Maine Offices

Maine Offices

Maine Offices Abbot (1) Somerset 3 September 1825 23 March 1838 fr Number Seven, to Piscataquis county Piscataquis 23 March 1838 15 December 1912 fr Somerset county Abbot (2) Piscataquis (1999) fr Abbot Village Abbot Village Piscataquis 27 July 1861 (1999) to Abbot (2) Acadia Aroostook 3 June 1886 31 May 1927 Acton (1) York 24 December 1830 29 July 1833 to Acton Corner 28 November 1853 fr Acton Corner Acton (2) York 29 July 1833 6 June 1853 Acton Corner York 29 July 1833 28 November 1853 fr and to Acton (1) Addison Washington 1 September 1900 fr Addison Point Addison Point Washington 5 March 1828 1 September 1900 to Addison Albany Oxford 9 January 1815 31 October 1905 (11 April 1917 probably rescinded) Albion (1) Kennebeck by 1805 about 1811 Albion (2) Kennebeck 14 March 1825 fr Ligonia Alder Franklin 17 May 1899 30 November 1901 Alewive York 6 August 1897 31 March 1904 fr Lyman (2) Alexander (1) Washington 16 December 1832 19 December 1861 Alexander (2) Washington 3 February 1862 2 April 1943 fr Lane’s Brook Alexander Centre Washington 14 July 1862 20 November 1865 Alfred York 23 February 1801 Allagash Aroostook 1 November 1924 31 August 1926 fr Allegash Allegash Aroostook 8 February 1894 (31 October 1919 rescinded) 1 November 1924 to Allagash Allen’s Corner Cumberland 17 May 1872 12 March 1875 Allen’s Mills Franklin 24 October 1879 31 December 1901 fr Industry 19 February 1904 14 August 1915 Alna Lincoln during 1811 fr New Milford Alta Androscoggin 13 June 1900 30 June 1910 Alton Penobscot 30 January 1846 15 July 1913 fr West Argyle Alton Village Penobscot 1 July 1854 26 October 1868 Alva Aroostook 21 September 1861 6 April 1874 fr Mar’s Hill (1), to Blaine Amherst Hancock 19 January 1833 27 January 1967 Amity Washington 15 July 1837 1 May 1839 to Aroostook county Aroostook 1 May 1839 19 February 1855 fr Washington county 2 July 1855 14 August 1909 Andover Oxford 11 August 1824 Anson (1) Somerset 3 January 1811 11 July 1845 to North Anson Anson (2) Somerset 23 February 1847 16 March 1854 fr South Anson 6 January 1855 Appledore York 12 November 1868 26 February 1869 Appleton (1) Lincoln 15 August 1821 7 February 1827 to Waldo county Waldo 7 February 1827 10 April 1832 fr Lincoln county, to McLain’s Mills Knox 26 January 1870 24 November 1961 fr McLain’s Mills Appleton (2) Waldo 10 April 1832 18 October 1836 Appleton (3) Knox 17 May 1866 26 January 1870 to West Appleton Aqua Mills Androscoggin 30 January 1880 24 February 1880 fr and to Keen’s Mills Argyle (1) Penobscot 22 June 1832 19 January 1839 to Greenbush (1) Argyle (2) Penobscot 18 February 1846 30 April 1917 Arnold Penobscot 31 March 1881 29 February 1904 Aroostook Aroostook 1 July 1843 15 June 1868 to Ashland Arrowsic Sagadahoc 12 April 1871 30 April 1954 Arundel York (1807) (1816) Ashdale Sagadahoc 6 July 1880 28 February 1920 Ashland Aroostook 15 June 1868 fr Aroostook Ashpoint Knox c. 1893 31 August 1944 Ash Point Knox 5 September 1884 c. 1893 to Ashpoint Ashville Hancock 9 November 1886 14 June 1980 to Gouldsboro (2) Asticon Hancock 14 July 1888 15 June 1923 Athens Somerset 9 January 1819 Atkinson (1) Penobscot 29 