"One China Policy" - see Page 3 THE NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY • LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 14 Palikir, Pohnpei, June 1993 Number 6 FSM and D&A Co. signed consultancy agreement PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- MATION SERVICE) - FSM through External Affairs entered into an agree- ment with D&A Engineering Com- pany Limited of Japan regarding consultancy services for the project on the improvement of Pohnpei Artisanal Fisheries Support Station. The agree- ment, signed on May 12, this year, out- lined that stipulated services are re- sponsibilities of the respective parties consistent with the Exchange of Notes which was signed earlier. Among other services, the consultant will be involved in tendering and select- PRESIDENT SIGNED IMF LA W - President Olter (sitting), on June 16 this year, in the ing a contractor for the project. To be Cabinet Room, signed Congressional Act into Public Law No. 8-3, appropriating consistent with the Exchange of Notes, $1200,000 to providefundingfor the pay mentojthe membership quotas and subscriptions the contractor has to be a Japanese trad- of the FSM in the IMF, IBRD, IFC, IIDA, and M1GA. Witnessing the signing were the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Department of Finance Aloysius Tuuth and ing firm with some trading experience Ihlen Joseph respectively. in the Pacific, has branch offices or affiliated companies in the Pacific FSM gained Membership in IMF Countries and has enough capacity to Aloysius Tuuth signed, the IMF's Ar- construct buildings. PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- MATION SERVICE) - President Olter ticles of Agreement and the International The financing of the project was made Bank for Reconstruction and possible through a grant totalling up to received on June 25, this year, an offi- cial communication from the Ambassa- Development's (IBRD) Articles of One Hundred Million Yen, given by dor of the FSM to the United States of Agreement in Washington D.C. Japan to the FSM through an Exchange America Jesse Marehalau that the FSM The FSM became the 176th member of Notes signed on March 26, 1993 in have joined the International Monetary of the IBRD, which is the World Bank Guam. The aggregate cost of the con- Fund (IMF) and World Bank, June 25, Group's main lending arm that provides sulting services by D&A Engineering 1993, in the FSM, and June 24,1993 in loans at market rates to member coun- Company is Japanese 9,693,000 Yen. Washington, D.C., when Secretary (Continued on Page 2) Nena heads FSM FSM and Guatemala established diplomatic relations H delegation to Human PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMATION SERVICE) - The Department of M External Affairs announced the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Rights Conference Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Guatemala, in order to ensure PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- friendly and cooperative relations. o The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is in MATION SERVICE) - A delegation > headed by Vice President Jacob Nena accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and r with reference to relevant provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic e attended the United Nations Confer- 2 ence on Human Rights in Vienna, Relations. o Austria, June 14 to 25, this year. The signing of the letters of agreement took place on May 13,1993, in New York Other members of the delegation were between His Excellency Yosi wo P. George, Permanent Representative of the FS M Yosiwo P. George, FSM Ambassador to the United Nations, signing on behalf of the FSM, and His Excellency Julio and Permanent Representative to the Armando Martini Herera, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the United UN; Leo A. Falcam, Senator, FSM Nations signing on behalf of Guatemala. Guatemala is the 36th country with which Congress; Mathias Maradol, First Sec- the FSM has diplomatic relations. retary, Permanent Mission of FSM to Guatemala is a country in Central America, located directly North of El Salvador the United Nations. and West of Honduras. Its population is little over nine million, has an annual President Olter, on June 4, 1993, sent growth rate of 2.6 percent and is predominantly Roman Catholic. a letter to the UN Secretary General, His Guatemala became independent on September 15, 1821, from Spain, thus, Excellency Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali Spanish is the main language. Agriculture is the mainstay of Guatemala's informing himof the FS M Government's economy, accounting for 25 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), intention to participate in the UN's employing 60 percent of its labor force and supplies two-thirds of its exports. Conference on Human Rights. The President requested that the FSM delegation be accredited to participate Olter emphasized to the FSM States to in the conference. reiterate the "One China Policy" Gallen to represent PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- Ambassador has expressed his country' s FSM to Uncitral MATION SERVICE) - FSM has es- disapproval. Such "official contacts" as tablished diplomatic relations with 36 direct communications, visits of offi- Symposium countries since achieving independent cials, agreements between officials, status, most recently relation with among other things are considered PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- Guatamala. Embassies with residence within the diplomatic arena and should MATION SERVICE) - FSM Attorney in the FSM are Australia, the People's be handled in an appropriated manner. General Camilo Noket last April, rec- Republic of China, the Republic of the Olter, however, said that the "One ommended to the United Nations Of- Philippines and the United States of China Policy" is flexible to the extent that commercial and unofficial contacts fice of Legal Affairs in Austria that America. The Philippine Embassy was are possible and encouraged. "I urge loses Gallen represent the FSM at the closed on the 30th of June 1993, accord- that our contacts and relations with 5th Uncitral Symposium on Interna- ing to the External Affairs. In that context, the FSM officially Taiwan are maintained within the scope tional Trade Law to be held in Vienna. of our diplomatic relations with the Gallen currently heads the Division of recognizes and deals diplomatically with the Government of the Peoples Republic People's Republic of China." Olter International Law in the Attorney of China (PRC). stated that because it may be difficult at General' s Office, has previously served FSM President Bailey Olter wrote to times to clearly distinguish what may in the office of FSM's Ambassador to the FSM State Governors a letter dated be politically motivated, "I strongly urge the United Nations at which time he was April 16, 1993, reiterating the "One that we consult when such cases arise." accredited to represent the FSM in all of China Policy" of the FSM which rec- Adding that Taiwan can be an excellent the Main Committees of the UN Gen- ognizes Beijing as the legitimate Gov- source for investment and business eral Assembly and the principal organs, ernment of China. ThePresident'sletter partnerships in the FSM, he urged for recommended Noket. was prompted by the recent visits of increased cooperation, but all should be Gallen also advises the FSM Govern- State officials to Taiwan which gives maintained within the framework of ment on its international bilateral and the appearance of official relations and FSM's diplomatic relations with PRC. multilateral negotiations. His partici- dialogues between FSM States and Tai- Copies of the Presidents letter were pation in the symposium will broaden wan authorities, even when such dia- sent to the Congreess Speaker, State his knowledge of the international trade logues are fronted by businesses in Speaker, and the President of the Chuuk law, Noket concluded. Taiwan, over which China's Resident State Senate. A Task Force comprised of nurse representativt PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMATION ("Council") could be created under the cur- drafted the Nursing Practice Act and the SERVICE) - The nurses of the FSM for the rent Medical Health Care Licensing Act of regulations that will be issued pursuant to past ten years, have been formulating legis- 1986, Section 204 (2), this Council is not the the Act consisted of three members of each O lation aimed at regulating the nursing pro- same as the Board of Nursing proposed state. Thus, the stales were assured maxi- z,NH fession. From 1992 to 1993, a Task Force under the Nursing Practice Act. Under the mum input in determining how the practice comprised of nurse representatives from Medical Health Care Licensing Act of 1986, of nursing in the FSM should be regulated. each of the states of the FSM drafted the the Special Advisory Council on Nursing The Nursing Practice Act is a means of legislation that is being presented to the would have only advisory powers and would regulating the practice, educational prepa- Op members of the National Congress at the not be a permanent Council. Nurses see ration and title use for nurses in the FSM. present time. themselves as a distinct profession, with The main purpose of the Act is "...to pro- The nursing profession is the largest health unique issues and concerns demanding the mote, preserve and protect the public's E profession in the FSM. Currently, there are attention of a permanent, specialized Board health, safety and welfare by regulating the several types of nurses, each with different of Nursing. practice of and educational preparation and educational preparation, functioning in the The proposed Nursing Practice Act is a title use for the nursing profession..." (Sec- health care system of the country: graduate peace of national legislation which would tion 902). The Act will establish a Board of nurses who have prepared through college regulate the practice of nursing.
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