IATERNAT- NoTIcs. JOEL X~ MANLEY, THE MEMBERS OF HIRAM LADGE.' Na *' PEP "Ar F. A. A. M., an regnested to met at the loige room Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30 o'lcsek, to y AR'-I$taC$5R a tribute of respect to i6 Memory of orwea FORawnsAITEAN Or zkpim- [Aisoiell ueroa brother, P. M. Louis D. Wine. Preset-TfeMorris a".C46etMr. JumJ b and coimerci ac- A fall attendance is desired. By order of- 3atbovw9i Jolm ERVIN S. HUBBARD. CAN NATIONAL CoN Admisslone-Wo. W. cotnts on the b6sis of WM. L STUARD, Master. C. Brooke, Jane B: Wakmer. 1ak W. Secretary. fee-2t Peterson.1warL ResC Aftert , r VA".the betftof.service,. terich and David, P Welf&gnter :IVe- LewlsJohnson& Cos, SPECIAL NOTICEM. AUGUSTA, Me., February 7.-- .182t-Holden agt. Iufted States; mandate The sit* 4 the Di|niciot buildift& bheo Bnig facilities ordered to issue forthwith; on sootion of at 3446sis t a d weas Connecticut and thebest ofretet. Bankers, 1319 F St. THE ANNUAL IEIrING OF THE STOCKHOLD- Joseph H. Manley, former chairman ,Mr. M. H. Beach,.-attorney for defendant the -onsg -of*We-"- *0*a JA- maa. on era of the Co-operstive Mercantile and Invest- in error. Conrrdat Pasper. meat of the national executive et. al., United States; Company, for the election of trustees, will committce 14W-Lorens agt th a The in Direct Privite Wire to be held at the odice of the company, 320 8th mandate ordered to issue forthwith; eu brobg abmut a terest. street, Tuesday. March 7, 1905, at 7:30 o'clock of the republican party, died sudden- naction of Xr.' N. H. Beach, attorney for the c"iter of te Z and e the autuail MOORE p.m. & SCHLEY. J. B. WRIGHT, Secretary. fe7-4t* at his home here appellee. eterfreefe ob06ef -I& partitloas MCIAWS -& W. C. T. U.-THE REGULAR MEETING OF ly today. 1487-Bundf agt. United States; ex re. Ufe Insurance Chapin Union will be held WED., Feb. 8, at 12.30 was-the cause of death. Darling; passe4. Aia Conipany, p.m., at 522 Oth at. a.w. Everybody welcome. Apoplexy 1497-Columbina University agt. Taylor; of-thR e a. a WaaO4ess...ati.m. Of IMECHANW 1t* Mrs. WILLIAMS, President. The funeral will be held Friday. placed at head of assignment for February for the.egestrWtu1-aAV Hartford, Conn. SAVNGS BANK 707 G Street. Blank 8, 1905. A pa.t f the o. lg material con- books made for Sketch of His Career. 14M8-Gassenheimer agt. District of Co- slats of a thick 41_tar covered ET ASSE', Janary 1, 194..... $6f,211,8,O9 " to commenced D. by order. Mr. was of age. lumbla; argument by Mr. heavy tar OnW of the IN your business L*eat factory Price. Manley sixty-two years W. Baker for plaintiff In error and con- japr. workmen Was EMCMVED 1904. HODGES' BOOKBINDERY, 420-22 lth-next Star.. He had not been in good health for several c!uded by Mr. F. H. Stephens for defend- engaged in hit fisuatieoiaftg duty of light- For Presolums....,$5,411,377.44 years. but his death was not considered ant in error. ing a Are in!the 1ement+*.xlng vat along- For interest and We remove 1504-United States ex rel.' Rodrigues agt. side the tar-covered partition wall. Accord- rents ........ 2, ,592.05 COMMERCIAL et on motion al- snowand ice Bowyer al.; appellant ing to the reports the 1qrkman threw an from lowed five days in which to file brief here- unusual amount of gasolfie on the are and NATIONAL BANK roofs, gutters and in; argument commenced by Mr. Federico $71,381,480.28 pred*k C. repair leaks or the. famessbot Vp agaitt the tar paper on -SteenI -lavites Accounts st Sp UtS,,andWe other defects. Degetau for appellant, and continued by the. Tbe.,pape President. Bras a" guarantee - abut&- Indiiduals. expert oervice at the WI B; Barr for - wali., a"sige DISBURM IN -1904. minimum cost. Drop postal or Mr. -appelle. ed alow the wall. destroying coprations oe meet 'phone M. 700. rapldly'ai- )r claim by death, Confidential Robt. A. Cheater. favorable terms. District Supreme Court. the layer of waterpreofint material before Strictly lot V. Pres. Grafton&Son,-nE it was extinguished b7 the ire department. matured endowments -Mabee Loans an eam. fe7-10d EQUITY COURTONO. 1-Justice Anderson. In addtion to the -est and annuities.........5,430,800.82 N. H. Shea. meretla Davidge agt. Armes; time to take testi- is %e lbor a%Vterinl,owiichtime irplus returned to pal- All business to its 2d V. Fre.~ proved=lteral at 1v --"Tennessee" mony solicitors, cosid6rable,' required pertaining est rates of interest. Whiskey checks colls extended; complainant's to replace the waterproofing enters Into the icy-holdes .......... 