<p>r- :1 r ,•.. </p><p> i;,.... F" i TAYPORT F.C. f i Official Matchday Programme 1994/95 </p><p>You too could be gazing at glazing by [g LEUCHARS GLAZING S IP<C::J>~S <C::J>IR..S IHIJIIP TayportF.C. is indebted to the advertisers in this programme and at the Canniepoirt.The club is also indebted to its main sponsors. ~ TODAY'S TEAMS </p><p>=1,j=Scott & Fyfe Limited SCOTSCRAIG WORKS, & 'TAYPORT PORT GLASGOW TAYPORT. LEUCHARS GLAZIN<_? ~ Industrial Textile Manufacturers GLASS MERCHANTS AND GLAZIERS TAYPORT • 79 Main Street, Fraser MANN Evan CONWAY JU... IORS 1994/95 SHIRT Leuchars, Gamrut; Fife KY16 0HF Grant MILLER Gary McATAMNEY Canniepairt, Shanwell Road, Telephone 0334 838815 Tayport. Tel. 553670 SPONSORS Grant PATERSON . Des RODGERS ~ MATCH Mark SPALDING Robert McCRACKEN Red Shirts , White Shorts. 1994-96 ~ PROGRAMMES Andy SOMMERVILLE John GILLAN Club - 1947 (as Amateurs}, 1990 (;;is Juniors) . George MALONE . . Ian MacFARLANE ~: Tayside League Division 1 Steven STEWART Steven McLELLAND Champions 1991/92 , 1992/93, 1993/94. TAYBRIDGE Lex Vauxhall GaryMAHER Robert JOHNSTONE Tayside League Division 2 Champions 1990/91. Ewan CAMERON John PATERSON Zamoyski Cup Winners 1991/92 . BAR Whyte & Mackay (Currie} Cup 129 PERTH ROAD, Hamish MACK.AY Kevin HUGHES Winners 1990/9 1, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94. <a href="/tags/Dundee/" rel="tag">DUNDEE</a>. Mike GRAY Perthshire Advertiser Cup TRACKSUITS Andrew DIAMOND Winners 1990/9 1. Jackie DEVINE Jim McCULLOCH lnter sport Shield Winners a 1990/91, 1993/94. TOUCHLINE Graeme IRONS Alex FARQUHAR Craig Stephen Trophy Winners BOOTS 1990/91, 1991/92, 1993/94. ATTIRE Albert Herschell Trophy Winners ' Dave REILLY Frank MULGREW 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94. O.V.D. Scottish Junior Cup Jimmy HUNTER Ronnie WILKIE Quarter Finalists 1991/92. Runners -up 1992/93. Kevin VANNET Gary STEVENSON Chairman : E. Stewart, C Paul REILLY 3 Greenside Place, Tayport. Vice-Chairman: A. D. Oswald, cc 16 Lochside Gardens, Tayport. CENTRE CAR COMPANY Secretary· A J. Oswald, Referee IanRoy (Glenrothes) 17 Reform Street, Tayport. SOUTH WARD ROAD, DUNDEE, DDI ITR Linesmen D, Lithgow (Methil) Treasurer:R. Macmillan, TEL (0382) 200520 12 Banknowe Drive, Tayport. FAX (0382) 200188 l Ross ·· (Methil) Match Secretary ; D. Ayre, 46 Tay Street, Tayport Committee; WARM-UP SATURDAY 3RD DECEMBER, 1994 J. Anderson, L. Beveridge, I. Cougan, R. Irvine, A. McDade, BOOTS A. Spence, R. Waddell. SUITS 0. V. D. SCOTTISH CUP - THIRD ROUND MJ!n.l!gn; 0. Baikie TAYPORT V PORT GLASGOW ~ G. Irons, J. Hunter. And to those firms ond individualswho sponsor matches and match balls KICK OFF -' 1.45 PM ~ Andy Bell. throughout the season. Interestedin sponsorship?Please contact PORT PROG '94-95 No. 9 Groundstaff: Secretary, Treasureror any member of the committee. D. Hughes, A. P. Walker. Programmes: INTERESTED IN SPONSORSHIP? PLEASE CONTACT ALEX TODAY'S .MATCH BALL HAS A. J . Oswald, SPENCE (0850) 408225 OR ANY OF THE OFFICE BEARERS OR HAS BEEN KINDLY DONATED 17 Reform Street, Tayport . MEMBERSOFTHECOMMJTTEL Telephone: 0382 552644. _BY THE PortPrag voted top non-leagueprogramme in Tayside1992 193, 1993194(3rd in Scotland/. ClubMembership /SeasonTickets: Tayport F.C. Club Mem ,bership, whichihcludes a seasonticket to (J3P.LL(J{,OCI( theCanniepairt for all leaguegames , is availableat £10fo r adultsand £5 forchildren and senior citizens. Half timematchday refreshments are ava ilable exclusivelyto clubmembers /seasonticket 7'.JLrr)E(j{Jv holdersin theupstairs lounge in theclub pa villion.App licationsto clubsecretary. SupportersClub: Tayport F .C.Supporters' Club runs bu sesto mostaway f ixtures. Detailsfrom Mary Walker. Te lephone(0382 ) 553647. TODAY'SO. _V.D. SCOTTISH CUP SAY?S THIRD ROUND TIE MINI-SKIPS Sponsored by CALL RAMSAY'S DIRECT ON ._, VODAFONE (0831)~ 263781 ·TW J.MARTIN (Premium Rate Charges Apply) Builder & Joiner, Camoustie </p><p>1 Porget tfie <R__estand' (jet tfie <Best ; </p><p>DAILY, WEEKLY OR CONTRACT HIRE r.t•s OVD Cup · tfme . again and there's always a buzz around the Canniepairt on .these occasions. We've seen some stirring "The Biggest Mini Skip on Tayside" encounters and hopefully today will be no different. Also Mini Coach Hire The prize at stake is a place in the last 32 of the competition 30 Nelson Street, Tayport who contest the fourth round on January 21st nruct year. We don't know too much abQµt our opponents who play in the Dundee 006 9DR middle division of the three division Reebok Central League. This is the same divisiorithat our first round opponents, (0382) 552037 Forth,play in. In fact, the two sides met last Saturday at Forth where the locals recorded their first league win of the season .by two goals to nil - something of a surprise result. Forth will have been filling their Central League colleagues in about Tayport but no doubt Dave Baikie has been on to .. Kenny Bunce at Elmwood whom Port Glasgow defeated 4-1 in the first round in Dundee. (0382J The Port Glasgow hero that day was their No. 10,Kevin Hughes who bagged a brace. And it's goals that seem to be the Clydeside team's greatest strength - and weakness. They've one of the best goals for records in the league but currently have the wors .t defence. 