Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1976 The ommeC nt, February 26, 1976 Bridgewater State College Volume 49 Number 14 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1976). The Comment, February 26, 1976. 49(14). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/370 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Bloodmobile 9:30 to 3:30 in Maroh 3 ~be ((omment s. U. Ballroom Vol. XLIX No. 14 Bridge~~1:er Slate College Fehruary 26; 1976 and now... Closed-circuit Television on Campus__ By Sharon Cowan Sex Offenders to . he If you are like most students at this institution, you possess a Released provincial attitude about where By Richard C. Tonner and in what capacity you belong on this campus, and you intend On February 6, U.S. District to remain huddled safely in that C()urt Judge W. ArtbllT Garrity boring little niche. Therefore, Jr. issued as oral order to the you are probably not aware of Department of Mental Health an tJ.le existence of the television the Department of Correc- tions to studio on the first floor of the release inmates from Student Union. _ The In­ Bridgewater's correctional· in­ structional Mediadepartment stitution on fur:loughs _. Judge has conducted television Garrity's proposal-would allow ,. ..,-~ courses for three years now . At . ,: • members of the Treatment·Cen­ this point, there has been ex­ ter for Sexually. Dangerous pressed a desire for a joint effort Persons to leave .the . facility on on the part of the Student Union, furloughs to accept work release Instructional Media, and the programs and home visits. The college community to set up II Instructional Media Department Supervisor Stephen Caine at the television studio. decision for release was not met closed-circuit programs, whose without opposition, however, as outlets would be the screens in For example, when David Fry to do~ Inste~d of the- con- not become fixated exclusively five kindred angry people the Union and hopefully the dial visits Bridgewatr State in the ventional interview form, they with this idea) music, freeform crowded the auditorium - of tlie access sets on campus. The nea~ future, there may be aired will simply discuss what they do, debating, graphic art, mi~e, goals of the effort are to over­ an Impersonation contest. The and then do it. Such a free- journalism, yoga, improv­ Massachusetts Correctional come thf'o,e provincial attitudes most exciting possibilities for flowing format can be utilized isational acting and limitless Institution last Wednesday to that keep' people from working Bridgewater's closed circuit for theatre (although it is hoped voice their strongly held (continued to page 3} together in some kind of television lie in the most valuable that would-be programmers will positions. The opposition productive, progressive way, asset of video- the fact that in claimed no safeguards for the and, of course, to give people video, the camera records spellbinding ,. 'immediate community have something to watch. everything. Whatever goes on, is been est~blished and many Individuals living and working recorded and shown in its en­ added that the Department of in this area of the country have a tirety, mistakes and all. - These GODSPELL Mental ,Health-d,oes not care distorted view of television characteristics assure something about ·tnose living in the area. By Curley ranging from having little or n~ new on the screen: realism and Mau~a Bo~tdorf The center holds 117· inmates, imagination as to what can be spontaneity. All too often, the -1 ' ,- Many of the folks in the_audience • and 86 of these are under court The r illusical magic of "God- done with the medium, to programming ideas that come up had already seen the play in ordered one aday to life civil - spell" is not new. It has been believeing in the misconception are mere reflections of shows that Boston once, twice, or even three· commitments for sexually violent converting even the most stollid that what one sees on network already exist on structured film­ times before. crimes. Rapists, child molesters of audiences for quite a while television is video, while actually television. People think in terms 'What is it about this musical -and sexual deviates who maimed now, as .it recreates the Gsopel it is usually reproduction onto of thirty-or sixty-minute spectacular that accounts for its and tortured their victims are 'according to St. Matthew in a film, cut and edited in order to periods; the programming will charismatic qual- ity and un­ amoung the inmates of the Center manner tha t can only be termed better please a mass audience not be confined to time periods. deniable succsss in becoming a at M. C.I. Through a screening­ and therefore maintain the net­ A show will take as long as the "ingenious." A4though the story period . piece for our time? process, such members would be ~ work's ratings. Video, which is subject matter requires,running line of this play has, long been~ Perhaps it is the deep religious allowed furlough priveldges I to what the studio at Bridgewater for as long as iJ; is interesting and familiar, its impact continues. to sigI1ificance which is transmitted neighboring communities. wants students and faculty to then_ stopping. There are be felt with a freshness all its own. to' us in a context we can both re­ Those who favor the program become involved in, can be used numerous groups on campu~ Testifying to the fact that one . I late to and enjoy The production claim that treatment includes in an educational, informational who could benefit by in­ cannot get too much a of a good is full of puns, -impersonations, becoming adjusting to the com­ manner; there has been offered volvement is closed circuit T.V. thing, were the droves of people characterizations and misun­ munity outside, and not waiting the idea of a "College bowl" What is proposed is the concept that showed up last week for the program. Such programs would of putting them in the studio, and one night performance of the play­ derstandings which punctuate our until their eventuaJ release. daily lives, making the play seem Over the last 10 years, . the take a conventional approach. videotaping whatever they have at the Student Union Auditorium. quite be- lievable to us. Perhaps cidivism rate at. the center is within this framework, the about 8 percent, well under the thought of being religious is more more than 70 percent rate for the palatable to us than we previously rest of ·the population. The Harrington and the CIA thought possible. Partaking in Department of Corree- tions and this play (as the audience·· in­ the Mental Health Departme t By Sue Lawson variably does) one is able to grasp-. conceeded ina federal court that about our intelligence gathering some of the significance of .the condi- tions at the center were so Michael J Harrington, (D­ scriptures whish sometimes inadequate as to constitute a systems; 1.) What is a society Salem) Congressman from the eludes us in the strictly biblical violation of equal pro-- tection si!xth district in Massachusetts, such as ours, that regards itself as reHtively free, going to do with translation. Undoubtedly, and freedom from- cruel and made a surprise visit to BSC last .G'&ispell utilizes the 'Medium of unusual punishment. Fiday noon in the Student Union these organisations? 2.> Is the Ballroom. Cousin to the in­ price we must pay for tlrese (continued to page 8) (continued to page 3) famous State Senate President agencies to become more like KeVin Harrington. the blond socities which are reletively haired, striped tied closed? It is time, the Congressman congressman addressed a crowd Absentee voters be counted too! feels, for a re-evalution of the FBI of about 100 students and faculty members on the misuse of the and CIA. Questions regarding these organisations and the This weekend, you should take a fire station). Fill it out and mail it CIA and "the lack of stomach on few minutes and vote. Stop by to your town clerk immediately. the part of Congress," in identies of those responsible for keeping the secrets, must be your town hall on Friday af­ If the application- is received by restraining activities of such ternoon (many of them aren't noon of the. day preceding the"_ intelligence -gathering stystems exposed for the post-Vietnam o~n on Saturday) and fill out an elections. than an absentee ballot working overseas and generation which must sort them out. The people in this country application for an absentee will be sent out to you. As soon as domestically. ballot. When you've filled this you get our ballot, take it to the Congress has gone beyond the must have an appreciation of the "outlying and interlocking ap­ out, you will be given your ballot, towis·clerk's office, and under the' blights of Vietnam and Watergate and under the directions of an directions. of an authorized per­ by not facing up to its obligations paratus (of the CIA) and the authaci.zed.J).eJ:S~~.YOU can vote. son, vote. Mail your ballot right to make privy to the ordinary tnea ts they pose to our society," ·the Congressman stated. If you are staying here this away, because only ballots that citizen the operations and ex­ weekend and you haven't gotten are mailed or delivered, as the pense budgets of the intelligence Control of intelligence .. organisations in this country must or applied for an absentee ballot; rase· may_he 00.61:· befor March 2 agencies in this country.
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