Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1865 Yale University Catalogue, 1865 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1865" (1865). Yale University Catalogue. 53. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/53 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN' YALE OOLLEG E, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUC'riON IN THE VARIOUS DEPART.l\IE~TS. 1865- 66. NEW ITAVEN: PRIXTED BY E. HAYES, 426 CHAPEL ST. 1865. 2 \ ~o:~po~attou. THE GOVERXOR, LIEUTE!'lANT GOVERNOR, AND SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STAT£ &RE, ez officio, MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION. PB.ES:IDENT • . REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS. H1s Exc. WILLIAM A. BUCKINGHAM, NoRWicH. His HoNOR ROGER AVERILL, DANBURY. REv. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D., LL.·D., NEw HAVEN. REv. JOEL HAWES, D. D., HARTFORD. REv. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D. D., NoRFOLK. REv. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, PuTNAM. REV. EDWIN R. GILBERT, WALLINGFORD. REV. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D. D., GREENWICH. REv. DAVIS S. BRAINERD, LYME. REV. JOHN P. GULLIVER. NoRWICH. REv. ELISHA C. JONES, SouTHINGTON. REv. LEONARD BACON, D. D., NEw HAVEN. HoN. EDWARD I. SANFORD, NEw HAVEN. HoN. ORLANDO J. HODGE, RoBERTSVJLI.E. HoN. CHARLES A. ATKINS, MANSFIELD. HoN. EDWARD HOLCOMB, GRANBY. HoN. SAMUEL ROCKWELL, NEw BRITAIN. HoN. CHARLES W. BALLARD, DARIEN. SECRETARY, WYLLYS WARNER, M.A. 59 Dwight Pl. TREASURER, HENRY C. KINGSLEY, M.A. (1 TR. G.) 23 Hillhouse Av. TREASURER'S ASSISTANT, LUCIUS W. FITCH, M.A. (1 TR. a.) 3 Broad st. I 3 jf 4CUlt!! 4UlJ IUtJttUttOttJ. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D. PRESIDENT. (117 N.) 250 Church st. Dwight Professor of Didactic Theology. REv. E:LEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. Living~tton Prcifessor qf Divinity, Emeritus. 35 College at. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. Kent Professor of Law. (4 L.) 106 Crown at. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, l\f. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. 20 1\lendow at. ELIAS LOOMIS, LL.D. Murl&on Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. (101 N.) N.H. Hotel. REv. NOAH PORTER, JR., D. D. Clark Professor of Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics, and l11structor in Didactic Theology. (183 LTC.) 31 Hillhouse Av. \VILLIAM A. NORTON, M. A. Professor of Civil Engineering. (S. u.) 72 Prospect st. JAMES D. DANA, LL. D. Silliman Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. 24 Hillhouse A v. THOMAS A. THACHER, M.A. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. (182 LTC.) 155 Crown at. BENJAMiN SILLIMAN, M.D. Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. 34 Hillhouse A v. REv. CHESTER S. LYMAN, 1\f. A. Professor of l~&dustrial Mechanics and Pltysics. 63 Whitney Av. REv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, M.A. Profe.~s(JT of Homiletics and the Pastoral Charge. (133 D.) .400 Chapel at. JAMES HADLEY, 1\1. A. Profes or of the.Greek Languge and Literature. (1~1 N.) 105 Elm at. STEPHEN G. HUBBARD, I. D. Profeuor of Obstetrics. 23 College at. 14 OFFICERS, WILLIAM D. WHITNEY, PH. D. Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modem Languages. (153 D.) 246 Church st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. Professor of Ecclesiastical History. ( 150 D.l 116 Chapel st. REv. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. Professor of Sacred Literature. (149 D.) 126 College st. REv. \VILLIA:M B. CLARKE, M.A. Professor of Divi1tity. }37 D. CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D. Professor of Materia ~fedica and Therapeutic.. 178 St.John st. HUBERT A. NE\VTON, M.A. Professor of ~Mathematics. (89 N. 11.) 135 EJm st. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professor of Mineralogy and j[etallurgy. (8. H.) 14 Trumbull st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M. A. Professor of Physical and Politir,al Geography. SAMUEL W. JOHNSON, M.A. Professor of Agricultural and Analytical Chemistry. (s. H.) 40 Wall st. \VILLIAM H. BREWER, M.A. Norton Profes~tor of Agriculture. (8. u.) 86 Grove st. FRANCIS BACON, M. D. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 104 Orange st. LEONARD J. SANFORD, M.D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. 126 Crown st. ALFRED P. ROqKWELL, M. A. Professor of Mining. (11. u .) 127 Whitney AT. LE\VIS R. PACKARD, PH. D. Assistant Professor of the Greek Langu.age and Literatu,-e. ( llS N.) 145 College st. CYRUS NORTHROP, LL.B. Profes:JOr of Rhetoric and English Literature. ( 170 ATH.) 607 Chapel at. DANIEL C. EATON, M.A. Professor of B?tany. Sachem st., cor. Prospect st. ARTHUR l\f. WHEELER, B. A. Professor of Hi..