; 9 % t 0 Weekly Interior Journal STANFORD, KY.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1893 LANCASTER, SARRARO COUNTY. — Dr. J. I*. L^tcliur >• vt*rY ill with the I -Mrs. Mary Kngleman and P'phis —The X mas tree waa held in Mr. Jno. Rrip. hare t>een visiting friends here this I-Almiaton'a atore room, and Dr. I>oorea HAPPY NEW YEAR! — Miee Nannie llarria haa postponed week. saw that each little poor child waa re* her partjr os account of the illneaa of her — Dr. Cook reports Lou Nailor conval- meiiihered and many little aoiila were Thank 7ou, Call A^ain. mot tier. escent. Wm. Mosier and Singleton have made happy. \ — Mr. Uichard Ward and family have rented 60 ac'es of land of 8. —News haa joat reache«i here of the the K. Ows- j FOR niove<l to Mra. Fiaher'a pro|>erty on Lex* ley farm. marriage of Mias Kate Curtis to a Mr; lORton street. —The entertainment given by the Bolling, of Barhourville. Her many —Tile Krim Krinxle party given for Miaaea Owsley Tuesday night in the friends wish for them much success and Drugs, Books, Everything the lienetit of the .Vlethorlist church waa shape of a ma»|as party waa well attend- all joya poasibis. well attended and a nice sura realiaerl. ed and enjoved by all. — Mrs. Lasley, mother of Lucien I>as- i In our line. Prescriptions compounded accurately from the .very —An impromptu hop was given in the —Tlis party at J. W. Bright’a Tuea<Jay ley, is lying very sick at Mrs. W. T. I hall over the Kecord oflice night waa well attended. Harris is sick hot Wednesday The Danville Htephenaon’s. Morris | evening and was CHLMICALS. enjoyed liand fttrniahed i AND by about 15 tbs music and all want is able to sit op in his room. Mr. and BLST DRUGS gave a moaical and liters-; couples of young folks. the Academy otf <juiet and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Beaxley are improving. attention given to all customers. Come and see our goods. | Prompt ry entertainment in the chapel. There -Mr. Kiigene Berkele, son of the late — We have had a very quiet Christ —Dr. Kd Plates, wife and daughter are and the ex* Wm. Herkels, | was s good audience present and .Mias Hannah Dunn, mas hers. No drinking nor fussing go- with .Mr. John PMmistou. Mrs. Brooks I duugliter sreiaea were well performerl. of Mr. John A. Donn, were ing on St all. The holiiiaya have seem- and daughter, Miaa Mollie, left Tuesday W. B. McROBERTS. Chrielian uarrierl —The Uttls Builderc of the In Leiwer Garrard W’ednesday ed more like Bnnday than like Christ* to visit Jim Brooks in 8t. Louis. They at iba evening. Druggist, Stanford, Ky, church gave an enterUinment will be gone till the middle of Fehrnarv. j chnrch Monday evening. The bonae — Pete Hampton was in town Tues<lay Dr. Kinnaird was called to aee Geor* — Mias Bessie Magee desires to thank hear them an l the and tella ua that bia was well flllstl to proafiecta for jailer gia Ann PIngleman who has liesn sicK the members of tbs Christian church I Jeserre of children did their part welt aud Linraln are tine. If you will let all of lor some days, bat who ia thought to be who so kindly remembered her Xmaa| in hts Irieuda much praiae for their faithful work over heiv vote in the race, it improving now. R. U. Anderson bea with a handsome toilet set. Mias Bessie will take j p.*eparing a treat of this kind for the a week to count hia majority. rented the P'rank P'ogleman property. as organist of this church deserves much psopis. — In the county court Tuesday the Ureenberry Bright lias gone to Rich- credit for pnnctnsi attendance. o’clock Mr. will of | —Sunday morning at 10 Kill. J. O. Frank was admitted to mond to see bis beat girl. Al Luce and — About 2 o’clock Xmas day fire broke MOVED GalliHs probate, T. J. Cur.l and Miaa Cynthia liia wife, brother and Mr. Joel wife have coma in from Washington to out in the little honee of Walter F^mis- were married at the home of tha bride’s J. Walker were appointed executors. make hia father’s their futuie home. ton and would have burned the whole wlio it w ill father. Kid. John Bell Gibeon, The of Mary Simpson waa<alao ad* town but for the gallant work of men ^ groom, perform- luitteii to a brother-in-law of tha probate. and boys. Tbs wind was high and it is couple left liu- — On ed the ceremony. The account of tke death of Col. Joe supposed it caught from fire crackers other pla- —.Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gregory, of medisUly lor Knoxville and Weisiger, the Christiiiaa tree and enter- the men and boys were shooting all day are moved and settled in the room around the Farmers bridal tour. tainment Grayson, sre visiting friends here. Wc now ces in tha South on a which was to have been given in front of it. The roof was qnickly tak- Mr. W. D. Weatherford gave din- boarding hall, which will at the Presbyterian — a Bank & Trust Co., and prepared to carry on —The new church waa postpon* en off in front and it was i Q >n sab<laed ner party Monday, which was enjoyed Hall, Conner t e*l until be kaown as tbs Johnson next .Monday night, at which It broke up the fun of fire- works the boys sliout compis Uine by many of hia young friends. ed with the InstituU. ia the program will be carried out. had planned to enjoy. Jan —Our town ia much more quiet than Ud and will ba opened lor boarders —The younger set were entsrUinerl by —Mr. Joseph Carton, an old, respect- handsotiiely Mias it has t>een for some time, the calabooae 1st. Itiaa brick building, Atisrta Anderson Tuesday evening ed citizen of Rockcastle county, died at has been desolate for about three weeks. | A First-Class Grocery will accommodats sIhhiI at her home ou Danville G»s fnrniabed and Ave. On the his home near Mt Vernon last week —Mias .Meliie Hopper is visiting her | young ladies. It will lie under lbs same evening a large crowd of young la* 00 from the effects of grip. He was abont Your are cordially invited to Come in and inspect Webster, daughter dies cousin, .knnie Huffman, in Lexington. ainirol of Mra. T. B. and gentlemen ’‘stormed" .Mr. John 6H years old and a consistent Christian Mias Doilie from Howard Smith. Doty and were Wiiliaina is at home of ex-Auditor D. handsomely entertaine<l. will be hard to fill. I Richmond. whose place He waa — Meaara. J. H. and PI. C. Itogga, of —At a meeting of I.amceoter Ijodge, j the father of Mias Lixzis Carson, of this — Mrs. W. L. Williams has been sick were hers a (sw days last No. H>4, A. .Masons, GOODS Kichinond, , Wetlnesiiay OUR NEW the placs, and brother of Mrs. Magee. A for some time. Will P'elix ol Mid Huffman and waek. Mias Ida lloaaaholJer, following officers were elected for the sorrowing friends (oU Twidaell have returned bom# from Cov- large procession of haen visiting her sis ensuing year; dleaboro, who has J. R. Tsrcy, W. M.; R. lowerl the remains to the grave where ington. Archie Griggs is at boiua from Jones, raturneri home last A. Burnside, ter, Mrs. Will 8. W.; Robt. Kinnaird, J. they rendered the last earthly aid. Miss Grace Daiiviile. HatunUy. .Mrs. Jones and W ; W. B. Mason, Se<’*y; W. J. Lan- ^ The sorrowing daughter, wife and rela* Chsriea —8everal young girls were invited to PRICES her. Hon. dram. Treas OUR accompanied NEW Jones ; Alex Biahop, .8. A T. tives have the manv aaaurancsa that a I Miea Bulah VanAredala'a Tuesday will Issvs lor eve- Finley, our legislator, — A large plate glass in Higginboth* Christian death can give. Before Buying, after to get ning to take tea, and soon 7 o’clock Frankfort this week. He wanu aiii's store waa shattered .Monday night —Services at the Baptist church was the boys were on hand with their fire- aeasi<>n opens. acquainted before tha br a sky rocket from the opposite side of all that distinguished Christmas day I works, which waa enjoyed very much the Public 8<{uars. The wonder is that any other of the week. The atorea j from indeetl. some one was not seriously hurt by this were kept open and from the number I —The young people of this placs storm* killinl Bmd P«rtia. BQrD(*U shot tod foidishosas, which was kept up Saturday that we saw patroniiing the whiaky against Par-ij ed Mr. J. K. Baughman Monday night There were aoms warrants ! and Monday nights. honsea their sales amounterl to consider and all had a delighllul time. Miaa Mag* in the hands of Deputy tin and were — Watt Arnold, aon of Mr. David Ar* able. One man remarked that it waa a ' gia Ingles ‘waa present and recited for execution and bs was ' 8heriff Mayne for noUl, and brother of Deputy Sheriff W. ahame to work on oar Savior’s birth day, oth* them and they all enjoyed it so she was thia and | posse to make ' preparing a A. Arnold, met with a serioua accident that that day ought to be kepht holy called on several times during the eve- er arrests ol Partin and hia friends.
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