VOLUME 6, SPRING 2011 UNCW PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTE R Faculty editor: Robert Hakan Student editors: Alyssa Fritz & Amanda Rickard UNCW PSYCHOLOGY WELCOME FROM THE CHA IR at the site because this new at this link: http:// INSIDE THIS ISSUE: building will mean so much uncwtv.uncw.edu/video/ to us. psychweb.mov. N E W 2 Some of you alumni may The building is expected to FAC U L T Y SPOTLIGHT remember when the entire be completed in July 2012— department was housed in and if all goes according to G R A D U A T E 2 S T U D E N T one corner of the Social and plan, we’ll move in just in SPOT Behavior Sciences Building time to support the imple- (some of you will remember mentation of the proposed F A C U L T Y 3 P R O F I L E : even further back to King doctoral program in psy- OGLE Hall). Today, our 33 full- chological science. Dr. Mark Galizio time faculty members have Last spring, the UNC Board A L U M N I 4 P R O F I L E : I have never been so ex- laboratories and offices of Governor’s approved HART cited to see a pile of dirt! spread across eight different UNCW’s request to plan G R A D U A T E 4 As a construction crew be- academic buildings. The new the doctoral program, and S T U D E N T gan work near the Nursing building will permit us to get this year the department ACTIVITIES Building in March, this pile the entire program under completed the implementa- represented what will be a one roof! Even more impor- tion plan which is the final PLANNED 5 D O C T O R A L signal event for our pro- tantly, the new classrooms, piece in the UNC program PROGRAM gram: the construction of laboratories and clinical development process. The the $33 million Teaching training areas will enhance implementation plan has F A C U L T Y 7 Laboratory Building which all of our programs with been approved by the HIGLIGHTS will be the future home of state-of-the-art facilities. UNCW administration and the psychology department. You can see a short video now awaits final review by EVENT 10 PICTURES I have been watching the narrated by College of Arts the UNC Board of Gover- digging with anticipation as and Sciences Dean David nors. the crew continues working Cordle showing some of Continued on page 3 ANNUAL ALUMNI RECEPT ION By: Alyssa Fritz This year, UNCW’s annual alumni, current students bration all three chairs of “The new classrooms, homecoming took place and current and former the psychology department laboratories and clinical from Feb. 17-20, and activi- faculty members to reunite were in attendance; includ- ties consisted of award and to meet one another. It ing the founder of the de- training areas will en- presentations, reunions, a was an occasion to socialize, partment, John Williams, hance all of our pro- TEALgating to support the enjoy hors d’oeuvres and Andy Jackson and Mark Seahawks, a homecoming learn about current depart- Galizio. Melissa Deal, the grams with state-of-the- parade as well as individual mental accomplishments student recipient of the art facilities.” departmental alumni recep- and undertakings. Williams-Jackson merit tions. The psychology de- It was extremely successful scholarship, also spoke at - Mark Galizio partment’s alumni reception and received an impressive the reception. provided an opportunity for turnout. At this year’s cele- Continued on page 9 VOLUME 6, SPRING 2011 Page 2 NEW FACULTY SPOTLIGH T By: Amanda Rickard obtain her master’s degree ment and psychological ad- perience her students of and Ph.D. in human devel- justment in diverse cultural psychology. She is teaching opment and family studies contexts. She evaluated courses in Lifespan and from Pennsylvania State factors of sexual develop- Adolescent Development, University. She completed ment such as condom use, as well as a specialized semi- her academic studies in risky sexual behavior, ro- nar in Latino Adolescent 2009 and then went on to mantic relationships and Sexuality. complete post-doctoral symptoms of depression. Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez work, also at Pennsylvania Having recently received The department is proud to State University. Her post- the Cahill Award, which welcome her as a fellow The UNCW psychology doctoral work assessed includes funding for her Seahawk, and students and department is pleased to sexual and romantic rela- research, she will soon have faculty alike will undoubt- welcome our newest faculty tionships among adolescents the opportunity to return edly benefit from her ex- member, Graciela Espinosa- of Mexican-origin living in to Puebla to conduct follow perience and expertise in Hernandez. She was born Arizona. -up assessments with the the field of psychology. and raised in Puebla, Mex- same population. ico. She started her career As part of this post- in psychology at the Univer- doctoral work, she was able Espinosa-Hernandez