.w ry l h, k * t Nx / < > / syx ' xs-ï ' < ) - - ( - N :4 ' z1 . > *. B # jy A >é a e ê TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE Publijhed by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) -. - . - - -. - = zz Vol. CV- NO. 102 NAIROBI, 17th October, 2003 Price Sh. tlùi? L. - .. L.. - - ---Z7-J.L CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE-I'TEI INl()TICES- (CtJ?l/J.) PAGE The College of Arms Act Appointment . .. .. .. .. .. 2288 The Local Government Act- Appointment of Dcputy The Magistrates' Ceurts Act lncrease of Limit o'f Returning Officers, etc .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 2335-23.$($ J tl ri s (li cti () n .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .- . .. 2288 The Physieal Planning Act- completion of Paft Devc- The Exchequer and Audit . Act Appointmcnt of Iopment'Plalzs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. Chairman of tlw Ministerial Tender Committee. .. ,.. 2288 The Bankruptcy Act- lkeceiving Order .. .. '. .. .. .. ... The Constitution of Kenya Rewiew Act Homa Bay . Distlict Representative By-Election, etc. .. .. .. .. .. 2288-2289 The Companies Act Windillg-ttp. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .,. The lieyistration of Titles Act Issuc of Provisional (:2 trlh:l ti () tttt:s , trtkz . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Registered Land Act Issue of New Land Title lzàtl t, (1 s, () (l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Probato and Administration .. .. -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SUPPLEM ENT No. 82 The Central Bank of Kenya- Directors' Report for the Year Ended 30th June, 2003, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. Legislative Kî'l,f'/?/?3tz.???c??/ Lrs'CJA!- NOTICE NO. ' The National Assembly and Presidentiai Elections Act-l- Nofnination Centres, etc .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 62 Tlle Laws of Kenya (Rcctificatitln) Ordcr, 2003. CORRIGENDUM GAZFCfTE NO-rICE NO. 7287 IN Gazette Notice No. 7279 of 2003, alî'lend the expressions THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT 'formally and absolutely rcnounced and abandoned the use of her ca)) ( . 1O) former name Njoki Waruinge and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Elizabeth Njoki Waruinge'' to rcad 'tformally and absolutely INCREASE OF LIMIT OF JURISDICTJON fenounced and abandoned the use of iier former name Elizabeth Njoki Waruinge and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Njoki Waruinge'' and A-Mboya & Company, Advocates'' to read tiMboya Advocate''. ' Gzïzsrrlï Nelhlt?e No. 7284 THE CQLLEGE OF ARMS ACT ( çL;61) . 6),84 ) APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the College of Arms Act, the Attofney-General appoints- THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT JOïEPH N. KINGARUI (Cap. 10) INCREASE OF LIMIT O1R JURISDICHON to be a member of the College of Arms, with effect from 27th August, 2003. Gazette Motice No. 4376 of 2002 is revoked. Dated the 15th Septem ber, 2003. S. A. WAKO, Attorney-General. GAZE'IN'E NOTICE NO. 7285 THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT (Cal':'. 41 2) (CJ/J . l 0) THE EXCHEQIJER AND AUDIT (PUBLIC PROCUREMENT) INCREASE OIR LIMIT OF JURISDICTION (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 2003 IN EXERCISE of the powtrs conferred by seetion 5 ( 1 ) of the THE MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES M agistrates' Courts Act, the Chief Justice increascs the limit of DEVELOPMENT iurisdiction of APPOINTMENT OF CIIAIRMAN OF THE VINISTERIALTENDER COMMITT'EE I N COMPLIANCE with the Exchequer and Audit (Public . Procurement) (Amendrnent) Regulations, 2002. the Perrnanent Secretary. Ministry of Li veslock and Fisheries Develo/ment appoints- SUSAN W . MAINA (MRS.) GAZE'FrE N()'l'ICE NG. -/286 THE MAGISTRATES' COUItTS ACT ( f7/?/7. 1 ()) G-.A.zp'.rt'lt I'slo-l'ltaE N(). 729() THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW ACT (Cap. 3.,A ) TFIE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW (NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE) (DISTRICT AlltntTl.- EL-KINDIY REPItESENTATIVES ELECTION) RULES, 2002 HOMA BAY IIS'INRICR' REPRESENTATIVE BY-EI-ECTION Dated the l 8th Septenllptr, 20()-.3. BY-ELECTION is to be llcld for tlle replacclnent of ole District Representativc to serve in the Natiollai Constitutional Conference j. E. GICHER 0, pursuant to the provision ok- seclion 27 (2) ((') of the Constitution of Clll'qflt.b'tt'lv'e. Kenya Rcv iew Act in respccl of Homa Bay District. ' 17th October, .tKJ3 . lh. M lt r.-N I z'N uM M l lr z,20:z ' hlrsuant to section 27 (2) (c) of the Act, each District shall have title registered as I.R. 89492/1, and whereas suftkient evidence has three representtives, at least one of whom shall be a woman and only been adduced to show that the said certiticate of title issued. thereof has one may be a councillor. been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of nindy (90) days from the date hereof, I shall ijsue a provisional certificate of title The by-election shall be held on Friday, 24th October, 2003 provided that no objection.has been received within that period. between 1 1.