The Franklin NEWS-RE(:ORD Secondclass postage]aald VOL.18, NO.24 TWOSECTIONS, 24 PAGES SOMERSET,NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY,JUNE 14, 1973 at Somerslt0 N.J. 08873, 10 CENTSPER COPY - $4.50 PERYEAR Fisher Captures Ward 2 With 27- Ote Margin : FranklinRepublicans gained a Mr.Fisher also received78 votes hadactively campaignedfor Mr. seventh seat on the Township to Mrs.Reilly’s 62 in the eighth Fisher. Councilon Tuesdaywith Normandistrict and101 to 64in the tenth Mrs. Reilly offered her Fisher defeating Independent district. Mrs. Reilly wonthe congratulationsto Mr. Fisher, candidate HelenReilly by a absenteeballoting 14 to 11. saying that the people had narrowmargin of 27 votes in the In conceding defeat Mrs. spoken. She said she’ would secondward runoff. Mr. Fisher Reilly said she thoughtshe had returnto her formerpost in the received 501 votes from the done "a very good job con- Franklinflealth Departmentas tawnship’ssecond largest ward, sidering I had no organization clinic coordinator and vital while Mrs. Reilly, a former support." She stated that Mr. statisticsclerk. Democratic committeewoman,Fisherhad had the backingof the received474. A single write-in Republicans, the Taxpayers Mrs.Reilly addedthat one of vote was cast for Rnslyn Association and also the the major issues in her cam- Westheimer. Democrats in the runoff, paign, changingthe operating claiming that forrder eeeond hoorsoftownshipdepartmentsta Voting in the five polling ward eaedidata Walter Ogburn accomodateworking people, districts see-sawed from had workeddirectly against her. wouldstill be an issue for her. favoringone candidate, to the Franklin DemocraticChair- "Peoplehave to take timeoff other. Mrs. Reilly carried her manDavid Linett claimed he fromwork now and lnse wagesin homedistrict,district 14, by a 120 knewof no organizedDemocratic’ order to take out marriage vote margin with 226 votes supporteitherfororagainstMrs, licenses and other types of against 105. She also carried Reilly. permits. I’d like to see the "Shesure putup a goodfight," townshiphave evening hours to district23 by 5ato 38. Mr.Fisher, servethese people,"she said. however,clinched the electionin remarkedMr. Linett, but added NormanFisher the seconddistrict by 168to 50. that he knewof no Democratwho The two candidates werethe highest vote-getters of an originalfielrloffivewhohadvied for the secondward seat being vacated by AlexanderNaruta. Schools Dismiss E Lrly ¯ Amongthe other five candidates .werebeenWalterendorsedOgbum, byWh°hadthe Membersof the NorthBrunswick Police underwater recovery whilecooling off in thelake with his companionsduring Tues- Democrats;Joseph Tanora, an teampull 1hebody of LeroyJordan from the watersof Spooky day’sscorching heat. : Because Of H( t Weather independent;and Rona]d York, BrookPond at ColonialPark, East Millstone. Mr. Jordan,a Mr.Ward pointed out that the replacementwould be set up at nephewof Mr. Fisher. in the SCANdrug treatment program, drowned (Photoby ManvillePhotography Workshop) oThetl~eeCentnon-air’conditionedheat wave’s effect boardshould consider the needs tonight’sagenda session of the Theonly twoDemocrats who Frank]in Townshipschoolshasof theconservativesofFranklin board. Thereplaeement should will remainon the township: led to the initiation of an early in appointinghis replacement, be madeby mid-July,he said. councilafter it reorganizedon closing schedulewhich started Headded that the boardshould Finalpassage of a $208,214cut July 1 will be presentmayor Dr. New Brunswick Tuesdayandwill beginofficially not appoint someonewho was inthedefeated$9.YmillionschoolRichardDriver and recently-re- Man, 23 on Friday. On Friday, defeatedin.the Februaryboard budgetfor 1973-74was also un- elected fourth war¢lcouncilman elementaryschools close at 12:40 elections, "becausethe elec- dertakenby the school boardon Dr. Williani Howard.Leaving p.m.,SampsonG.Smith cleses at torata had spoken," regarding Mondaynight. Thebudget cut their placeswillbeDavidDe 1:10p.m. and the highschool thosecandidates, passed7 to 2, withMr. Ward and Vries of the third wardand closesat noon. Mari]yn Zuckermanwas the Mr. Spielmanvoting against the JosephKnolmayer of the first Drowns In Colonial Park Boardmembers denied that highest vote-getter of the cut. Mr. Wardclaimed he voted ward.They win he replacedby ¯ ~ the early clnsingshad anything ta defeated school board can- against the cut becausehe felt John Cullen and Dr. Joseph by AnitaSusi ~ andother participantsand staff Park Police, a call was made The North Brunswickpolice do withreports of a fight last didate~, the budgetwas still too large, Martino, whojoin Republicans ~’ memberson SCAN’sprogram Tuesday afternoon at 3:05 diversrecovered the bed~(of Mr. Friday at SampsonG. Smith Raymond[~Iesiah, presidentof whileMr. Spielmansaid