i ' • The feather A r n tig t Daily Nat Press Run ForeoMt of U. & Wentber Burenu For tile Week Ended ■eptefUber M, 19M d ea r end cool tonight. Iahw *6 to 40. Tnesdey eimny with rhilder 1 3 ,7 5 8 afternoon temperati^rte. Blgh 86 to 70. Mcodier od the Audit ^ Barenn of (Xroidntlon - Manchetter^A City of Village Charm PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANOaSSTER, CONN^ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1968 fOMalfled AdrertteiBg on Pnge 10) ▼OL. LXXXn, HO. SOT (SIXTEEN PAGBSIL 7 . Moss Says State N ew s U.S. Curbed Roundup State Arrests 2 I W ar News Mass Protest Set If W allace Speaks WASHINGTON (AP) — am A congressional subcommittee NEW HAVEN (AP)—The today accused the State De­ New Haven branch of the Na­ partment of “ hiding the facts from the American public” by tional Association for the Ad­ vancement of Colored People restricting newsmen in South (NAACP) today called for a Viet Nam. The criticism came from the mass protest demonstration House subcommittee on informa­ if Gov. George C. Wallace of Probe tion, headed by Rep. John B. Alabama speaks at Yale Uni­ Moss, DCalif. versity. "In recent weeks," a report by The Alabama governor has not the subcommittee said, "the ■RIR\TTNfll-l AM Ain ( A P )* !'’ "hen he engaged in a near-questioning. He al.-^o declined to yet decided whether he will accept BIKAlI.NliHAiM, Ala. ( , ^ newsman at a .segre- definitely link Uiem with the bla.st American public has been buT' an Invltotion from two student or- _ prised by developments in Viet eanizations at the Yale Law gallon meeting. I at the IfiUi St. Bapli.st , hun-h Nam--developments which have School. A date in mid-November 1^ r' to(ia\ | has been affiliated with I Sept. 15 in ";!'!< h four young Ne- been many months in the making. was suggested. nnti-integralion activities, mostly pro girls weie killed, The report st£id "the restrlcUve ^ for further investigation into' The NAACP called for a protest series of bombings that in the Warrior area south of Bir-j The two men arrived at the city U.S. press policy in Viet Nam . jail, where .some II.IIX) Negro dem­ demonatration of "at have rocked this racially trou- mingham. Last summer he was unquestionably contributed to the persons’ if Wallace decides to-., ... - . * arrested while going to a Ku Klu.\ onstrators were held la.st spring, lack of information about condi­ come to New Haven. bled cit> for seveial yeais. Klnn raliy in Tuscaloosa a short in a highway patrol car with two tions in Viet Nam which created It requested all organizations in Col. AI Lingo, head o( t’ c stale lihie before tlie University of Ala­ troopers. Dressed in sport shirts an international crisis. the Negro comhiunity to partict- highway patrol, .said that others bama was desegregated. Stale of­ and slacks, they covered then "In.stead of hiding th^ facts fares as they were led into the from the American public,” the pate in a parade and rally, and in | picked up in the intensified inves- ficials identified him as a Klans- picketing,.Of the building in which ' tigation have been released. He | nmn and said that he was carry jail. subcommittee concluded, "The Although the Investigations into State Department should have Wallace speaks. ! declined to say how many others i jng a weapon. done evei^hing possible to ex­ In its statement, the NAACP | had been questioned. | been under sur- the bombings there have been at Mass is celebrated at today’s session of the Ecumenical Council in St. Peter’s in Rome. said that an appearance at Yale b y ! Night Warden L. A. Holt-omb villance by city, county and fed- least 40 had been Inten.sifierl pose the true situation to full since the church explosion, these Wew.” At left center is the table of four cardinalss named by Pope Paul to rule on procedural other Southern segregationists' idgntifipd the two being held as | eral agcnt.s. The local law enforce- would cause "little or no adverse-R ‘ R. E. Chambli.sa. 59. and Charles rncnt agencies^ .said that the ar- were the first arrests. A tip-off The subcommittee directed problems. (AP PhotQfax.)_________________________ __________- most of its criticism at a cable response on the part of the New Cagle, 22, both of the Birmingham rests by the state eame as a sur­ that they were coming eame Sun­ prepared by Carl T. Rowan, now Haven Negro community, even area. prise. day nigtit in Montgomery from the though the message of such bigots Lingo said the state wa-s eon- office of Gov. George C. Wallace. ambassador to Finland, and sent Church Redefinition Favored , , j. , u. ___11 Chambliss was found innoeent in, --------------- . , over the signature of Secretary of to a Yale audience might well tc ^ charge of flogging while ducting its investigation separate- A statement .said that 'arrests State Dean Rusk to the U.S. em­ the same in content as any by Wal-I has been active in 1 ly from any other police agency, were imminent ' in the churcli bassy In Saigon early in 1962. la^- ..