~tory. ADDISON VAN NAME, M.A. Librarian and ln&truclor in Hebrew. (Library.) 138 n JOSIAH \V. GlBBS, PH. D. Tutor in Natural Philosophy. GEORGE F. BARKER, M.D. Assistant to the Profa or of Chemistry. SO College at. OFFICERS. 5 --------- ARTHUR W. WRIGHT, Pu. D. , 7'utor in Latin. 21s. FRANKLIN B. DEXTER, M.A. Tutor in Greek. J02 N. TRACY PECK, M. A. Tutor in Latin. 5 s. CHARLES P. OTIS, M.A. Tutor in Mathematics. 37 s. bf. EDWARD B. COE, R. A. Street Profe.~sor of Modern Language11. ADDISON E. VERRILL, S. B. Professor of Zoology. {8. H.) 18 ~lanafield st. CORNELIUS L. KITCHEL, M.A. Tutor in Greek. 70 N. at. DA VlD B. PERRY, B. A. Tutor in MathematiC~. 53 •. M. MARK BAILEY, M.A. ln8truclor in Elocution. (171 ATH.) 148 C<lllege st. GUSTAVE J. STOECKEL, Mus. D. Instructor in Vocall't!U8ic. 137 York st. LOllS BAIL, ln11trucwr in Drawing. 43 Park Place. MOSES C. WHITE, M. D. Instructor in JJ1icroscopy. 113 George st. WILLIAM L. BRADLEY, M. D. Demonstrator in Anatomy. 23 Court st. JOHN H. HE WITT, B. A. Brother& Society Librarian. 152 D. CHARLES G. ROCKWOOD, B. A. Linonian Society Librarian. 121 Elm I FRANK H. BRADLEY, B. A. Curator of the Geological Cahiuet. 4 T&. G. ~~tological mepartmtnt. P A CULTY. Rxv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnKSIDENT. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D., Emeritus. REv. NOAH PORTER, Jn., D. D. Rxv. JAMES M. HOPPIN, M.A. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. REV. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. ADDISON VAN NAME, M.A. D.BSJ:DEBT LJ: OB N TJ:ATES. James Henry Crosby, B.A. Bangor, Me. 159 D. John Haskell Hewitt, B.A. Preston, 152 D. George Lee Woodhull, B.A. Sayville, N. Y. 160 D. SENIOR CLASS. George Wallace Banks, B.A. Greenfield Hill, 157 D. Henry Edwards Cooley, B.A. New Haven, 139 D. Heman Packard DeForest, B.A. New Haven, 262 Crown st. Cyrus West Francis, B.A. Newington, 155 D. Wright Caleb Galpin, Candor, N. Y. 6 York Sq. Algernon Mordant Goodnough, M.A. } B d Vt Mid. ran on, . 108 Dwight st. ,_ David Brainerd Perry, B.A. Worcester, :Z.1ass. 53 s.lll. •.,_ William Clitz Sexton, B.A. Plymouth, N. Y. 143 D. Lewis \Vitliams, Lyon's Falls, N. Y. }36 D. IDDLE CLASS. John Eirge Doolittle, B.A. Hartford, 141 D. Cornelius Ladd Kitchel, M.A. Chicago, lll. 70 N.- II· THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. 7 William Edwards Lincoln, B. A., } p . ·zz 0 Oberlin. atnesvt. e, . 131 D. Winthrop Dudley Sheldon, M.A. New Haven, 154 D. JUNIOR CL.ASS. Simeon Olmsted Allen, B.A. Enfield, 134 D. John Perkins Apthorp, B.A.Amh. Norll£ Bridgewater, Mass. 146 D. John Wickliffe Beach, B.A. Millington, 142 D. George Sherwood Dickerman, B.A. New Haven, 140 D. Charles Hyde Gaylord, B.A. Ashford, 135D. Allen McLean, B.A. Simsbury, 60 Howe st· Sanford Smith Martyn, B.A. New Haven, 156 D. George Spring Merriam, B.A. Springfield, Mass. 144 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, 24. 8 tam mepattment. FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESIDENT. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. CHARLES H. FoWLtm, LL.B., Librarian. STUDENTS. Edward A. Anketell, B. A. New Haven, 83 Elm st. Hubbard Arnold, LL.B. Weslji.eld, Mass. Law Building. Augustus Binswanger, Washington, D. C. 35 Fair st. Augus Cameron, LeRoy,N. Y. Tontine. Chester Dwight Cleveland, Barkhamsted, 173 Temple st. John M. Davis, Allegheny City, Pa. 50s. 1\l. Delphin M. Delmas, LL.B. San Jose, Cal. 134 College st. Fitzhugh lthamar Dibble, Old Saybrook, Law Building. Stephen H. Bradley, B. A. } Sudlersville, Md. Law Building. W asbington Coli. Md. Florimond DeRance Fyler, LL.B. Burrville, Law Building. Artemas Wiswell Gates, B.A • New Haven, 155 D. George Lyon Gerard, New Haven, Law Building. Wilbur G. Howarth, LL.B. New Haven, City Hall. Grosvenor Silliman Hubbard, New Haven, 51 Grove st. Alva Ansel Hurd, Clinton, Law Building. Henry Phelps Johnston, B.A. New Haoen, 57 Whitney Av. Hiram Jones, McConnelsville, 0. 537 Chapel st. Charles Swift Joslin, Wallingford, Law Building. Bradley David Lee, Barkhamsted, 173 Temple st. Anorew Clark Lippitt, New London, 90 York st. Porter Cooper Moulton, New Haven, 21 Pearl st. LAW STUDENTS. 9 William Thompson Moore, Boonville, Mri. 191 George st. Wilfred Ernest Norton, B.A. New Haven, Law Building. Lucius Broadwell Penn, Georgetown, 0. Law Building. Enos Frisbie Phelps, Elmwood, Ill. Law Building. William R. Plumb, Cuyahoga, 0. 113 Chapel st. Edwin Purrington, New Haven, Law Building. William Henry Rossington, San Francisco, Cal. Law Building. William EdgarSimonds, Hariford, Law Building.
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