New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 1, 8/24/1972." 76, 1 (1972)

New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 1, 8/24/1972." 76, 1 (1972)

University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1972 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 8-24-1972 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 1, 8/ 24/1972 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 1, 8/24/1972." 76, 1 (1972). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1972 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 37<6.7){'1' STATE; DE:f'ARTt.fE!i4T OF CORRECTION U <r\ '";b ~)LD .. · ~·\J.~·'l ~ •,.,:,_ .. i ' h 8 q I : ~ . lltq HrJ-. Cobo.lr1;1a X n&ll vitb ti\"0'-'t intllrt~lli; ot rour cont:rPnt.atiQQ wttb the }'OliCOII ot tba .oit;r lit .U\luqu~Jrque I ~·\1 Hsxit~fl. m I can 111.1 ill., ~t ia tOll \*'. tba.t tb!l otfuor llhQ .llhot rw. ~·t lflloot; •~atcl\,. r .-n•t toU rw tlle o011tf.l•pt tba.t :r hold J1$o;ple :W. 1~ulf a. lou dt!~~t~r'l'9d. \tht,t you got llD4 •on, lt '.fOil «fOillt lJb the llrq tl\1111 OOWIU7 111 \leJoc :tun1 tllel\ tO Pout ~~~~~ it lit the Mllot ~. M Vb4n 7CIU 1• to the Jtrooto ~ '* oacor "'-n:ht tb.ll U 7P\l pt l!llot;. vr ll~w, )'Oil haw ~ 1ou:r:11Jli: to w.... ~ aOIUit:-7 1D boJD« tl7tZI •}Wilt .m .. ntllltf t.QI(' ~onn• by JII"'M CPilnf.rr lib JiuiiiJS., ,fU&It "r ~~~plj! lib 1~ aqd I JWit »s- tilt CU.r ~t Al.bqquerqii.4J vill iMI'•U\1 ito W4~t tcn- tho 711~ w o11ablo W. fOUe~t to iwf'"l1'flil' tbair 1141rbua.ah.tp0 Xn tl\b 4q * •c• )ll»n thU ol1U!It:Q' .14 w.-Unc; aJCh ot it. 'ol(!al,tb ~ roJO\Ifotll ~ ,lOI.>i ~ fit t1loH poplt llbo r•t'\wt to WOZ"l;, !lbo ·~a-.f.Dc" OQf iU.,.t.t:WLto bll,bf .tttr ~~~;~o~r iak \b.8 Yl'llrl-4, vi<~ lNrA dOinl l.ll11wrdtu ~· o.~~~~ltJc; ..UU<nYi ot doll.lll't ~ or 40Mr;t \ll&t. J~WU!Iti .tw~ l.iA lW ~\'If to PT .tr;r•••" U Ju.ft J141:11t M lick to Ho .ai ~ N!Nlt \)~~,'foil ~ 7W Wo ha.w • s-'iV.U.p i>l Wblt M .bi-Cf411 FW't Qt t.1lo M.dt~Jio lf!IJ'l4 YMfll' !i9 Jr~ t«4 liM )I.e J!PJ:IIII .-nd tllfD 7W P'J'II.. cf_,&ll thlt Wo:Z.. Jlf'GHII !IT fllquc i'll'nllu\.1*·'7• ~t; llb# Iii JIOUfloHWI \i'ho 11 oa~pt. .e._.uu~~~ • cr.S..uu tO&t.'• J1111~ ~Cat. ll'Hl lib Wn. l Mil' ~t,. IIJC!Itllllllll liD )'Oil :All> l!ft:'.yJ. t.J»il' f\';r .wl4 ~OIIIIt.l7 Jlr UJWsJ pri u t~W tl''ft4•t. Ulat. nnlt 111 4~# JzJJr.r, •toe, 1~t4-l.11 ~ t.w_, ~ ot th~ ,_ ~~~ t.~ ,_ }Art, \WI• 1 }!opt 1t iliU M .-, .lO!Ja- tS.. btt_. ;rqu In wll •AOUJ;II to " . ~ Jllll1r 111 •r~ mo w.. ap11:. Ne\IV Mexico DAILY Thursday, August 24, 1972 Carolyn Coburn Relives Shooting It}· \!MU\ DttM GW'zJf' 6T ~~~ rttl ttfm \~:~ dA ~ttl ~11.:~~:t1 ~J tJ n~::.:" ct~;t A M!; !)ugtlJ.:;~m.1 w--~ t;;·;y f} c~~t> yvu l!tlvOwuiJ~ 0/r t ..e~~:.~c1 lli!;!J t<'-i!r...1~J4 a D1Jy !L't>,i t'.!,-~~.)a .. t:i~ wfu1 to~::.r! Q tt~J t11 t:r-;"1 t:lt~ ~r;:;:c-J c:~ u;;::f c.:::il li\'6f.J,.r·:1 an fli!'--41 !L C.:t' uCJs~u!IuUutJ!jl l:~1t wn o1 C.r;_;:.)'i k~J ai<D:'"'J~.;:t., ,.•.u ttt'itf! ~~~ t! r.uu.::.l 'Wt>tt' :lfi'JU ~t.Jtirli d!l ll~:.t> y2::J ..dt' s.~~:':-:1 ., 'i1b;; C~IP J;;c;1 o t:::.~1 st L.~::1 p;·{_;~~~~~~=:·;~ c~~~-:~1 nt:';J '*~·~~::.~~ ' PtL:::~ 1 -~';L:~J ~~ t ~~ if..:J':~"l' tk~~~~ &fflO:!ll~~.:.'t:;:~='l t::1 fv:!;J p'.'!.st· ',I l!&r> ~\ t'e:1c;~' l3:~· '1',0;.i ~,-• ~.::J,:~:y('t;:J 4.-C:.:J:·,:,·,, c.::::! t:· ~J t.1:1 wt:..:! 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