Postgraduate Medical Journal (1987) 63, 113-115 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.63.736.113 on 1 February 1987. Downloaded from Normal pressure hydrocephalus presenting as Parkinson's syndrome A. Miodrag, T. K. Das and R. J. Shepherd Department ofGeriatric Medicine, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolen Road, Leicester LE5 4PW, UK. Summary: Although extrapyramidal features in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) are not uncommon, *resentations with Parkinson's syndrome as the predominant feature are rare and may give rise to diagnostic difflculties. Failure ofpatients with parkinsonism to respond to therapy, should alert one to the possibility of NPH. Introduction There is universal acceptance of Hakim & Adams' was slight weakness of the legs but sensation was original description of the clinical features of normal normal. She was bradykinetic and could take only a pressure hydrocephalus (NPH); namely, the triad of few retropulsive, wide based shuffling steps between gait disturbance, dementia and urinary incontinence. two nurses. The rest of the examination, including This is associated with dilatation of the ventricular fundoscopy, was normal. Protected by copyright. system of the brain without clinical evidence of raised Haematological and biochemical screen and chest intracranial pressure. There are wide variations in the X-ray were normal. X-ray of spine revealed spon- clinical manifestations of NPH, particularly in regard dylitic changes in the cervical and dorso-lumbar spine. to the disturbance of gait. This is most often a spastic In view of her paraparesis a myelogram was done, ataxia,2 although less commonly, parkinsonian which showed no evidence of cord compression. features can occur.3 Rarely patients may present Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure and protein con- atypically with signs indistinguishable from Parkin- tent were normal. son's syndrome.4'5 There was little improvement in her walking despite We report a case ofnormal pressure hydrocephalus intensive physiotherapy and the addition oflevodopa/ in whom the initial manifestation was that of Parkin- carbidopa (Sinemet) and selegiline (Eldepryl) to her son's syndrome, which resolved completely following medication. Over the next 2 months she was intermit- the insertion of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt. tently confused, forgetful, aggressive and abusive. She remained parkinsonian, ataxic and incontinent of urine. A computed tomographic (CT) head scan http://pmj.bmj.com/ Case report (Figure 1) showed enlargement of the ventricles with normal cerebral sulcii, consistent with normal pressure A previously fit and active 71 year old woman was hydrocephalus. She was referred to a neurosurgical admitted with an 18 month history of tremor of the unit where a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt was inserted. hands and progressive difficulty in walking. Parkin- CSF pressure at operation was normal. Four weeks son's syndrome had been diagnosed by a neurologist post-operatively her urinary incontinence resolved who commenced treatment with amantadine, but and by 6 weeks her plantar responses were flexor. despite this her walking continued to deteriorate with There were no signs of parkinsonism and her con- on September 23, 2021 by guest. numerous backward falls. She was virtually bed bound fusion cleared, with no recurrence of symptoms on for 2 weeks before admission and was incontinent of stopping all her medication. By 8 weeks she was urine for 6 months. independent, walking well with a Zimmer frame and On examination she looked healthy, was a little could climb stairs. She was discharged home. forgetful but well orientated. Tendon reflexes were generally brisk, particularly in the legs, with bilateral extensor plantar responses. Tone was increased in all Discussion limbs with cogwheeling rigidity of both wrists. There The clinical features of NPH are due to the selective Correspondence: A. Miodrag B.Sc., M.R.C.P. involvement of periventricular regions of the brain6 Accepted: 18 August 1986 consequent upon progressive ventricular enlargement. () The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1987 114 CLINICAL REPORTS Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.63.736.113 on 1 February 1987. Downloaded from lateral ventricles; accounts for paraparesis and incon- tinence.8 Involvement of the terminal dopaminergic neurons bordering the lateral ventricles may produce extrapyramidal symptoms.9 Edvinsson et al.9 demon- strated a significant progressive decline in fore and mid brain dopamine and homovanillic acid content in rabbits one month after producing experimental nor- mal pressure hydrocephalus. Sypert et al.4 reported three cases of NPH in which an extrapyramidal syndrome was the predominant manifestation, with resolution following shunt insertion. Mazza et al.5 reported a similar case, with mild improvement post shunt. Sypert et al.4 suggested that parkinsonian symptoms in NPH are the result of mechanical distortion of the basal ganglia and consequent vas- cular insufficiency in the nigrostriatal system. In the same way, local distortion ofthe basal ganglia and mid brain by tumour can produce parkinsonian symptoms that disappear after successful decompression.'0 The original report' of NPH being an eminently treatable cause of dementia led to an explosion of shunt insertions in demented patients. This was often inappropriate due to the inclusion of patients with cerebral atrophy (hydrocephalus ex vacuo) who do notProtected by copyright. respond to shunting.2 Clinical features alone are insufficient to make a diagnosis of NPH, but can raise the possibility. Other causes of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, can be associated with gait distur- Figure 1 CT head scan showing ventricular enlargement bance and incontinence,2 but in NPH gait is usually with normal cerebral sulcii. severely impaired before significant mental changes are apparent." Diagnostic tests include; CT scan- ning,'2 isotopic cysternography, " clinical response to Pathological findings include ventricular ependymal test removal of CSF'4 and intracranial pressure mon- disruption, subependymal gliosis, periventricular itoring.'5 white matter oedema and loss of myelin staining and Overall, about 50% of patients improve after a destruction of nerve fibres in the peniventricular shunt procedure'6 with best results in subjects in whom areas.' Involvement of leg and bladder efferent fibres gait disturbance is the predominant feature and vice as they sweep past the dilated frontal horns of the versa where dementia is predominant.'7 http://pmj.bmj.com/ References 1. Hakim, S. & Adams, R.D. The special clinical problem 5. Mazza, S., Laudisio, A. & Bergonzi, P. Occult normal of symptomatic hydrocephalus with normal cerebrosp- pressure hydrocephalus with parkinsonian symp- on September 23, 2021 by guest. inal fluid pressure - observations on cerebrospinal fluid tomatology. Eur Neurol 1976, 14: 39-42. hydrodynamics. J Neurosurg Sci 1965, 2: 307-327. 6. Weller, R.O., Wisniewski, H., Ishii, N., Shulman, K. & 2. Ojemann, R.G., Fisher, C.M., Adams, R.D., Sweet, Terry, R.O. Brain tissue damage in hydrocephalus. Dev W.H. & New, P.J.F. Further experience with the syn- Med Child Neurol (Suppl) 1969, 20: 1- 7. drome of 'normal' pressure hydrocephalus. J Neurosurg 7. DiRocco, C., DiTrapani, G. & Maira, G. Anatomo- 1969, 31: 279-294. clinical correlations in normotensive hydrocephalus. 3. Messert, B. & Baker, N.H. Syndrome of progressive Reports on three cases. J Neurosurg Sci 1977, 33: 437- spastic ataxia and apraxia associated with occult 452. hydrocephalus. Neurology 1966, 16: 440-451. 8. Yakolev, P.I. Paraplegias of hydrocephalus: Clinical 4. 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