201780 r.t could be the recipe for a goal packed encounter this afternoon. Tayport frustrated their fans last week when faced with a stuffy Violet side but I'm sure that there was nobody more frustrated than the players themselves. The team will be looking to the backing of the Port (Tayport Port, that is) Support to help GrahamMcLaren's carry them through. After a disappointing display last week Port Glasgow seem likely '·to ring the changes, using their avail ·ab ·le pool to full advantage. Tay port won't have too ma·ny:· choi ce .s. Coventry and ·•, .. , Paul Reilly will still be out as will the ' vacationing '·thard to cubsp.r.r~ say, that word) Sean Wilkie. Hopes are high that Andy Sommerville can return and that no injuries have been picked up during the UNIT 5 MATHEW COURT, midweek friendly with Coupar Angus. MILNE'S EAST WYND DUNDEE (BEHIND "COMET"I _ , . PORT GLASGOW'S LAST TWELVE RESULTS </p><p>Ashfield 3 Port Glasgow 2 (league) Port Glasgow 3 Maybole (Whyte & Mackay Cup) Blantyre Vies 3 Port Glasgow 3 (league) Port Glasgow Cumbernauld 4 (lea\jue) BUILDER & JOINER Lanark United 2 Port Glasgow 3 (league) Elmwood Port Glasgow 4 (OVD Cup) Port Glasgow 2 Benburb 3 (league) Greenock 3 Port Glasgow 2 (MBM Cup) CARNOUSTIE Port Glasgow 3 Vale of Leven (league) Bonnybridge 0 Port Glasgow 5 (OVD Cup) Port Glasgow 0 Neilston 3 (league) 0241 859838 Forth Wanderers 2 Port Glasgow 0 (league) </p><p> r ~-:..- - ~ - ..;.... .- ..~ --....~ -., TAYPORTFOOTBALLCLUB win [£SOO! 1 1 and associated Clubs NA1'10NAt. . ,.. w • I The six winning numbers will be published I ,;. '· .; _., I · I ~@~~m in <a href="/tags/The_Courier_(Dundee)/" rel="tag">The Courier</a> & Evening Telegraph eac h Monday and File Heroldeach Friday, I HOUSE I ~□~ I ...... , I WEEKLY LOTTERY Dmw to be made weekly on a Sunday I I I B·.,.UILDEBS .. , ,., .•., . '\r+111t"* e:,1.: •.. I I · · · , · · · · I :Notice{J3oarcl I APPROVED I L_ ....______...;.-:.;...~---~ CHRISTMAS DRAW Tickets are nnw available. Any supporters who think that they would be able to sell some tickets are asked to contact Bert Irvine. Prizes once .again are excellent. </p><p>HOME IMPROVEMENTS • ATTIC CONVERSIONS noooo </p><p>SPORTSMANS DINNER . ~he club's Sportsman's Dinner is being -held tomorrow in the Nawab in Broughty Ferry and any supporters 'FORGET THE ,,REST wishing tickets are urged to get in touch with Abby or Eddie as =:?:.:,:;r soon as possible. </p><p>00000 </p><p>CHRISTMAS DANCE. ~he Christmas Dinner Dance is being held in the Marquee on Wednesday 28th December. 1ickets, priced at t6,are nvailable from Bev Beveridge . • • noooo ANDY BELL i":\, In the manner that most managers pursue players, nave pp - Who was the manager at East Fife when you were there? Baikie chased and finally AB - Pat Quinn who was quite a character. He was a successful netted ANDY BELL to look after boss, though, and took East Fife into the Texaco Cup where the physiotherapy duties at the we played Burnley. club. PP - Any other high spots while at Bayview? Andy had completed three seasons AB - I suppose the day that I substituted Sir Bobby Charlton. in his second spell at Forfar Athletic when he became available. PP - What? At Wembley? The Tayport boss moved quickly AB - No, at Bayview! to bring Andy to the Canniepairt. PP - How did that come about? Andy first moved into Senior AB - It was a Test~moni _al Match for big John Martis who had given football 23 years ago, working sterling service to.East Fife after joining them from under Alan Kennedy at Station Motherwell. East Fife were playing a Fife Select. Robby before moving to East Fife. He Charlton ~as ·g1;1esting as was Nobby Stiles. r thought spent five seasons at Bayview Bobby was feeling the pace a bit in the second half so I during the reign of Pat Quinn took the liberty _ of , pulling him off to give Stiles ~ game! but a change in his everyday PP - Any other highlights that come to mind? job necessitated him scaling AB - It was a great day when East Fife beat Rangers at Ibrox down his physiotherapy duties. in the old fir~t division and when Montrose defeated Hearts at Tynecastle in the Skol Cup. Hearts' defeat that night Andy's change of job saw him was their first