Volume 21 No. 6. April 1989 The Journal of Gemmology GEMMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN OFFICERS AND COUNCIL President: *Sir Frank Claringbull, Ph.D., F.Inst.E, FGS Vice-President: R. K. Mitchell, FGA Chairman: *D. J. Callaghan, FGA Vice-Chairman: *N. W Deeks, FGA Honorary Treasurer: *N. B. Israel, FGA Members elected to Council: *A. J. Allnutt, M.Sc, J. W Harris, B.Sc, A. D. Morgan, FIBF, FGA Ph.D., FGA M.Sc.,Ph.D. *J. B. Nelson, Ph.D., *E. M. Bruton, FGA J. A. W Hodgkinson, FGA FRMS, ElnstE, FGA *C. R. Cavey, FGA D. Inkersole, FGA W Nowak, CEng., E J. E. Daly, B.Sc, B. Jackson, FGA F.R.Ae.S., FGA FGA *E. A. Jobbins, B.Sc, CEng., M. J. O'Donoghue, *A. E. Farn, FGA FIMM, FGA MA, FGS, FGA A. J. French, FGA *G. H.Jones, B.Sc, Ph.D., *E G. Read, C.Eng., G. Green, FGA FGA MIEE, MIERE, FGA *R. R. Harding, B.Sc, D. G. Kent, FGA *K. Scarratt, FGA D.Phil, FGA D. M. Larcher, FGA *C. H. Winter, FGA ^Members of the Executive Committee Branch Chairmen: Midlands Branch: J. Leek, FGA North-West Branch: R. Perrett, FGA South Yorkshire & District Branch: G. A. Massie, FGA Examiners: A. J. Allnutt, M.Sc, Ph.D., FGA D. G. Kent, FGA E. M. Bruton, FGA R Sadler, B.Sc, FGS, FGA A. E. Farn, FGA K. Scarratt, FGA R. R. Harding, B.Sc, D.Phil., FGA E. Stern, FGA E. A. Jobbins, B.Sc, C. Eng., FIMM, FGA M. Virkkunen, M.Phil., FGA G. H. Jones, B.Sc, Ph.D., FGA C. Woodward, B.Sc, FGA Editor: E. A. Jobbins, B.Sc, C.Eng., FIMM, FGA Editorial Assistant: Mary A. Burland Curator: C. R. Cavey, FGA Secretary: Jonathan P Brown, FGA, Barrister Saint Dunstan's House, Carey Lane, London EC2V 8AB (By Goldsmith's Hall) Telephone: 01-726 4374 TheJournal of Gemmology VOLUME 21 NUMBER SIX APRIL 1989 Cover Picture Hat ornament exhibiting the sumptuous principal stone, the Dresden Green, natural size. (See 'The Dresden Green', p.351.) Photograph by Robert Bosshart ISSN: 0022-1252 338 J. Gemm., 1989,21,6 GEMDATA - UPDATE 1 A computer program for gem identification Now available in an updated version, GEMDATA is compiled in QuickBASIC and will run directly from MS-DOS on any IBM PC-compatible computer. It is designed to help with both appraisal identifications and gemmological studies. A full report of the program was given in the Journal ofGemmology, 20, 7/8,467-73. Optional yearly update of GEMDATA will be available. GEMDATA is supplied on a 5VWnch double-sided, double-density disk, and contains the following two sections :- Geml. Gem Identification from a databank of over 220 gems Gem 2. Gem Comparisons (side-by-side display of the constants of selected gems). Tables of RI and SG values, Gem Calculations (SG, reflectivity, critical angle, Brewster angle and gem weight/diameter estimation) The GEMDATA package, complete with disk, operating notes and gem index, costs £84.00 (plus postage and VAT). To order your package please use the coupon given on p. 398. Gemmological Association of Great Britain Saint Dunstan's House, Carey Lane, London EC2V 8AB Telephone: 01-726 4374 Fax: 01-726 4837 Cables: Geminst, London EC2 JJ.. Gemm.Gemm.,, 1989,21,61989,21,6 333399 NoteNotess fromfrom thethe LaboratoryLaboratory —- 14 14 Kenneth Scarratt, FGAFGA TheThe GeGemm TestingTesting LaboratoryLaboratory ofof GreatGreat Britain,Britain, 2727 GrevilleGreville Street,Street, London,London, EC1ECINN 8SU8SU.. FoForr manymany yearyearss ththee LaboratorLaboratoryy knewknew thatthat atat mamayy possiblypossibly bbee observeobservedd eitheeitherr sideside ofof ththee blue/blue/ somesome stagestage iitt woulwouldd havhavee toto obtaiobtainn aann instrumentinstrument greegreenn bordeborderr (say(say 500nm)500nm) iinn somesome naturanaturall oror whicwhichh 'described'described'' ththee absorbancabsorbancee andand transmitt­transmitt- treatetreatedd browbrownn greegreenn oror yelloyelloww diamondsdiamonds.. TheseThese ancancee ofof 'light''light' inin a graphicgraphic formform.. WhilsWhilstt thethe twotwo lineliness areare reportedreported bbyy AndersoAndersonn ttoo bbee situatedsituated hand-heldhand-held spectroscopespectroscope hadhad,, anandd stilstilll doedoess serveserve usus aatt 504504 anandd 497nm497nm.. TheThe actuaactuall measuremenmeasurementt foforr thethe extremelyextremely welwelll inin ththee identificationidentification ooff manymany gemgem '504''504~, whichwhich iiss ththee zero-phonon*zero-phonon* linlinee ooff ththee H3H3 species,species, inin a laboratorylaboratory itit doedoess havehave ititss limitations.limitations. centrecentre,, isis 503.2nm,503.2nm, anandd thatthat ooff ththee '497''497~, whicwhichh iiss EveEvenn B.w.B. W Anderson,Anderson, thethe fatherfather ofof gemmologic­gemmologic- thethe zero-phonozero-phononn lineline ooff ththee H4H4 centrecentre,, iiss aatt 496nm.496nm. aall spectroscopyspectroscopy anandd a loverlover ooff ththee hand-heldhand-held AtAt first