1ST ADV: 9-19-19 2ND ADV: 10-24-19 SHERIFF’ SALE State of Louisiana, Parish of Morehouse, Fourth District Court THE MONEY SOURCE, INC. VS NO. 2018-250 JOHNON SHANE LINGEFELT By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FOURTH Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of MOREHOUSE in the above numbered and entitled suit and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction to the highest and last bidder, within the hours prescribed by law for making judicial sales, at the principal front door of the SHERIFFS OFFICE, 351 South Franklin, in the City of Bastrop, Louisiana. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30, 2019 The Ouachita Citizen From a concrete monumentwww.ouachitacitizen.com at the Northeast corner of Section 19 of Township 21 North, Thursday, October 24, 2019 • 11C Range 6 East, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, run South 0 degrees 18 minutes West along the East line of said section a distance of 245.6 feet to a point in the South right-of-way line of Dixie Street; thence turn and run North 89 degrees 48 minutes West along the South right-of-way line of Dixie Street a distance of 6.5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue North 89 degrees 48 minutes West along the South right- PUBLICof-way line of Dixie Street a distance of 109.0NOTICES feet to the Northeast corner of the Hugh N. Burchfield Tract; thence turn and run South 0 degrees 18 minutes West along the East SHERIFF’S SALE line of the said Hugh N. Burchfield Tract a distance of 399.63 feet to the Southeast corner The Ouachita Parish Police Jury will hold a Public Hearing at 5:30 p.m. ROUNDPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING CORPORATION of said Hugh N. Burchfield Tract; thence turn and run South 89 degrees 48 minutes East on November 4, 2019, concerning proposed Ordinance No. 9296, “An Or- VS.NO. 20190552 a distance of 109.0 feet to a point; thence turn and run North 0 degrees 18 minutes East a dinance authorizing the sale of a two (2+/-) acre tract in the West Ouachita JASON W. SHANAS distance of 399.63 feet to the Point of Beginning, being situated in Section 19 of Industrial Park to EMS Electric of Monroe, LLC for and in the consid- STATE OF LOUISIANA Township 21 North, Range 6 East, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana and containing 1.00 eration of the total price of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)” acres, more or less; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding PARISH OF OUACHITA mineral rights of record affecting the property. said hearing to be held in the Ouachita Parish Police Jury Meeting Room FOURTH DISTRICT COURT (Courtroom No. 3) in the Ouachita Parish Courthouse, 301 South Grand, By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the Honor- Monroe, LA 71201. able Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Ouachita, State Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said WRIT OF All interested parties are urged to attend. of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered cause to me directed SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Karen Cupit I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at the TERMS OF SALE: FULL PAYMENT OF THE ADJUDICATION PRICE DUE Recording Secretary Ouachita Parish Courthouse in the City of Monroe, Louisiana, between the AT TIME OF SALE: WITH benefit of appraisement. 10/17,10/24,10/31 legal hours of sale on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, beginning at 10:00 _____________________________________________ A.M., the following described property, to wit: 9/19,10/24 NOTICE TO BIDDERS LOT 13, BLOCK C, UNIT 7, FRENCHMAN’S BEND SITUATED IN _____________________________________________ SEALED BIDS will be received by the Ouachita Parish Police Jury in SECTION 15 & 16, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, OUACHI- 1ST ADV: 9-19-19 the Courthouse Building, Monroe, Louisiana, on or before two (2:00) PM, TA PARISH, LOUISIANA, AS PER PLAT FILED IN PLAT BOOK 21, 2ND ADV: 10-24-19 Tuesday, November 19, 2019, and that the same will be opened, read aloud PAGE 143, UNDER DR#14144779, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OUACHITA and tabulated in the office of Ouachita Parish Police Jury, at two (2:00) SHERIFF’ SALE PARISH, LOUISIANA; SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS, SERVITUDES, o’clock PM, Tuesday, November 19, 2019, and submitted to the Ouachita RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND OUTSTANDING MINERAL RIGHTS OF RE- State of Louisiana, Parish of Morehouse, Fourth District Court Parish Police Jury at its next scheduled meeting for the purpose of furnish- CORD AFFECTING THE PROPERTY ing the following: Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said KRAFTMAN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION VARIOUS MATERIALS VS NO. 2019-337 WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. BRANDI LYNN PHILLIPS Aggregates, Asphalt, Asphaltic Concrete, Batteries, Bridge Timbers Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest bidder. & Pilings, Culverts, Fill Dirt, Filters, Lubrication Oil, Portland Cement, By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FOURTH Judicial District Court in and Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the day of sale for for the Parish of MOREHOUSE in the above numbered and entitled suit and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized Sand-Clay-Gravel, Signs and Sign Posts the full amount bid. and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction to the highest and last bidder, within the hours Complete specifications on the above item(s) are on file with and may prescribed by law for making judicial sales, at the principal front door of the SHERIFFS OFFICE, 351 South JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF Franklin, in the City of Bastrop, Louisiana. be obtained from Lushonnoh Matthews, Purchasing Manager, Ouachita Ouachita Parish Parish Police Jury, Purchasing Department, 301 South Grand Street, Base- Monroe, LA WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30, 2019 ment Floor, Monroe, LA. Bidders must note on the sealed envelope con- September 26, 2019 & October 24, 2019 taining the bid: “SEALED BID” and the APPROPRIATE BID NUMBER. 1. Lot 23 of Division of Emily L. Clark Lands as per plat thereof duly recorded in Official Plat Book 1, Page 137, of the records of _____________________________________________ Morehouse Parish, Louisiana; said lot or parcel of land lying and being situated in the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 6, Township 20 Bidders have the option to submit bids electronically on https://www. SHERIFF’S SALE North, Range 6 East, and containing 3 acres more or less, and being the same property acquired from Leo J. Hamilton as per deed bidsync.com. There is a yearly registration fee for use of their service. recorded in Conveyance Book 113, Page 437 of the records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DBA CHRISTIA- THE OUACHITA PARISH POLICE JURY RESERVES THE RIGHT LESS AND EXCEPT: NA TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE FOR PRETIUM TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. MORTGAGE ACQUISITION TRUST Commence at the Northwest corner of Lot 23 of Division of Emily L. Clark Lands, Section 6, Township 20 North, Range 6 East, as OUACHITA PARISH POLICE JURY per plat Book 1, Page 137 as the Point of Beginning; thence run East with the North line of said Lot 23 approximately 346.3 feet to its VS.NO. 20192408 point of intersection with a fence; thence run in a westerly direction with said fence to its point of intersection with the West line of 10/17,10/24,10/31 said Lot 23; thence run North with the West line of said Lot 23 to the Point of Beginning, being a lot triangular in shape situated in DANIEL M BABUSEK AKA DANIEL BABUSEK AND TRACI L BA- said Lot 23 and shown in red on the plat attached to the deed recorded in Conveyance Book 245, Page 759, of the records of _____________________________________________ BUSEK AKA TRACI BABUSEK Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF LOUISIANA 2. Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 22 of Division of Emily L. Clark Lands, Section 6, Township 20 North, Range 6 East, as SEALED BIDS will be received by the Ouachita Parish Police Jury in per Plat Book 1, Page 137, as the point of beginning, thence run West with the South line of said Lot 22 approximately 200.0 feet to PARISH OF OUACHITA its point of intersection with a fence; thence run in an easterly direction with said fence to a point in the East line of said Lot 22 the Courthouse Building, 301 South Grand Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 201, FOURTH DISTRICT COURT situated 15.0 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot 22, thence run South with the East line of said Lot 22 15.0 feet to the Point Monroe, Louisiana 71201, on or before two (2:00) PM, Tuesday, Novem- of Beginning, said lot being triangular in shape and being outlined in green on plat attached to the deed recorded in Conveyance Book By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the Honor- 245, Page 759, of the records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. ber 5, 2019, and that the same will be opened, and the names of the pro- able Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Ouachita, State and posal replies will be read aloud and tabulated in the office of the Ouachita of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered cause to me directed Parish Police Jury at two (2:00) o’clock PM, Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 2004 Englewood Cavalier 16 x 80 manufactured home, serial no.
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