at hom~ for 18 months. working for the ambulance service as a paramedic. PP - What about players you" ye seen _ early iin,thei r careers who showed that · they could · go somewhere in the game? Although he helped out North End during his spell away from AB - One that.springs to mind is Stewart Petrie, now with the Seniors , he was back in the Scottish League in 1985 when he Dunfermline. · I always _thought that he would do well.While was asked to join the Montrose backroom staff. at Forfar he had a great attitude, no shortage of skill and Andy spent six seasons at Links Park, moving back to Forfar in a nose for goal. · 1991 from where he joined Tayport this summer. Anothe was Colin Methven who played in central defence for East Fife.7 Colin move ·d to Wigan and I was surprised that he During his spell with Montrose Andy changed jobs and worked didn't make more · of a mark on the game. first with the physically handicapped and then with the mentally handicapped before · more recently taking up a position in the PP -· What about managers? ,- Final Inspection and Repairs Department at Torbrex Engineering. AB - Things didn't work out for Paul Hegarty at Forfar but he was certainly the most pleasant manager I worked with. Andy is Dundee born and bred but tells us that his mother is a Fifer from Kirkcaldy and he has a Tayport connection in that his PP - You've just moved to the Canniepairt from Station Park, was it something of a culture shock? brother Graeme is r esident in the town. AB - No, not really. There's not a great deal of difference. Married 34 ye a rs to Moira, Andy has two sons one of whom is a I~ ~a 7t I would think that Tayport would give any third policeman , the other a jeweller in the U.S.A. di vi ~ion club a __run for their money. '!'here• s a lot of quality players at this club. '!'ayport are run on pretty As well as being involved in football all his life, Andy had a p ofess~onal l_i nes. Dave Bai ki e is a •players• manager• great involvement in his other sporting love, ice h ockey, 7 mixes with them on and off the field but commands respect being physic to the Dundee Rockets and <a href="/tags/Dundee_Tigers/" rel="tag">Dundee Tigers</a>. During nevertheless .• his days with the Rockets Andy picked up three British Champion ship medals and was honoured by being appointed as physic to both PP - Finally, Andy, what about the current injury situation here the Scotland and Great Britain <a href="/tags/Ice_hockey/" rel="tag">ice hockey</a> squads. at the Canniepairt. AB - Well, I inherit ."d f;ve bad injuries when I took over here, we quizzed Andy about his lifetime in football and here he shares Sean, J1;1nioi .Reilly _, . Big Andy, Covy and Divvy. All have som e · of his thoughts on the game. taken time to shake off their injuries but I'm happy to p p Did you play Junior football? report that they all appear to be on the mend now and we AB - Yes, I played for East Craigie until I was 33. I then took should see all five back in action together in the not too over as their physic before moving to Carnoustie Panmure in distant future. · the same capacity. PP - Any influences on your physic career? AB - Without a doubt, the biggest influence was the late Andy Dickson of Dundee United who gave me every encouragement to become involved in the physiotherapy business . Andy was a great tutor, nlways willing to give advice. ,,,.- -..... Cf'oday's riJisitors ~TR~AYS The I [ Mr [ sI Restaurant 24GEORGE 80GEORGE We can't tell you too nruch about STREET, STREET, our visitors today. Promises of biographical notes being sent,_._...,._...... ---:: PERTH. PERTH. through from Port Glasgow TEL: 0738 28866 TEL: 0738 440133 failed to materialise. Spo,tUJUol Spo,tUJUol Formed in 1899, Port Glasgow 1: appeared in their one and only DAVID REILLY DAVE BAIKIE \ . Junior Cup Final exactly 80 years ago, losing 2-0 to Parkhead. Relegated from the first SCOTT DEMPSTER division in 1990/91 Port TAYBRIDGE BAR spent two seasons d~stairs 129 PERTH BUILDER before regaining their place in the middle league by ROAD, 'ESSENGAEL', finish _ing runners-up last _ DUNDEE. 12 NAUGHTON season in division two. 