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. at the Homa Bay County Council Meeting Hall. Dated the 17th October, 2003. c. s. oxcjujjl, Nominalion forms for tlle elections may be obtained from the Registrar of Titles Wlfref. Secretary to the Clerk, Homa Bay County Council on any day from the 16th October, 2œ 3, between 8.œ a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Nomination papers may be returned by candidates to the retllrning GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 7294 ' officer at the Homa Bay County Councll Clerk's Omce, between 9.00 a.m. and 4.œ pm. on the 21st October, 2003 and 22nd October, 2* 3. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT Dated the 8+ October, 2003. (Cap. 281, sec'tion 71) IssUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICA'PE P. L. 0. LUMUMBA, WHEREAS ( 1) Bhagwanji Raichand Shah, (2) Ramesh Chandra Commission Secretary Popatlal Hansraj and (3) Ruhmikant Fulchand Shah, a11 of P.O. Box Constitution ofKenya Review Commission. 42674, Nairobi i!l the Republic of Kenya, ar: registered as proprietbrs lessees of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209/3529/2. gituate in GAZE'ITE NOTICE NO. 7291 the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a grant régistèred as I.R. 25680/1, and whereas suftkient evidence has been adduced to show that the jaid TI!E CONSTITUTION OF KENYA. REVIEW ACT gmnt issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of ninety (90) days from tht date hereot I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been Tlœ CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW XATIONAL received within that period. CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE) (DISTRICT Dated the 17th October, 2003. REPRESENTATIVES ELECTION) RULES, 2œ2 R. N. MUEE, APPOIA MENT OF RETURNING OFFICER Rekistrar of Titles, Nairobi. PURSUANT to regulation 4 of the Constimtion of Kenya Review (National Constitutional Conference) (District Representatives Elections) Rules, 2*2, it is notified for the information of the general public that tlle Constitution of Kenya Review Comniission has GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 7295 ' appeinted- TI'IE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT MAURICE PRJS ODAWO ONDURU (Cap. 28 1) to be the returning ofticer for Homa Bày District. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMEC W IIEREAS Ndathi Mugtmda Company Limited, a limited liawbl'lity Dated the 8t1 October, 2003. compgny incorporated in Kenya having its registered oflke at Nyeri, P. L. 0. LUMUMBA, P.O. Box 1 149, Nyeri in' the Republic of Kenya, is registered as Commission s'ecrefcc, proprietor lessee of those pieces of land containing 24.8, 22.1 and Constitution ofKenya Sevfew Commission. 21.00 hectares or thereabout, known as L.R. Nos. 7387/28, lf and 30, situate ili the north of Nyçri Township in Nyeri District, held under b #rant registered as I.R. 5933/1, and whereas tlle sakd NdatvMugunda Company Limited, has executed an instrument of surrender, in favour of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, and whereas >ffidavits . GU > BNOTICBNO. 7292 have been tilled in termj of section 65 (1) (hj of tlle said Act, declaring that the said grant rejistered as I.R. 5933/1, is not available for 'IME REGISTRATION OF TITu s wta registration, notice is gwen that after fonrteen (14) days from the date (Cap. 28 1, section 71) hereof provided that no objeètion has been received within that period. I inteùd to dijpense with the production of the said gmnt and proceed l'ssuE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIPCATE with the registration of the said instnzment of sttrrender. WHEREAS Slander Enterprises Limited, a body corporate under perpettlal. suiceggion of the laws of Kenya, P.O. Box 1 1623, Nairobi in Dated the 17th Octpber, 2003. G. G. GACHATHI, othfe l aRnedp kunboliwc no fa sK Len.Rp. ,N ios . r2e0g9is/t2e3re1.d1 , asi tpuraotep rine ttohre lceistsye eo fo Nf athiraot bljl,e bcye Rqistrar of Titles, Nairobi. virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 3656/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced tp show that the said. grant issued tlwreof has been lost, notic: ig given that after the exgiration 'of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provislonal certiticate of title GAZEITENOTICENO. 72O ' yrovided that no objection has been received within that period. '1ME REGBTERED LAND ACT Dated the 17th October, 2003. G. s. sxcjjjul, (Cap. 300, section 35) Registrar ofntles. Nairobi. Isstœ OF A NEW LAND TlTLE DEFIS . WHEREAS Vrael 0k0th, of P.O. Kadongo in thd Republic of Kenya, is registemd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land cpntaining 10.0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homi Bay, rdgistered under title No. Kalxmdo/lfe hocY GAZE'IR'E NOTICE NO. 7293 Easulo8. and whereas sufRcient evidence has been adduced to show that Jje land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given tha4 'IHE REGISTRATION OF 'HTLES ACT after the expiration of sixty (60) day: from the datè hereof, I jhall issue . (Cap. 281. section 71) a new land title deed proviàed that no objection has %en received ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIRCATE witllin that period.
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