■anti-integration efforts. Officers^ Lingo would give no information nouneement of the arre.sts did not This cable is stUl classified al- ’The organization said it would ^ Festrain Chambliss recent- i on the men. nor on results of the. bombing. But the actual Uiough its provisions are no long­ protest Wallace s appearance be­ specify the church blast. It said: er In effect. The subcommittee, Conclave Fast-Paced cause "he has plummeted the State investigators have taken parai^uaslng the language, said level of bestiality imaginable in into custoiiy and are holding two it contained these guidelines for brutes of his state to the lowest persons in connection with the Bir­ bandUng American news corres­ VATTPAN PITY draft would not help the<^U Intended and what it !e they this so-called enllg-hteenlightened age of mingham bombings. Their iden­ pondents in Viet Nam: V. J j-3 rauRA of Christian unitv are trying to do.” the 20th century, Peace, Prosperity tities are being withheld in the in­ 1. "News stories which criticise proposed redefinition of the _ ^ .. cmincU He described the first session, Wallace originally was invited to terest of the continuing investiga­ the President Ngo Dinh Diem gov­ conveneid by the late Pope John 1 speak at Yale by the Yale Politi- tion.” Roman Catholic Church won «p^,Ts^an*Lid today, % 7 n r o cal Union, an undergraduate or­ ernment could not be ‘forbidden’, general endorsement today posed correctlon.s and amend­ X X m . as "a sort of dry run" ’ Tile city has had more than 4h but ttey only Increase the difficul­ where there was bound to be ganization. Spokesmen for. the po­ bombings since World War II. but !f«W from the first prelates to ments to the first half of the topic JFK Tour Themes ties of the U.S. job." some disorder because of the size litical union said they withdrew the one which nearly destroyM sp e^ at the second phase of were mailed to the Vatican by the invitation at the request of 3. "Newsmen should be adviSed prelates around the world. of the gathering. the 16th Street Baptist church was that trifling or thoughtless criti­ the Vatican Ecumenical coun­ "But we learned from it and I president of the university. the worst. cism of flie Diem government No speakers expressed disap­ think the council will move much Kingman Brewster Jr., acting By FRANK COR>nBR About 20 persons were hurt in cil. proval of the topic today. Mayor Richard C. Lee, a Demo­ would make K difficult to main­ Two cardinals and six bishops more speedily this time,” added WASHINGTON (A P)— President Kennedy is approaching the blast, which sparked a near tain cooperation between the Spokesmen for the council said the American prelate, who asked crat, had also informed Wallace riot. Sporadic outbursts of vio­ took the floor in St. Peter’s as the speeches on the topic in general the 1964 presidential campaign with the apparent hope of UMted States and Diem.” 2,600 council fathers resumed to remain unidentified. at the time of the original invita­ lence continued through the day 3. "Newsmen should not be would end ’Tuesday, with the full In opening the council. Pope tion that he would be “officially borrowing a theme from former President Dwight D. Eisen­ and night. Two young Negroe.s working sessions. Pope Paul VI council then taking a vote whether transported on military activities reopened the council Sunday after Paul said its aims were redefini­ unwelcome” in New Haven. hower: Peace and prosperity.* were shot to death - one by po­ of the t ^ that are Ukely to re- to accept the topic In principle tion and reform of the Catholic Kennedy test-matketed t h e nedy’s speeches — u.sually In con­ lice officers and the other, as he a nine-month recess with a strong and proceed with detailed discus­ sidt la undesirable stories." appeal for reform. Church, restoring Christian unity Cun Was Jammed peace argpiment during the West­ nection with his argument that an was riding a bicycle. Two white The subcommittee said tiie sion. $ll-biIlion tax cut is vitally needed youths are free on $10,000 bonds ’The council press office, sum­ and closer contact with today’s HARTFORD (A P )—Sgt. Biagio ern tour he just completed. He cable bad been prepared by Row­ marizing today’s three-hour meet­ Briefings today at the council world.
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