29.08.2013 1 C O N T E N T S Fifteenth Series, Vol. XXXV, Fourteenth Session, 2013/1935 (Saka) No. 15, Thursday, August 29, 2013/Bhadrapada 07, 1935 (Saka) S U B J E C T P A G E S SUBMISSION BY MEMBERS Re: Fall in the value of Rupee 3-11 ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTION *Starred Question No. 262 12-26 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos.263 to 280 27-118 Unstarred Question Nos. 2991 to 3016 and 3018 to 3219 119-549 *The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 29.08.2013 2 REFERENCE BY THE SPEAKER 550 National Sports Day PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 551-555 MESSAGES FROM RAJYA SABHA AND BILLS AS PASSED BY RAJYA SABHA 556-570 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE 87th and 88th Reports 571 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES 29th to 35th Reports 571 COMMITTEE ON SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION th 36 Report 572 STANDING COMMITTEE ON URBAN DEVELOPMENT th 26 Report 572 STANDING COMMITTEE ON CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS th 39 Report 572 STANDING COMMITTEE ON COAL AND STEEL th th (i)38 to 40 Reports (ii) Statements 573 STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT Statements 574 29.08.2013 3 STANDING COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS 173rd Report 575 STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS 580 -600 (i) Status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the 240th Report of the Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests on Demands for Grants (2013-14), pertaining to the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 576 (ii) Status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the 64th Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on Demands for Grants (2012-13), pertaining to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Shri Sachin Pilot 577 (iii) Status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the 116th, 125th, 138th, 140th and 147th Reports of the Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture on Demands for Grants, pertaining to the Ministry of Civil Aviation. Shri K.C. Venugopal 578 STATEMENT CORRECTING REPLY TO UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 138 DATED 22nd NOVEMBER 2012 REGARDING ‘NEW LINE PROJECTS’ Shri Adhir Chowdhury 579 29.08.2013 4 MOTION RE: FIFTY-FIRST REPORT OF BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 580 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 581-600 (i) Need to take all necessary measures for revival of jute industry in coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Shrimati Botcha Jhansi Lakshmi 581-582 (ii) Need to address the grievances related to salary, honorarium and service conditions of Anganwadi workers, Accredited Social Health Activists, MNREGA workers and Madarsa teachers and instructors. Dr. Nirmal Khatri 583 (iii) Need to supply kerosene at subsidized rates to the fishermen of Lakshadweep Islands. Shri Hamdullah Sayeed 584 (iv) Need to form a railway zone with its headquarters in Kerala. Shri K.P. Dhanapalan 585-586 (v) Need to start operation of Air India /Air India Express flights from Madurai International Airport, Tamil Nadu to Dubai, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Shri Manicka Tagore 587 (vi) Need to expedite construction of new railway lines from Tindivanam to Nagari and Tiruvannamalai. Shri M. Krishnasswamy 588-589 29.08.2013 