1,151,427.43 safe renters Nathaniel & C. R. Wilson; defendant's so- and the blase I- depositors, and Geo. W. White, -Usses lAtters 6f caused by sudden climatic changes! licitor, Samuel Maddox. item of less will cost the tpoed and surrendered other' customers is held in Cashier. Credit. about In ............. American and contractor $1,00 alli according to policies 652,367.07 -Bey and sells ftee. -A. whiskey that answers every call for $ Security Trust Company the estiMate of Depbiy IMie Marshal Nich- R. H. claugto , and Xgt. decree confesso strictest confidence. e*u and domestic ex- quality purity. Per bottle........, Chew; pro vacated; olson. The fire will not delay the work on TOTAL TO POL- .Am*t Cashier. change. complainant's solicitors, W. A. MeKenney, the foundationifvery with. the ICY-HOLDERS..$7,234,M4.82 N. Wilson and R. so- materially, Shoomaker ebone Mo 18-M. C. Wilson; defendant's exception that all the work c )mmissions to This is a rule rigidly enforced. Cor. 14th Co., lcitors, R. B. R. Chew, Jr., and T; L. Jef- -wailwaterproofing agents, andOSts.N.W. fe7-tt.th.s.10 fords. done on the partition will have to be salaries, medical ex- fe6-28 Anderson agt. Sands; guardian ad ltem performed again. amIners' fees, print- The Finest Floor Wax discharged and defendant aliowed to de- lag, advertising, legal, -that money can buy. Old English, Butcher's, Sherwin-Williams' and others at fend suit in her own name; complainant's 1:EAL ESTATE TRANSE3S. real estate, all other Johnson's, so- lowest prices. solicitors, Lambert & Baker; defendant's expenses ............ 1,000.830.29 Bank Mail. R. Ross .... licitors, Perry & Son. RHODE ISLAND AVENUE NORTHWEST T kXES .......... 387,279.47 by E. J. & i1o8 G St. We have a patented system of condeeting the fe7-d Murphy Co., Donaldson agt. Donaldson; marshal di- between and 18th P, rot and loss......... 37,400.10 business of mail, rected tb defendant Into com- 17th streets-Potomac banking by applkcable to both bring court; to Clare and savipg and checking accounts. it i eadier ad plainant's solicitors, E. L. Gies and T. J. Realty Company G. Addison, Capital surplus, $4,500,000. sim er to bank with us by mail than to gI to a Valentines and Novelties Mackey; defendant's solicitor, B. K. Peter; lot 29, square 160; $10. BALANCE NET ASSETS, Dec. ban pers. ft our system your aceosnt Is -For Measer agt. Measer; bill dismissed; ap. LONG MEADOWS-John A. Nuthall ux. 31, 1904.-.................... $62,921,375.00 automaties.1y ceetd and you have a ml & February 14. et statement each time you epoelt or draw of sentiment and missives of peal; bond, $100; complainant's solicitors, to Bearnard L. lot 1405 G Street. Youir aceunt in bank Is not subject to thesnW. MISSIvTlhumor-the season's newest Cdle & defendant's C. Taylor, 133; $10. SCHEDULE1OF ASSETS. -oar ona produc- Donaldson; solicitor, MINTWOOD-Florence V. Creamer to amination of your tas assessor. tions in unequaled variety. Special atten- W. 1'itts. Mar- L ano upon real frst lien.... 4% on .&vLgs on a& tion is directed to our of St. Val- estate, $24,752,965.08 deposits 2%% cbeektg showing Ro)erts agt. Ruffin; bill dismissed; com- garet E. Foster, lot 168, 10. sns upon itock4 and bonds........ 30,000.00 e,un! entine'a Day Novelties. plainant's solicitors, G. C. Meigs and A. A. H STREET NORTHWEST between 14th LA wnns '7Early selection in advised. Lipscomb; defendant's E. L. Gies. upon policies of this company. 178.800.00 solicitor,. and 15th streets-Fr4nk Stetson to E. P remium notes on policies in force.. 512,00.08 WM. BALLANTYNE & SONS, Brodhead a;t. Brodhead,- Watson J. New- of Aetna & Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, 428 7th St. ton Francis Riggs, lot 45, square 220; $10. 0 ont home ofice propertf ........ 1,916,236.00 Banking appointed guardian ad litem; com- )ot of real estate owned com- fel-t.th,s.14 plainant's .olicitor, J. W. Smith. - G STREET NORTHEAST between 7th and by EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING AT PRICES THAT Woodbury agt. Woodbury; rule as to 8th streets-Harrie F. Wheat to De WI- pany .....,.....:................ 8,678,59 .03 Trust ot of Company, will surprise you: Watches cleaned, 75c.; main- Imminent. He began to withdraw from contempt returnable February 17, 1905; ton Aitcheson, lot 10, square 890; $10. bonds...................... 24.856.039.76 1222 F St. spr'gs. 75c.; crystals. 10c. Foreign watches. French complainant's solicitors, Wilson & Barks- NO. 1510 North Capitol street-Redford W. at of bank and tailroad stocks.... 829,076.5 N.W., Washington, D. C. clocks and music boxes a specialty. All work war- business and from politics. in which he had dale; defendant's solicitor, James S.
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