'l"hey conceded only 23 goals in TEL: 0382 643973 ROAD, WORMIT. their 26 league games last TEL: 0382 541374 season but have already conceded one rore in their ~ANDY °' ten games this season. SOMMERVILLE MIKE~°' GRAY They are described as being unpreqjct.able - capable of brilliance one day and of being diabolical the next CENTRE CAR day • They showed their best C McADAMS METRO side last season when they COMPANY eliminated Central Premier cc BAR Championship runners-up SOUTHWARD 77 ROSEBANK Lesmahagow from the League Cup ROAD, DUNDEE. STREET, DUNDEE Lesmahagow were responsible TEL: 0382 200520 TEL: 29974 for ending Port's best 0VD run of recent seasons, a 1-2 Spo,tUJUol Spo,tUJUol defeat in the 4th round in 1992/93 . Apart from that MARK PAUL occasion, today's 3rd round SPALDING REILLY appearance is the best for se·,-eral years. This season a 4-1 win in Dundee against Elmwood was WESTPORT BUSINESS CENTRE YORl<E'S followed by an even roore 16a WEST PORT emphatic 5-0 win at rlie Cooke, horn in St Monans, but went Senior ,,,,BUTCHERS Bonnybridge, so it appears rom Port Glasuow to Aberdeen. From there he went on DUNDEE DOI SEP ------that the best form is being Suppliers of the following: 28-36 ha'.-e a distinguished career with Dundee, Chelse a Fa• and Photocopying Service. reserved for the 0VD Cup. and Scotland. One of the sil lde st pla yers ever to ,...l';.t!~?n~~:~;;:,~~;:'rw~ces STRA TH MARTINE Look for top scorer Kevin grace <a href="/tags/Dens_Park/" rel="tag">Dens Park</a> . ~!;'~::Zh~~g~?c~~~!:io':s~ ROAD, DUNDEE £ Equipment, FaxMachines, Hughes(No.10) who is capable Diariesand Calendars. of scoring spectacular goals and Drew Diarond (No. 11) who is a potential TEL: 0382 825901 8~~ a:~,:!:f:~~,:;:~a~':e matchwinner if on his game. Followinu _last week's result it's likely that Mach?nc and/or1 or,,. offall other prices. S~ol Frank Mulurew could be brought back to steady the visitors' defence. EWAN Aroongst the farous names who have graced the Port Glasgow jerseys through the Spo,tUJUol years are Charlie Cooke, sam English(Rangers), Davie Provan(Celtic), Jim GRANT MILLER CAMERON1 Townsend (St Johnstone) and Hughie 1-k:Il!OOyle(Wolves) <The<Bakf r's <Bit i~ ,LfJC41, rn3~ [R!;TI Central League Port Glasgow provide our Scottish Cup opposition this afternoon. I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Zt-a(if9 their players and officials to Tayport. BEARING & Refore I telk of today's game I'd like to add r ess last week's '8~ 0-0 lea ,1ue draw. Obviously it goes; without saying that we're al l TRANSMISSION disappointed at the ou t come. No more so than myself and our A, Minick& Son players. We've come to expect more and in our book a draw is a defeat. Thank goodness we feel that way . Our p layers know that 88 Castle Street , Tayport CO . they let themselves down and that the standa r d wasn't good enough. Tel552501 More and more clubs come here with the sole p ur pose to shut up '!irfJlimr-.oJr,I/ .C/h,1•1</'l{//1(1 shop, defend in numbers on their own 18 yard line. By their own 'Jf/Mtte 2«-a(if9 ad ~ admission Violet did just that. No one can deny that we totally !/JJ (,(J('I' ,7t,(ll/,!' / l l l ;l',\'l(J / / dominated the outfie l d play but the cold facts were that their S ewiu- CO#ee/ittat goalkeeper was never r eally tested. Our final ball was dreadful, t',711tJ111<·11I aml .1'11/rfol'l<'t\1' ,o/· played into the box with the word ' hopeful' written all ove r it. New for this Season: That problem's been addressed this week . A full range of Bread, .~~ 'If}O t 'I ,~T, {/ I'm not obliv i ous to the frustrations on the terracing. You seem to see things as black or white, ,Jood or bad, nothing in between Morning Ro lls, Pf}stries etc "Enterprise House", ;...,,i.ullJ,, and are used to a high standard of play. In comparison, your 25 Hawkhill, ~ counterparts who sit in the stands at Ibrox see the sa me things Still hot.fi"om our own in as you do and our opposite numbers within their club feel as DUNDEE DD 1 5DL frustrated at times as I a n d our players feel about lett in g ou r shop bake ry. fans down. Rut through all their early season i njury prob l e ms , 7aae tlee ~ where d o Rangers sit at this mo ment i n the Premier League? ~ \~~~i ~~;~~1 ® We , on a smaller scal e, have just the same problems. ,f you ca r e to look at the middle pages of this programme, !OU will note that we ' ve never been able to field the same team twice. A manage r 's dream i s an injury free pool and a team that picks itself week after week. Over the past three or four seasons we ' ve been r easonably CountySports TAYSIDE fortunate on that score. That's not been the case this season. ,n fact a num be r of ou r players have played and continue to play, with injuries because we ' ve just not been able to rest them. T'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for that and so should you because the hard facts are that, despite all the (Perth)Ltd. problems, Tayport F.r. . nre still undefeated in open play in 18 svorts & LeisureSpecialists COACH HIRE starts and, In the league, we are actually one point better off than this time last season and i t's been over 15 months since 8-14 St. John Street our last league defeat. 