June 1822 23 March 1838 to Piscataquis county Piscataquis 23 March 1838 4 March 1852 to North Atkinson Atkinson (2) Piscataquis 4 March 1852 31 August 1904 fr South Atkinson (1) Atlantic Hancock 28 September 1883 23 May 1997 Auburn (1) Cumberland 5 March 1842 18 March 1854 fr Nason’s Mills, to Androscoggin cty Androscoggin 18 March 1854 27 December 1854 fr Cumberland cty, to West Auburn Auburn (2) Androscoggin 27 December 1854 fr Lewiston Falls Auburn Plains Androscoggin 20 May 1889 15 April 1901 Augusta Lincoln 1 July 1797 20 February 1799 fr Hallowell Court House, to Kennebeck cty Kennebeck 20 February1799 Aurora Hancock 4 September 1833 Avon Somerset 8 January 1819 9 May 1838 to Franklin county Franklin 9 May 1838 10 September 1874 fr Somerset county 15 September 1874 27 May 1875 Ayers (1) Washington 26 January 1900 15 August 1904 Ayers (2) Washington 2 February 1906 31 December 1958 fr Charlotte Back River Lincoln 30 December 1897 30 April 1907 (Bagaduce Hancock 14 July 1893 5 April 1894 rescinded) Bailey Island Cumberland 2 March 1892 fr Bailey’s Island Bailey’s Island Cumberland 10 April 1888 2 March 1892 to Bailey Island Baileyville Washington 15 December 1832 29 July 1833 4 September 1837 18 October 1855 29 June 1857 10 August 1887 26 April 1888 30 April 1896 13 December 1899 30 November 1903 Bald Hill Cumberland 16 February 1827 20 March 1833 Baldwin Cumberland 11 March 1811 29 July 1833 Balltown Lincoln Bancroft (1) Aroostook 28 May 1855 26 April 1895 to North Bancroft Bancroft (2) Aroostook 22 May 1895 20 September 1913 fr Maloy 14 January 1916 (1975) Bancroft Mills Aroostook 8 February 1859 27 October 1863 Bangor Hancock 8 September 1800 15 February 1816 to Penobscot county Penobscot 15 February 1816 fr Hancock county Bar Harbor Hancock 18 April 1835 28 November 1836 9 November 1838 1 June 1853 to East Eden (2) 9 June 1873 fr East Eden (2) Baring Washington 10 February 1827 2 December 1966 Bar Mills York 17 December 1853 fr Hollis (1) Barnard (1) Penobscot 6 March 1834 5 December 1837 Barnard (2) Piscataquis 7 April 1864 14 January 1884 Basin Washington 27 February 1900 15 January 1907 Bass Harbor Hancock 1 August 1966 fr McKinley (Bassport Hancock 2 October 1889 18 February 1893 rescinded) Bassville Kennebeck 22 September 1886 5 November 1887 Bates Somerset 5 May 1894 15 December 1894 Bath Lincoln 21 December 1790 4 April 1854 to Sagadahoc county Sagadahoc 4 April 1854 fr Lincoln county Bathurst Washington 13 July 1838 1 May 1839 to Aroostook county Aroostook 1 May 1839 6 September 1842 fr Washington county Bauneq-Beg York 22 August 1877 29 September 1879 24 February 1881 16 December 1881 Bay Point Sagadahoc 2 August 1889 14 November 1896 23 July 1902 30 June 1947 Bayside (1) Hancock 7 January 1893 14 January 1902 Bayside (2) Waldo 23 October 1907 15 September 1965 fr Northport Camp Ground Bayview York 15 April 1880 31 August 1918 Bayville Lincoln 4 August 1894 27 December 1963 Beachwood York 8 April 1895 15 November 1918 Bean Franklin 16 February 1895 30 April 1900 fr Bean’s Corners, to Beans Corners Beans Corners Franklin 30 April 1900 21 July 1903 fr Bean Bean’s Corners Franklin 12 December 