3D Holography: from discretum to continuum Bianca Dittrich (Perimeter Institute) V. Bonzom, B. Dittrich, to appear V. Bonzom, B.Dittrich, S. Mizera, A. Riello, w.i.p. ILQGS Sep 2015 1 Overview 1.Is quantum gravity fundamentally holographic? 2.Continuum: dualities for 3D gravity. 3.Regge calculus. 4.Computing the 3D partition function in Regge calculus. One loop correction. Boundary fluctuations. 2 1 1 S = d3xpgR d2xphK −16⇡G − 8⇡G Z Z@ 1 M β M = Ar(torus) r=1 = no ↵ dependence (0.217) sol −8⇡G | −4G 1 1 S = d3xpgR d2xphK −16⇡G − 8⇡G dt Z Z@ ln det(∆ m2)= 1 d3xK(t,1 x, x)M β(0.218)M − − 0 t = Ar(torus) r=1 = no ↵ dependence (0.217) Z Z sol −8⇡G | −4G 1 K = r dt Is quantum gravity fundamentallyln det(∆ m2)= holographic?1 d3xK(t, x, x) (0.218) i↵ − − t q = e Z0 (0.219)Z • In the last years spin1 foams have made heavily use of the K = r Generalized Boundary Formulation [Oeckl 00’s +, Rovelli, et al …] Region( bdry) i↵ (0.220) • Encodes dynamicsA into amplitudes associated to (generalized)q = e space time regions. (0.219) (0.221) bdry ( ) (0.220) ARegion bdry boundary -should satisfy (the dualized) Wheeler de Witt equation Hilbert space -gives no boundary (Hartle-Hawking) wave function • This looks ‘holographic’. However in the standard formulation one has the gluing axiom: ‘Gluing axiom’: essential to get more complicated from simpler amplitudes Amplitude for bigger region = glued from amplitudes for smaller regions This could be / is also called ‘locality axiom’. 3 35 35 Gluing / Locality axiom: problems in the discrete Assumes ‘gluing axiom’: needed to get more complicated from simpler amplitudes Amplitude for bigger region = glued from amplitudes for smaller regions Amplitude for more complicated boundary state = Integrating over data glued from amplitudes for less associated to discretization complicated boundary state misses out on most of the continuum data. Even on the However this gluing axiom does not hold in necessary discrete data the discrete: (depending on boundary discretization). Restricting to discretization we never obtain a full resolution of identity for the continuum Hilbert space. (This leads eventually to non-local amplitudes if one wants to represent continuum physics.) Gluing axiom / Locality axiom does not hold in the discrete. [e.g. Bahr, BD, He NJP 11 ] 4 The consistent boundary formalism [BD12, BD14, BD to appear] We do not assume “gluing axiom” (as fundamental). However we need a principle to connect amplitudes for less complicated and more complicated boundary data. Main Idea: A “discretization” just determines the wave function for a small subset of the degrees of freedom. All other degrees of freedom are put into the simplest state = vacuum state. Generalization of inductive Hilbert space techniques used in LQG. [Ashtekar, Isham, Lewandowski, …] Main Challenge: Be consistent - observables should not depend on choice of discrete structure, which is used to compute it. 5 j j j1 j2 j3 hcurve1 hcurve2 hcurve3 0 (0.195) | i hj1 hj2 hj3 0 (0.195) curve1 curve2 curve3 | i j exp(↵ iE )exp(↵ iE )exp(↵ iE ) 0 (0.196) 3 surf3 2 surf2 1 surf1 | i exp(↵3iEsurf3 )exp(↵2iEsurf2 )exp(↵1iEsurf1 ) 0 (0.196) j1 j2 j3 | i j1 j2 j3 hcurveVol1 