95 COMMERCIAL STREET Perth PH1 5SP Yes, the r e are a couple of players go i ng through a bad time form DUNDEE wise but they ' ll come through that with my, nnd their teammates', Tel: 26331 backing . And with your s upport because I ' ll tell you this - verbal abuse to individu a ls on the park will only prolong th e ir agony. WEDDING CARS T know that it can be hard at t imes to bite your tongue but, to me, Suppliers to TayportF. C. suppor t e r s have a part t o play in lifting the players to perform MOT's & REPAIRS better. There's no logic in helping destroy a player's confidence and many other clubs on that is already l o w. 44-48 EAST DOCK STREET Tod;,y we have an opportunity to advance to the fourth round of Tayside. the Scottish Cup. Th e players will be left in no doubt of the DUNDEE task that l ie s ahead this afternoon . T ' m confident, as are our Generousdiscounts players. They ' ll respond. So let ' s all unite behind the Tayport banner as one. We've only one th i ng in mind and that ' s a Tayport available- PHONE victory. ask for Ian Duff (0382) 201121 Support The Port, Dave Baikie. TAYPORT JUNIORS - A1atch Stats...... A1atch Stats...... Match Stats...... Match Stats...... Match Stats...... ll1atch Stats..... Hate Opposition Result I 2 3 -t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1-t Att Aug 17 Lo1.:hccUnikd (II) IV 1-0 l\.l:um ~lillcr l'alcr son ti1ay Sormncn tile I' Rnlh- Sk\\.ll1 I Mahe, l\ facb.y D. Reilly Van nct Devine l•I) Cameron \ l l) 349 Aug :!O Kinic Thistle (LJ IV 5-<J 1\lmrn ~-!ilk , Pater sun Stc\\art I SnmrnCT\die I' R<..'dh I !uni er t,.Jahcr ~tnckav I D. Reilly 2 Devine I Grav (8) Cameron ( I l l 129 Aug 24 NURTII ENI) L) IV I -0 1\lann I' Reilly Pa1c1son Stc\\illl Snrnml·l\ ·tlk \\ tlJ..ll." r.1111c, ~lalwr I f"amcron D. Reilly Dc,·inc Grav t\la lonc 13:S /\Ug 27 LOCI-IEE UTD (Ll IV 3 - 2 l\.-1.mn ~tiller Patcrsc1n Uray S P lllflH..'r\ ilk \\ ilkJl" I Sk\\;lt\ ~fahcr t\lackav 2 ll . Reilly Cmncrnn !Juntcr ti l l Irons ( 10) 178 Aue 31 Dundee Violet (L) D I -I l\.1ann ~lillcr Paters on Snaldine Snnunc 1,·1lrc \\'11l..ic Stc\\art t,.lahcr l\.IackaY I D. Reilly Cameron Grnv (i') Vannet 142 Sept 3 Lochee Harp (L) IV 7-0 Bro\v n I' . Reilly Paters on Spaldir,g Snmmcn die \\ 'ilkl l' ~ !,Iler Stew ,ut ~ lackay J D. Reilly Vannc t Grav rB) Camero n !11 185 Sept 10 ST. JOSEPIIS (L) D U-0 J\lann I' Reilly Paterson Spaldmg St1nrnu.:1\'1lk \\'il\...u.: llunlc-r ldillcr ~lackay Cameron ' Maher Stewart ' (II) Grav 498 Scot 17 KJNNOULL (Ll IV 4-0 l\ lmm I' . Reilly l'atcrson (ira~· S r' fllTTll'r\ ·1\ll' \\"ilk1e lluntcr ~lillcr I ~lac·kay I Stc ,vart I Vannct I Soaldin• (~) ~laher (71 149 Scr,t 24 Camo ustie (Ll IV 3 - I J\farm ~filler Palcuwn Snaldine Sl•mmcnil!e \lilk1c I luntcr ~lahcr ~lackav ) Stewart Vanne l Gray (7) P Reilly 238 Uct I lli\NK.F<X.il (l' I) D +u-U J\t.mn ~ lilkr l'atcrs1m Spaldmg I' Reill, 11·11ku:. I luntcr r,,.tahcr Mackay Stc\vart Van nct Gray rB) D. Reilly {II) 134 Od 8 NUJRO/\ r! ISC (L) IV :S - I r,,.taim ~filler !'atc rsun Spaldmg S111nmc:rnlk I \I ,Ji:m, I luntc r ( i raY Maeka1r· J D. Reilly r Dc\'ine I Stewart ~laher '209 </p><p>0<.:l 15 l,.nrtl1 \Vamlcrc rs (S i l D 1-1 tdan n ~Ii Iler ,~atcrson Snaldmu Somrncl\J\k \\"ilk tl' lluntl' 1 Stewart l\lackay D. Reilly l)e\'lllC Maher (8) GrJ\' 222 <kt 22 FUR III CSIR) IV 4-0 J\larm ~filler PatL·1s1.•n Spal<lml! Si1mmc1Yil!c II ,lk,I\ l lunkr I ~lahc·r ~lackav 2 D. Reilly I De,·ine Camero n (81 Grav (II) 35.1 Oct 2~) tv!UNI RUSE (N) IV .~ • ( J J\laim ~l illcr Pakr s(•n Snalding (;r;w I \\ilk!c~' ( 'amcrnn Ste\\art ~tackar D. Reilly Dc,·ine 2 I luntcr ,., ~lahcr 147 No,· 5 IJownlicld (L) \\ ' .J -U l\.laim ~Idler l'atc1son Spalding Sommcnil!c \\"ill 1<· llunkr !'..lahr.:r l\.lacbv D. Reilly DeYinc c·an1cron (•I) Stewart I ti ll 2.'i7 N o\' 12 IJJ\LOEUUIE (S2) IV 4-/J 1vlmm ~tiller l'att·,son Sraldmg 1 l\.ln1.:kav I (Ira, · Str.:wa1t l\.laher C'amcrnn ' D. Reilh· I Dc\'inc irons I (I I ) 236 Nov 19 Jean.field Swills (L"I \\i 2 · I l\.lann ~filler Pat<.::1sun SnnlJ1nu Sunum:r\"lllL· l\"1lk1c Stc\\art 0.lahcr ~lackay I D. Reilly I De\ ·me Cameron il lJ Grav rll 155 Nov 26 DUNDEE \i!OLET(L) l) IJ-0 f\lann Miller Pater sun Snaldmg ~ lacka, \\ .1lk1c I luntcr \laher C;-imcron D. Reilly De, ·ine Gray (9) \'an ncl (ll J 177 Dec 3 Port GL/\SGO\V (S3) ll ome ~l a!t hes in Capit als Figures afler players n;-imcs indicat~s goalscor~r!-. 1:igurcs in hrad , ...