1865 16 February 1895 to Bean Beattie Franklin 8 February 1889 10 February 1892 to Lowelltown Beaver Pond Franklin 17 July 1893 6 July 1914 to Big Island Beddington Washington 8 July 1854 31 July 1942 (Belden Penobscot 11 September 1895 23 October 1896 rescinded) Belfast Hancock *1 October 1794 7 February 1827 to Waldo county Waldo 7 February 1827 fr Hancock county Belgrade Kennebeck 24 August 1821 Belgrade Lakes Kennebeck 26 January 1901 fr Belgrade Mills Belgrade Mills Kennebeck 13 January 1829 26 January 1901 fr Rome (1), to Belgrade Lakes Belmont Hancock 5 March 1817 7 February 1827 to Waldo county Waldo 7 February 1827 fr Hancock county Bemis Franklin 25 May 1880 29 September 1934 Benedicta Aroostook 8 September 1873 fr Conway Benner Lincoln 4 April 1900 14 December 1905 Benton Kennebeck 21 June 1852 29 February 1956 fr Sebasticook Benton Falls Kennebeck 31 May 1878 31 January 1914 Benton Station Kennebeck 27 January 1888 (1973) Berlin Oxford 26 December 1832 27 March 1833 Berry Mill Franklin 5 October 1892 28 February 1938 fr Berry’s Mill Berry’s Mill Franklin 3 May 1862 5 October 1892 fr Carthage (1), to Berry Mill Bertha Waldo (1899) (1899) Berwick (1) York *1 April 1796 by 1816 to South Berwick Berwick (2) York 31 March 1817 5 June 1832 fr Doughty’s Falls, to North Berwick Berwick (3) York 19 July 1870 Berwick Branch York 20 January 1885 15 June 1912 Bethel Oxford 5 January 1815 Biddeford (1) York 21 December 1790 about 1802 to Pepperelborough Biddeford (2) York (1802) (1807) (1807) (1810) 28 January 1848 Biddeford Pool York 6 December 1866 Bigelow Franklin 4 August 1900 31 July 1911 Big Island Franklin 6 July 1914 1 October 1932 fr Beaver Pond, to Moosehorn Bingham Somerset 3 June 1825 Birches Oxford 22 April 1896 31 August 1926 Birch Harbor Hancock 26 March 1880 Birch Stream Penobscot 3 February 1825 1 November 1827 Birchville Penobscot 21 December 1896 15 October 1902 Biscay Lincoln 3 March 1893 2 May 1895 Blackberry Hill York 8 Mach 1827 during 1829 Black’s Waldo 1 Mach 1833 6 January 1846 to North Searsport Blackwell Somerset 9 May 1892 Blaine Aroostook 6 April 1874 fr Alva Blakesburgh Penobscot (1821) (1821) 13 December 1824 8 June 1832 to Bradford Blanchard Somerset 20 February 1832 23 March 1838 to Piscataquis county Piscataquis 23 March 1838 30 June 1955 fr Somerset county Blazo’s Corner York 15 March 1826 10 December 1827 to North Parsonfield Bloomfield Somerset by 1814 11 December 1865 fr Skowhegan Falls Blue Hill Hancock 16 January 1795 Blue Hill Falls Hancock 1 May 1852 8 January 2005 Bodwell Kennebeck 10 January 1900 14 September 1901 Bolsters Mills Cumberland 1 September 1893 15 August 1907 fr Bolster’s Mills 30 August 1909 31 December 1968 Bolster’s Mills Cumberland 23 May 1829 1 September 1893 to Bolsters Mills Bolton Kennebeck 21 August 1894 29 June 1896 Bonny Eagle York 24 February 1853 not specified to Cumberland county Cumberland not specified 31 July 1919 fr York county Booth Bay (1) Lincoln (1802 or 1804) 27 March 1889 to Booth Bay Harbor Boothbay (2) Lincoln 16 February 1891 fr North Booth Bay Boothbay Harbor Lincoln c.

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