RED BANK REGISTER - VOLUME LXVI, NO. 25. RED BANK, N. J,-THURSDAY, DECEMBERS, 1943. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO WalferS. Thompson, Jr. Lt. G. M. Richmond Mainstap-Friends Ass'n Certified Public Pupils To Contribute Is Awarded Air Accountants To Dies Of Battle Wounds Medal. Clusters To Return $46,379.01 Dine At Newark 2,500 Gifts To Army Graduate of A.H.H.S. State Society to Hear Reid Bank: Tailgunner Was • - Represents Ten Per Cent Withheld From Victor H. Stempf— " To Make Christinas Happier Day Shot Down June 21 It Decorated For : Shareholders At Time Of Merger Morrii Portner On Com. For Patients In Military Hospitals Caribbean Exploit The New Jersey Society of Certi- -•• SUtt 8gt. Walter S. Thompson. Jr., Lt George Mount Richmond, a The Mainstay-Frl6hda Savings and ed Publlo Accountants will hold a School children from «very pub «. -t&tl6SM.n*r. fa a Flying FtortreM Two RedBahk pilot in the Army Air Forces, has Little Silver Point Loan association will return the 10% dinner meeting at the Hotel Essex and parochial Institution In operating- In the North African :««•;• been awarded the Air Medal and withheld from shareholders of the House. 1050 Broad street, Newark, Sea Bright Boy, county will join in making Chrli dled June 21 last of wounds received two oak clusters. H« ii the son of former Mainstay Building and Lo&o. (his evenlng-at* 8"3O 'o'eltwte • - mas a happier day for servlcema In action, according to a message Residents On Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.' Richmond Property Sold To association and Friends Building and The speaker will be Victor H. Now In Navy, Is and • womere-'ot "the-'TJnited™ received this week by bis parent!, of the Middle Village Apartments, Loan association. The amount to be Stempf. His subject will be "Relax- who are confined to military h( Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter S. Thompson, 24 Day street, Clifton, and a grand- returned is $46,379.01. ation of Auditing Procedures During pitals in the county, according Sr., oC DeForrwt avenue. The Grand Jury son of Captain Alvin B. Mount of Joseph F. Herrman The directors of the Mainstay- the Present Emergency." Given Farewell plans announced this, morning b ( Sgt. Thompson wu' In the same Atlantic Highlands. Miss Mabel L. Friends Savings and Loan associa- Monroe Eisner, chairman oftheMol Mr. Stempf is a prominent certified mouth County Camp and HospitJ. , •quadron with Capt. Kenneth W. Mount, registered nurse of Long tion at their meeting last night au- public accountant of New York and Spinning, Jr., who lut week wu r«- December Term Branch, is an aunt of the flier. Win. H. Hintelmann thorized that the shareholders be In- Clemens Jacobsen Is Service council. several other states. He Ls associat- 'hon» formed that the association has made ed with TouchB, Niven *: company, Throgh the co-operation of Panel Drawn At Sell. "Lang Syne" to rapid progress since It became in- president of the American Institute Last of 16 Original as B,. Harper.-eountY- .supsrintende sured by the Federal Savings and of Accountants', past president of the of public schools, an'd prlestl Freehold Tuesday Monclair Man Loan Insurance corporation March New York State Society of Certified Scout Troop Members parishes throughout the county 3, 1941, and with the consent of the Public Accountants and of the Na- more than 2,500 small gilts will h* Insurance Corporation and the StatB collected from the pupils and dia> - The December term grand Jury Richard W. Lehne has sold his Lit- tional Association of Cost Account- Clemens Jacobsen, son of Mr. and Department of Banking and Insur- ants. trlbuted to theses patients on thefc panel of 36 names from which a jury tle Silver Point property known as ance they are now restoring the 10% Mrs. Neils Jacobsen of 26 Center meal trays Christmas day.- Mr. EI» of 23 will, be chosen December 21, "Lang Syne" to Joseph F. Herr- write-down which was set aside Into He has addressed many technical street, Sea Bright, was given a sur- ner revealed that at first the couqa was drawn at Freehold Monday by mann of Montclair. The "sale was a reserve fund at the time the Main- accounting organizations, collegiate prise farewell party by his parents :il planned a county-wide appeal 10 the Monmouth County Jury commis- effected by William H. Hintelmann, stay Building and Loan association Institutes and trade associations on Saturday night when a number of ill residents, but teachers, school sion in the presence of Judge John realtor, of Rumson. and the Friends Building and Loan the subjects of accounting and tax- relatives and friends gathered at the principals and pupils urged that they C. Giordano. The property has a frontage on association were merged. ation, and has contributed generous- home. be given the opportunity to complete ly to the literature of accountancy, The Jury, It Is believed, will play the north side of Little Silver Point The association's progress has the project themselves. Hence, let