will be sidad de las Américas- to return to Puebla, Mexico, able to take undergraduates Puebla, where she received to continue her research with her, offering an excel- her Bachelor of Science with Latino adolescents, lent research opportunity degree. She went on to studying normative develop- and invaluable cultural ex- GRADUATE STUDENT SPO TLIGHT By: Amanda Rickard graduate students. This pharmacology lab under the year, our own Tracy Taylor, direction of Ray Pitts. She student of Ray Pitts, earned will begin a Ph.D. program this honor and was recog- in biological and health psy- nized as one of the six chology at the University of Graduate Teaching Award Pittsburgh in the fall. recipients! Broadly, her research inter- For all who know Taylor, est is the experimental this award is no surprise analysis of behavior. While Tracy Taylor whatsoever. She is ex- here at UNCW, her thesis tremely motivated and dedi- project involved studying Each year, UNCW honors cated as a student, a re- microanalysis of choice be- six graduate level teaching searcher, a teaching assis- havior in animals. In May, assistants with a Graduate tant and in everything else Tracy will give an invited success at UNCW, Teaching Award. In order she does. She has been a address presenting data as well as on her recent to be considered, a teaching teaching assistant to Ray from her master’s thesis, as engagement! We are assistant must demonstrate Pitts, Chris Hughes, Wendy part of a symposium at the proud to call her a Sea- exceptional competence in Donlin and Graciela Association for Behavior hawk as she is a true ex- teaching and mentoring, Espinosa-Hernandez. Tay- Analysis International’s an- emplar of the highest cali- show a clear mastery of lor earned her bachelor’s nual conference. ber of students. We wish their subject material and degree in psychology from her all the best as she con- communicate it with enthu- the College of Charleston. We would like to sincerely tinues her education and siasm and clarity to under- She works in a behavioral congratulate Taylor on her her career! DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY NEWSLETTER Page 3 FACULTY PROFILE: RIC H O G L E By: Alyssa Fritz concentration and is serving individual vulnerability differ- for the program. as graduate coordinator for ences for developing post- the psychology department. traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to combat-related His publications cover areas stress. Their program then of substance abuse, interper- provides them with PTSD sonal violence, deliberate self inoculation training. Current “Dr. Ogle and Dr. harm, alcohol use, perceived rates of PTSD estimate that Clements...are in the control, intoxication and between 6-20 percent of mili- aggression, as well as clinical tary combatants will develop final stages of develop- assessment and clinical meth- symptoms that will put these ing a major project for odology. As the new chair men and women at an in- the US Marine Corps. he plans to seamlessly transi- creased risk for mental and/or tion from where Galizio has physical health problems, They are seeking fund- left off shepherding in a new marital problems as well as a ing to allow them to curriculum, moving into the significantly higher risk of prospectively as- Rich Ogle new building and, upon ap- suicide. proval, implement the Ph.D. sess...for PTSD...” In July 2011, UNCW’s psy- program. Additionally, Ogle They have developed an chology department will wel- hopes to support UNCW’s online program to evaluate come a new chair, Richard historically strong culture of individual resiliency prior to Ogle. He is a clinical psycholo- promoting faculty-based deployment. Then, they are gist who graduated from the grant-funded research while able to create individualized University of New Mexico, continuing the departmental risk profiles and will be able to Albuquerque in 2001 and spe- tradition of teaching excel- provide 24/7 individualized cializes in addictions and post- lence and clinical training. training and access to a coun- traumatic stress disorder. He selor. The grant proposal is has been working at UNCW Ogle and Carrie Clements, for $1.5 million. Clements and since August 2002 and is an another psychology faculty Ogle have met with the associate professor. member at UNCW, are in UNCW Military Advisory the final stages of developing Board, Camp Lejuene com- Ogle has also held the posi- a major project for the U.S. mand staff and the assistant tion of clinical training coordi- Marine Corps. They are commandant of the Marine nator for the Substance Abuse seeking funding to allow Corps, who has committed Treatment (SATP) graduate them to prospectively assess assistance to secure funding WELCOME FROM THE CHA IR Carrie Clements Continued from pg.
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