5 (vii) Need to take effective measures to prevent closure of Sugar Mills in Walterganj and Basti in Uttar Pradesh. Shri Jagdambika Pal 590 (viii) Need to make permanent the services of teachers working in Kasturba Gandhi Residential Schools and also enhance their honorarium. Shri Rajendra Agarwal 591 (ix) Need to review the setting up of proposed coal based Ultra Mega Power Project at Niddodi in Karnataka. Shri Nalin Kumar Kateel 592 (x) Need to settle insurance claims of farmers under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme in Harda district of Madhya Pradesh. Shrimati Jyoti Dhurve 593 (xi) Need to accord approval to the proposal of Government of Madhya Pradesh for declaring Bargi Left Bank Canal project as national project and sanction the required funds for the project. Shri Ganesh Singh 594 (xii) Need to formulate and implement welfare measures and schemes for women under Corporate Social Responsibility Fund Programme of Central PSUs. Dr. Ratna De 595-596 (xiii) Need to ensure easy availability of cancer treatment drugs and pain killers to all the cancer patients at affordable price throughout the country. Shri A. Sampath 597 29.08.2013 6 (xiv) Need to allocate Chandrabila and Tentulai coal blocks to Odisha Power Generation Corporation and Odisha Thermal Power Corporation Limited respectively. Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab 598 (xv) Need to take immediate measures for release of Indian fishermen languishing in the jails of Sri Lanka. Shri O.S. Manian 599 (xvi) Need to provide adequate power to Jharkhand from Central Pool to ensure smooth supply of power in the State particularly in Palamu and Garhwa districts. Shri Kameshwar Baitha 600 LAND ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION AND 601 RESETTLEMENT BILL, 2011 Motion to Consider 601 Shri Jairam Ramesh 601, 828-837 Shri Rajnath Singh 609-619 Kumari Meenakshi Natarajan 620-625 Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav 626-629 Shri Surendra Singh Nagar 630-635 Shri Rajiv Ranjan alias Lalan Singh 636-639 Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay 640-645 Shri T.K.S. Elangovan 646-649 Shri Basu Deb Acharia 652-659 Shri Tathagata Satpathy 661-666 Shri Prataprao Ganpatrao Jadhao 668-671 29.08.2013 7 Shrimati Supriya Sule 672-677 Dr. M. Thambidurai 678-683 Shri Nama Nageswara Rao 684-686 Shri Virendra Kumar 687 Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal 688 Shri Shailendra Kumar 689 Shri P. Viswanathan 690-691 Shrimati Darshana Jardosh 692-693 Shrimati Rama Devi 694-696 Shri Jayant Choudhary 697-699 Shri Abdul Rahman 700-707 Shrimati Jayashreeben Patel 708-714 Shri A. Ganeshamurthi 715-716 Shri M. Krishnasswamy 717-718 Shri Gutha Sukhender Reddy 719-720 Shri Shivarama Gouda 721-722 Shri C. Sivasami 723 Shri S. Semmalai 724-726 Shri Satpal Maharaj 727-730 Shri Ganeshrao Nagorao Dudhgaonkar 731-733 Shri Lalu Prasad 734-735 Shri Mahendrasinh P. Chauhan 736 Shri Dinesh Kashyap 737 Shri N. Peethambara Kurup 738-741 Shri O.S. Manian 742-743 Shri Sher Singh Ghubaya 744-746 Shri Ponnam Prabhakar 748-750 Shri Sohan Potai 751 Shri Prabodh Panda 752-755 29.08.2013 8 Shri S.D. Shariq 756-759 Shri Hukmadeo Narayan Yadav 760-764 Shri Prem Das Rai 765-766 Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey 767-768 Shri Vikrambhai Arjanbhai Madam 769-771 Shri Harish Chaudhary 772 Shri Ram Singh Kaswan 773-774 Shri Mohammad E.T. Basheer 775-777 Sk. Saidul Haque 778-781 Shri Prasanta Kumar