medically frail and el- call and founded Afya in 2008, kun olam.” event and this day of service ders who are frail… calling it that to honor the Assemblywoman Amy Andrew Cuomo’s office sent they sorted. They also wrote involves hundreds of teens “In 2007 I went on vaca- country. Since 2008 we have Paulin welcomed the teens a proclamation in honor of 500 letters written in Spanish coming together for the great- tion to Tanzania and met a rescued and shipped 9 million to her “spiritual home,” WRT. MLK Day. to be hand delivered by anoth- er good,” Afya founder and physician who talked about pounds of medical supplies “We have a tradition as a At the end of the day, er J-Teen Leadership service CEO Danielle Butin stressed. how there was no medical and equipment.” Jewish people to be “men- the students shipped 3,000 trip delegation to the Boys and “There is a very significant supplies in any of his clinics. “We check for expiration sches” (good characters),” pounds of medical supplies Girls Club of Puerto Rico in need in Puerto Rico for people I regarded this as a wake-up and identify the items,” Erica Paulin noted. And Governor to Puerto Rico from the 5,000 February. Westchester Torah Academy Breaks Ground for New Facility STAFF REPORT uven Fink, Young Israel of They strive to include person- New Rochelle, Rabbi Shmuel alized, progressive and cre- Excitement was in the air Greenberg, Young Israel of ative methods of teaching for as Westchester Torah Acad- White Plains, Rabbi Daniel grades K-8 and are committed emy {WTA} broke ground at Rosenfelt, Fleetwood Syna- to excellence in both Judaic 150 Stratton Road on January gogue, Rabbi Eli Kohl, Young and secular studies. 13, for the first Yeshiva Day Israel of Stamford, Rabbi Don The new facility is being School in New Rochelle. “We Margulies, Riverdale Minyan, designed with an open amphi- are most proud to have a pres- and Rav Tomer Ronen of Ye- theater at the entrance. There ence in New Rochelle,” said shivat He’atid. Deputy Mayor of will be 10 classrooms in the Judah Isaacs, WTA Director of New Rochelle, Barry Fertel and new 2 story building, a lunch- Finance and Operations. “Our former New Rochelle Council- room, gym, auditorium, offices goal is to have the new 16,000 woman, Shari Rackman repre- and a middle school wing. Gar- square foot facility on the 8 sented the City. dens and a large play area will acre campus ready for Septem- The Modern Orthodox, also be created on the grounds. ber.” co-ed Yeshiva Day School, In addition, an existing A large turnout of par- opened in some of Temple mansion and carriage house ents, grandparents and Rabbis Israel of New Rochelle’s class- Left to right: Brian Kalb; Chairman of the Board Westchester Torah Academy, Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg; Young Israel will be renovated to host the attended the ground breaking rooms in 2013, with a mission of White Plains, Rabbi Reuven Fink; Young Israel of New Rochelle, New Rochelle Deputy Mayor Barry Fertel , Deganit early childhood program. ceremony to support WTA’s of enhancing learning while Ronen; Principal of Westchester Torah Academy, former New Rochelle Councilwoman Shari Rackman,Rabbi Daniel The larger mansion will be mission including Rabbi Re- building a sense of community. Rosenfelt, Fleetwood Synagogue, Rabbi Avi Hoffman; Rav Beit Sefer Westchester Torah Academy. continued on page 2 Visit www.westchesterjewishlife.com 2 • February 2019 • Shevat-Adar 1 5779 • Westchester Jewish Life www.westchesterjewishlife.com Rabbi Baldachin Visits Guatemala to Support Human Rights Advocates Rabbi Adam Baldachin of Shaarei Tikvah in Scarsdale is one of 15 influential Jewish leaders who traveled to Guate- mala in January as part of the prestigious Global Justice Fel- lowship run by American Jew- ish World Service (AJWS), the leading Jewish organization working to fight poverty and promote human rights in the developing world. The group returned on January 20, after meeting with leaders of nonprofit groups working to advance human rights in Guatemala, one of the Central American coun- Central America. He will con- advocates fighting for legal tries that residents are fleeing tinue the effort during a visit protections for human rights to seek work or asylum in the to members of Congress and activists at risk of violence, United States. other officials in Washington, midwives providing maternal “I have a responsibility as D.C. in March in the next part health support for indigenous someone with power to figure of the fellowship. women, and members of an Ben’s $3.99 Kid’s out not only how I can help, The rabbinic fellows independent journalism col- but also how my government arrived as Guatemala faced lective led by young Guatema- is responsible – and then I widespread condemnation lans seeking to expose human Meals In February!! have a real duty to respond to for ordering a United Nations- rights abuses. that,” said Rabbi Baldachin. approved team of corruption The rabbis learned from He vowed to tell his Scarsdale investigators to vacate the human rights advocates about community about the history country. During a week in the working to improve life in of human rights violations in country, the fellows met with continued on page 11 Westchester Torah Academy Breaks Ground for New Home continued from page 1 Purchase any sandwich or entrée at regular price in Ben’s dining room during the month of February and select an item of equal or lesser value for $3.99 from Ben’s Kid’s Menu.* OFFER VALID FEBRUARY 1-28, 2019 ONLY. *Each $3.99 Kid’s Meal requires a separate regular price purchase of equal or greater value. Offer valid during February 2019 for in-store dining only. No takeout please. May not be combined with any other Ben’s special, coupon, discount, offer or Ben’s remodeled to contain a li- and passion for Eretz Yisrael Faculty Award. Co-chairs of Friends Reward. brary, Maker’s Space/STEAM and continue to inspire others the event are Jamie Feit and lab, Beit Midrash, music with their story.” Joy Wilson. RESTAURANT room and common areas to The Avitals have been “Our new home will edu- facilitate Torah Study, tech- volunteers at WTA explained cate, inspire and motivate our nology and individualized Isaacs. “They encourage learn- students and will be designed DELICATESSEN learning. ing and as educators, they both to support their educational The WTA family is also embody the same values as we needs,” concluded Isaacs. BAR•CATERERS looking forward to their 6th do at WTA, so we wanted to “For the new building, we are annual Shomrei Torah Event honor them.” still looking for donations of Catering Hotline: 1-800-344-BENS taking place February 24 at Other honorees include any kind. We now will have a 7pm. They will be honoring Miriam Rubin with the Volun- permanent home in New Ro- BensDeli.net • 914-468-BENS (2367) • We Are Kosher Anita and Moshe Avital of New teer Award for her work with chelle.” 718 Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale, New York 10583 Rochelle with the Community the Vaad Horim {PTA} and Nel- To inquire about donat- © 2019 Ronald M. Dragoon Award. “Two lifelong educa- lie Harris, the Early Childhood ing or to attend the February tors who have spread their love Admissions Director, with the 24 event call 712-6497. www.shorelinepub.com Westchester Jewish Life • February 2019 • Shevat-Adar 1 5779 • 3 A Meeting of Two Men Named Chaim Judaism 101 Class Offered BY JACK SCHWEIZER, PRESIDENT, LPJC his conversion en; but one who survives and and learned of believes in Hashem, should be at the Shames JCC On December 28, 2018, Chaim’s perspec- an Angel. For that, Valencia Lincoln Park Jewish Cen- tive on his Holo- immediately decided he was The Shames Jewish Community Center on the Hudson ter {LPJC}, Spiritual Leader caust experience.
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