hcurve2 hcurve3 0 (0.195) node | i j1 j2 j3 ↵1 ↵2 ↵3 Volnode ↵1 ↵2 ↵3 exp(↵3iEsurf3 )exp(↵2iEsurf2 )exp(↵1iEsurf1 ) 0 (0.196) ( hcurve )=1 | i { } j j j 1 2 3 ( hcurve )=1 Volnode { } ( hloops )= δ(hloops) ↵1 ↵2 ↵3 { } loops Q ( hloops )= δ(hloops) { } loopsi out in = out(@outconf 1) exp( S(conf 1)) in(@inconf 1) + ( hcurve )=1 h |P| i Q~ { } i i out(@outconf 2)out exp( inS(conf= 2)) outin((@@outinconfconf 2) 1) + exp(... S(conf(0.197) 1)) in(@inconf 1) + h |P|~ i ~ i ( hloops )= loops δ(hloops) { } in out out(@outconf 2) exp( S(conf 2)) in(@inconf 2) + ... (0.197) ~ Q i in out out in = out(@out conf= 1) exp( S(conf 1)) in(@inconf 1) + h |P| i P ~ i out(@outPconf 2) exp( S(conf 2)) in(@inconf 2) + ... (0.197) HFock ~ = P in out gµ⌫(t, x), φ(t, x) P ? ? Fock H H = gµ⌫(t, x), φ(t, x) P ? ? = (0.198) P H P ◦ P P HFock How to express the continuum dynamics [BD NJP 12, BD 14] g (t, x), φ(t, x) = (0.198) µ⌫ ( )= P ◦ P P (0.199) ? ? Avac out h out|P|;i H Boundary Hilbert space Boundary Hilbert space with low complexity with high complexity wave functions wave functions = low com( )(0.198) vac( out)= out (0.200) (0.199) P ◦ P P Avac low com A h |P|…;i embedding of embedding of boundary highboundary com low com vac( out)= out ( high com(0.199)) vac ( low com) (0.201) (0.200) A h Hilbert|P| ;ispaces AvacHilbert spaces A restricts to low com med com high com … ( low com) vac ( med com)(0.200) ( )(0.202) (0.201) Avac A Avac high com (cylindrical) consistency condition 32 med com( ) (0.202) Avac med com A (complete) family of consistent amplitudes defines a theory* of quantum gravity. 32 * Corresponds to a complete renormalization trajectory, with scale given by complexity parameter. 32 6 [BD NJP 12, BD 14] The consistent boundary formalism • We now only refer to boundary: fundamentally holographic formulation? • Question: What can we say about boundary ‘dynamics’? • Even in the case of a topological field theory, where we may have a chance to compute the boundary amplitudes in general? • Relation to AdS/CFT , Flat/CFT or dS/CFT? 7 (Further) Motivation Aim: Provide a concrete model for holography, that connects non-perturbative and / or discrete approaches to the continuum. Strategy: Work with an explicit realization of 3D (quantum) gravity. Puzzle: [Carlip] 3D gravity is topological. Degrees of freedom can be captured by discretization, in a discretization independent way. How does on obtain a (conformal) field theory from this theory? Further motivation (and an invitation): [Freidel 08] Using dualities in non-perturbative approaches? Need to develop a strategy: Questions: Can we do finite boundary? Not AdS? Work with (auxiliary) discretization? 8 Continuum theory: Thermal flat 3D space 9 3D gravity - CFT correspondence • [86 Brown-Henneaux] central extension of asymptotic charge algebra (AdS) • [Maldacena 97, …] AdS-CFT • in 3D in particular application to BTZ black holes [Strominger 97, Carlip,…] • [Giombi-Maloney-Yin 08] one-loop partition function reproduces character of Virasoro algebra • One-loop partition function is exact. Extension to flat space? • [06 Barnich-Compere, … ,Barnich et al] central extension of asymptotic charge algebra for flat case (BMS group at null infinity ) • [15 Barnich-Gonzalez-Maloney-Oblak] one-loop partition function reproduces character of BMS group [15 Oblak] review of continuum computation of one-loop partition function 10 1 1 S = d3xpgR d2xphK −16⇡G − 8⇡G Z Z@ 1 M β M . 