ENVI RONM ENTAL SERVICES REPORT November 15,2012 Ponderosa Landfill . EAW update o Permit Update . CON update - Don Kyser retires . Cell Construction early 2013 o Public Service Building - time frame . Adjacent Property . New Haul Road . Jersey Barriers ¡ Annual Flyover/Annual Reporting ¡ Xcel Contract for Ash Placement Solid Waste/ Recycling . Recycling Operations Contract (WMl) o New State Rule under discussion: Concrete disposal o Solid Waste Management Plan r Waste Pharmaceuticals and Sharps r FullCircle Organics Household Hazardous Waste o Closed for Season . Off Season Activity r STS processing Miscellaneous . County Web Site o Credit Card Machine - and at Landfill . Web Portal Evaluation . Buffer Project NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING - January 17,2013 lnformation Articles Minnesota Pollution Control Solid Waste Plan Review Checklist Agency Mankato Free Press Single-sort in store of Mankato Mankato Free Press Briefs: 'Sharps' now accepted at Hy-Vee Lake CrystalTibune Convenient Disposal Options Available to Area Residents Mankato Free Press Callfor compost site review rejected Mankato Free Press Township agreements'operating very well' Waste and Recycling News Partnerships push progress of Coke's plant-based bottles Waste and Recycling News Facilities overwhelmed by piles of CRT glass Mankato Free Press Do Your Part: Top five solutions to recycling problems Post-Bulletin We all pay for illegaltrash disposal Star Tribune Ol' Man River is fullof life again Star Tribune Residential thirst straining, draining White Bear Lake Minnesota Pollution Control How's the water? Much better after 40 years of Clean Water Act Agency Minnesota Public Radio Businesses and boaters pinched by low river levels in Minnesota Star Tribune Sweeping cleanup of St. Croix gets OK Mankato Free Press Near Amboy, Jackson Lake was wiped off the map Star Tribune The ABCs of climate change Star Tribune Did we cause this? Star Tribune Sandy sounds alarm on climate change Minnesota Public Radio When Heat Kills: GlobalWarming as Public Health Threat National Public Radio As Temps Rise, Cities Combat'Heat lsland'Effect Popular Science Climate Change is Already Happening Star Tribune ln surprise, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions drop to a 2O-year low Star Tribune Plug-in car owners to share info, tips Mankato Free Press Common-sense steps can cut home Energy Bills Star Tribune Hunter to Hunted Minnesota Pollution ControlAgency Sotid Waste Ptan 520 Lafayette Road North Review Checktist 5t. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Gounty, District, or Multicounty Area Minn. Stat. S 1154 Doc Type: Solid Waste Plan lnstructions: This checklist is intended to be used as a guidance document for the development of a plan for a county, district, or multicounty area. While every attempt has been made to incorporate planning rule requirements as accurately as possible, the rule and applicable provisions of Minn. Stat. $ 1154 remains the final authority on plan contents and approval procedures. Please consult Minn. R. 9215.0500-9215.0950 for further reference. Contact lnformation Name of county or region submitting document: Contact name: Contact telephone: Contact e-mail address: Plan author(s): MPCA reviewer Submittal dates: (mm/dd/W) (mm/dd/w) (mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/w) Plan Contents Check the following codes to describe the completeness of your plan: C = Complete l= lncomplete M =Missing N/A = Notapplicable Format (M¡nn. R. 9215.0820, subp. 4 Printed on both sides of the Two submitted (one electronic Provide an overview of the current solid waste system and the proposed future solid waste system. lnclude a table or a reference to the Goal Volume Table Appendix for the next ten years and a table . R.9215.0560. subo.2 lnclude demographic information that relates to or directly impacts the generation or management of for the next ten local economic conditions o sunìnìâry of demographic, geographical, and regional constraints and opportunities that have or mav impact the existinq or estimate the amount of solid waste oenerated annu . describe the solid waste collection and disposal rate structure, including the current range of www.pca.state.mn.us . ó51-29ó-ó300 800-657-38ó4 . TTY 651-782-5332 or 800-ó57-38ó4 . Avaitabte in atternative formats p-f3-19 , 12121110 Page 1 of I information Minn. R. Continued financial incentives forwaste reduction and . estimate the annual percentage of solid waste from residential and commercial/industrial solid . summarize the solid waste collection and generation constraints and opportunities that have Construction and demolition debris ldentify the major solid waste generators, such as: large institutional (e.9., educational or medical) facilities. laroe industrial or commercial oenerators. etc. of solid waste oenerated annuallv bv such or barriers to develooment of . address the resolution of conflicting, duplicative, or overlapping local solid waste management efforts Solid Waste M of o availabilitv of resource of local and state resources Solid Waste nn. R. 