Cronología de Lanzamientos Espaciales Año 1993 Recopilación de datos Ing. Eladio Miranda Batlle. Los textos, imágenes y tablas fueron obtenidos de la National Space Science. Data Center. NASA NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Query Results Wednesday, 04 May 2011 NSSDC Master Catalog Search Spacecraft Experiments Data Collections Spacecraft Query Results Personnel Publications There were 116 spacecraft returned. Maps Spacecraft Name NSSDC ID Launch Date New/Updated Data ACTS 1993-058B 1993-09-11 Lunar/Planetary Events Alexis 1993-026A 1993-04-24 Arasene 1993-031B 1993-05-11 ASCA 1993-011A 1993-02-19 Astra 1C 1993-031A 1993-05-11 Atlas 2 ATLAS2 1993-04-07 Cosmos 2230 1993-001A 1993-01-11 Cosmos 2231 1993-004A 1993-01-18 Cosmos 2232 1993-006A 1993-01-25 Cosmos 2233 1993-008A 1993-02-08 Cosmos 2234 1993-010A 1993-02-16 Cosmos 2235 1993-010B 1993-02-16 Cosmos 2236 1993-010C 1993-02-16 Cosmos 2237 1993-016A 1993-03-25 Cosmos 2238 1993-018A 1993-03-29 Cosmos 2239 1993-020A 1993-04-01 Cosmos 2240 1993-021A 1993-04-01 Cosmos 2241 1993-022A 1993-04-05 Cosmos 2242 1993-024A 1993-04-15 Cosmos 2243 1993-028A 1993-04-26 Cosmos 2244 1993-029A 1993-04-27 Cosmos 2245 1993-030A 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2246 1993-030B 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2247 1993-030C 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2248 1993-030D 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2249 1993-030E 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2250 1993-030F 1993-05-10 Cosmos 2251 1993-036A 1993-06-15 Cosmos 2252 1993-038A 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2253 1993-038B 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2254 1993-038C 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2255 1993-038D 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2256 1993-038E 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2257 1993-038F 1993-06-23 Cosmos 2258 1993-044A 1993-07-06 Cosmos 2259 1993-045A 1993-07-13 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftSearch.do;jsessionid=31C80F6953F95311AD9CCDC43998988C[04/05/2011 23:14:33] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Query Results Cosmos 2260 1993-047A 1993-07-21 Cosmos 2261 1993-051A 1993-08-09 Cosmos 2262 1993-057A 1993-09-06 Cosmos 2263 1993-059A 1993-09-15 Cosmos 2264 1993-060A 1993-09-16 Cosmos 2265 1993-067A 1993-10-25 Cosmos 2266 1993-070A 1993-11-01 Cosmos 2267 1993-071A 1993-11-04 DBS-1 1993-078A 1993-12-17 DSCS III-10 1993-046A 1993-07-18 DSCS III-11 1993-074A 1993-11-27 DXS DXS 1993-01-12 EYESAT 1 1993-061C 1993-09-25 Galaxy 4 1993-039A 1993-06-24 Gorizont 28 1993-069A 1993-10-27 Gorizont 29 1993-072A 1993-11-17 Healthsat 1 1993-061E 1993-09-25 Hispasat 1B 1993-048A 1993-07-21 INSAT 2B 1993-048B 1993-07-21 INTELSAT 7 F-1 1993-066A 1993-10-21 ITAMSAT 1993-061D 1993-09-25 Jianbing 93 1993-063A 1993-10-07 KITSAT 2 1993-061F 1993-09-25 Landsat 6 LNDSAT6 1993-10-04 Meteor 2-21 1993-055A 1993-08-30 Meteosat 6 1993-073B 1993-11-19 Molniya 1-85 1993-002A 1993-01-12 Molniya 1-86 1993-035A 1993-05-25 Molniya 1-87 1993-079A 1993-12-21 Molniya 3-44 1993-025A 1993-04-20 Molniya 3-45 1993-049A 1993-08-03 MOP 3 MOP3 1992-12-31 NATO 4B 1993-076A 1993-12-07 Navstar 2A-09 1993-007A 1993-02-02 Navstar 2A-10 1993-017A 1993-03-29 Navstar 2A-11 1993-032A 1993-05-12 Navstar 2A-12 1993-042A 1993-06-25 Navstar 2A-13 1993-054A 1993-08-29 Navstar 2A-14 1993-068A 1993-10-25 NOAA 13 1993-050A 1993-08-08 ORFEUS-SPAS I 1993-058C 1993-09-11 OXP 1 1993-009A 1993-02-08 POSAT 1 1993-061G 1993-09-25 Progress M-16 1993-012A 1993-02-20 Progress M-17 1993-019A 1993-03-30 Progress M-18 1993-034A 1993-05-21 Progress M-19 1993-052A 1993-08-09 Progress M-20 1993-064A 1993-10-10 RADCAL 1993-041A 1993-06-24 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftSearch.do;jsessionid=31C80F6953F95311AD9CCDC43998988C[04/05/2011 23:14:33] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Query Results Raduga 29 1993-013A 1993-03-24 Raduga 30 1993-062A 1993-09-29 Regatta-A REGTTAA 1992-12-31 Resurs-F17 1993-033A 1993-05-20 Resurs-F18 1993-040A 1993-06-24 Resurs-F19 1993-053A 1993-08-23 SCD 1 1993-009B 1993-02-08 SEDS-I 1993-017B 1993-03-29 SLS 2 SLABLS2 1993-10-17 Solidaridad 1 1993-073A 1993-11-19 Soyuz TM-16 1993-005A 1993-01-23 Soyuz TM-17 1993-043A 1993-06-30 Spacelab-D2 SPLABD2 1993-04-25 Spartan 201-01 1993-023B 1993-04-07 SPOT 3 1993-061A 1993-09-25 SSBUV05 SSBUV05 1993-04-07 START 1 1993-014A 1993-03-24 Stella 1993-061B 1993-09-25 STS 51 1993-058A 1993-09-11 STS 54 1993-003A 1993-01-12 STS 55 1993-027A 1993-04-25 STS 56/Atlas 2 1993-023A 1993-04-07 STS 57/SPACEHAB 1 1993-037A 1993-06-20 STS 58 1993-065A 1993-10-17 STS 61 1993-075A 1993-12-01 TDRS-F 1993-003B 1993-01-12 Telstar 401 1993-077A 1993-12-15 TEMISAT 1993-055B 1993-08-30 THAICOM 1A 1993-078B 1993-12-17 UFO 1 1993-015A 1993-03-24 UFO 2 1993-056A 1993-09-02 + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Official: Dr. Ed Grayzeck Curator: E. Bell, II