October 5, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 21099 Since then, Congress has never ter- Government. Then the civil chief, Chief in political contributions to various minated this relationship. Since then, Richardville, also decided to work with campaigns, parties and other nonprofit there has been an acknowledgment the United States Government and in groups in addition to the money that that that was an error in 1897. In 1990, Fort Wayne. We hope within a few he gave to the President’s campaign in the Department of the Interior specifi- months this will be a national historic the early 1990s. cally admitted that the opinion of At- landmark; it is the oldest Indian treaty And throughout the 1990s, he worked torney General Van Devanter was in- house east of the Mississippi still on its with John Huang, helped get John correct and that the trust relationship site. Huang appointed to the Democratic of the Indiana Miamis was wrongfully It is Chief Richardville’s house. It is National Committee leadership, so that terminated. In other words, in 1897 this where the Miami Nation congregated. he could extract more money from ille- was wrongfully done. They reappealed It was their civil chief. We also have gal sources in China and the Far East, to the BIA and lost their appeal, be- Richardville’s son-in-law Lafontaine, including Indonesia. cause, apparently, some of the minutes in an Indian house. After all, Indiana is The Justice Department has not from meetings in either the late 1950s named after the Indians, but we do not moved to indict Mr. Riady, and that is or early 1960s were lost partly because have respect and have not respected something that we have really been the Secretary’s house trailer burned them enough. fighting with them about, because we and the Miami did not have records of We have two treasures of these think, even though he is in Indonesia, their continual meetings they had. homes. This is apparently the only Na- he has violated American law, he has They had powwows in our district, and tive American home east of the Mis- fled the country, and he has not com- throughout parts of northern Indiana sissippi on its original site. plied with subpoenas from our com- they have had a consistent form of Richardville and Little Turtle were in mittee and others. One of the things that really bothers tribal government. So we are basically fact in essence punished because they me, and the reason I come to the floor looking at technicalities that have dis- stopped warring with the United today, is not to rehash what we have qualified a nation that is one of our States. It is time that the United States cor- known for a long time, Mr. Speaker; most historic. rect what are acknowledged wrongs in Let me give my colleagues a couple but today we find out that Mr. Riady decertifying the Miami Nation in 1897, of examples. The famous Indian chief, invites the President of the United to reconcile the bookkeeping error. Little Turtle, was one of the greatest States to be on the Lippo board of di- One last point, they have agreed by a warriors in American history. This is a rectors in Indonesia. This comes right 12 to zero council meeting to suspend drawing by a Miami of Indiana person from the Far Eastern Economic Review their gaming rights. The act says that who lives in Fort Wayne area, my that was reported today, and I urge my pursuant they will not pursue gaming hometown. What is interesting about colleagues to look at the article. in class 3, and only be allowed with ex- Mr. Speaker, I include this article for this is, this is not a drawing that is pressed approval from Congress. the RECORD. contemporary of its period, because the It is unfortunate that true rights are RIADY INVITES CLINTON TO LIPPO BOARD only oil painting of Little Turtle was being denied because of gambling, but in the White House, and it was burned Indonesian tycoon James Riady has in- they have agreed to suspend theirs. vited U.S. President Bill Clinton to join the when the White House was burned in f board of Lippo Group when he steps down 1812 when James Madison was Presi- from Office early next year, according to dent. And it was by Gilbert Stuart. JAMES RIADY INVITES BILL business people who have met Riady in Ja- But this is a likeness drawn after CLINTON TO LIPPO BOARD karta recently. Riady has been telling busi- that. Little Turtle is famous because The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ness contacts in Jakarta that he expects on American soil, he is the only person previous order of the House, the gen- Clinton to accept, even though the U.S. president has been dogged by allegations to have defeated full-blown American tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is that Riady funnelled illegal foreign dona- armies authorized by this Congress, recognized for 5 minutes. not once, but twice, bigger defeats, tions to Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 election cam- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- paigns. A former Lippo Group employee re- than Custard, bigger defeats than the er, last year, during our investigation, ports that as far back as the mid-1990’s Riady Western, different things where Crazy the Committee on Government Reform was said to be trying to recruit Clinton to Horse and Sitting Bull and all of those had John Huang testify that James the board as soon as he left office. Jakarta famous Indian chiefs, Little Turtle de- Riady, a close personal friend of the police are currently helping the U.S. Justice feated American armies twice. President of the United States, orga- Department in its investigation of the al- George Washington said they had to nized a scheme to funnel a million dol- leged campaign contributions. get the junction of the rivers in what is lars into the President’s campaign in The article reads like this: ‘‘Riady now Fort Wayne but at that time was the early 1990s. Around $700,000 to invites Clinton to Lippo board. Indo- Kekionga, because it was the control- $800,000 of that money was raised, nesian tycoon James Riady has invited ling of the Northwest territory and we brought into the country from Indo- President Bill Clinton to join the board would have never had a Lewis and nesia through conduits, and funneled of Lippo Group when he steps down Clark. We never would have had a Lou- into the campaign as had been prom- from office early next year, according isiana Purchase if we could not get ised. to business people who have met with control of the Northwest Territory. We believe much more than that was Mr. Riady in Jakarta recently. Riady Little Turtle twice defeated those ar- brought in, but that is all we could ac- has been telling business contacts in mies. count for. Most of that money was sent Jakarta that he expects Clinton to ac- He was victorious right near Eel back, was returned, because it was ille- cept even though the U.S. President River where his settlement was, and he gal campaign contributions. We have has been dogged by allegations that also defeated La Balme from France, been after the Justice Department for Riady funneled illegal foreign con- who was considered the foremost cal- some time to, in absentia, indict Mr. tributions to the 1992 and 1996 cam- vary officer in France. Riady for illegal campaign contribu- paigns.’’ But then Little Turtle realized he tions and for obstruction of justice. The thing that is interesting about was not going to be able to defeat An- Mr. Riady fled the country. He is now this, and I am not accusing the Presi- thony Wayne. He stayed in the coali- living in Indonesia, and he is one of the dent of anything, so I do not want to be tion with Blue Jacket and other Indian major partners or executive officers in stopped for anything, but the thing tribes, the Shawnee and others; but the Lippo Group, which was formed by that is interesting about this, Mr. they were defeated at the battle of his father, Mochtar Riady, sometime Speaker, is that the beneficiary of one Fallen Timbers and that led to a ago. of the major decisions by the adminis- change in the West. Little Turtle de- Mr. Riady also orchestrated a com- tration was the Riady group, the Lippo cided to work with the United States plex scheme to launder over $4 million Group, in Indonesia. VerDate jul 14 2003 11:49 Dec 21, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H05OC0.003 H05OC0 21100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 5, 2000 Sometime in the 1990s, the President strategic purposes, in case there was a He raised taxes while he was in the took the coal reserve, the largest clean cutting off of our shipping channels Senate, and he has proposed raising burning coal reserve in the United and we needed that fuel for military taxes while he was Vice President. Re- States, out of possible production in purposes. That is why it was set up. member, Mr. Speaker, and my col- Utah and made it a national park. There is no shortage of oil. Yes, there leagues who drive back and forth and Many engineers told us that this could is an increase of prices because we are fly an airplane, those taxes were raised have been mined in an environmentally dependent because of this administra- supposedly to stop our consumption.
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