2 3 = Ar(torus) r=1 = no ↵ dependence (0.217) T . sol −8⇡G | −4G Z . = AdS / ) 3 β i H 2 M + T @ Thermal AdS ✓ ( ⇡ dt is a 1 1 2 3 Thermal2 2spinning flat space I The easiest case to start with is the one in which @ = T . ln det(∆ m )= d xK(t, x, x) (0.218) = M M − − 0 t @ The simplest manifold with such boundary is Thermal⌧ AdS3. Z Z Take Euclidean AdS3 ) 1 φ =0 ✓ K = 2 2 2 2 2 2 r 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ds = cosh ⇢dt + d⇢ +sinh+ ⇢dφ ds = dx + dx + dx = dt + dr + r dφ 2 t 1 2 3 φ φ , with the identification (t, φ) (t + β, φ + ✓) One-loop partition functions of 3D gravity d ⇠β ⇢ periodic identification: As a quotient, this is just with modulus The boundary + r = const = R β : Inverse temperature, 2 ✓ : Angular potential i↵ t I I ( q = e (0.219) (t, r, φ) (t + β,r,φ+ ↵) ⇠ Angular potential ) : +sinh φ =0 ⇠ φ ✓ , I The resulting space2 is a solid torus with a metric of constant t ⇢ , Simone Giombi ( inverse temperature and angular potential: d negative curvature t 3 moduli parameter for the (boundary) torus + r = const = R 2 2 AdS I The boundary @ is a T Region( bdry) (0.220) dt ⇢ M 1 A with modulus ⌧ = (✓ + if β). 2 2⇡ I As a quotient, this is just H3/Z. Want to study partition function: AdS = cosh Inverse temperature negative curvature The resulting space is a solid torus with a metric of constant The simplest manifold with such boundary is Thermal The easiest case to start with is the one in which 2 : 1 (0.221) I I Simone Giombi One-loop partition functions of 3D gravity bdry β with the identification ds Take Euclidean Z(β, ↵)= g exp( SE) [Pictures: Giombi] D − Z ~ Thermal This is expected to reproduce: Boundary Hamiltonian and angular momentum βH i↵J ZVira =Tre− − (0.222) 11 35 ⌧I (σ) lattice constant a any length ( b)= Xb ( b ,b ) ( ) (0.211) A D i A 1 i A b2,bi Z 2⇡ k s xk,n = e− N · xs,n (0.212) s X (2) 1 S = S(k, n, n0) rescaled 2N k,n,nX0 S(k, n, n0)=rk,nr k,n ∆(k) δ(n, n0)+dk,nd k,n ∆(k) δ(n, n0)+ − 0 − 0 (rk,nd k,n + dk,nr k,n )( ∆(k) + 2a) δ(n, n0) − 0 − 0 − ik↵ − rk,nd k,n 2a δ(n, n0 + 1) (1 + δn,0(e− 1)) − 0 ik↵ − − dk,nr k,n 2a δ(n, n0 1) (1 + δn ,0(e 1)) − 0 − 0 − − N (tnr0,n0 + r0,ntn0 )2a δ(n, n0) (0.213) ∆(k) =2 2 cos( 2⇡ k) , 2a =2 2 cos( 2⇡ ) (0.214) − N − N 2a Sdd(k, n, n0)=dk,nd k,n 2a 1 2δ(n, n0) δ(n, n0 + 1) δ(n, n0 1) + − 0 − ∆(k) − − − ✓ ◆✓ ik↵ ik↵ δ(n0, 1)δ(n, 0)(e− 1) δ(n, 1)δ(n0, 0)(e 1) − − − − − − ◆ 2 10 e ik↵ − ··· − − 12 1 0 det 0 − − ··· 1 =2 2 cos(k↵) (0.215) − ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· B eik↵ 0 12C B− ··· − C ↵ =0 @ A 1 1 1 1 2a − 1 = 1 ik↵ ik↵ det(Mred) N 2a − ∆(k) (1 e )(1 e− ) 2 k (N 1)/2 ✓ ◆ 1 3 1 2 Y− − − S = d xpgR d xphK −16⇡G − 8⇡G @ p 1 Thermal AdS1 1 ZM Z M = p4 2a 1 β Classical limit: Action evaluatedik↵ ikon↵ solution 2 = Ar(torus) r=1 = no ↵ dependence (0.217) N − I The easiest2a (1 case toe start)(1 withe− is the) one in which @ = T .
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