Majumdar 782-783 Shri Nripendra Nath Roy 784-785 Shri C. Rajendran 786-787 Shri Ajay Kumar 788-789 Dr. Kirit Premjibhai Solanki 790 Shri Asaduddin Owaisi 791-792 Shri Rajaram Pal 793 Dr. Tarun Mandal 794-795 Shri Neeraj Shekhar 796-800 Shri Naveen Jindal 801-804 Shrimati Jaya Prada 805 Shrimati Putul Kumari 806-808 Shri Charles Dias 809 Shri Raju Shetti 810 Shri P.L. Punia 811-812 Shri Hansraj G. Ahir 813-814 Shri Naranbhai Kachhadia 815-816 Shri Ghanshyam Anuragi 817 Shri Ratan Singh 818-821 Prof. Ramshankar 822 29.08.2013 9 Shri Rajendra Agrawal 823 Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Gandhi 824-827 Clauses 2 to 107 and 1 838-1044 Motion to Pass 1044 ANNEXURE – I Member-wise Index to Starred Questions 1046 Member-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 1047-1051 ANNEXURE – II Ministry-wise Index to Starred Questions 1052-1053 Ministry-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 1054 29.08.2013 10 OFFICERS OF LOK SABHA THE SPEAKER Shrimati Meira Kumar THE DEPUTY SPEAKER Shri Karia Munda PANEL OF CHAIRMEN Shri Basu Deb Acharia Shri P.C. Chacko Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan Shri Inder Singh Namdhari Shri Francisco Cosme Sardinha Shri Arjun Charan Sethi Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh Dr. M. Thambidurai Shri Satpal Maharaj Shri Jagdambika Pal SECRETARY GENERAL Shri T.K.Viswanathan 29.08.2013 11 LOK SABHA DEBATES __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ LOK SABHA ---------- Thursday, August 29, 2013/Bhadrapada 07, 1935 (Saka) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock [MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair] 29.08.2013 12 …(´ªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ : |ɶxÉ BÉEÉãÉ, |ɶxÉ ºÉÆJªÉÉ 262, BÉEè{]xÉ VÉªÉ xÉɮɪÉhÉ |ɺÉÉn ÉÊxÉ•ÉÉn * …(´ªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) gÉÉÒ ¶ÉèãÉäxp BÉÖEàÉÉ® (BÉEÉè¶ÉÉà¤ÉÉÒ): +ÉvªÉFÉ VÉÉÒ, nä¶É àÉå âó{ɪÉä BÉEÉ ¤ÉcÖiÉ +É´ÉàÉÚãªÉxÉ cÉä ®cÉ cè* âó{ɪÉä BÉEÉ àÉÚãªÉ ÉÊMÉ®xÉä ºÉä nä¶É àÉå cÉcÉBÉEÉ® àÉSÉÉ cÖ+ÉÉ cè*...(BªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ : =ºÉ {É® {É®ºÉÉå <iÉxÉÉÒ ¤Éßcn SÉSÉÉÇ cÉä SÉÖBÉEÉÒ cè, ºÉ¤ÉxÉä ÉÊcººÉÉ ÉÊãɪÉÉ cè* …(´ªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) gÉÉÒàÉiÉÉÒ ºÉÖ•ÉàÉÉ º´É®ÉVÉ (ÉÊ´ÉÉÊn¶ÉÉ): +ÉvªÉFÉ VÉÉÒ, SÉSÉÉÇ cÖ<Ç cè, ãÉäÉÊBÉExÉ =ºÉBÉEä ¤ÉÉn BÉEä PÉ]xÉɵÉEàÉ {É® ¤ÉÉäãÉxÉÉ cè*...(BªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ : SÉSÉÉÇ BÉE®ÉxÉÉÒ cè BÉDªÉÉ? gÉÉÒàÉiÉÉÒ ºÉÖ•ÉàÉÉ º´É®ÉVÉ : SÉSÉÉÇ xÉcÉÓ BÉE®ÉxÉÉÒ cè, ´ÉBÉDiÉBªÉ BÉEÉÒ àÉÉÆMÉ BÉE®xÉÉÒ cè* +ÉMÉ® +ÉÉ{É +ÉxÉÖàÉÉÊiÉ nå*...(BªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ : ~ÉÒBÉE cè ¤ÉÉäÉÊãÉA* 29.08.2013 13 11.02 hrs SUBMISSION BY MEMBERS Re : Fall in value of Rupee gÉÉÒàÉiÉÉÒ ºÉÖ•ÉàÉÉ º´É®ÉVÉ (ÉÊ´ÉÉÊn¶ÉÉ): vÉxªÉ´ÉÉn +ÉvªÉFÉ VÉÉÒ* àÉé +ÉÉ{ÉBÉEä |ÉÉÊiÉ +ÉÉ£ÉÉ®ÉÒ cÚÆ ÉÊBÉE <ºÉ MÉÆ£ÉÉÒ® ºÉÆBÉE] BÉEÉÒ iÉ®{ÉE ºÉnxÉ BÉEÉ vªÉÉxÉ +ÉÉBÉßE•] BÉE®ÉxÉä BÉEä ÉÊãÉA càÉå ¤ÉÉäãÉxÉä BÉEÉÒ +ÉxÉÖàÉÉÊiÉ nÉÒ cè* +ÉvªÉFÉ VÉÉÒ, +É£ÉÉÒ {É®ºÉÉå cÉÒ <ºÉ ºÉnxÉ àÉå, VÉèºÉÉ +ÉÉ{ÉxÉä +É£ÉÉÒ BÉEcÉ, nä¶É BÉEÉÒ +ÉÉÉÌlÉBÉE ÉκlÉÉÊiÉ {É® SÉSÉÉÇ cÖ<Ç lÉÉÒ +ÉÉè® =kÉ® näiÉä cÖA ÉÊ´ÉkÉ àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ xÉä ABÉE ãÉà¤ÉÉ-SÉÉè½É ´ÉBÉDiÉBªÉ ÉÊnªÉÉ lÉÉ* =xcÉåxÉä +É{ÉxÉÉÒ +ÉÉä® ºÉä nºÉ BÉEnàÉ ÉÊMÉxÉÉA lÉä +ÉÉè® ªÉc BÉEcÉ lÉÉ ÉÊBÉE +ÉMÉ® <xÉ nºÉ BÉEnàÉÉå BÉEÉä +ÉàÉãÉÉÒVÉÉàÉÉ {ÉcxÉÉAÆ, iÉÉä +ÉlÉÇBªÉ´ÉºlÉÉ =£É® ºÉBÉEiÉÉÒ cè* SÉÉÉÊcA iÉÉä ªÉc lÉÉ ÉÊBÉE
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