9215.0577. subos.2-4 lnclude: goals to be achieved over the ten-year planning period, and which must be consistent with policy in Minn. Stat. S 1154.02 (a); a description of the specific and quantifìable means, including policies and programs, that will be continued or implemented and described in Minn. R. 9215.0580 to 9215.0700 to achieve the A description of the technical, fìnancial, demographic, geographic, regional, and solid waste system constraints or barr¡ers that limit ability to achieve greater independence from land . A demonstration that there are no solid waste system alternatives that are more feasible and Solid Waste Evaluation and Ten Year annual amount of solid waste to be reduced identification of costs and budget (may direct to Budget Appendix)in implementing and managing at. S 1154.552 wv/w.pca.state,mn.us ó51-29ó-6300 800-ó57-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-ó57-3864 . Avaitabte in atternative formats p-f3-19 , 12121110 Page 2 of I Solid Waste Evaluation and Ten Year lm Solid waste education programs (Minn. R. 9215.0590, subps. 2-6; Minn. Stat. 9115.4552, subp.3). lnclude information on: 'al and ¡ existino solid waste education and oroorams (includino education rams to maintain, ex or imolement durino the next ten f information required at least once three months direct to Minn. Stat. ç1 154.551 general policy and goals established to meet or exceed recycling goal requirements, opportunity Stat. I 1 154. existing public and pr¡vate sector recycling programs including collection, processing, and marketing, including the number of haulers operating in the unit, and collection or processing . identification of annual recycling tonnages collected, processed, and marketed by sector or local market condition for . spec¡fic programs proposed to maintain, expand, or implement during the next ten years which . residential "opportunity to recycle" at convenient collection sites for residents: 1 recycling center, 12+ hrs/week as required by Minn. Stat. S 1154.555 in cities >5.000: once/month curbside. or a center acceotino 4+ in cities >20,000: once/month curbside of 4+ materials of vs. mandatorv. where costs and budoet (mav direct to the schedule . R. 92'15.06'10 ) lnclude information on: on of the vard solid waste ion and and o a description of methods for identifying the portions of the solid waste stream, such as ings, tree and plant residue, and paper for use in aqricultural o a recognition of the prohibition on disposal of yard solid waste in land and at resource and sector vard solid waste and o estimated level of rd solid waste collected for the last five vears. if available local market conditions for finished vard waste the unit oroooses to the next ten off sites . collection Solid Waste System Evaluat¡on Ten Year and lmplementation Plan (continued) I I I I www.pca.state.mn.us . 651'29ó'ó300 . 800.ó57-3864 . TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-ó57-3864 . Avaitabte in atternative formats p-f3-19,12t21/10 Page 3 of I ic Materials Comoostino (Minn. R. 921 collection svstem used to collect sou identifìcation of costs and consideration and evaluation of known and potential environmental and public health impacts and proposal of a course of action to alleviate those impacts. (lnclude assessment of operational safety during past two year, results of compost testing, results of inspection and monitoring by description of mixed municipal solid waste composting facilities and programs that propose to maintain, implement, or particlpate in during the next ten years, including the annual amount or consideration and evaluation of known and potent¡al environmental and public health impacts and propose a course of action to alleviate those impacts. lncludes assessment of operational safety during past five years, results of ash and emissions testing, results of inspection and description of how the county or region intends to meet statutory goals of reducing the toxicity and quantity of incinerator ash and of reducing the quantity of processing residuals that require . description of energy recovery facilities and programs propose to maintain, implement, or participate in during the next ten years, including the annual amount or quantity of waste to be . implementation schedule including design, permitting, construct¡on and designation where o identification of costs and budget (may direct to Budget Appendix), including itemized capital and lnclude information on: . identification and status of closed landfìlls and whether the unit is implementing any programs for of facilities where the unit's mixed municioal solid waste is . table indicatino amount received. processed. and Solid waste System Evaluation and Ten Year lmplementat¡on Plan (continued) I a I I I ¡¡ I *,o www. pca.state.mn.us ó51 -29ó-ó300 800-ó57-3864 TTY ó51-282-5332 or 800-ó57-3864 . Available in atternative formats p-f3-19 . 12121/10 Page 4 of I evaluation of known and potential environmental and public health impacts and proposal of a course of action to alleviate those impacts.
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