·ts indi1.:atcs number ofp lay~r substituted. • - I ,ost on Pena lties I ,cttcr in bra ckets nfler opp os ition ind icates compel ii ion as foll ows: H I k rsc h,·11Charit ,· Trophy I. ,\.T. & T . Leag ue Div ision I s O VD Scottish Cup I' l'c11hshir e A,h-crli scr Cup \\' Wh~1,· & illac kay C up C Crea m o f"Uarlcv T wp h, N Dund ee No rth End Cc ntcn crary Cup I lntersport Shield </p><p>...... Suppo,t the !J.'01t...... 5uppo1t tlit (/'ott .... .Sup 1mt tfie 1/>ort .... S11n1,m tftr .Jt·,t. ... .Sun ,,,,t tfie l'orr...... \uJ'l' •''t tl,c l'ott. ....Supp ott the ,Po,t. ....Support tlie II'ort . ... .Support tftt <Pott. .... CENTRAL REGION C E N T R E findrew DIVISION ONE L M COMMUNITY Robertson p w D L F A p LEISURE T\\ EE DSi\l UIR 2 1 KILSYTH RANGERS 10 6 3 1 2 3 9 RO ,\D , l' ERTl-l CUMBERNAULD UNI TED 1 1 6 3 2 22 16 2 1 TEI. : 07J X 6.H IJO 19 14 18 Sp,,,u,n<J. o/ ASHFIE LD 10 5 3 2 SfuJft4Anol- LANARK UNIT ED 9 5 3 16 I 5 16 STEVE STEWART 1 Sean Wilkie BLANTYRE VICS. 10 4 3 3 21 14 15 BENBURB 9 4 3 2 20 19 15 LARKHALL THIS TLE 8 4 2 2 16 8 14 WINGS 'N' THINGS WASH 'N' GO PUPS VALE OF LEVEN 10 4 1 5 12 18 1 3 PORT GLASGOW 10 3 2 5 18 24 1 1 NEILSTON 11 3 2 6 1 3 I 9 1 1 • Pe t Food s & Ac cess ori es • All br eeds GLASGOW PERTHSHI RE 8 4 3 1 2 16 7 • Aqu a tic Good s • Hand Strippin g EAST KILBR I DE THISTLE 8 4 3 14 24 7 • Fi sh & Plant s • Gr ooming, Bathing 6 RENFREW 9 2 0 3 11 14 FORTH WANDERERS 7 5 7 l 4 4 5 BROAD STREET, TAYPORT, FIFE. TEL: 0382 552758 --- --· ·- ----·-··- OPEN 7 DAYS OVDSCOTTISH JUNIORCUP Bakery </p><p>THIRD ROUND PORT PROG PREDICTIONS ...,,.. , THE PORT PROG PREDICTOR GOT PASS MARKS FOR THE SECOND ROUND TIES Nico - JUST, MIND YOU - HOW WILL HE FARE IN THE THIRD ROUND? CAN YOU DO BETTER? HOME BAKERY and SNACK PORT PROG YOU ARMADALETHISTLE V BATHGATE THISTLE H ARNISTON RANGERS V LOCHGELLY ALEERT -H BAR ARTHURLIE V SCONE THISTLE H AUCHINLECK TALBOT V CUMNOCK H 58-64 BYRON STREET, DUNDEE BANKFOOT ATHLETIC V ABERDEEN LADS CLUB X BELLSHILL ATHLETIC V ST JOSEPH'S A BEITH V HALL RUSSELL UNITED H Teh 826124 BONNYRIGG ROSE V KELTY HEARTS H COLTNESS UNITED V ASHFIELD A Suppliers of pies to Tayport F. C. DUNDONALDBLUEBELL V CAMELON A FAULDHOUSE UNITED V BANKS O'DEE H GLENAFTONATHLETIC V ABERDEEN EAST END H GREENOCK V INVERURIE LOCO A GLENROTHES V MARYHILL A \>y~OCK.T4 HADDINGTON ATHLETIC V BLANTYRE VICS X HILL O'BEATH V LONGSIDE H JOHNSTONE BURGH V YOKER ATHLETIC H KILSYTH V BON ~r'CORD X KINNOULL V LEWIS UNITED H ~~ -~ LARKHALL THISTLE V KILWINNING RANGERS X ·· DALGLEISHSTREET, LINL ITHGOW ROSE V BO'NESS X LOCHEE UNITED V BROUGHTY ATHLETIC H TAYPORT LOCHORE WELFARE V CARNOUSTIE PANMURE A Telephone:0382 552388 LOSSIEMOUTH V TRANENT H NORTH END V BENBURB H POLLOK V TURRIFF UNITED BARLUNCHES SERVED EVERY DAY H ? ,. ~ , ROB ROY V ST ANDREWS UNITED X SHOTTS V SHETTLESTON A SELECTIONOF REALALES ALWAYS ON TAP STONEYBURN V DOWNFIELD X STONEHOUSE VIOLET V WHITBURN X SUNNYBANK V DALRY THISTLE H 'DOWN BY THEHARBOUR' ERRYPORT TAYPORT HIT SEVEN IN MIDWEEK FRIENDLY MATCH EWAN Cameron hit four goals when Tayport beat second division Coupar Angus Jun~ors at Foxhall Park by 7-0 on Tuesday evening. It w~s a worthwhile workout for the Port who fielded their latest sign1ng,40 years old George Malone, suggesting that the Silver STUDIO Fox could be in line for a jersey this afternoon. F Also on the mark were Hamish Mackay with two goals and Gary Maher. </p><p>PLANNING . ARCHITECTURE. DESIGN . MANAGEMENT THE _ THREE TAYPORT PLAYERS IN TAYSIDE UNDER 23 POOL FOR FIFE GAME from the smallest residential extension to STUDIO Dave Reilly is again named as the overage player in the Tayside the largest commercial developments GROUP under 23 pool for the match against the Fife Region at the Warout ·stad1 um, ·Glenrothes on Sunday 11 th December. Kick off 1; 30pm. · Gary Maher and Steven Stewart are also in the Tayside squad. DOUGLAS DEAR RIBA ARIAS MAPM, FERRY PORT STUDIO, BROAD STREET, TAYPORT, The rest of the pool is:- Massie {Montrose), Fitzpatrick (Lochee FIFE DD6 9AJ TEL+ FAX 0382 552345 United), Peters (Forfar West End), C.Robertson (Jeanfield Swifts), MICHAEL RASMUSSEN . DA RIAS RIBA MAPM: DEESIDE STUDIOS, THE SQUARE , ABOUNE, S . Robertson (Jeanfield Swifts), Greig (Arbroath s . c. ,, Milne (Lochee United), Ramsay (Carnoustie), Glass(Downfield), Fisher ABERDEENSHIRE AB34 5HX TEL+ FAX 03398 86965 (Lochee United), Ferrie (Downfield), Taylor (Lochee United), RALPH TILSTON Barch, {Hons) ARIAS, RALPH TILSTON STUDIO , 13 ARGYLE STREET, Graham(Lochee United). ST, ANDREWS, FIFE KY 16 9BX , TEL 0334 7630 I FAX 0334 76502 tlARRY TURNBULL, TURNBULL ASSOCIATES, 75 DUNDAS STREET, EDINBURGH EH3 6RS ***** Tel 031 556 I 077 FAX 031 556 3224 </p><p>Tooling for Industry </p><p>E.P. </p><p>EngineeringCo:f, VVVHI .. I 1vv, Iv, .... I ..... v DEVELOPING& PRINTING (Dundee)Ltd. BABYCARE COBBIESINN 32 TAY STREET, TAYPORT , , 32CASTLE STREET Where you are assured of a warm welcome! PRECISIONENGINEERS Units 14-15, Peddie Street, " OPEN ALL DAY • OPEN 7 DAYS Dundee. -·~:,:ri TAYPORTDD69AF SNACKS AVAILABLE Tel (0382) 643174-5 Fax (0382)641965 TEL:0382 552247 'Conze join in the swim with the Phins!' TAYSIDE