CHAPTER 20 Calls of the House; Quorums A. Calls of the House § 1. In General; Scope § 2. Calls Ordered on Motions; Automatic Calls § 3. The Chair’s Count; Names Included on Calls § 4. Calls by Electronic Device; Time Allowed for At- tendance § 5. Securing Attendance; Arrests § 6. Closing or Locking the Doors § 7. The Call in the Committee of the Whole § 8. Motions During the Call—To Adjourn § 9. —To Dispense With Further Proceedings Under the Call B. Effect of Presence or Absence of a Quorum § 10. Introductory § 11. As Related to the Journal § 12. As Related to Prayer by the Chaplain and Mes- sages C. Objections to Absence of a Quorum; Points of No Quorum § 13. In General; Timeliness and Diligence § 14. Dilatoriness; Effect of Prior Count § 15. Proceedings Pending Call of House in Absence of Quorum § 16. In the Committee of the Whole Commentary and editing by Thomas J. Nicola, J.D. 3487 Ch. 20 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS § 17. Absence of Quorum in Standing Committee as Bar to Floor Consideration or Other Subsequent Pro- ceedings § 18. Withdrawal or Withholding of Objections or Points of No Quorum INDEX TO PRECEDENTS Absence of quorum in standing com- Adjourn, motion to, see also Recess, mittee as bar to floor consider- motion to ation, see Standing committee, ab- automatic vote by yeas and nays, sence of quorum in, as bar to floor §§ 8.11, 8.12 consideration calls of House after vote on adjourn- Absence or presence of quorum, ef- ment, §§ 8.3–8.5, 8.27 fect of continuing call after quorum fails to in general, §§ 10.1–10.3 appear on, § 8.16 adjourning or instructing Sergeant at pending business, effect of adjourn- Arms after quorum fails to appear, ment on, § 8.2 §§ 2.19, 10.11, 10.12 point of no quorum after vote, con- arresting absent Members after failure sequence of, § 8.13 of quorum to appear, § 10.13 point of no quorum, pending, § 8.17 arrests, securing attendance after precedence of, over motion for call of quorum fails to appear, §§ 5.4–5.9 House, §§ 8.14, 8.15 business after quorum fails to appear, privilege, effect on questions of, § 8.6 conducting, §§ 10.4–10.7 quorum requirement, §§ 8.7–8.10 Calendar Wednesday, § 10.20 second, need for, § 8.1 proceedings after quorum fails to ap- Senate precedent, § 8.29 pear, adjourning or continuing, when in order, §§ 8.18–8.24 § 10.10 Adjourn, refusal to proceedings after quorum fails to ap- procedure available following, §§ 5.14, pear on vote to suspend rules, 8.3–8.6, 8.27 §§ 10.14, 10.15 Adjourning or continuing pro- proceedings during special order, ceedings after quorum fails to ap- § 10.16 pear, § 10.10 proceedings permitted during absence Adjourning or instructing Sergeant of quorum, §§ 1.11–1.13 at Arms after quorum fails to ap- pear, §§ 10.11, 10.12 question of privilege pending vote on Approval and reading of Journal, ef- point of no quorum, § 10.8 fect of presence or absence of Senate precedents, §§ 10.21–10.23 quorum on, §§ 11.1, 11.3–11.5 unfinished business, §§ 10.17–10.19 Arresting absent Members after fail- vacating proceedings, definition of, ure of quorum to appear, § 10.13 § 10.9 Arrests, see Attendance, securing; Absent Members, arresting, § 10.13 arrests 3488 CALLS OF THE HOUSE; QUORUMS Ch. 20 Attendance, securing; arrests Business, conducting, after quorum in general, §§ 5.1–5.3 fails to appear, §§ 10.4–10.7 motions and warrants for arrest, Business, intervening, points of no §§ 5.10–5.12 quorum after, §§ 14.7, 14.8 procedure available following refusal to Business, unfinished adjourn, § 5.14 adjournment, effect of on pending busi- procedure available following refusal to ness, § 8.2 dispense with further business, §5.13 effect of presence or absence of procedure available when quorum fails quorum, §§ 10.17–10.19 to appear, §§ 5.4–5.9 Calendar Wednesday Senate precedents, §§ 5.15–5.21 effect of absence of quorum, § 10.20 Automatic call; call ordered on mo- Call in Committee of the Whole, see tion Committee of the Whole, call in adjourn, motion to, see Adjourn, mo- Call of the House tion to absence of quorum, proceedings per- call of the House, motion for, §§ 2.8– 2.10 mitted in, §§ 1.11–1.13 call of the House, proceedings fol- adjourn, interruptions by motions to, lowing, §§ 2.16, 2.17 § 2.15 Chair, prerogatives of, §§ 2.11, 2.14 adjourn, motion to, see Adjourn, mo- Committee of the Whole, automatic tion to yeas and nays in, § 2.7 Chair, prerogatives of the, §§ 2.11–2.14 convening, ascertaining quorum upon, correction of count, §§ 3.16, 3.17 § 2.3 dispense with further proceedings, mo- interruption by motion to adjourn, tion to, see Dispense with further § 2.15 proceedings, motion to Members’ obligation to respond, § 2.2 electronic device, §§ 4.1–4.4 postponement of roll calls, § 2.4 motion for, §§ 2.8–2.12 presumption of presence of quorum, proceedings after