4369 Majesty, and in the session held in the ninth and shares, property, and effects, powers, and privileges tenth years of the reign of her said present Ma- now vested in the said two Companies respectively, jesty ; the Act relating to the Shrewsbury Canal and to authorise the incorporation of a new Com- Navigation, passed in the twenty-eighth year of the pany for the purposes above mentioned; in which reign of his said late Majesty King George the Third; said Bill it is intended to apply for powers to and the several Acts relating to the Montgomery* enable the said consolidated company to make shire Canal, or eastern branch of the said Montgo- and maintain an extension or branch railway meryshire Canal, passed respectively in the thirty- from the said Buckingham and Brackley Railway, fourth and fifty-fifth years of the reign of his late with all necessary stations, erections, bridges, Majesty King George the Third, and in the second wharfs, warehouses, communications, and other year of the reign of his late Majesty King George works connected therewith, to commence by a the Fourth, and the several Acts relating to the junction with the Buckingham and Brackley western branch of the Montgomeryshire Canal, Junction Railway, authorised to be made by (he passed respectively in the fifty-fifth year of the Act secondly above mentioned near the intended reign of his late Majesty King George the termination thereof, in the parish of St. James Third, and in the fourth year of the reign of his Brackley, in the county of Northampton, and near late Majesty King William the Fourth; the Shrop- the south or south-western side of the turnpike shire Union Railways and Canal, Chester and road there leading from Brackley to Oxford, and Wolverhampton Line Act, 1846; the Shropshire to terminate near the town of Banbury, in the Union Railways and Canal, Newtown to Crewe parish of Warkworth, in the county of Northamp- with Branches Act, 1846; and the Shropshire ton, at or near the southern side of the highway Union Railways and Canal, Shrewsbury and Staf- from Warkworth to Banbury, and near the point ford Railway Act, 1846; and the Act passed in where the same highway joins the turnpike-road the last Session of Parliament, intituled " An Act from Brackley to Banbury, near to the said town to consolidate the London and Birmingham of Banbury; and also by a junction with the line Grand Junction, and Manchester and Birmingham of the Oxford and Rugby Railway, in the parish Railway Companies;" and also the several fol- of Warkworth, at the proposed station of such lowing Acts relating to the said London and Bir- last-mentioned railway, in a field adjoining and on mingham, Grand Junction, and Manchester and the near side of the same highway from Wark-» Birmingham Railways, or the London and North worth to Banbury: which said extension or branch Western Railway, or some of them, (that is to railway and works will be made in, or pass from, say), local and personal Act, 8th and 9th Victoria, through, or into the several parishes, townships, cap. 156; and local and personal Acts, 9th and or extra-parochial and other places following, or 10th Victoria, cap. 67, 80, 82, 152, 182, 184, 193, some of them, (that is to say) Brackley, Saiut 231, 232, 233, 244, 248, 261, 269, 309, 328, 331, James Brackley, Saint Peter Brackley, Halse, 359,368, 369, and 396. Evenley, Hiiiton, Bin ton in the Hodges, Steane Dated this 7th day of November, 1846. otherwise Stene, Farthinghoe, Gretworth otherwise Parker, Hayes. Burn well, and Twisden, \ Solicitois Great worth, Murston, Marston Saint Lawrence, 1, Lincoln's-inn-fields, v to the Westhorpe otherwise Westrop, Thenford, Thorpe Samuel Carter, Birmingham, ) Bill. Mandeville, Middletou Cheney, Newbotlle, Astrop, Charlton Purston, Little Purston, Great Furs ton, Burston, Kings Sutton, Walton, Warkworth, Buckingham and Brackley Junction Railway and Grinsburv, Nethercote otherwise Nethercott, Over- Oxford and Bletchley Junction Railway Com- thorpe, Huscote, Banbury, and Saint Mary Ban- panies.—Amalgamation and Extension of Lines. bury, in the county of Northampton; and Ban- (Branches or Extensions to Banbury, Aylesbury, bury and Saint Mary Banbury, in the county of and into Oxford, with power to the London and Oxford. North Western Railway Company to amalga- Also to make and maintain another extension or mate with, or subscribe to, or to purchase ov branch railway from the said Buckingham and lease the Undertaking.) Brackley Jun tion Railway, with all necessary OTICE is hereby given, that application is stations, erections, bridges, wharfs, warehouses, N intended to be made to Parliament in the communications, and other works, to commence in next session, for leave to bring in a Bill to alter, the parish of Middle Claydon, iti the county of amend, and enlarge the powers and provisions of Buckingham, by a junction with the line of the the Oxford and Bletchley Junction Railway Act, same railway, near its intersection with the line of 1846; and of the Buckinghamshire Railway (Buck- the Oxford and Bletchley Junction Railway, ingham to Brackley Junction) Act, 1846; and to authorised to be made by the Act first above authorise and empower the union and consolida- referred to, in a field numbered 9, in the parish of tion into one undertaking of the Oxford and Middle Claydon, in the plans deposited with the Bletchley Junction Railway Company and the Clerks of the Peace for the counties of Oxford Buckingham and Brackley Junction Railway Com- and Buckingham, mentioned in the Act secondly pany, incorporated by the said Acts respectively above referred to, and to terminate in tiie parish and the respective capital stock, shares, property, of Aylesbury, in the county of Buckingham, by a and effects of the Oxford and Bletchley Junction junction with the Aylesbury Railway at a distance Railway Company, and the Buckingham and of about three furlongs from its terminal ion there, Brackley Junction Railway Company, and the which said extension will be maile in or pass from, vesting in one Company all the capital stock through, or into the several parishes, townships, O2.
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