he felt BruceWilliams, Samuel Nelson, Leroy Jordan had been a left the hotbuilding at 9 Pershingreporting a drowningin Spooky Jordan at 4:30 p.m., about 45 school betweenabout 15 black theboord,said the proeed’urefor the remainingbudget would not Richard Messnerand Attilio participant in the SCAN Ave.,in Somersetand droveout BrookPond in ColonialPark. The minutesaftdr rescueoperations andwhitestudents. Dr. Maxwellappointing Mr. Ward’s be large enough. ¯ Lattanzioon the council. (Somerset Citizens Against to shadyColonial Park in East ~,Ianville and ,East Millstone had begun, reported Wednesdaymorning "program’Millstone to workout plans for a RescueSqimds~ere summode~, Thepark police-reportedthat that the intermediateschool was !’3 " ~’’/’~-" "’:::"!:’:’~ for onlyfour days. communityearnivaLMr. Jordan along withFranklin l~oliee and several membersof the SCANoperating normally and that ~ " ~ i ii~]:: ii!l OnTuesday, June 12, the 23- never returned fromthe outing, theNorthBrunswick Underwater grouphad goneswimming in the disciplinary action had been ~’’ year-oldNewBrunswick re.~ident Accordingto SomersetCounty RescueTeam. lake prior to the drowning, takenagainst all participantsin " ~ ’~’i , : :’i Swimmingin the county park the incidents,resulting in their :~ . : lakes and parks is prohibited, removalfrom school. .~.] andis punishableby a $20fine, Dr. Maxwellremarked that said the police,adding that they tights occurevery day in junior had not issued any summonses,high schools, because "the BruceBrooks, a spokesmanfor studentsare just at that age."He SCAN,said the other residentsof addedthat a few extra parent the SCANprogram were "in volunteers had beencalled in shock", from the drowningin- ’temporarilyand that the police eident and were having rap hadbeenattheschoollastFriday sessionswith staff membersall day Wednesday. but werenot there any longer. Mr.Brooks told the story of the Oneparent, Robert Eastonot drowningas well as he. felt he 86 WalnutAve., charged that Dr. !’. ".i couldpiece the’ factstogether. Maxwellwas whitewashingthe "Mr. Jordan and a numberof incidentsat the school,claiming the othersdecided to cooloff and his daughter,an eighthgrader at started swimmingacross the S.G.S., wasnot returning to lake. Abouthalbway across they schoolfor the remainderof the tired anddecided they couldnot schoolyear, whichends June 20. makeit across so they turned A parentdoing hall dutyat the back.Mr. Jordan tired andcaUed high school l~Ionday morning for help. Oneof his two com- remarked that the heat was panions was a better swimmercausing frayed tempersin the than the other and attemptedto schoolbut that there hadbeen no help him but Mr. Jordan’ was incIdentsthere. strugglingand the assistantgave fn other school boardaction, up. Someof our peopletried to the board accepted the Nomafe chauvinism was evident at this year’sAthletic Awards Banquet for FranklinHigh School. helpMr. Jordan but could not," resignationof outspokencon- Glrls sharedthe limelight with the boys as CherylMatley received the Outstanding Female Athlete said Mr. Brooks. servativeMichael Ward, who is Award.Left to right areF.H.S. principal George Cleaveland, Mrs. Matley, Miss Matley, Kerry Davis Mr. Brooksadded that the leaving Franklin to heada andMr. Matley. Photoby KenLangdon SCANresidents have a field trip department at American every Tuesday,and this one had Cyanamidin Parkersberg,W.Va. been set aside as a planning Mr. Ward, who said the Mooday Girls Sh~ sessionfor a specialchildren’s night meetingwould be his last carnival the groupwas going to Franklin’ boardmeeting, will re Limelight hold.The carnival will still go on, leave the boardwith a 5 to 3 " hesaid, liberalmajority. Mr. Jordan lived at 186 Com-Both liberals and con- stock Street in NewBrunswick servativesheaped praise on Mr. At Sports AwardDinner and is survivedby his parents Wardfor his nearlyfive yearson andbrothers and sisters, the board. The Franklin TownshipBoard MissMotley, it wasnoted, chester, Larry Dais and Anthony Pity the poorblob, who evidently had enough of the sizzling heatand went up in a cloudof spores, ’. of Educationhas beenvindicated servedthis past schoolyear as Mullins. TheF probablya cousin to therecently-reportedcreepiesinTexas, liveditsshort lifein ,. from suspicions of male presidentoftheVarsityClub,and JanetKroniek won the award the backyardof EdwardMontegari Of 83 DouglasAve, Somerset Mr Montegari s p cturedw th his " chauvinism,as wasnoted in a wasalso the first girl in Franklinfor girls’ crosscountry, while twograndchildren, Deena, 3, andBrian, 7. (Photoby AnitaSusi) letter by Dr. RobertMaxwell, HighSchool to competeon a Tricia O’Connelland Cheryl superintendentof schools, at the previouslyall-male athletic Matleywon field hockeyawards.
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