A. T. & T. LEAGUE DIVISION I D. S. GREENHILL statistics 19 949 / 5 unto and me udme: 26th Novem ber.199 4 OWNER OF Guide to Current Form - all com~etitions - most recent result to the right UN IT 17 MID WY ND, CHAMPION IILA< 'KNESS Team Last I OResults l>EVEl ,<>PMENT Arbroath S.C. DLWWLLDLWL CLYDESDALE Camoustie Panmure WLDLWLLDWL , TEL: OJ82 10001,5 Downfield LWWWWWLWWW HORSES S;1z,,,ea<Vl4,"6 Forfar West End LWWLLLDLLW Spo,tJ<J't.t "6 Jeanfield Swifts LLWWWDLLLW GRANT BILLY Kinnoull WWWDLLWDWL Kirrie 'Thistle LLLLLWDLLD PATERSON COVENTRY Lochee Harp L L L L L L D L L D Lochee United WDDWWWWWWL Montrose Roselea LWLLDLDLLW North End WLWLWWWWWW St Josephs WWWWWDWWWW GRAMPIAN HOTEL WELSH HOMES Tayport WDWDW WWWWD Violet WWLDLWDLLD 295 1'1-:lnll IW .\D, 125 Ill( ;11 STREET Results Chart - Leagye Matches Onll'. ll li t\llEE ,\UCIITERARDEI{ 1 IJ TEL: 07<,-t <,(,2767 A C D F J K K L L M N s T V TEL: OJ82 <,>01 A. T.& T. R A 0 0 E I I 0 0 0 0 T A I LEAGUE B R w R A N R C C N R y 0 S,t,.<J,tJ<J~.t"I 5~"6 DMSIONI R N N F N N R H H T T J p L GARY RESULTS 0 0 F A F 0 I E E R H 0 0 E HAMISH 1994195 A u I R I u E E E 0 s R T MAHER T s E E L s E E T MACKAY H T L w L L T H u E N p I D D H A T D H s E E R D s p ARBROATHSC 1-1 4-1 3-0 3.4 0-0 1-3 CARNOUSTIE 4-0 0-2 ,.o 1-4 1 · 3 3-2 OOWNFIELD ~2-3 0-2 3-2 0-1 2-1 0-3 0-1 FORFARWE 0-1 4-1 0-6 1 - 2 l ·2 2-1 JEANFIELD ~1-1 2-0 1-0 1 - 3 1 -2 2-2 KINNOULL 3-2 2-1 1-1 l• l KIRRIETH 1-1 0-2 ~ 1-2 .., 1-4 LOCHEEHARP 0-4 l ·l 2-1 , 0 - 4 0-7 TAYPORT LOCHEEUTD 6-2 2 - 2 0 1-3 MOJ>ITROSE 0- l 1-1 0-2 ~2-1 1 -1 0-2 NORTHEND 1-1 2-3 2-1 2-0 ST JOSEPHS 2- l 4-2 3-2 ~l 2-1 TAYPORT ,.1 4-0 3 - 2 I 1-0 0-0 VIOLET 2- l 1-1 4-0 2·2 1-6 I 1-4 --0:-01 -1· - POST OFFICE JfOU' <JJPE<'fS<Ifl:NlD SJl)l.<J!,.<PS'J[O<YFE<E,S. (PROPRIETORS STEVE & HELEN HOLMES) Goals Player Club p w D L F A PTS 21 McLaren St Joseph:s St Josephs 12 11 I 0 35 11 23 20 Mackay Tayport Tayport 12 9 3 0 34 6 21 13 Graham LoeheeUnited 63 CASTLE STREET, TAYPORT. Lochee United 14 7 4 3 38 19 18 9 Gove Montrose Downfield 13 8 0 5 22 17 16 Kelly Camoustie Camoustie 13 6 3 4 24 18 15 8 Malone StJoseph's Suppliers of Quality Greetings Cards, Kinnoull 12 6 3 3 20 16 15 McKay Jeanfield Swifts North End 12 6 2 4 23 23 14 D. Reilly Tayport Dundee Violet 14 4 5 5 23 25 13 Fisher Lochee United Stationery, Confectionery & Toys Montrose Rose 13 3 4 6 16 17 10 7 Smith ArbroathS. C. Arbroath SC 12 4 2 6 24 29 10 Cooper North End Jeanfield Swifts 13 3 2 8 15 24 8 6 Downes Lochee United Forfar West End 13 3 2 8 15 26 8 Fortune . Kinnoull LocheeHarp 13 2 1 10 12 44 5 Powell Arbroath S.C. TELEPHONE: 0382 552509 Kirrie 'Thistle 14 I 2 II 10 37 4 Ross North End l FROM THE ARCHIVES BARRIE SCOTT & C9 CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS THIRTY YEARS AGO INCORPORATINGFLYNN McCANCE & C'! WE HAVE THE ANSWERS ...... ;...... • c:::,\ TAx • AUDIT, •ACCOUNTS VAT• COMPUTERS </p><p>BUSINESS. PLANS. • BUSINESS FUNDING ;··f . . ) . t , Cal/Lynne Borland BA AT/I on 0334 477655 9 BELL STREET,ST. ANDREWS KY16 9UR . :rAlso at Falkirk ati _d Bath~te. . . i, .:,. ,... ·. ·;, ,,:,,. •.-·. </p><p>EPENDENTFIRMS <::::{j b~EAf lNGkuccess •.. ;, u•••• -, PHILLIPS DECORATORS </p><p>• PAINTING& DECORATING 11,is photo is from approximately 30 years ago. Tt's of the_BricJ11e Park Rovers' s _ a - side team ,photog raph ed in the garden of Cymcus Cotta11e in Broad Street in Tayport. Back (1-r) Davie lRslie, I~n Mathers, J11m,y • SIGNWRITING Lindsay. Front- Andrew (Bunt) Robertson and Rayrrond Wlute. . Davie 'Flash' LRslie isn 't seen much in the town these days_but Ian, J1rmty and Andy are often seen at the Canniepai rt on match days 11h1le Raym::md • CARPET stays in Balmullo and still plays regularly f or the local team. CLEANING DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL </p><p>THE ABSOLUTE GAME </p><p>The latest edition of The Absolute Game(TAG), the Scott ish_ Football fanzine which takes an irreverent look at our nat1o~al, game, including the Juniors is on sale in Tayport at P.M.Irvine s and McKenzie's. Sniffing Jl6out 'Witli 'TlieSnout . P.M. IRVINE </p><p>NEWSAGENT THE Royal British Legion Club in William Street may be no mre, having been desoolished this week to be replaced by housing but part of that club will 2 MILL LANE, TAYPORT live on. We have acquired the flagpole and hopefully, hy the time you are reading this, the championship flag will be fluttering proudly fran that same flagpole on the south gable of the our pavilion here at the • MORNING ROLLS Canniepairt. • CONFECTIONS eic. OFFICIAL MANAGERIan Fianing of Elgin City liho took John Young and Shuggie !'tl,aughlan STOCI{ISTS OF from the Tayside Juniors to the Highland League, has been recruiting again and had ex-Hibs