University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1954 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 3-30-1954 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 056, No 67, 3/30/ 1954 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1954 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 056, No 67, 3/30/1954." 56, 67 (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1954/29 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1954 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 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The BaltimoJ:e Orioles, with a gellnt turns into something unex­ ing opposed t(l anyone "sitting' in WIlJl ,,10-lost 5 record so :(ar ill thl) "The Voieeof a Great Southwestern University" pected but underf!tandable. Donna Grapefruit League" may do better lteed, too, breaks with her motilln judgment on his own case," after ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, .. jMAItCH 30, 191;>4 No. 67 picture 'past to play the ,somewhat reporters asked him whether he than Ql(pected in their firBtseason • tarnished Lorene whose plans fill' thought Sen." )fcCarthy should in the major lC1agues liinea the turn retain his Pllsition on the, Senate of thecsntury .• , they'v~ cllmlJine4 _ the future had no room for romance Investigations sub·comm~ttee. pend. with a soldier, Frank SiJlatra is ing investigl\tion of current McCar. veterans wi1;h 1,'ooldes . •• could be .' • equally fine in a straight dramatic, thy.Army battle. , very:strllng in '55. YA"nks still"get the nod for the AL crown. role as the likable Pvt. Maggio, a • • , • , , little guy with a' heart. Shelley Winte"rs threw a" mm'or "From Here to Eternity" is a at ex·husband Vittorio Gasaman The Pacjfic Oceal\ is three times a 5 prl 23 truly magnificent picture. Don't TuesdaY', after ,the latj;er appeared as large as the Atlantic. miss it!. -.- Attend the Lobo-Denver, games. AmodeusOuortet· Men's Groups Will Sponsor " , " l~ft0('1 Candidates for Paper Doll 'ilJE t. Will· Play. Clossics 'FRIDAY AND NOW Eleven campus fraternities an~ Mesa yist~ dormitory S!-\t­ wJ:h:mlJ THRU SATURDAY urday drew the names of women s orgamzatlOns fl'om whlch A acene from the movie "From Rere to Eternity" now showing at the NOW SHOWING TUESDAY FEATURE- they will choose candidates for the 1954 Paper Doll. - Lobo Arts 'J;'heatre; , 12:00- 2:01 .... 4:02 - 6:03, In Concert Friday The Paper Doll will be crowned at the annual Newsprmt Ball FEATURE 8:05-10:07 " London's famous Amadeus Quar. FEATURE 12:25 - 2:20 - 4:15 - 6;11) to be held at the Fez Club . ' , 8 :05 ....: 10;00 tet will be presented Friday night April 23. The event is spon- 12:44 - 3':03 ... 5 :22 _1 :41 in their second Albuquerque concert n ,.. R Albuquerque Theatre Reviews The Ragtim~,t~ruches at the Student Union ballroom. sored each year "by Theta Sig~ I'{e Iglon, .urn 10:00 , The outstanding stling ensemble Sloij 01 will perform in a program.. of var­ rna Phi ahd Sigma Delta Chi, r d' . Seldom, if ever, haa thel'e been geant to give Prewitt, a brilliant GRACE .• ' ied classical works tinder the aus. journalism honoraries. reature In brought to the screen a motion pic. boxer who once had blinded a GI ,pices of the University Program ture of such brutal forcefulness, in a sparring match, The Treat. MOOREI" Series. ., Organizations are paired as M. powerful drama, flaring passion ment, making his life miserable as The quartet made its first ap. follows: Delta Sigma Phi, Chi oVle and flaming excitement as in Co. possible, for his refusal to join the pearance in the city last, spring Ar/iss lumbia Pictures' "From Here to company boxing team. Likable Pvt. Omega; Kappa ,Alpha, Alpha Delta while on its firiJt coast to coast con. "Dr. Syn," the only George Arliss Etlll'1lity," which opened today at Angelo Maggio remains the brood. cert tour. The group is giving are. Pi; Kappa Sigma. Pi Beta Phi; the ,Lobo Arts Theatl'e. A screen film now incireuliltion, will be ing, sensitive Prewitt's only friend. p'eat performance in' Albuquerque Lambda Chi Alpha, Bandelier hall; shown by the Film Society Satur­ masterpiece based upon James It is Maggio who introduces this season by popUlar demand. Jones' literary sensation, "From Phi Delta Theta. Kappa Kappa day night in