L (ft, S UNIVERSITYOF NEWHAMPSHIRE OURSIXTY-FIFTH PROGRAM PEANUTS HUCKO SPONSOFEDBY THEDEPARTMENT OF MUSIC ANDTHE NEW HAMPSHIRE LIBRARYOF TRADMONAL JAZ 8 PM MONDAY ocToBER 30, 1989 STRAFFORDROOM MEMORIALUNION DURHAM.NEW HAMPSHIRE THEARTISTS PEANUTSHUCKO Som€lirnssin nbmenlsin nostalgia,vanily, or exasperation,we ol an oldergeneration are apt to irform erranlyoulh that, in relererrceto ths particularsof lhe realworld, ws hav€'b€en there". Tonighl,in all humilitywe meet someonewho insolaras the possiblerafEe ot experisrrcesin lraditionaliazzis concemed can make lhal statement with impunity; who Elss do )ou knorvthal has bsen both a r€gularmember ol LouisArmslrorE's All Stars ard the directorol the GlennMiller Orchestra?l All of whichlenpts us psdanlicclassroom lp€s lo observelhat to thosewhose limiled refl€c{ion on hislory(iazz or olherwiss)c:rusos lhsm to placopeople in nealcat€gpries, Peanuts Hucko represenls a relreshirEar Uote. MichaelAndrewHucko was bom in Syracuso,NY, in l918. Hestudied wilh privato teacher, movedlo NewYoi( city in 1939,ard begana careerthalhas taken him l.om the larger s,virq sra aggr€gationsof WillBradley, Ray Md(inley, Benny Goodman, and Mifiefsgreal Army Air ForcsBand to the smallorcombos ot JackTeagarden, Eddie Condon, Amsl|ong, andthg Wodd'sG.€atost Jazzband, flavorod with studb workat CBSand ABC, a stintwilh Lawrencs Welk, and recordingin Japan;he l€avesfor appeararrcesin Europeimmediatsly atler this concert.Logond has it thal around1940 Will Bradley lked himbecause, although his lenor sax playingwas satislaclory,he had certaininadequacies on clarinet(l):apparently this condilionwas subssqlently rsmedied,sinc€ Psanutssucceeded Ednund Hall with Louis (1957)and noneother than BuddyDeFranco in fronl ol lhe Millerband (1974),-and the sagaciousL€onard F€alher has proclaimed for encyclopedicalelemity his '...undiminished statu,eas one of ths bestclarinetists in lhe BsnnyGoodman rnold'. Jazz playerstend lo b€ a bil peripatelic,making the worldseem smaller than gsography diclatss. Amonglhos€ P€anulsencountered in his lravels betoresetlling in Denversorne years back was comgtistDick Cr€eden,noiv a long-eslablishedl'rgure in the New England sc6ne.Tonight Dick roneuys an old rnusical acquaintarrce as he did with Bud Freeman on this ssrios a f€ifl ysars ago. TheTom Gallant Trio perhaps hasdon€ more than any othergroupto ke€pirtt consislently aliveand hsallhy in tho Seacoaslarea and elsewhere; lhe colleclivewisdom and ssnsitivity ol Tom,Jim, and L€s,bolh as perlorm€rsand educalors,is copiousand exenplary. Falehas conspired insurFisingways in conneclionwith lhis evenl. Lasl summ€r, soon after wewere able lo announcethatPeanuts had accepted our invitation to visilUNH, PBSviewers got a rare gfirpso ol him in a LouisArmslrong home npvis segmontslw/n on Anennn Maslars,'al€w dayslaterlhis writsr acckl€ntally found an examplsol Peanulslsitting-in'on aWMEXradio broadcast Itom Boston's old Storyville night club in 1951,this on a home-made tap€in th€collection of the NewHampshire Library ol TraditionalJazz. Suchitems may not b€ rnonumentalin s(rnilicance,but lhey humanize and de-mystily an eraseemingly rerbte in time,but stillvibrantly conlenporary to thosecontinuing its arl. PeanulsHucko has "been lhere"---and much to our edification,still is. L (ft, S PEANUTS HUCKO PEANUTSHUCKO Clarlnet DICKCREEDEN Cornel TOMGALLANT Plano JIMHOWE Slrlng Bass LESHARRIS, Sr. Drums Tape fecofders aN carrlp.ras tre not pemttted due to contnctuat onangementg. Your cooperatlon ls rcquested. THESERIES TheUNH Traditional Jazz Series began in 1979.lt promotesthe enioyment and underslandingof lhe art through concerts leaturing musicians ol regional,national, andinlernational prominence. The program represents a unique endeavor to expand inlerestand honor oulslanding lalent and achievernent. Musicianswishing to doso are encouraged to otfertheir recodings for sal€ or mail orderduring intermission; a briel announcement may bo made. Tho sponsors havs no financialinlerest in suchsales beyond oflering a courtesyservice lo th€ani$s and lhe public. ProgramNotes - PaulVerrette Produclion- David Seiler THESCHEDULE september11 NewBlack Eaglo Jazz Band October30 PeanutsHucko & TomGallant Trto November27 GraySargent Trlo January29 Mlll HlntonQuanet batuflng Andy Mcchee February26 Howad AldenT o March26 ButchThompson Trlo Apdl30 VlnceGlordano's l,lory Orleans Nlghlhawks .
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