glancglancee thesthesee smallsmall errorserrors iinn measurementmeasurement spectroscope,spectroscope, inin explainingexplaining hihiss observationsobservations hahadd atat maymay seemseem unimportanunimportantt bubutt asas ththee 496n496nmm linlinee maymay timestimes ttoo resortresort ttoo somewhatsomewhat imaginativeimaginative descrip­descrip­ onlyonly rarelyrarely bbee observedobserved iinn a naturallynaturally colouredcoloured tiontionss forfor somsomee characteristicharacteristicc spectra,spectra, e.g.e.g. ththee 'organ'organ diamonddiamond andand farfar mormoree oftenoften observedobserved iinn anan artifi­artifi­ pipe'pipe' spectrumspectrum seenseen iinn spinels.spinels. ciallycially irradiatedirradiated andand subsequentlysubsequently annealedannealed dia­dia­ ObservationsObservations witwithh ththee hanhandd spectroscopespectroscope apartapart mondmond,, ththee advantagesadvantages ofof havinghaving aann abilitabilityy toto bebe fromfrom fine lines,lines, iinn general,general, havhavee toto bbee describedescribedd inin absolutelabsolutelyy suresure abouaboutt youryour observationsobservations iiss obvious.obvious. vaguvaguee termtermss suchsuch asas,, 'a'ann areareaa ofof absorptioabsorptionn centredcentred ThisThis becomebecomess mosmostt apparenapparentt whewhenn oneone realisesrealises atat approximatelyapproximately... ...' ' andand thesethese araree mormoree thanthan suffi­suffi­ thatthat jusjustt toto ththee shortshort wavwavee sideside ooff ththee '496''496' iiss whatwhat ciencientt iinn thethe identificatioidentificationn ofof mostmost gegemm speciesspecies suchsuch cancan atat timetimess bbee a relativelyrelatively strongstrong absorptioabsorptionn lineline aass sapphire,sapphire, almandinealmandine garnet,garnet, peridotperidot,, diamond,diamond, whicwhichh iiss ththee peakpeak ooff ththee first phonophononn sidebandsideband ooff etcetc.. OnOnee musmustt adaddd aatt thisthis poinpointt thoughthough,, thatthat whenwhen ththee H3H3 centrecentre.. ThereforeTherefore,, whewhenn usinusingg onlyonly a handhand AndersoAndersonn publishepublishedd ththee wavelengtwavelengthh ooff a certaincertain spectroscopespectroscope atat rooroomm temperaturetemperature foforr a diamonddiamond absorptionabsorption featurfeaturee havinhavingg measuredmeasured itit witwithh oneone thatthat hashas a strongstrong H3H3 linlinee aatt 503.2nm,503.2nm, oneone couldcould andand confirmedconfirmed itit withwith anotheranother ooff ththee laboratory'slaboratory's mistakmistakee thethe sidebandsideband ooff thisthis centrcentree forfor thethe 496nm496nm excellentexcellent hand-heldhand-held wavelengthwavelength measuringmeasuring spec­spec­ lineline.. ThereThere araree exampleexampless concerningconcerning otherother gemgem troscopestroscopes,, iinn generalgeneral ththee accuracaccuracyy ofof thathatt measure­measure­ materialsmaterials,, suchsuch aass rubrubyy anandd emeraldemerald,, wherwheree oneone menmentt hahass provedproved,, followinfollowingg checkschecks withwith modernmodern benefitbenefitss fromfrom beinbeingg ableable toto 'read'read'' aann absorptionabsorption spectrophotometers,spectrophotometers, toto bbee remarkablyremarkably good.good. curvecurve ratherrather thanthan observingobserving darkdark oorr brighbrightt lineslines InIn termtermss ooff absorbanceabsorbance anandd transmittance,transmittance, manymany crossincrossingg a narronarroww ribboribbonn ooff colourscolours dowdownn a tube.tube. gemmologistsgemmologists havehave alsoalso trietriedd ttoo describedescribe thethe ultra­ultra­ ThThee laboratory'slaboratory's first responseresponse ttoo ththee probleproblemm inin violetviolet 'spectrum''spectrum' ofof certaicertainn -gemstonesgemstones,, suchsuch asas thethe latelate 1970s1970s was toto installinstall a coolincoolingg uniunitt forfor thethe rubyruby,, emeraldemerald andand diamond,diamond, byby immersionimmersion contactcontact examinatioexaminationn ooff colouredcoloured diamonds.diamonds. TheThe uniunitt rere­­ photographphotographyy andand usinusingg a short-waveshort-wave ultravioletultraviolet duceducedd ththee temperaturtemperaturee atat whichwhich ththee diamonddiamond was lamp.lamp. ThThee objectivobjectivee beinbeingg ththee separatioseparationn ooff naturalnatural observeobservedd ttoo 120K,120K, aatt whicwhichh temperaturtemperaturee thethe fromfrom syntheticsynthetic andand iinn thethe cascasee ofof diamonddiamond toto 'type''type' absorptioabsorptionn bandbandss becamebecame sharpersharper toto thethe eyeeye andand ththee stonestone aass aann aidaid ttoo identifyingidentifying artificiaartificiall colora­colora­ werweree thereforetherefore easiereasier toto observeobserve.. ThesThesee observa­observa­ tiontion.. tionstions werewere mademade witwithh thethe hand-heldhand-held
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