Version 4.0.16, 26 April 2011 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftSearch.do;jsessionid=31C80F6953F95311AD9CCDC43998988C[04/05/2011 23:14:33] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details Friday, 06 May 2011 NSSDC Master Catalog Search Spacecraft Experiments Data Collections Personnel ACTS Publications NSSDC ID: 1993-058B Maps Description Alternate Names New/Updated Data Lunar/Planetary Events The objectives of the Advanced Communications Technology Advanced Satellite (ACTS) include: (1) maintaining U.S. leadership in Communications satellite communications; (2) providing advanced Technology Satellite communications technology for NASA missions and other 22796 government agencies; (3) testing and verifying advanced technologies including high power, fast hopping spot-beam antennas, Ka Band (30/20 GHz) components, and on-board Facts in Brief processing and switching; and (4) testing and demonstrating technologies through an experiment program with participation Launch Date: 1993-09- by telecommunications users, service, and product providers. 12 Launch On 28 April 2004, ACTS was permanently shut down. It is Vehicle: Shuttle electrically inert at this time. It will remain at 105 Re in an Launch Site: Cape inclined geosynchronous orbit indefinitely. Canaveral, United States Mass: 2733.0 kg Nominal Power: 1770.0 W Funding Agency NASA-Office of Space Science Applications (United States) Disciplines Communications Engineering Additional Information Launch/Orbital information for ACTS Telecommunications information for ACTS Experiments on ACTS Data collections from ACTS Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1993-058B[06/05/2011 23:59:45] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details Office. Personnel Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail Dr. Richard T. Project NASA Lewis Research Gedney Manager Center Mr. James R. Program NASA Headquarters [email protected] Greaves Manager + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Official: Dr. Ed Grayzeck Curator: E. Bell, II Version 4.0.16, 26 April 2011 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1993-058B[06/05/2011 23:59:45] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details Friday, 06 May 2011 NSSDC Master Catalog Search Spacecraft Experiments Data Collections Personnel Alexis Publications NSSDC ID: 1993-026A Maps Description Alternate Names New/Updated Data Lunar/Planetary Events Alexis was a small satellite which carried an ultrasoft X-ray 22638 telescope array for astronomy studies and and a high-speed VHF receiver/digitizer (Blackbeard) for studying the effect of lightning and electromagnetic impulse from exploding nucear Facts in Brief devices on the ionospheric transmission. It was launched on a Launch Date: 1993-04- Pegasus booster from the wing of a B-52, but a solar paddle 25 was damaged during the flight. No contact with the satellite Launch was established until three months after launch. New attitude Vehicle: Pegasus control techniques were developed and the satellite was Launch Site: Edwards brought under control. The telemetry system performed Air Force Base, United nominally. The spacecraft is spin-stabilized with a period of 2 States rpm and the axis points sunward. The Blackbeard experiment Mass: 113.0 kg operated successfully. The astronomy data needed a full Nominal Power: 50.0 W pointing and aspect solution in order to be interpreted. Funding Agency Department of Energy (United States) Disciplines Astronomy Communications Surveillance and Other Military Additional Information Launch/Orbital information for Alexis PDMP information for Alexis Telecommunications information for Alexis Experiments on Alexis Data collections from Alexis Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Coordinated http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1993-026A[07/05/2011 0:00:07] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details Request and User Support Office. Personnel Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail Dr. William C. Project Los Alamos National [email protected] Priedhorsky Scientist Laboratory Dr. Jeffrey J. Bloch Project Los Alamos National [email protected] Scientist Laboratory Other Sources for ALEXIS Information/Data The ALEXIS Project (LANL) The ALEXIS Project (UC Berkeley) + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Official: Dr. Ed Grayzeck Curator: E. Bell, II Version 4.0.16, 26 April 2011 http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1993-026A[07/05/2011 0:00:07] NASA - NSSDC - Spacecraft - Details Friday, 06 May 2011 NSSDC Master Catalog Search Spacecraft Experiments Data Collections Personnel Arasene Publications NSSDC ID: 1993-031B Maps Description Alternate Names New/Updated Data Lunar/Planetary Events Arasene was a French amateur radio relay spacecraft Arsene launched by an Ariane 4 rocket from the Kourou Space Center Oscar 24 in French Guiana.
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