quorum fails to ap- § 2.1 pear, §§ 10.4–10.7 proceedings following call of House, proceedings following, §§ 2.16, 2.17 §§ 2.16, 2.17 proceedings requiring quorum, §§ 1.4– Senate precedents, §§ 2.25–2.28 1.10 signal lights and bells, §§ 2.20, 2.21 recess, motion to, see Recess, motion to Speaker’s authority to move call, § 2.6 recounts, § 3.18 vacating passage of bill, proceedings after, § 2.24 Senate precedents, §§ 2.25–2.28 vacating proceedings, §§ 2.22, 2.23 vacating passage of bill, proceedings well of House cleared, § 2.5 after, § 2.24 Bells and lights, legislative signal, vacating proceedings, §§ 2.22, 2.23 §§ 2.20, 2.21, 7.6 Calls ordered on motions; automatic Bryan, United States v calls, see Automatic call; call or- absence of quorum in standing com- dered on motion mittee as affecting charge of ob- Chair, prerogatives of structing committee, § 17 calls of the House, §§ 2.11–2.14 3489 Ch. 20 DESCHLER’S PRECEDENTS Christoffel v United States Counting the House absence of quorum in standing com- calls, correction of, §§ 3.16, 3.17 mittee as affecting perjury charge recounts, § 3.18 against witness, § 17 roll, inclusion on the, §§ 3.1–3.3 Committee of the Whole, call in Senate precedent, § 3.19 in general, §§ 7.1–7.6 teller vote, quorum established on, automatic yeas and nays in, § 2.7 § 3.14 counting Members, §§ 7.7–7.10 verification of Chair’s count by tellers, motion to rise, §§ 7.11–7.13 § 3.15 point of no quorum as related to de- who is counted, §§ 3.4–3.9 who is not mand for tellers, §§ 7.19, 7.20 counted, §§ 3.10–3.13 proceedings when Committee rises, Debate §§ 7.15–7.18 point of no quorum, timeliness of, dur- refusal to rise, consequences of, § 7.14 ing, §§ 13.6–13.9 Committee of the Whole, point of no Demand for tellers quorum or objection to absence point of no quorum as related to, in of quorum in Committee of the Whole, §§ 7.19, automatic roll call not in order, 7.20 §§ 16.2–16.4 Dilatory proceedings following, §§ 16.8–16.12 in general, § 14.1 rise, pending motion to, §§ 16.6, 16.7 points of no quorum after intervening tellers, pending demand for, § 16.5 business, §§ 14.7, 14.8 when in order, § 16.1 points of no quorum not entertained, Committee (standing), absence of §§ 14.9–14.17 quorum in, as bar to floor consid- points of no quorum as not, §§ 14.214.6 eration, see Standing committee, Dispense with further proceedings, absence of quorum in, as bar to motion or request to floor consideration adjourn, precedence of motion to, § 9.4 Consideration, floor, absence of quorum in standing committee effect of adoption or rejection of mo- as bar to tion, §§ 9.2, 9.3 in general, §§ 17.1–17.4 floor, Member retaining after call, § 9.5 Christoffel v United States, § 17 objections to, §§ 9.17–9.19 Senate precedent, § 17.25 pending business, effect on, § 9.7 United States v Bryan, § 17 procedures available following refusal, Continuing proceedings or adjourn- § 5.13 ing after quorum fails to appear, purpose of, § 9.10 § 10.10 quorum requirement, §§ 9.11–9.13 Correction of quorum calls, §§ 3.16, Senate message received while pend- 3.17 ing, § 9.6 Counting the Committee of the tabling of motion, § 9.1 Whole terminating call, adoption as, in general, §§ 7.7–7.10 §§ 9.89.10 3490 CALLS OF THE HOUSE; QUORUMS Ch. 20 Dispense with further proceedings, Majority as quorum, § § 1.1, 1.2 motion or request to—Cont. Members, arresting absent, § 10.13 yea and nay votes on, §§ 9.14–9.16 Messages, receipt of Doors, closing or locking effect of presence or absence of in general, §§ 6.1–6.5 quorum, §§ 12.3–12.6 effects of, §§ 6.6–6.9 Journal, as related to, §§ 11.7, 11.8 Doors, reopening, §§ 6.10, 6.11 Motion to adjourn, see Adjourn, mo- Effect of presence or absence of tion to quorum, see Absence or presence Motion to call the House, §§ 2.8–2.10 of quorum, effect of Motion to dispense with further pro- Electronic device ceedings, see Dispense with fur- calls by, generally, §§ 4.1–4.4 ther proceedings, motion to Failure of quorum to appear Motion to recess proceedings after, §§ 2.16, 2.17, 2.19, in general, § 8.25 10.4–10.7 Senate precedent, § 8.28 Floor consideration, absence of Motion to rise in Committee of the quorum in standing committee as Whole, §§ 7.11–7.13 bar to, see Consideration, floor, ab- Motions sence of quorum in standing com- adjournment, see Adjourn, motion to mittee as bar to call of the House, §§ 2.8–2.10 House as in Committee of the Whole, dispensing with further proceedings, point of no quorum in, § 13.21 see Dispense with further pro- House, counting, see Counting the ceedings, motion to House recess, § 8.25 Inclusion on the roll Motions, calls ordered on; automatic counting the House, §§ 3.1–3.3 calls, see Automatic call; call or- Intervening business, points of no dered on motion quorum after,
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