ב' כסלו תשעו“ Shabbos, November 14 2015 סוטה י“ט OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT ? כלי שרת Repeating the sotah procedure (cont.) Who puts the barley offering into the (1 וכהן מניח ידו מתחתיה The Gemara concludes its analysis of the different opinions in the Baraisa whether a husband may make his notes that the Mishnah at this “(ד ה וכהן מניח) wife undergo the sotah procedure more than once. T osafos point has already been speaking about the actions of the -kohen as he officiates at the sotah procedure. It is there הדרן עלך היה מביא fore not necessary for the Mishnah to introduce the ko- 2) MISHNAH: The Mishnah describes the remaining part hen as the subject at this point. Nevertheless, the empha- of the Korban Mincha offering and presents a dispute re- sis of the Mishnah is in order to teach that the waving of lated to the correct order of the Korban Mincha and the must be done by the כלי שרת the barley offering in the drinking of the bitter waters. kohen. asks that this hardly seems to be an מנחת סוטה Clarifying the Mishnah Sefer (3 R’ Elazar and R’ Yoshiya discuss the source that the insightful point, because the verses themselves state that Minchas Sotah must be waved. the waving is done by the kohen (see Bamidbar 5:25). He The Gemara clarifies the language of the Mishnah that therefore adds that although we know that a kohen seemingly indicates that the Minchas Sotah is offered would wave the offering at this point, the lesson of the twice. Mishnah is that the participation of the kohen at this point is critical. As opposed to the previous stages where 4) R’ Shimon’s position it is proper for a kohen to conduct the service, his in- A Baraisa presents a dispute between R’ Akiva and R’ volvement is not critical until the waving of the offering. Shimon. R’ Shimon asserts that three things are necessary Maharsha points out that the question of Tosafos is for a sotah to drink the bitter waters. only relevant according to his own explanation of the The Gemara clarifies the three conditions necessary Mishnah until this point, that it is the kohen who takes Tosafos is . כלי שרת for a sotah to drink. the barley and places it in the The rationale behind the dispute between Tanna Kam- therefore bothered why the Mishnah had to introduce ma and R’ Shimon in the Mishnah is explained. the kohen when it is he who is already the subject of the The Gemara challenges the presentation of the earlier- Mishnah. However, Rashi explained that it is the hus- cited Baraisa that according to R’ Akiva a sotah is given band of the woman who takes the barley offering and According to Rashi, there . כלי שרת the sotah waters to drink against her will. who places it into the This challenge is questioned. is no question why the Mishnah had to introduce the Both inconsistencies are resolved with a single explana- kohen at this later stage of the Mishnah when the offer- tion. ing is waved, because the kohen was not active until this point. answers the question of Tosafos using a הגהות חרד ל“ REVIEW and Remember different approach. Although we know that the kohen 1. Why is it necessary for the Kohen to put the sotah’s flour was the subject of the Mishnah until this point, if the into a service utensil? Mishnah would have simply written “and places his hand _____________________________________________ 2. What was the order for bringing the Minchas Sotah? under it and waves it,” without mentioning the kohen, _____________________________________________ there would have been a degree of ambiguity which could 3. What are the three things that are essential for a sotah to have lead to a misunderstanding. We might have read drink? this line to say that the kohen should place his hand un- _____________________________________________ der the utensil, and not under the hand of the woman. 4. When, according to R’ Akiva, would a woman be forced By repeating that the Kohen places his hand, the extra to drink the bitter waters? emphasis makes it clear that the kohen places his hand _____________________________________________ under the hand of the woman. סוטה י“ט–Number 1220 waving, and vice versa, but it does not mention as one of these differ ences that leaning cannot be done through an HALACHAH Highlight agent, while waving can. It must be that they share the A sotah without hands same halacha, i.e. neither can be done through an agent. -Tosafos 4 writes that the Yerushalmi’s ruling that a so וכהן מניח את ידו מתחתיה ומניפה And the kohen places his hands underneath it and waves it tah without hands would drink the bitter waters is incon- [together with her] sistent with the Bavli that rules that a sotah without hands does not drink the bitter waters since the Torah (ונתן על T he Yerushalmi 1 writes that if the sotah does not pos- requires the korban to be placed on her hands and this is not possible when she does not have כפיה) -sess hands, two kohanim will take hold of the utensil con suggests that there is no 5 ספר כרם נטע .taining her Korban Minchah and wave it. This ruling rais- hands es an interesting question related to waving a Korban disagreement between the Bavli and Yerushalmi. The ha- Mincha, namely, does the waving of a Korban Mincha by lacha stated in Bavli related to the sotah holding the fulfill the obligation? The basis for the Korban Mincha before she drank the bitter waters which (שליח) an agent question is that a Mishnah (Menachos 93a) rules that one is before the procedure of waving the korban. Perhaps the does not fulfill the obligation to lean on the head of an Yerushalmi’s ruling that allows the kohanim to wave the -if it is done by an agent. Sefer Siach Korban Minchah applies in a circumstance when the so (סמיכה) animal Hasadeh 2 in the name of Chazon Ish cites this tah’s hands were severed after she drank the bitter waters Yerushalmi as proof that one can fulfill the obligation to but before she waved the korban. .1 ירושלמי פ“ ג ה“א wave a korban through an agent. Devar Shaul 3, written by .2 ספר שיח השדה ומובא דבריו בילקוט ביאורים בסוגיין -Rav Shaul Kosovski, however, disagrees and cites a Mish שבספר מתיבתא nah in Menachos to prove that one does not fulfill the .3 דברק שאול בסוגיין .4 תוס “ד‘ ה וכהן מניח mitzvah of waving through an agent. The Mishnah in .5 ספר כרם נטע בסוגיין Menachos (93b) presents stringencies that apply to the mitzvah of leaning on the animal that do not apply to nidah who is not allowed to have any the owner of the sacrifice? The Gema- contact with her husband. How could ra then retracts its original statement STORIES Off the Daf this action which many hold to be and answers differently: they bring an The shared burden prohibited be permitted in this case? elderly kohen with whom a momen- -When the author of Shut Yosef tary touch is not a problem. Alterna וכהן מניח ידו תחתיה Ometz, zt”l, was asked regarding this tively, they bring even a young kohen A lthough the custom today is to custom he permitted it. “We learn but this is not unseemly since the yet- give the honor of bearing a baby boy this from Sotah 19. There we find zer hara is not to be found in a mo- to his bris to a couple seeking to have that when waving the sotah’s min- mentary touch.’ a child, this was not always the cus- chah offering, the kohen puts his The Yosef Ometz concluded, “In tom. In Salonika, for example the cus- hands under the woman’s hand and our case, there is both a barrier be- tom was for the mother and father to they wave the offering together. To- tween them and their shared burden bring their baby to the sandek togeth- safos bring the Yerushalmi, presented is for only a moment—so this is per- er. Although they would fasten the here with the explanation of the Pnei mitted!” baby to two pillows and the father Moshe, which asks: ‘Isn’t this un- [It is important to note that the would hold one while the mother seemly and prohibited? A cloth sepa- Darkei Teshuvah in siman 195 brings grasped the other, this custom was rates their hands. Why doesn’t such a many who argue with the Yosef still questioned by many great cloth constitute an interposition be- Ometz.] poskim. After all, the new mother is a tween the hands of the kohen and Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HoRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rov ;Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben. .
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