Mitchell hall on the Prewitt to LOl'Cne" a young .lady , The unique quartet is composed Gamma; Phi KapIla Tau, Alpha Chi campus. Here to Eternity" stars Burt Lan· who helps Prewitt stand up against of Norbert Brainin, first violinist, caster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Omega. Gcorge Arliss plays the 11a1't of the mounting intensity and crude­ Seigmund Nissel, second vijlinist, a smuggler and preacher, in 18th Kerr, Frank Sin~ra and Donna ness of The Treatment, and who Peter Schidlof, violist, and Martin Pi Kappa Alpha, Phrateres; Sig­ Reed. ma Alpha Epsilon, Marron hall; Century Georgian England. The shelters him when, in a bloody knife Lllvett, cellist. Reverend DoctOl' Syn leads his Jones' powerful and savage prize. battle, he kills a stockade sergeant MARY RUSSELL holds the hat as fraternity representatives draw organi· Sigma Phi Epsilon, Kappa Alpha , Norbert Braininwas born in Theta; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Delta flock to church on Sunday momin,g winning novel, brought to the l'CsponSible for the death of Mag. Vienna in 1923. He began playing zations from which they will sponsor candidates for the 1954 Paper Doll, and on week day nights, engages Iii screen via Daniel ']:aradash's mag. gio. Against this impassioned story Shown left to right are Bobby Forbes, Pi Kappa Alpha; Bill Rodgers, Delta Delta; Sigma Chi, Town club, the violin. at the age of seven, stud_ and Mesa Vista, Hokona hall. the profitable business of sm\lg­ nificent screen play and Fred Zinne. of a soldier and his girl is told, in ied with Ricardo Odnoj>osoff, then Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Malcolm Williams,Lambda Chi Alpha; and TOll\ gling, due to the high taxation Ill). man's whipla:>h direction under the "From Here to. Eternity," the concert master of the Vienna Phil. Pettit, Phi Delta Theta. Al Hamilton and his orchestl'B foreign spirits. production aegis of Budd:\' Adler, equally bitter and moving romance harmonic. He went to England as a will furnish m.usic for the event. Dr. Syn was not always a preach­ "From Here' to Eternity" is mag­ which couples Warden and Karen refugee in 1938, worked in a war Dress is informal, suits and date er, he was at onetime a notorious nificently created out of the ele. Holmes, wife of the brutal comfany factory, at the same time studying dresses. Tickets are $2 a couple and pirate captain. After the authod­ ments of life itself: courage, bru· commander. First an accidenta and COMING SUNDAY violin in London,' first with Carl will be obtainable from members tics had him unsuccessfully hun~, talit:\" love. ' unthinking affair, they gradually Flesch, later with Max Rostal. In of the sponsoring organi:1Jations. he and his crew settled quietly m Student lawyers Editor Is Needed Two votes are attached to each Set in the l'eai'l Harbor of i941, move to the point of real romance, 1946. Mr. Brainin won the. Flesch the small town of Dymchurch. in the months prior to and culmi­ with talk of divorce and marriage. l'rize in London. .' ticket. Thcl respected ViCal' of Dym­ nating with the sneak attack, The attack on Pearl Harbor Siegmund Nissel was born in Trophies will be awarded to the church for twenty years, Dr. Syn "From Here to Eternity" is 'a com­ brings both affairs to an end. War­ Munich in 1923 of Austrian pal'. Paper Doll and to her sponsor. Two ie to his Parishioners a model of pelling studyo! bOth the profes. den resumes his rightful rille as a ents. He went to Vienna at an early T~,yMoot.Coses For Summer lobo attendants will also be honored at godliness, to his crew tlJ;l iron'lead. sionalsoldier - America',s 30.year age and began playing the violin the dance. 'leader of men, directing them with SeniOl'law students will b'y their Applications are now being ac· er, and to his majesty's revenue 'f mall,-and of overwhelming ro­ authority and skill. The fugitive at the age of seven. He studied Governol' Edwin L. Mechem has officers, a headache. , mance; In fact, two romances and with a member of the Vienna Phil. cases before their first juries dur_ cepted for the positions of editor Prewitt, professional soldier, at· inlf moot court sessions in the law and business manager of the sum.
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