a part in the continuing Investiga- road of 260 feet and about 300 feet the most recent being in the No- ters have been sent to principals, en borne out the opinion of the direc- vember, 1943^ Issue of the Journal tion of the 1942 surrogate's election frontage on the South Shrewsbury tors that the write-down would plaining the details of the movement being made by Lee F. Washington, river. It comprises approximately of 'Accountancy entitled "Reserves to and stressing the Importance of ink eventually be restored. Meet Indeterminable War Costs." special assistant attorney general. three acres of well landscaped prop- All shareholders are to be mailed a mediate action. Mr. Washington, in discussing the erty. The residence, which is of letter December 20, advising them Morris Portner of Red Bank is a The gifts, none of which must coal - investigation last week, pointed out Southern colonial type of architec- that the amount previously withheld member of the Public Relations com- more than 25 cents, may be chosefl that, while ho could ofler no com: ture, Is of frame construction and in preserve has been restored. mittee of the New Jersey Society of -Publjc Accountants. from a list sumbltted by military ai* ment at. that time, Supreme Court contains a large living room with A dividend has been "declared for thorities, and include tie clasp% Justice Joseph B. Perskle would be hand-hewn timbered ceiling and the six months' period ending De- GI collar buttons, hard candy, han(p at Freehold for the opening of the kerchiefs, pocket-eize books of every winter term of court, and would un- open fireplace, a reception hall, din- cember 31, 1943, at the rate of 3% Ing room with picture window fac^ per annum; the association accepts County Hebrews description, playing cards, pockefe doubtedly cover the ground in his size games, writing paper, pencil! charge to the jury. ing the river, game room with open regula'r monthly payments or lump fireplace, butler's pantry and kitch- sum investments which earn divi- and pens, chewing gum, shavinj There are two Hed Bank residents LT. GEORGE M. RICHMOND On the second floor there are dends from the first of the month if Mobilize Against cream and lotion, razor blades, nail among the 35 persons drawn Mon- three master bedroomB, two master received on or before the 10th of the flies and clippers, talcum powde% SGT, WALTER S, THOMPSON, JR. day, three from Little Silver, two The Air Medal was awarded for month. pocket combs, tooth powdtr ana from Fair Haven* and one from Mld- extraordinary achievement in aerial baths, maid's bedroom and maid's Exclusion Policy bath. It Is equipped with gas-burn- During the past year the associa- tooth brushes, al}-. mail stamps, »ev4 ported mining In action November dletown township. flight in the Caribbean area July 24. tion has enjoyed a most healthy ng kits and shoe-ahlne. kits. Lt. Richmond, then stationed at ing hot water heat. Other buildings 10. Thompson ni reported missing The complete Hut follows: on the premises include a four-car •growth as the loans already closed Against British Rule to The council has requested thai last July , and hi* parent* and many William Such, 556 Cookman ave- Dutch Guinea,- South America, was and those for which commitments each gift be wrapped in gay hoi Id a j on anti-submarine patrol. Following garage, a poultry house and kennel. friends entertained the hope that he nue, Anbury Park, merchant; Arthur The grounds' are enclosed with a have been Issued total over }150,000, Exclude Jewish Im- paper to add to th$ festive appear* might have been taken prisoner by Carr, 25 Poplar ave*nue, Deal, an, encounter with an enemy sub- and the members' savings have in- ance for the patients. When eaeS ' the enemy. No further newe has1 al,gjnan- marine, which shot the control panel steel fence on three sides, with ager; Richard Clark, T2 Weistiiafn wrought Iron gates at the entrance. creased approximately $60,000. An- migrants In Holy Land school collect* Its gifts, they -will been received regarding Capt, Spin- street, Freehold, retired; Mrs. Gladys of his plane away, he piloted his other healthy feature is that the as- called for by the Red Cross Moto. ning. base with several Mr. Lehne acquired the property Crossman, 300 Atkins avenue, N in 1931 from thetfLcon estate. The sociation owns no real estate. , , Formation of the Monmouth Coun- Corps and taken to county military A community progresses when in and naval hospitals. Thoss g\l< original-,iieuik..an 4h$ ,,pr.«>er.U'..ff£5, l ty Emergency Committee for , ^ 4he Leon homestead built more than tth' •frlW-'*rfrrrTmTrfHrnn»d tprtay ai JcnacriL 200 years ago and much of the ma- means for everyone to- procure of •' the Monmouth County Jewish be done by Red Cross Gray renburg, 51 Washington street, Key- been crippled the day before by debt-free home or to accumulate a Communities opened a fight against Military authorities have 1 p It is believed Lt.
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