and Aberdeen Hibs striker stevie Cowan· naldng his debut last Saturday. Those of us who saw Stevie playing for Linlithgow Rose in ··ttie TAYPORT F.C. Pollok Sevens will know what the reporter meant when he described hini as ---T T-'ll'rt be.ing ' ponderous and unfit '- last Saturday. .Tlnfi t -he may have been but A memorable Wedding starts with the he knows the road to goal and notched in City's 2-1 win over Forres which keeps Elgin a point behind the league leaders Deveronvale with two games in arrival in the ifidividual style of our . hand. classic Rolls Royce. VINTAGECAR HIRE FOR WEDDINGSAND DEVERONVALEhave two Taysiders as regulars in their team, · Bradley Kerr and Steve Dolan. It's a long haul up to Banff so Steve trains regularly with SPECIALOCCASIONS _ us at the Canniepairt. TELEPHONE:0382 552139 </p><p>MISSING from the Port · Glasgow li ne-"up today wi 11 be goalkeeper Robert O' Nei 11. The evening before Port Glasgow's ·ovn 1st round tie with Elmwood in Dundee,Robert was walking home when he was set upon and viciously attacked with a broken bottle. His throat was slashed and he required blood transfusions and more than 50 stitches. Greenock Police were treatin g the incident as attempted murder. Fortunately, Robert is recovering well from his injuries. </p><p>PORT Glasgow Juniors are nicknamed 'The Undertakers ' . Apparently the name came from their reputation for burying opponents who visited their Woodhall Park ground in Port Glasgow. I hope that we don't have to replay! </p><p>·TAY,SifiE .iJun 'i\ ;J s • Unde'.t 23 °mariager !)ave ' Ba'fici~ had t ·o cope with no fewer than eight calls-off from his squad that met the North Region at Forfar last Sunday. nespite these problems the team produced the goods, winning by 4-2. The Tayport representatives acqu.J tted themselves well. navi e Reilly, the over age player in the si .d·e-, hit a hat-trick • while Gary Maher and Steve Stewart also turned in sound displays. Ross Graham (Lochee United) from the penaity · spot was the other Tayside scorer. ·' t • C: <Press-Comment C: CU " Although the Pansies have shown an improvement they are unlikely to have ~ much joy against an in-form Port team , " LL - The Courier (26/11/94) ***** hut really the mst fervent fan wuld have to admit that Tayport thoroughly deserved their win as they had very much the najority of the attacking play. The two factors that kept the score down were the excellent performance from SWifts• keeper Alan M:>rris and Tayport's ability to scorn- good scoring chances. " - Perthshire Advertiser -(22/ll/94)Jeanfield 1 Tayport 2 (Hardly ties in with Junicw.•s -cgmEnt _in the Tele tl)at "Taypo_rt wer~ made to work hard for their 2-1 'victory" </p><p>***** </p><p>" In the first division, Tayport missed an opportunity to get within a point of leaders St Joseph's by drawing 0-0 with visitors Violet. Port dominated fran the start but their strikers had a rare off day. " - The Courier (28/11/94) Tayport 0 Violet 0. ***** </p><p>" Tayport missed out on a golden opportunity to close the gap at the top of the A.T. & T. J.eague division one when they failed to breach a packed Violet defence last Saturday " - Fife Herald (2/12/94) Tayport 0 Violet 0. ***** </p><p>" Another thoroughly poor exhibition by Rikki Cabrey•s nen on Saturday saw them get exactly what their performance deserved, and this inmediately before they challenge Tayport away from hare in the third round of the Scottish cup. ShoUld they serve up the sane quality of football next week, Tayport will wipe the park with them " - Greenock Telegraph (28/11/94) Forth 2 Port Glasgow 0. </p><p>The -Bridge Roll DeliciousHot & Cold Snacks Open 7 Days At <a href="/tags/Tay_Bridge/" rel="tag">Tay Bridge</a> Car Park (South Access) EXECUTIVE CONSERVATORIES WINDOWS AND DOORS ExecutiveConservatories are manufacturedand installedby our own staff WHY PAY THE MIDDLEMAN WHEN YOU CAN BUY DIRECT 10 year underwritten guarantee. r No high pressure selling, but high performance, high qualiry l products. l 4 ply tinted polycarbonate roof, or laminate glass. I Toughened double glazing to side walls. ' All made to measure. I What you get is a genuine price from a genuine company. i Executive Joinery services also manufacture and install windows, doors and stairs, .-l,.. made to your requirements. r------~------, ! EXECUTIVEJOINERY SERVICES !Name ...... ~ FREEPOST, / Address ...... RUTHVENFIELDROAD, INVERALMONDIND. EST., PERTHPHI 3BR Forfree quotation and advice call us now on 0738-21029 or Fax 0738-33193 orfill in the coupon and send to the above address. , Tel. No ...... L------</p><p>Cover printed by Toyport Printers Ltd., Shanwell Road , Toyport , Fife. </p>
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